Anal sex with a female dog? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-02-05 17:03:48 by icecube373

I've always wanted to do anal with my golden retriever. I usually just do it with her normally and stuff, but I was always curious about it. Is it safe and stuff cause I know the anal area is expected to be dirty and what not?

AXwoof Exclusive 4 points on 2016-02-05 18:09:03

When I look at your profile, I can't find a hint that this could be a serious question...

You might want to explain what brought you to this subreddit.

icecube373 3 points on 2016-02-05 18:55:55

Well I was looking on Google and searching how to have safe anal sex with a dog, but I ended up just finding out how women can have anal with dogs ( the complete opposite). And I found out there was a subreddit about people and animals and what not and I decided to ask my question here in hopes of someone answering me. And no I'm not joking, I wouldn't joke about something like this

AXwoof Exclusive 2 points on 2016-02-05 19:54:40

I don't have the experience to answer your question, maybe someone else can, but I want to know:

Do you just like to "stick it in" or do you actually see your dog as a loving partner, and respect her needs? Cause it's important to know if the dog agrees to it, or is just seen as an easy-sex-option by you.

icecube373 1 point on 2016-02-05 20:03:08

Well I mean I guess. After my ex broke up with me I had bought a golden retriever because they had always end been my favorite type of dog. She's about 2 years old and I spends almost every day with her, take her for walks, to the park, have her by my side to watch movies/play games/and do work. I love her a lot and I consider her a major part of my life. Idk if this answers your question or not, but I'm guessing it does

AXwoof Exclusive 1 point on 2016-02-05 20:28:53

Ok. I just needed to know. As said, I don't have enough knowledge, hope someone else here can answer your question.

Frostfedora Captain Esports 7 points on 2016-02-05 20:48:24

Generally not. Consider how many women are down for anal, dogs aren't any more receptive most of the time and will let you know pretty fast if they're not interested.

I don't recommend doing so because she probably won't like it and it'll possibly be painful even with lots and lots and lots of lube (this is extremely important), but if you do try it, do not insert your penis into her vagina after it's been in her ass because it's super likely she will get a bad infection. It also depends on the size (mostly girth) of your dick, of course.

ihavedaggyissues 7 points on 2016-02-05 22:26:31

Another thing I feel needs to be mentioned here: dog anuses are not as pliable as vaginas. Even male human partners can get seriously hurt without proper stretching and sometimes mental prep as well, especially I'd you're of considerable size in either length, girth, or both. You do not want to perforate her colon or impact her bowels.

I've thought about this quite a bit, and while I realize there are even videos of gay dogs having sex, they can still be hurt by it. Sorry to get graphic, but what those videos don't show is the damage that sometimes occurs, especially if knotting is involved.

Not really "how to" advice but I needed to get my two cents in about that. If anyone can provide safe and effective methods of doing it though I'm all earsso... Link plz ;)

WeAreDifferent Canines 1 point on 2016-02-07 19:53:21

there are even videos of gay dogs having sex

I would really like to see those.

ihavedaggyissues 1 point on 2016-02-08 06:23:51

They can be great but they aren't always easy to find. There's a lot of gay animal videos these days though :)

WeAreDifferent Canines 1 point on 2016-02-08 14:07:13

I haven't seen any yet, with some real, good penetration. Only humping attempts, which are boring.

If you could point me a direction, I would appreciate it.

ihavedaggyissues 1 point on 2016-02-08 14:29:30

I can only point you towards and say have at, but I know they are out there :3

West_dogger ek hou van seks met honde 3 points on 2016-02-06 07:07:18

No personally I don't think you should perform anal on any animal.

Lefthandedsock 2 points on 2016-02-06 15:42:55

Don't do that. She has a vagina for one reason and an anus for another. You're likely to hurt her or make her uncomfortable at the least.

kuvaszfucker 1 point on 2016-02-22 10:47:58

Yes its safe PROVIDED she's at least as big as your average LGD (Kuvasz, Maremma, pyrenees, etc). and as long as she's healthy dont worry about any germs. if she is worm free you wont catch anything.
also, most of the aforementioned breeds love anal by their vary nature. even crave it. just a fact. most LGD's are very ano-erotic.