Can't deal with this (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-02-02 22:58:14 by [deleted]


ursusem 3 points on 2016-02-03 00:41:58

I think more people should come out saying what it is that they truly want more than anything. As a society we need to strive to reach for the stars. I think it's time that the human race join forces with the so called "wild animals." We need to become like brothers together and we need to allow the wild creatures to increase their numbers. Ain't no reason why we can't all live together and know one another as kin and one kind! I say keep that dream alive!!

Lefthandedsock 9 points on 2016-02-03 01:13:33

I think it's time that the human race join forces with the so called "wild animals." We need to become like brothers together and we need to allow the wild creatures to increase their numbers. Ain't no reason why we can't all live together and know one another as kin and one kind! I say keep that dream alive!!

Have fun getting eviscerated. You can anthropomorphize and romanticize wild predators all you want, but they have no such misconceptions about us.

ursusem 2 points on 2016-02-03 01:37:21

Maybe it's time for them to evolve, is what I'm saying.

Lefthandedsock 5 points on 2016-02-03 01:55:28

Lol, they don't need to. They're perfect killing machines. Maybe we need to evolve.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 3 points on 2016-02-03 18:18:28

like a pokémon?

ursusem 1 point on 2016-02-03 22:34:27

I never really paid much attention to pokemon as a child

zoozooz 3 points on 2016-02-03 02:04:48
Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2016-02-03 02:07:10

Wild animals are unpredictable. Granted, cheetahs are one of the tamer big cats, but my point stands. You can't ever be 100% sure they're not going to snap. It happens.

Believe me; I wish it were a possibility too, but I'm not going to delude myself into thinking it really is.

EvilKittyBoy 2 points on 2016-02-03 08:57:17

That only happens when a person doesn't know how to handle them, treating an animal like you'd treat another person is a mistake indeed; each species has their own affection way.

EvilKittyBoy 2 points on 2016-02-05 00:47:18

Didn't notice it was a link... oh taking a nap with a cheetah is one of my biggest dreams; that only after grooming... OMG that vid...

So bad that I don't feel any empathy, just freaking envy as hell.... -.-

zoozooz 1 point on 2016-02-05 01:39:47

Then you'll probably enjoy the 4 "Sleeping Inside A Cheetah Enclosure With Two Adult Big Cats" videos on the same channel too.. There are a lot of videos on youtube showing off close bonds between humans and big cats...

EvilKittyBoy 1 point on 2016-02-05 09:19:03

awwww <3 :3

Nah then, I'd just feel envy; not for the other cats, but for the cheetahs.

Ubiystvo 0 points on 2016-02-03 17:51:48

As I said above, nearly all animals, regardless of what they are, if they are treated right and loved, will do likewise. Yes, they can be unpredictable, but are humans any less so?

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2016-02-03 20:55:39

This is hilarious.

Ubiystvo 1 point on 2016-02-03 20:58:54

Are you meaning my statement about humans?

Lefthandedsock 3 points on 2016-02-03 21:38:30

The whole thing. Classic, ever hopeful zoophile logic.

EvilKittyBoy 2 points on 2016-02-05 00:44:34

Well it makes sense, I've seen enough death and aggression like to know that people is quite unpredictable and deadly as well. I can't remember a single animal ever tried to kill me, well maybe that dog, but I'm not sure because that guy with the saucepan hit him in the head before knowing his intentions, but humans, I can count a few, when you live in one of the most dangerous cities in the world, or the most dangerous according to some sources, in a place without laws, you can see how human nature is even worse than any other mammal, I really don't like humans, at least a cat is honest if they want to kill you and only do so for survival.

When you put humans in a harsh "survive" situation, it becomes like that, that's why it's said that humans have domesticated themselves, or that they're in a zoo.

if classic, ever hopeful... not in a million years. but if something, nature rejoined with the so willingly to be different human, would be something great.

the_egoldstein 2 points on 2016-02-05 02:34:43

Seriously? If humans are so unpredictable and dangerous, kindly expain every city in existence. How is it that so many can live in such close proximity when they're all so unpredictable?

You are irrationaly demonizing other humans while romanticizing other animals making your entire premise absurd.

EvilKittyBoy 1 point on 2016-02-05 09:50:28

Because we're the same species and as being social naturally we protect our own genes.

You didn't live in the same conditions I lived, probably if you were an American during WWII and lived through it you know what it is like this human nature. Or maybe if you're Syrian you could get it, even more than I.

I'm not romanticizing animals, I'm just saying, we're as deadly as any of them, we're no different, I'd also say I'd kill given the circumstances regardless the species, we're also animals. That I can get in love with other mammals, that's another story. You want to mean that humans are more predictable, but I'd believe is more like the other way around, specially with such complex behavior.

zetacola Loba 0 points on 2016-02-03 02:07:56

Thank you for reminding me that there are always people that have it worse... Good luck!

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 0 points on 2016-02-03 02:19:32

Cheetahs are awesome critters. Did you ever hear about You get to cuddle with tigers.

EvilKittyBoy 1 point on 2016-02-03 08:54:36

I don't want a tiger... and not just an encounter, I just want to make a life.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-02-03 09:18:19

Yeah, and I wanna fart rainbows...;)

Seriously, man...this wish of yours will never come true unless you decide to become a professional trainer for wild animals. Even then, there´s absolutely no guarantee that your own, handraised cheetah won´t attack you and your fantasy ends in your death. This one is so far from reality you better keep it on the fantasy level forever. I even think that you´re anthropomorphizing the animals way too much, ´cause "romance" definitely isn´t the same for you, yooman, as for a predator. Maybe you should think about what can be heard on Marilyn Manson´s "Antichrist Superstar" album at the end of "man that you fear": a robotic voice keeps repeating "When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed". I really guess that this would totally fit your have very high expectations of being with a cheetah, but it´s very realistic to say that these expectations will never be met. Animals will never turn into humans, you know (thank god for that!) I´m sorry to say that your wishes are impossible to achieve for an average fantasizing human. And even if you decide to become a pro trainer for big cats, it still will be damn near sucicide to engage with a big animal with teeth perfectly built only to lacerate flesh. Just keep it a fantasy and move on...

