So I went to view a dog friendly house earlier... (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-01-23 08:12:33 by actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied

Seeing as I cant really tell anyone else about this I thought I'd put something here. I figured someone might be interested in it as well.

So I did this mainly to just get the ball rolling, and I got paid that day so I was feeling good. obviously first step to owning a dog is finding somewhere that'll let you keep one and unfortunately as great as my current place is (its pretty much perfect), they wont allow me to keep a dog.

So I did a bit of searching and found a place kinda near that looked like it could be a winner. Nice size room, living with another guy who apparently owned a friendly husky. I figured worst case scenario even if the house isn't what I was after I would get to meet a friendly husky. how could I turn that down?

Well he lets me in (dudes got a rocking beard btw) and I see he has dog behind a glass door at the end of the hallway. Oh my lord, this dog is perfection reincarnate. Piercing blue eyes with bright white fur all over except the two little brown tufts on the top of his ears, like this guy except with a serious face. We have a look round the room. it was a bit disappointing, smelled a bit damp and backed out onto the road so I noticed the road noise. The damp was probably due to him turning off the heating in there so could be fixed easy enough but not much can be done to stop the road noise.

Anyway, then we get to the exciting bit where I got to meet his dog. He told me dog was pretty intense when meeting someone new but after that he'd be ok. I know I can handle dogs so I wasnt too worried. Really all dog did was give me a good sniffing, only jumped up once which I didnt mind too much as I got to go eye to eye with that gorgeous beast. His fur was super soft as he had his fluffy winter coat on. He liked mouthing my hands but I've met a few huskies that did that so I wasnt bothered by it, I swear they do it just to see how nervously you react, being stoic is probably key around dogs. I must've done something right as he plonks down next to me and gives me a look like this while Im rubbing his neck, so goddam cute. I couldve pet him for hours.

I tried not to seem too interested in the dog and we looked round the rest of the place. The garden was actually pretty huge and already dog-proof which was absolutely perfect. There were some amazing woods nearby to take dog to as well and the guy said he only works part time at the moment so he could keep a bit of an eye on them when he's there. Its just annoying the rest of the house wasnt quite there. Add in the fact the location wasnt amazing (for work) and I cant quite justify renting that place, at least for now. I might have another think about it if its still free in a few months. exciting times though.

TL;DR: went to view a room in a place where I could keep a dog, met an incredible husky, probably not going to get it.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-01-23 08:50:20

nice. :) glad you got to meet a cool dog. i love going to dog parks...

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-01-24 08:50:15

dog parks are pretty great. they're not so common over here though.

Pigeondance Birdies yay 2 points on 2016-01-25 18:05:19

I'm so excited for you that your looking at places! I hope to get to that point also in the next year or so(:

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-01-25 21:42:17

Thanks! I'm pretty excited myself. Its going to take a bit of time though which is why I'm starting to look for places at the moment.

Not many places out there though unfortunately. At the moment Im wondering if its worth me just risking buying my own place. Seems a bit overkill for the time being but we'll see how I feel in a few months.

bit of a pain in the ass really. If only we could have zoo friendly households :P

Pigeondance Birdies yay 2 points on 2016-01-30 18:38:24

I wish you luck house /apartment hunting(: And omg I know, it's like my dream to live with a cool zoo housemate, though it's virtually an impossibility

that_dude25 3 points on 2016-01-26 01:29:16

Dog parks are great, I've found it easy to talk with other dog lovers (not zoos, but still) and not to mention developed quite a few crushes at them as well :P

PM_ME_YOUR_DOGS_VAG 3 points on 2016-01-27 05:44:31

Indeed, I have seen some possible zoos at dog parks. Never can be sure of course but I have observed some well worn in fortune cookies. :P

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-02-03 07:59:03

yes, i have a crush on a particular GSD/husky mix... so big and fluffy he is....