Once again in America, this time in Oklahoma (opposingviews.com)
submitted 2016-02-03 10:37:13 by [deleted]
30-30 amator equae 4 points on 2016-02-03 10:47:25

Dumbasses acting dumb...so, nothing new under the sun. Bestialists, possibly the only lawbreakers around who actually provide the authorities with evidence themselves. Yeah, "somebody must´ve hacked my computer"...sure, dickhead...i swear they already know your account name on beastforum. Porn based forums like Bf are the main reason of increasing numbers of arrests. When will they learn that porn is NO fun, but evidence?

zoozooz 4 points on 2016-02-03 15:07:47

Look at the source. This is from 2014.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-02-03 16:14:30

facepalm Well, that's what I get for sharing content while drinking. Sorry, peeps!

zetacola Loba 7 points on 2016-02-03 17:17:00

Oh yeah, letting a dog lick a body part is a crime against nature and cruelty to animals... Classic burgerland.

AXwoof Exclusive 2 points on 2016-02-04 18:12:13

Typical american "freedom".

Seriously, do they have any valid reasons to call this a crime?


"Oh, that dog ate carrion, no problem." | "What, that dog licked genitals? this is the worst possible kind of animal abuse!!"

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2016-02-04 20:29:12

People are strange, I no longer think that pointing out their strangeness even helps fix it.

Remember when they emptied a reservoir because a human peed in it? They didn't do that when animals peed in it. Or died in it.

Humans are just animals. Animals have weird brain wirings. Cats fear cucumbers and lose fights with rugs, why should humans be exempt from doing stupid things?

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-02-05 10:36:10

Well, I can´t see anything wrong with arresting people recording their sexual encounters and uploading footage. Without this major step of putting out evidence, all your freedom is untouched and no one would have to fear any problems with the authorities. Telling that "somebody must´ve hacked my computer" is plain shit, that´s like winning the jackpot in lottery compared to those many, many folks also attached to the net, but don´t store compromising photos and videos of themselves having sex with animals. One in a million, that´s the odds, I´d guess. So, claiming that some unknown "hacker" intruding your computer and uploading your flics is just bogus bullshit. The reality of "zoo" repression many people like to insist on being real is a matter of perspective. If you keep off the porn stuff, you´ll probably never have problems unless you snitch on yourself by accident/stupidity/blue eyedness. Let´s be real, almost everyone getting into trouble for "zoophilia" has given out evidence himself...be it porn, be it fencehopping that naturally leads to major trouble someday as you have no control over possible witnesses, be it by trying to get laid with an animal via online dating. If you´re smart enough and additionally aware of the high controversy about your sexual orientation, it´s your goddamn duty to avoid any increase of risk getting caught/exposed.Not for morality reasons, but for the animals safety and wellbeing.

So, not a matter of freedom here...but of negative conduct by the so called "zoophiles"...don´t complain about bullets flying around your head when you´re the one handing out large ammo boxes to those aiming at you... If privacy and safety for us and our animal partners would always be the top priority of anyone who dares to call himself a zoophile, there simply would be no evidence out there. Mixing zoophilia with the fetish porn scene has done nothing but harm to our community.Negative headlines, jailtime, animals confiscated and/or euthanised....all of that for the vanity of putting porn out there.

AXwoof Exclusive 1 point on 2016-02-05 13:53:16

Yeah, I know what you mean.

I was just pointing at the fact, how f-d up it is, to call something a "crime against nature" (like letting a dog do something completely natural, e.g. licking) just because it's against human morality. I mean, even if it would be healthy for the dog, it's still seen as "wrong" by laws.

But aren't there states in US where oral sex between two humans is illegal too? If that is true, why do I even talk about logic...

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-02-05 14:53:31

Yeah, the famous harm principle...but even I as a zoo myself don´t support basing sexual morals on the harm principle alone.Especially when "harm" only adresses easily identifiable bruises and injuries. There surely are long term effects on animals, like a barely recognizable shift in the psyche. I´ve seen too many apathetic animals of so called "zoos" to still believe in this simple principle. I´ve seen way too many animals who have been trained to perform... like it or not, it´s not that easy to separate harmful from harmless sexual contact. Mostly, all the laws are aimed at those dumb enough to put out evidence themselves...and, I may ask, if you´re dumb enough to do that, how should I ever be convinced that you actually have enough understanding of your animal´s body language? If you peek into a few discussions around animal behavior on "zoo" websites, you will frequently run across several bland mistakes. One would be for example the claim that mares indicate their climax by urinating. All those "horse specialists" only show how little their knowledge is by insisting on this. Mares clean out their vaginal tract after intercourse, this is how they get rid of smegma, excessive semen and dirt brought in by the stallion. It is NOT an indicator of climax, although this legend lives on and on. Humans, even many "zoos" tend to anthropomorphize animals and they phenomenon of "squirting" in human females may be the origin of this legend.Mares even take a leak after being artificially inseminated and I heavily doubt they actually enjoy the process. The harm principle alone won´t get us anywhere. If you like it or not, I more and more believe that the big wave of new laws against sex with animals was needed to wake up our entire scene. We´re being put to a test, we´re forced to rethink and overthrow decade old arguments that have lost their substance over the years. I´m not mad at society or the government for prohibiting interspecies sex. I just have to think of all the gruesome things happening in our name, being labeled with the z-word. How am I supposed to convince somebody that having sex with my mare is indeed consentual and harmless when the only thing he needs to do to render my arguments invalid is a visit on a animal porn site? As long as all the negative examples are out there, even in 3D and dolby surround, our entire struggle is in vain. All zoos say "it´s harmless", but the vast archives of evidence out there tell otherwise..... Finally, these laws don´t have an effect on true zoos. Just put your priorities on privacy and not getting caught and these laws cannot and will never interfere with you.These laws are mainly aimed at the ever increasing internet animal sex cult and it´s mainly the porn fiends who find themselves at the local police station or court. Even the dumb authorities know that these laws won´t keep everybody off the animals. But these laws actually turn uploading animal porn into something potentially dangerous...and I can´t see why this isn´t a good thing. Already too much of that crap out there, it´s about time it goes the same way as kiddie porn...