EvilKittyBoy 2 points on 2016-02-03 09:47:24

I'm not really anthropomorphizing them, I pretty know how cats are, I think that's why I'm not really interested in the sex part, if I was interested in the human way, I'd just seek for a human, but I don't, it doesn't work for me, it's not what I expect.

I've always hunted things since I was a kid, maybe that's why fits more my personality, I'd still like to hunt my own food, such partner would be perfect, and yeah, it's all still pretty romantic to me.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-02-03 10:36:30

Well, the human subconscious likes to communicate using images,pictures and emotions. Maybe your fantasy is nothing more than a disguised wish for a human partner with all the positive attributes you impose onto the species you yearn for so much. I´ve even noticed this in folks insisting that they are "100% waterproof zoos". I just think you are not aware of your tendency to fantasize yourself into a HUMAN relationship with a wild animal. You said you want romance...well, the way you understand romance isn´t what animals, especially predators, really want.It is against their own nature, their reality tunnel. I recommend to meditate a bit about where your wish to be with a cheetah comes from. Maybe you need to really take a plunge into your own subconscious to sort everything out and make up your mind. In case this fantasy of yours starts to have negative effects on your life, I recommend seeking out professional help. In your case, you don´t even need to be afraid that your psychologist turns you to the police as the sex part doesn´t seem to play a big role.

I want to finish my reply with a little story: One of my very few female friends once told me about her fantasies, particularly the one that intrigued her most. She fantasized about sitting naked in a hole, with lots of men standing above her and ejaculating onto her. She said that this was her major turn on, even when she had sex with her boyfriend. the pressure to actually live out this fantasy drove her to a fetish party one day. She told some men about her fantasy and they made it real. Afterwards, I had another conversation with her; she was devastated. She told me that she was ultimately disappointed from the experience, "it wasn´t arousing and exciting at all" she said. She even complained about her favourite get off fantasy had become completely uneffective and now expressed that she felt like something was "stolen from her". Sometimes it´s better to keep a wish/fantasy unfulfilled...not only for safety reasons.

EvilKittyBoy 2 points on 2016-02-03 09:50:20

plus I'm not a man... nevermind the nick, it's an old story...

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 3 points on 2016-02-03 09:21:29

i'm sorry to hear this. i know them feels. i had been primarily attracted to big cats pretty much from the time i was 14 or 15 to my mid to late 30s. it's swung more towards bears now, but .. just as unlikely to happen.

and yes, a cheetah's mild personality definitely lends itself to thoughts of romance..

Susitar Canidae 4 points on 2016-02-03 09:53:09

I think people here are unnecessarily harsh. I do think OP understands how impossible it would be in real life to build such a relationship with a cheetah. But they should still be able to express their grief, their wishes.

My boyfriend is also attracted to cheetahs (and to some extension, lynx and other medium big cats). Seeing as his wish is to be a female cheetah and mate with a male cheetah (and have cubs), he is very well aware of how impossible this is.

But, perhaps you can try roleplaying? Or get a season's pass at the nearest zoo that houses cheetahs in order to at least see them regularly? It seems to help him. At least he is also attracted to human women...

Do you find anything else than male cheetahs attractive? Humans, domestic cats?

EvilKittyBoy 2 points on 2016-02-03 14:12:53

No roleplaying does not work at all, it's people... and no, it does not seem to work with any other species, I mean I'd believe I could get in a relationship with basically any mammal; but I just don't know, only cats fit my personality, but it's complicated, so basically only cheetahs are attractive, but it's not like sexual attraction somehow, my heart beats when I think of them, I think it's like being in love... as I tell you, it's like the girl who gets in love with the artist and only wants such.

And no, a zoo, not in a trillion years, I cannot see an animal in a cage.

And BTW the only reason (as I remember) that I started loving them was when I was a kid and I was reading about their behavior, and watching vids and stuff, since then I was like OMG cheetahs so cool all the time in my childhood, so I pretty know very well how they're predator. It was their behavior that hook me, I even went to university and study biology an specialization in animal behavior, and I got even a lot more details, and it just got me to like them more. I did a few semesters before crashing and went into drugs and stuff, I over-studied a lot, I'm still in the science field but now more into the technology world which for some reason I'm very good at.

Ubiystvo 1 point on 2016-02-03 17:41:42

It is very similar with me and wolves. I was lucky enough to come across an abandoned Siberian cub near my home (I live in the woods near Dudinka, my home town, in Siberia) and it latched on to me. If you are in Amerika, I know several states have exotic 'pet' laws, and I think some encompass big cats. As with nearly all animals, if you are kind to them, they will be likewise. I would look into it if I were you. It may surprise you, though getting a kit (if that is what you would like to start at, as it is best for him/her to grow up near you) will, if legal, be quite expensive.

Susitar Canidae 2 points on 2016-02-03 21:17:36

Ah, I would not recommend getting a pet cheetah. Since cheetahs are hard to breed in captivity, a lot of the exotic pets are captured from the wild and is part of why wild cheetah populations are in decline. Smugglers are known to treat the cubs quite badly too, as they don't have the necessary knowledge of how to take care of them properly. Do not let your romantic ideas about owning an exotic pet lead to abuse and endangerment of wild populations, please!

Perhaps getting a cat would be a good idea. They are at least good company, if nothing else. And there are a lot of homeless cats that really need someone to take care of them.

Ubiystvo 3 points on 2016-02-03 21:22:26

I was simply saying that it is not technically impossible, despite what others were saying.

EvilKittyBoy 1 point on 2016-02-03 21:49:20

Why would it be expansive?... well if I want a cheetah there are two things that are certain, it's not like taking it from its natural environment, so it'll have to be in Africa, and it's not like avoiding its natural hunting/behaviors; because that stuff, was what got me in love in the first place. So it'd be just like vet bills.

Ubiystvo 1 point on 2016-02-03 21:58:10

With Amerika, the more odd something is, especially with animals, the higher the price. A quick search showed it to be between ₽1152000 to ₽1536000 (~$15000 to ~$20000). That is simply the animal itself, let alone feeding and such. I understand how absurd it is, but that is what would be necessary. With where I live, I am able to hunt for the two of us, but, do not take this the wrong way, I doubt you can hunt or that you live where you could. I do understand your predicament, but there is only so much you can do. If you are meaning you would rather go to him/her than the other way around, it could be even harder, though you would have to explain what you do want.

