How would I go about finding a female puppy that's intact (not spayed) for adoption? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-01-29 21:08:58 by Parker_Stone

I'm a younger teen and me and my mom are planning on getting a female dog, but I've been having fantasies and thoughts about you know what. My mom is fine with getting a female dog, but the problem is, I don't know how I would go about getting a female dog that's 1. Intact (not spayed) and 2. Keeping her intact. I think it would be pretty weird to continuously convince my mom to not get our dog spayed although if I'm correct (correct me if I'm wrong) the positives of spaying outweigh keeping a dog intact. I haven't been to any shelters or such in person so I've been looking online, but it looks like every larger dog that's suitable is already spayed or instantly get spayed with an adoption fee. I already have a male dog that's spayed, and we have a great relationship, but he'll soon be leaving our house and I want a female dog so in the long run I can "further" our relationship. How would I go about finding a larger dog for adoption that's intact, and then manage to remain inconspicuous while asking her to not spay her? As a side not, my mom isn't the brightest of woman and gets easily swayed by opinions, so while I could easily influence her, I'm near certain she'd rather listen to a vet.

electricfoxx 5 points on 2016-01-29 21:11:33

If you are a zoophile living in your parents' house, you're going to have a bad time. Sorry.

(It's hard for me to even have a human girlfriend or boyfriend.)

Ibo-acid 1 point on 2016-01-29 22:08:06

This might be a foolish question and please don't get angry at me, but wouldn't you still be able know...if the dog has been spayed or would it cause her pain/discomfort?

It kinda get why you don't want this future pet of yours spayed but I don't think it would be the end of the world if it was. As far as I understood your question, it's going to be tough if not impossible to spare your dog from getting spayed.

Edit: I also have to agree with 'foxx. If you're still living with your parents (and possible siblings) it's going to be difficult.

duskwuff 0 points on 2016-01-29 22:34:42

Generally speaking, no. It's sometimes possible to resume activities with a bitch that was already active before being spayed, but that wouldn't be the case here.

Ibo-acid 1 point on 2016-01-29 23:28:22

Really? Huh, I didn't know that... It appears as if I don't know as much as I should about this topic.

In that case, I can understand why OP wouldn't want his future dog to be spayed a little bit more and I will revoke my previous statement about it not being the end of the world.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-01-30 06:14:41

honestly, might just be as simple as asking for more details about the dog - has she ever had a litter of puppies, etc. might be able to convince mom that's a good thing by saying something like "i've heard dogs who've had puppies tend to be calmer/easier to manage". shrug

edit: though, agreed .. having an intact female ... well .. <.< they're more likely to enjoy it a lot while in heat, so .. yeah.

[deleted] 0 points on 2016-01-30 02:52:20


Frostfedora Captain Esports 0 points on 2016-01-30 03:48:24


the_egoldstein 8 points on 2016-01-30 07:41:40

My best advice you don't want to hear, which is suck it up, work and plan for when you'll be out on your own and get your dog then. It can be very difficult hiding when living with someone who doesn't know. I doubt any of your friends are living at home with their girlfriends, assuming they even have one, so you'll be in good company. It can be a frustrating time, I grok this, but it passes faster than you realize.

My second best advice is to get into the dog shows, jump in with both feet, go all-out, make it your new obsession. Join a local kennel club, learn everything you can about training for show. Then work on getting a girl who's show quality, she doesn't have to be the best, but certainly show quality for conformance.....spayed bitches can't compete in conformance so it removes that issue. For the folks interested in livestock I'd recommend jumping into 4H.

A point I feel needs to be made is to think about what you're trying to do and make sure you're doing it for the right reasons. A dog isn't a sex toy, it's a living being that needs to be treated with responsibility, dignity, and respect. Perhaps you are mature enough to understand this, perhaps not, but getting a dog for sex is the worst reason to get a dog, make sure you've got your priorities straight and you're planning farther ahead than what's going to happen when you're alone. There's far more to a relationship and if you're set on getting a dog then that's exactly what you're planning to get into for the next decade or so. There's a whole lot more beyond the bedroom, make sure you've thought about how you're going to deal with all that entails. If that sounds like too much work, maybe you should re-think this.

Last but not least, don't forget to actually work real hard at school, because you're going to have to make enough money to support yourself and your girl in a few short years, make them count.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 0 points on 2016-01-30 08:25:44

have you looked on gumtree/craigslist/kijiji/preloved?

zetacola Loba 0 points on 2016-01-30 21:17:38

Seconding this. Classified ads are by far the easiest method. There are so many animals on kijiji...

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 0 points on 2016-01-30 22:01:05

mhmm. kinda sad though when you see the ads that are basically just "first 50 dollars takes them" usually bully breeds :( some of those people should never have dogs in the first place.

zetacola Loba 0 points on 2016-01-31 04:34:38

Yes it's sad, but there are worse things. At least the dog always has a home.

AXwoof Canines + 4 points on 2016-01-30 11:20:18

Hm, do you live in the US? I noticed that most people there are "Spay-nazis", while in Germany for example, the choice of not spaying your dog is more popular and seen as natural. Also what you mean "positives of spaying outweigh keeping a dog intact" is not actually proven, there are different studies that say the exact opposite. And in this case of doubt, I wouldn't pay for a heavy operation, that could possibly damage my dog, if she's healthy anyway. Of course, if something like testicular/cervical cancer appears, there is probably no other way.

But thinking of this: My grandma and our ancestors always had the same dogs (a pointer/hunting dog) for at least a century, always females, never "fixed". And she told me that none of them ever had cancer or similar diseases, most of those dogs of the generations died by natural causes, some by accidents. The very last dog, was the only one to get spayed. And after that surgery, she had some smaller health problems, and when she was old she actually had cancer tumors on her hind leg. (she was euthanized in 2000, after too much pain, they told me)

Well that doesn't prove anything, maybe it's coincidence, but for me it is not a reason to believe that spaying is a "must". Also a dog can't consent to this decison either. Like "Hey Rex, want your balls removed?" - "Yeah sure! If I have to suffer and it makes you happy, I will agree." - sad.

My Golden is female and unspayed, about 3, was in heat 3 times already, and she had no health problems so far. And she doesn't show any form of misbehaviour either.

Also besides dog breeders and people like us, nobody sees a "need" in keeping a dog intact. Cause the dogs sexual drive is an unwanted taboo, and apparently only humans are allowed to have sex. Plus the fact that most people tell that you should do it, it will be hard to convince your mom. I understand the point of spaying to stop dogs from getting unwanted puppies, but educating it is more important.

And yeah, that situation sucks, I'm 20 and live with my parents (they dont know I am zoo), and they also asked why I disagree to spaying. I just told them there are as many positive and negative things about it, and I wouldn't risk it. They also knew about grandma's dog, so it was easier for them to believe my opinion.

You can still emotionally love a dog even if it is spayed of course, but it's probably not what you imagine, and will make you unhappy too.

I forgot to mention that I adopted my dog last year, her being already at adult age, and I wasn't sure if she would be sexually interested without "practise", until she actually showed me. :)

I wish you luck, maybe you will find your partner!

DonutMaskMan 1 point on 2016-02-08 23:56:03

Please report yourself to your local police station. This is vile.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-02-09 00:40:01

How about no?

And here's a thought... if you find this so sick, quit seeking it out! God almighty, we're not hurting anyone and just want to be left alone here.