EvilKittyBoy 3 points on 2016-02-03 22:47:56

I should be able to make that amount of money if my tech designs and robots work. The only thing that keeps me safe is hope.

What I worry the most is that you cannot expect to grow an animal and for him/her to love you, because the option is up to them. One of the things I love the most is grooming, but you can't be sure they'll like it as well.

With little opportunities and still having to choose, it feels so hard.

Life is complicated as shit, stupid complex psychology we're born with; like getting in such freaking love with a cat, I still don't get it, but I can't fight with this.

Ubiystvo 1 point on 2016-02-03 23:49:44

What ever you end up choosing, I wish you luck.

Cyenawe 2 points on 2016-02-04 04:09:54

Exotic pets, especially big cats, should not be encouraged. Cheetah patrol hundreds of miles of territory a day, and given their speed require far more space than any lay-person can provide. How much you live an animal does not compensate for their physical needs. All big cats should NOT be kept as pets. They are predators and you are weaker than them. They will kill you when they know they can.

Just remember that cats are one of the species on earth other than humans known to kill for sport.

I understand the OPs desire to have a relationship with the object of their affection, but I feel like this is only because she's not really aware of cheetah behaviour and what they're capable of. Even as dulled as a humans is, preservation instinct should override the desire for romance or intimacy.

zetacola Loba 1 point on 2016-02-03 16:57:58

Mate with bear cubs? Kinky.

ursusem 2 points on 2016-02-03 22:56:25

I was being serious with my post. I wasn't "making fun" or anything like that. I really meant what I had said.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 3 points on 2016-02-03 18:14:31

ugh thats annoying :(

Try to stay positive, who knows, you might get lucky and find a way to fulfill your wish in the future. you really cant tell whats going to happen. you might even come to have equally strong feelings for a different species :)

Its tough being without an animal mate. If it makes you feel any better, there are still so many zoos that still dont have a mate despite being into the more common species.

EvilKittyBoy 2 points on 2016-02-03 21:56:18

yeah :< not sure if it makes me feel any better.

Plus all society shit.

DRLaQc Leopards 3 points on 2016-02-04 04:44:51

I'm pretty much in the same boat, but leopards instead. I think quite a few people in the comments are being too optmistic about this whole situation. You have to accept that these things won't happen, else you'll never be able to move on. Life isn't fair, as much as people want to believe it is. If you can't settle for less you'll always be miserable. It's very hard to get through this sort of thing, I bearly can.

Not neglecting your social life and having close friends and familly helps a lot. I'd also suggest reinvesting that energy into something more productive through which you can accomplish yourself. That's the only thing that has been keeping me going.

Keep your expectations low.

ursusem 2 points on 2016-02-04 05:22:29

How do you know that this thing won't happen? I just don't see why this sort of thing should be impossible. It may be difficult to achieve, yes, but I'll bet there are ways.

DRLaQc Leopards 1 point on 2016-02-05 02:37:00

It's really far fetch and very dependent on luck. It's not a healthy thing to get stuck on.

There's scientific evidence to support this:

Here's an article on the study:

EvilKittyBoy 2 points on 2016-02-04 22:16:23

I can make robots, yet I cannot get a cheetah; I learned to make robots to get a cheetah.

Anyway if I don't have an objective, what's the point of life?... I just want some love, the only way I know to get it.

Plus take out of the equation the sexual part, I don't really need it; that's how I made this more realistic, even if you remove that, I still need them.

DRLaQc Leopards 1 point on 2016-02-05 02:52:59

That's the thing, there isn't really a point to life. Some might say that biologically we have to reproduce, but that doesn't even always work out.

You have to accept that never satisfying some desires isn't a failure. Society has made up expectations and definitions of a successful life that you don't have to fulfill.

You need leave behind your preconceptions of happiness. Take the opportunities you find, and risks if worth it.

EvilKittyBoy 1 point on 2016-02-05 09:20:22

I believe the only point of life is the expansion of itself and that life is an entity itself.

But I don't give a shit on this philosophy of this great entity, I just want to be happy myself.

DRLaQc Leopards 1 point on 2016-02-06 01:51:53

This sort of thinking has helped my deal with it. I'm just trying to share my experience.

EvilKittyBoy 2 points on 2016-02-06 17:07:20

I'm actually a pretty happy person, I suppose it's mostly because I've been in a very awful situation like to appreciate what really matters. And people know me, and they'd say I'm quite happy and nice.

The problem is that, as I am, I am a very loving person; and the only way I know to find love seems so complicated, and makes me feel stupid and stressed as hell, because, I need such affection, it's a need.

I know what you mean with keeping your expectations low, and it's ok, I respect such. But I cannot stay in the same place without doing anything nor trying at max, if I don't expect it to happen, it just won't.

When I first designed my first robot I was pretty young, I asked everyone to help me as I didn't have any knowledge on computers, they just told me that I lacked the knowledge so that I should keep my expectations low because me knowing zero, it was unlikely for such design to work. At the end it took me a year to master the computer basics and I built a prototype for my robot/AI and it worked, much better than expected. so why should I keep my expectations low? when I can just learn to face when things don't work as expected. Maybe I should set my expectations high, and accept failure, even if that means losing my greatest love, I'd find another way, gotta deal with it.

And it's not like I don't know because I haven't failed, I've failed a lot, but there's nothing that I can do, but not to regret.

The current pain many of us face is something to deal, but sadly, something that not even the most optimistic behavior can cure, it's more of a body need than something you can control.

DRLaQc Leopards 1 point on 2016-02-08 03:19:00

What I meant by "keeping your expectations low" was to accept that even when doing your best you can fail. Not that you shouldn't try, but that the results might not be as gratifying as expected.

EvilKittyBoy 1 point on 2016-02-08 21:14:22

okay :<

ihavedaggyissues 1 point on 2016-02-04 21:43:29

I feel for you. Living at home while having urges like that can be a nightmare. I discovered my particular interests at a fairly young age and for years it was my biggest, guiltiest secret.

Some good advice: make friends with furries. Seriously. You will not meet a subculture that is as large, accessible and accepting as furries regarding these issues. I'm not really saying go out and try and find the zoophiles in the fandom (which, incidentally,is not difficult), but that just having friends to confide in who also have these problems in one form or another can save your mental health. You are not gross or abnormal - you're not even alone, and haven't been since before recorded history!

You don't even have to look at the yiff or rp. There's lots of self-help centered communities in the furry fandom that aren't hookup meets, especially for the sexually confused. Some of these people not only share your passion and distress,but also might be able to provide some comfort or advice.

Don't stress :) its hard living at home even without feeling like you don't belong. Just remember that you do. :)

Edit: I love me some Indian food

EvilKittyBoy 1 point on 2016-02-04 22:21:19

Yeah I became a furry long time ago, or well, just got with them.

But this is not my thing, I mean I really like the art, in fact I have a cheetah fursona myself. It's complicated.

However so many furries are so judging with this specific issue that it bothers me, many of them know zero about zoo, and how love is implicated, and they just judge the same way as people judge them.

ihavedaggyissues 1 point on 2016-02-05 03:04:07

I agree. However, I do feel like the furry community may have a higher ratio of zoos than the general population by nature, so at least it's trying to find needles in a much smaller haystack :) the hardest part is finding the people whom you genuinely share interests in - there are some creeps out there as in any community :(

ursusem 1 point on 2016-02-05 06:46:41

Why do you "feel like" the furry community may have a higher ratio of zoos compared to the general population? I'm interested to hear your thoughts

zoozooz 1 point on 2016-02-05 11:37:19

Well, many zoophiles not also like nonhuman animals, but also humans. So I suppose it's a good chance, many of those would like anthros too.

And come on, have you seen the amount of feral yiff art, and even shameless feral x human like e.g. this (obviously NSFW)?

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-02-05 14:14:08

Well,well, we go again...Anthros, furries, humans, animals.....doesn´t matter as long as you can get off, right? Hey...and porn always is the solution to everything, even if it is anthro crap... With an attitude like this, the public´ll never make the distinction between people fucking animals for fun and a real zoo. Hell, when WE just count everyone in, how is the public supposed to recognize zoophilia as a real orientation? I´ve experienced that outsiders can tolerate zoophilia more easily when it´s exclusive zoophilia. People doing it with humans and animals alike always leave a taste of sexual indifference behind..such conduct usually is seen as perverted, limitless and excessive. The usual accusations are "Isn´t your human partner enough?" , "Are you bored from more normal sexual activities?" or " You´re just in it for the thrill/pervertedness/kink". People I was open to always asked me if I am also interested in humans and when I said that´s not the case, not at all, they usually became friendlier, more interested. To me, it seems as if exclusive zoophilia is something many outsiders can swallow down easier than non-exclusivity, which is almost always seen not as an orientation, but as sexual excessiveness. You can start complaining like you ever do when I comment on exclusivity, but the way our distinctions are made now just brought us nothing but hostility from society. To me, it seems that normal people are more tolerant if they have an image of a zoophile strictly sticking to animals. It turns the whole thing into something easier to grasp mentally... my exclusivity has gathered me some sympathy over the years; I´ve attended a stable whose owner even was totally tolerant although she knew of the relationship between my mare and me. I bet she wouldn´t have been so cool with it if I had showed up with a human partner. When a non-exclusive can´t have sex with animals, he/she always has an alternative. When an exclusive can´t, he/she has NO alternative, no sex life, no mental balance. Normal people seem to be able to make a difference...shouldn´t we start doing it like them? Real zoophiles don´t date humans....^^

zoozooz 2 points on 2016-02-05 14:47:21

That's nice for you, but let's see how easy we can make this into a rant against bisexuality or pansexuality or polyamory

Well,well, we go again...trans people, men, women..... doesn't matter as long as you can get off, right?


Not that hard really.

With an attitude like this, the public´ll never make the distinction between people fucking animals for fun and a real zoo.

Is there a hard distinction? Do you read in LGBT communities? There people have no problem realizing that there are all sorts of attractions at play and that romantic and sexual attraction do not necessarily match, and that sexuality is a spectrum. The kinsey scale might not be the best model, but it's common understanding that people can fall anywhere on it. Why not extend it into more dimensions for sexuality towards nonhumans? Why should people not fall anywhere there?

Normal people seem to be able to make a difference...shouldn´t we start doing it like them? Real zoophiles don´t date humans....^

Does it work both ways? People who are truly attracted to humans don't "date" dogs, so when they do both, they obviously have no sexuality at all?

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-02-05 15:44:57

First, an orientation is something that can be compared to a chemical element from the periodical system. Sodium/Natrium is an element, Chlorine is an element. They both have their own specifics. Mix the both and you get salt, a mix of both elements, but not an element in itself and with entirely different specifics. I don´t see bisexuality as an orientation mainly from that reason, as well as I don´t see having sex with animals and humans alike as an orientation.It´s a mix of orientations and thus not an orientation And, btw, many of those we want to convince do see it quite similar. When people easily "see" the differences, why does the LGBTXYZ movement needs all these letters? If everything is basically the same, why do bisexuals refuse being called gay? Why do lesbians insist on being called that and not bi, gay or transgender? Only because an apple and a pear are both fruits, an apple won´t taste like a pear and vice versa. I´ve told you several times before and will not stop it here: your foolish tendency to try to form a "coalition of degenerates" will fail. Why? Because my and every exclusive zoos weltbild differs tremenduously from those nonexclusives. We have other mindsets, other realities, other experiences.
Oh, let´s see how easy we can turn your remark into utter rubbish: "Many gays not only like same gender sex, but also opposite gender sex"...if they do, they are bisexuals, not gays. Why do they say "orientations don´t change" but "in sexuality, there´s fluctuation"? Maybe because people can participate in any sex and not immediatley "have this orientation",huh? An orientation is something that excludes other orientations...and a lot of what you call zoo pride originates from our separation from humans. Many of the ideas you rely on today were formed from people despising any sexual contact with humans. But I get what you´re trying to do over and over only want to connect zoophilia to the LGBT crap because you think that´s a shortcut to legally get stuffed by a isn´t. Even your LGBT movement has several subgroups with exact separation from other subgroups. That´s why it´s called the LGBT and not the GGGG. Anyways, I just let you do your "thing", let you continue your fight without results. How long do you want to run into a massive concrete wall with your head first until you realize the only one that will be demolished is your head? If you continue to mix in all types of sexuality with zoophilia, don´t blame society for considering you and this entire scene as sexually limitless pervos...´cause basically that´s true in some way,at least when your attitude stays the predominant one.Society already thinks we´re all lost in fetishism, porn and madness...go on, prove ´em right, that surely will make all the prejudices disappear.

One thing I read on the ZETA page: "Everyone tends to define zoophilia in a way that he himself can count himself in"...the consequence of letting everyone in is the watering down of any meaning, any distinction, ´cause in the end it will be the ones with the lowest standards, but vast numbers who set the definitions... You see, we really need to find new definitions, the z-word has lost its meaning entirely. I can´t really understand why forming new definitions and shaping a new public image of what a zoo is is treated as a sacrilege and most "zoos" shy away from it like the devil shies from holy water. Trying to dissolve all definitions is basically like throwing your food into a blender...everything is in there, but the taste of each separate entity, each single flavor is lost in the process and only a barely identifiable pulp remains..

zoozooz 1 point on 2016-02-05 17:10:08

You kinda have a point that there should be an extra word for people who are attracted to both humans and nonhumans. Maybe panspeciessexual or something like that? Or we can go with your suggestion and I simply call myself a degenerate.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-02-06 07:41:54

There already is a word for such folks: bestialist Remarkable, isn´t it? There always was this kind of separation, it only was ignored from everyone because the z-word sounds so damn scientific. Your passive agressiveness is totally misplaced here, not I am calling someone a degenerate, that´s what the average, normal person is thinking when confronted with abnormal seual behavior. I used these (") for a reason, you know. As always, you fail to see it from the eyes of someone not at all involved with all of the non-conforming sexualities...and this really makes me wonder. How can a community claim to truly understand animals when it obviously hasn´t enough empathical potential to see it from the eyes of someone of their own species? You and all thinking like you make a major mistake actually abuse zoophilia to push your "anything goes" agenda,the 24/7 orgy approach. I´ve told you before that this is doomed to fail right from the start , the seventies are long gone and the hippie attitude is an anachronism in times of global reappearing religious and moralistic views. ZETA is making the same mistake and we all know how useless their "work"´s not because of society´s general "hostility" towards this whole topic, it´s because you, ZETA and many more abuse zoophilia as a shortcut to force a general laissez faire onto society. Basically, it´s about the definition of love...when you "love" everything (animals,humans, trees, a schnitzel..) you don´t love anything. The same arguments that are brought up against all of this poly crap fit in here,too. For me and many others, all of this poly stuff is nothing but an ego trip, as if you could miss out on something when you stay monogamous. I know, I´m "intolerant", a "conservative asshole" etc...yet, our society shares my way of thinking. I only see that by including this poly and human/animal/whatever attitude, you only make it harder to gain some understanding in the "normal" world. Teaching them about monogamous, exclusive zoophilia already is some kind of a Sisyphus task, it surely will be lots easier when it is accompanied by a general onslaught, an attack on almost every moral the society has regarding sexuality. Monogamy? Just fuck it! Love? Just focus on intercourse,right? Male,female,animal, object, scat, S/M...who the fuck cares! I know exactly why average Joe is so damn afraid of opening Pandora´s box even more...I can understand their concerns due to my empathy. Can you? Or are you already totally sucked up by your 24/7 orgy, anything goes illusions?

Greetings from one degenerate to another...;)

zoozooz 1 point on 2016-02-06 08:07:39

Well, bestialist has a bit of a different meaning...

because the z-word sounds so damn scientific

First, an orientation is something that can be compared to a chemical element from the periodical system. Sodium/Natrium is an element, Chlorine is an element. They both have their own specifics. Mix the both and you get salt, a mix of both elements, but not an element in itself and with entirely different specifics.

I knew that reminded me of something:

The same arguments that are brought up against all of this poly crap fit in here,too.

Okay, then we don't need to talk anymore. But then don't complain that other minorities throw you under the bus in the future.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-02-06 14:04:24

They´re already throwing us under the bus...wake up,man. I don´t need a "USA" (unified sexual aberrants)...thank you for proving me right about using/abusing zoophilia as a stepping stone for your intended agenda of fucking around with anything with a pulse (and surely it´s not limited to that...right?). Don´t you see that it´s exactly this kind of shit that turns ANY and EVERY try to gain tolerance into shit? Gosh, that really makes me really make me angry. Especially when I memorize that you´re basically a zoo virgin and never experienced what exactly it is like having to live with it. Exactly this attention seeking is what gives us an even worse public image than we already have. You "fought" almost an entire year with those OpBeast asses...What results can you offer, what positive changes have you managed to achieve? None....wake the fuck up, man. Not even your own LGBT kind wants to have you around, not even virtually.

Well, I´m fed up with that BS. With yours, with ZETA, with the entire scene. In the last year, I teamed up with about 15 other true(!) zoos who are also fed up with taking shit from everyone. We formed T.Z.A.R. to infuse some new thoughts and points of view into this scene, mainly through discussions and pamphlets. We already have lots of propaganda to share, but hearing you I assume publishing this would be throwing pearls before swine. One of my Austrian comrads wrote that he does not see any positive outcome by simply talking, others backed him up and I had real trouble to prevent T.Z.A.R. from becoming a militant counterforce. Well, thanks to you I no longer will...if this is what you need to wake the fuck up, then you shall have it. I´m so sick and tired of fantasizing manchilds trying to explain zoophilia to me,an exclusive zoo practicing this orientation for more than two decades withput any interception or problems, with the knowledge of quite a big number of people. I´m sick and tired of this apologetic attitude towards all of this shit that´s going on right in front of our eyes and no one objects in the name of a misunderstood "tolerance". You know what? Tolerate my ass, mate! You want a new name for all of you "non-exclusives"? Here ya about "Widerlicher Menschenbumser"? How can someone have sex with the most abhorrent and despicable species ever setting foot on this planet? A species killing the entire planet? Yuck! Don´t call me shortfused, my fuse is burning since the mid-nineties.But you can call me fascist like you always do when someone dare to contradict. A superb "totschlagargument"....just pulling the nazi card. Keep on turning a blind eye for all the backlashes you "Menschenbumser" zoos have caused to our idea, an idea bigger than me, you, ZETA or anyone and anything else, keep deaf ears to people like me, we´re just talking rubbish, right? What exactly have you achieved the last twenty years by including every stupid MF in zoophilia? Nothing, you only made it worse, not only for you, but for us true zoos alike. You demand fairness, right? Sholdn´t you be capable of giving what you demand for yourselves? How about a little fairness for those you seem to render unimportant because they´re only a "small sub group in a small sub group". If only you could see how many private messages I have received since I started posting my "intolerant bullshit" in here expressing gratefulness for me telling like it is.... Yes, I´m straighforward and far from being polite and nice. But the zoo scene never was intended to be a hug box, a basin to collect everyone not fitting into anywhere only made it into that.

zoozooz 1 point on 2016-02-06 17:22:50

And what are you doing here then?

Our community warmly welcomes those in need of support and advice - we know what it's like on the outside. All are welcome!

You can always go and make /r/TrueZoophilia

You "fought" almost an entire year with those OpBeast asses...What results can you offer, what positive changes have you managed to achieve? None....

There was no goal. I am unhappy and needed something to do.

zoozooz 1 point on 2016-02-07 09:20:59

I can understand their concerns due to my empathy.

Empathy, hm?

you actually abuse zoophilia to push your "anything goes" agenda,the 24/7 orgy approach.

when you "love" everything (animals,humans, trees, a schnitzel..) you don´t love anything.

For me and many others, all of this poly stuff is nothing but an ego trip, as if you could miss out on something when you stay monogamous

Love? Just focus on intercourse,right?

It's not just similar, it's pretty much exactly like the attitudes of exclusionary groups in the gay/lesbian movement:

The report reveals that bisexuals are often stereotyped as promiscious, incapable of commitment,

When a non-exclusive can´t have sex with animals, he/she always has an alternative.

Exactly as bisexuals can simply have sex with members of the opposite sex when they live in environments hostile to homosexuality, so it must be super easy for them to become happy, right? Are you sure your empathy isn't failing you?

Teens were divided into groups based on their self-reported identification as heterosexual, mostly heterosexual, gay, mostly gay or bisexual. The study found that depression symptoms, namely thoughts of suicide, decreased from 42 percent to 12.3 percent as teens in all groups transitioned into adulthood and suicide attempts decreased from 15.9 to 2.9 percent. But the "mostly gay" and bisexual teens did not report a significant decrease in some measures of suicidal thoughts or behaviors.

The study did not determine why suicidal thoughts persisted in some groups, but experts offer some suggestions.

"Some bisexuals may struggle with depression later on because they don't feel accepted and supported in either lesbian and gay or straight communities," said. "Bisexual identity does not fit into the gay/straight categories most people are comfortable with."

He suggests that gay teens may find more support than bisexual teens from the LGBT community after coming out, which would encourage feelings of self-acceptance.

Sharon Horne, Ph.D., a psychologist and director of training of counseling psychology, at the University of Massachusetts in Boston, agrees that the struggle may last longer for some groups.

"Those who identify as mostly gay may be expressing an ambivalence about identifying as gay or lesbian due to living in unsupportive environments or getting messages that it's not okay to be gay or lesbian," she said. "It may take them more time to work through this ambivalence, particularly since early adulthood continues to be a time of great transition."

I keep coming back to this stuff because at least partly I can identify with that. I'll soon be 30 years old and I'm still pondering suicide quite often because I still don't know if I can ever really become happy and content with my life.

Do you really feel your "the 24/7 orgy approach" characterization is not misguided? When you look at the life of e.g. /u/ThrowwwayGurl, do you see a "24/7 orgy"? What exactly is it that is so objectively bad about her relationships?

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-02-10 08:33:07

When reading your stuff, I constantly have the feeling that you´re misinterpreting anything you don´t like on purpose, do you? Don´t be ashamed to confess, at least it´s the traditional tactics of the LGBT movement. I´m a big fan of the comedy show "Little Britain" and Daffyd Thomas is my favourite character....can you guess why? ;) I also understand why the gay community is giving bisexuals such a hard time. Not that I would be happy about it, but for me it´s only natural for an interest group to keep their turf clean. You said you´re turning 30 this year and that may be one reason why you don´t seem to undertand what is going on within the LGBT community. You´re simply too young to know where it all came from and what stages the fight for tolerance went through. It´s funny that even a significant number of gay organisations have turned against what their movement has become these days. The shrillness, the aggressiveness, muting every kind of criticism by calling it intolerance and ,when the intolerance card won´t have the desired effect of silencing, even concealed fascism just brought a severe backlash. I think that your movement has lost it, you just ooverdid it attacking general sexual morals and standards. When even an openly gay German comedian, Sascha Korff, makes fun of the promiscuity of his own scene "Oh, you two are gay and together for 4 months now? Well, in Cologne, we call this golden anniversary", one could and should think that something went terribly wrong... One thing you don´t see here: the more you try to push your agenda, the harder the resistance will get. Thus I insist so much on monogamous, exclusive zoophilia.

You quoted some statistics about suicidal tendencies in homo- and bisexuals. You know what they say about statistics, do you? What if these tendencies are not directly related to the "lack of" acceptance for alternate sexualities, but directly related to promiscuity and mistaking hollow and empty random sexuality for love? What if you mistake cause and effect here? People frequently use the strategy of trying to fill the holes in their heart by excessive usage of drugs, gambling, sexuality, etc... for Wilhelm reich, excessiveness on one sector always hinted at deficits on another. I don´t think the suicidal tendencies are directly connected to the level of acceptance. Today, we have a very homo- and bisexualfriendly society, you can be that way without going to prison anymore, we Germans had an openly homosexual foreign minister, the major of Berlin, Klaus Wowereit, also openly gay, major of Hamburg, Ole von I have to continue? So, what exactly is your problem here? Tolerance originates from the latin word "tolerare", its true meaning is "to endure something you´re not consenting with". So, pardon me if I get the notion you´re aiming at something completely different: you´re aiming at immunity. Anyone expressing any criticism? "Homophobe!", you´re shouting, just like Little Britain´s Daffyd Thomas. It has become a reflex. By the way: a phobia is an illness that needs psychological treatment. So you´re calling anyone not automatically agreeing to the gay agenda basically a sick person...any familiarities you notice here? I´m sorry, but I smell drama queen shit here....even heterosexuals have to deal with hate because the partner one chooses does not seem okay for others. Too young, too old, inadaequate social status, not enough money demand normality for the LGBT,right? Then this must be shocking: being hated IS normality. So what is it you want? Being petted for being gay/bi/zoo/anything ? Do you want to be applauded for your sexuality? "Wow, he´s gay/bi/zoo...many bravery, such nobility, much adore!"

You wrote you still ponder suicide. I don´t want to step on your toes even more than I already did, but allow me to ask you why the hell you don´t get a dog and start living your life? What is it that would make you non-suicidal and happy? Get your quadruped partner, close the door, draw the curtains and be happy, goddamnit. Or isn´t the actual act what you really want? I made a statement before and will repeat it: You can live a happy life, even as a zoo.The only thing you shouldn´t base your own mental health on is being able to TALK openly about it. Is talkng about it more important to you than the actual act? I don´t give a flying fuck about it whether you can be open about zoophilia or not. It isn´t relevant. Laws don´t matter, society doesn´t matter...I hate this tendency to "self victimize". Just be honest: living a zoophile life is not that hard if you think about it. But if you expect applause and standing ovations for being "soo special", well, then you´re totally wrong and should lower your expectations by a huge amount.

Please don´t get me wrong, I´m not as anti as you may think. I just see where all of this sex lib is drifting to and know that total freedom is basically the same as the cake in Portal...a lie. The concepts behind this hippie-esque approach have failed long ago...just take a look what happened to the "free love" movement from the seventies. Learn from history or you´ll be doomed to redo the same mistakes and end up with the same bad results.

zoozooz 1 point on 2016-02-10 09:40:07

Ah and you don't misinterpret stuff.

muting every kind of criticism by calling it intolerance and ,when the intolerance card won´t have the desired effect of silencing, even concealed fascism just brought a severe backlash

Anyone expressing any criticism? "Homophobe!", you´re shouting, just like Little Britain´s Daffyd Thomas. It has become a reflex.

That doesn't sound like me. Are you sure you're not projecting?

By the way: a phobia is an illness that needs psychological treatment. So you´re calling anyone not automatically agreeing to the gay agenda basically a sick person...

By the way: Homophobia is a term widely accepted to not mean an actual phobia, and not a mental illness: Is it possible that you have an unusually strong opposition to words changing meaning over time?

The LGBT movement is not "my movement", I just feel a certain affinity to it.

In reference to bisexuals just yesterday I read a comment that mirrors your opinions:

In the beginning there were only Gays and Lesbians (perception wise). The fight for their rights has come a long way, however their rights probably would not still be a heated debate had all our energy gone into fighting for them. Over time we've developed the alphabet soup of sexual and gender orientations we have today, and with each new addition we're slowing down the process. People don't have a hard time understanding Gay and Lesbian scenarios anymore now that they have a gay uncle Timothy or lesbian aunts Matilda and Gwen, but to try to get them to understand transgender rights or pansexuality restarts their ignorant fear based reactions.

The fact of the matter is, it would be a whole lot easier for them (Gays and Lesbians) if you (Bisexual) didn't exist and there is some resentment there. I personally try not to hold this against them because I understand that for the most part this is not a conscious realization they come to, but instead one that builds overtime by being part of this vast family that was at one point small and connected. We bicker with one another far more and are forced to explain the fringe members of our family many times over when outsiders come to us with questions. We're expected to understand how dendrophiles think, describe how an asexual person finds companionship, and know whether aunt Leslie should now be called uncle Lester.

Everyone wants to be treated like a human being. The more people we include in 'everyone' the longer and harder battle we have to fight. Giggity.

I'm not turning 30 this year, just quite soon. I just don't want to be so specific publicly on the internet.

why the hell you don´t get a dog and start living your life? What is it that would make you non-suicidal and happy?

This. But currently I don't have income. Hopefully I'll get my master's thesis done this year, then I definitely will. I know, I know, I could always work besides studying and that people do it all the time. I just don't feel up to the stress of both...

Is talkng about it more important to you than the actual act?

Have you looked at yourself? You have kept authoring wall of text after wall of text. Obviously you have a desire talking about it. Here is a fun concept:

But if you expect applause and standing ovations for being "soo special", well, then you´re totally wrong and should lower your expectations by a huge amount.

Nah, I think I've always been "that weirdo" to most people. That's fine by me. I just don't want people to be hostile.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-02-10 10:35:54
  1. Not aimed directly at you, but the general attitude among the LGBT movement.
  2. Is it possible that you make words up without any real knowledge of their origins? Well, wikipedia...."No ,Galileo, you´re the one wrong about the sun, wikipedia says it, therefore it MUST be true"
  3. Funny, the eerie resemblance, the similar views...iit only proves what is the real problem for any specific group of people with similar interests..keeping all those outsiders away that blow the original ideas and ideals by mixing up an almost unrecognizable soup from different and separate ingredients. Separation is vital, like it or not.
  4. You don´t have income? You know there´s BAföG and stuff,yeah? I´ve managed to buy my mare when I was an riding instructor apprentice and made around 300 Deutsche Mark a month. She cost me 10 000...don´t fucking expect happiness come raining down from the sky.If you´re too lazy to sacrifice anything for your happiness, don´t complain about it. A dog is so cheap compared to a horse, you only need approximately 100 Euros a month, annual dog tax included. Could it be you´re expecting a little bit too much fromo life, without putting any effort in it yourselves? Nirvana-esque credo of "Here we are now, entertain us"? Simply get your lazy ass off the chair and get a job...paperboy or something like that. You only need to make very little money to provide for a dog that I don´t take your argument seriously. If you´re stressed out by doing a little occasional extra work, what do you think will it be keeping an animal demanding constant walks, attention etc...Get real,man!
  5. Yeah, I constantly look at myself and what I´m doing. Yes, I put out big amounts of text, but I do it for entirely different reasons. Until maybe 2010, I completely retreated from what became the "zoo community". What really brought me back was the new animal welfare laws and the way our community dealt with it. Nothing else...I do not need the attention and could be gone tomorrow as I have to deal with a way more serious problem right now. Compared to you, I had a longtime relationship with my mare, exactly half of my life was dedicated to her and her alone. There are so many inexperienced folks out there trying to redefine anything...I´m honest with you and confess this makes me angry. Anger plays another role why I´m active again in this community.I don´t post to distract me, for entertainment or shit.
  6. You don´t want people to be hostile? Well, then just don´t bring up sex with animals in public. Simple as that. there´s always two sides of a coin, you seem to be unaware of your own fair share of turning people hostile...
30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-02-10 10:50:34

A little addendum: hae phobia = (irrational) fear/ ho misos = hate/ hae antipatheia = dislike,antipathy (!)

You can point at wikipedia as long as you like, but Greek is a very precise language. Not my fault if you parrot what is wrong... Hate of women = misogynia, according to that I propose using misohomeia instead of the inherently wrong homophobia. It´s not fear, it´s hate....

zoozooz 1 point on 2016-02-10 11:18:57

you only need approximately 100 Euros a month

\+ rent for my own place that is big enough to accommodate a dog. And finding an apartment that allows big dogs in the first place. From looking at apartment ads in the area this isn't actually as easy as it sounds.

If you´re stressed out by doing a little occasional extra work

It's actually the stress of learning for exam after exam after exam that drains me. I'm told that the Diplom was much more relaxed in regards to exams and that they have really made it so "verschult" starting with the Bologna process, but I obviously don't have a direct comparison.

what do you think will it be keeping an animal demanding constant walks, attention etc...

With the difference that these are things I am really looking forward to do...

ThrowwwayGurl 1 point on 2016-02-11 02:52:29

I just saw my name mention and found the thread, I'm always surprised when someone references my name or story.

But my reason for posting is that after skimming through the threads here, I wanted you to know that you can be content and happy with your life, no matter how bad you think it is and how unfair, it's still in your power to find solutions. It's too precious to give up, there's too much to experience.

My hubby and I were talking about zombies the other night. (Trust me, I'm going somewhere with this!) We were talking about what we would do if it were real and one of us or both of us were bit, that is to say one of us had an infection we knew would lead to a horrible death. I'm a little morbid so I asked first, "Would you kill me if I asked you to? So I wouldn't have to suffer?" His answer surprised me.

No, he said. He said that he wouldn't because in all diseases, there's always a small percentage of people who are immune. Even rabies, a disease with no cure and 100% mortality, one person survived a full on infection.

This led to a discussion about hope, about how we wouldn't have met if a thousand things worked out differently, that even if your chances seem slim, there IS a chance, and we need to keep living for those chances, because tomorrow could be your day. Or the next. Or the next. And all we can do in the meantime is make every moment valuable, to find love for just breathing and being here to experience all this serendipity.

But part of finding that simple happiness is choosing what kind of environment to be a part of. I was in a dark place for a long time, then slowly realized that I was the dark place. I made my life dark by not seeking a better way of life and a better way to think. I don't like talking much about it, but therapy helped too. A lot. I realized that the universe wasn't going to help me or make me happy and that there was no problem in my life that I couldn't either change or change how I felt about it.

Not too much longer after that I met my husband and my life took a direction I never thought possible, I thought I was too broken. My story I posted doesn't even begin to touch how fucked up my childhood was. I never thought I could be happy with anyone or comfortable in my own skin. Now that I'm healing more and more I can look back and say that zoophilia was the secret joy, it was the highlight of my adolescence and one really, really nice thing I got to experience. But I didn't used to think that way, in fact it's a complete reversal. I'm always shocked how we humans can adapt, evolve and change the way we look at everything, even ourselves.

So all that said, I've read plenty of 30-30's posts here. He's got a big voice about some things, but don't let anyone like him, on either side of any debate, pull you down. You are amazing and beautiful because you're a person and capable of far, far more than you have been led to believe.

zoozooz 1 point on 2016-02-11 07:52:56


ursusem 1 point on 2016-02-06 06:43:21

Just because someone (and I happen to be this way) may like something which resembles a non-human animal while also having the ability to express itself in a human like way, does not mean that he/she is into humans. Let's just get that straight. Also many of the animal characters in furry porn look too human for my liking (especially when we consider the ways that their bodies look minus the head).

ihavedaggyissues 1 point on 2016-02-05 14:46:25

I say "feel like" because I haven't got data, and what I mean is "am pretty certain of." I believe this because it makes sense to me that the furry fandom - by necessity of inclusiveness, which is exemplified by the incredibly high proportion of LGBTQ+ individuals therein - would attract people who are curious but not ready to explore actual zoophilia. The fandom can provide a source of refuge for a huge variety of interests, from feral to cub to vore. None of these things are "what furry is about" - its about the acceptance of something outside the norm. This attitude broadly encompasses many aspects of alternative sexuality, so i think its a good introduction for those who might otherwise get squicky over the intensity of the new stuff making them tingle down there.

Plus, how could you not want a knot after seeing some yiff for the first time? Lol

EvilKittyBoy 2 points on 2016-02-16 00:03:35

WTF did just happen? o.o why's everyone arguing?

[deleted] -1 points on 2016-02-11 04:10:23


DisappointedByPeople Raccoons 1 point on 2016-02-13 17:00:19

I really do understand you. I fell in love with raccoons. And unlike you I had a luck and I have one as pet. However the love is also like a curse and it hurts a lot.

It's hard to explain and no one will understand me.

EvilKittyBoy 1 point on 2016-02-16 00:02:01

:< that's harsh...

DisappointedByPeople Raccoons 1 point on 2016-02-16 13:43:54

The more I love them, the more I see how unfair people are towards them and towards exotics keepers as general. We are discriminated against.

DisappointedByPeople Raccoons 1 point on 2016-02-13 17:11:33

And please, DO NOT READ posts of people who write "Blah blah, exotics pets shouldn't be pets! They are wild..." Bullshit.

Now I expect a shitload of downvotes.