An encouraging thought (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-02-06 19:23:12 by zetacola Loba

Just thought of a little something encouraging. I don't know when I'll have a partner of my own, but I just realized that the nature of my attraction means that my future partner may be born at any second of my life and waiting to find me.

She could be born as I am typing this... Whoa

That's all. Hope this puts a smile on your face like it does for me...

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2016-02-06 19:54:54

Very cute. It is worthy of a grin. Though it reminds me of a joke my uncle once made.

He married relatively late in life, to a younger woman. Think around 45 married to around 25. So I once heard him joke about approaching her when she was in middle school, him in his thirties, and whisper, with a grin, "Someday, I'm gonna marry you."

zetacola Loba 1 point on 2016-02-06 20:50:28

Oh right, I guess the situation is identical for regular people too :P

danpetman 3 points on 2016-02-07 00:37:34

I think instead of "regular people" I prefer the term "boring people" :P

Zoophiles are way cooler ;)

zetacola Loba 2 points on 2016-02-07 16:23:53

"Normies" and "mundanes" also work

Dolphin_Titties 1 point on 2016-02-08 00:03:11

I think in this case the term you're looking for is actually 'paedophile'...

[deleted] -2 points on 2016-02-08 23:52:58


Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-02-09 00:38:29

Thank goodness people aren't rushing to you for definitions of what is "sick in the head."

AXwoof Exclusive 1 point on 2016-02-09 20:58:36

"I thought I'd search for bestiality" - yeah isn't that simple? Now every random shit you see and read on Google or elsewhere gives you enough reasons to judge people on a discussion page, congratulations. And just btw.: this subreddit is called zoophilia, and yes, its definition is quite a huge difference to what your disgusted attitude makes you want to believe.

DonutMaskMan 1 point on 2016-02-10 16:52:04

I've read people on this talking about having sex with animals. What about that isn't unwarranted disgust?

Or, is it all made up? Is it just some role playing forum?

AXwoof Exclusive 1 point on 2016-02-10 20:29:24

It's about emotional and sexual attraction to animals, and as "sick" as it sounds, it's real, and some people have these feelings and can't change them, that's what we discuss here. It's your opinion to be disgusted by it, but people here care about animals, and don't like being called sick fucks or comparisons to rapists. Especially when someone pops in and screams out his negativity.

I don't want to argue with you, and reactions like yours aren't uncommon, just people need to be neutral about it first, so they can understand what this is about. But it would be a fair decision if you stay out of this.

[deleted] 0 points on 2016-02-11 02:01:24


AXwoof Exclusive 1 point on 2016-02-11 14:16:45

If you want…

But this is what I meant with being neutral to understand things. You accuse people you don’t know, because of something that sounds sick and disgusting to you. But you define rape by your moral thinking, and your personal opinions. People that aren’t ignorant can clearly tell what an animal wants, and what not. They aren't stupid, just because they can't talk like humans. It’s a big difference if someone forces an animal to do something (that is rape), or if it tells you with their body language, what feels good for them. Not just thinking sexually, if you pull your dog's ear, it will also show you that it isn’t consent, and if you respect their needs and know them, you don’t have to be the same species to understand their needs and give them a good life.

I love my dog, feed her, walk her, groom her fur, play, cuddle, and everything else that SHE likes. I don’t find any pleasure in suffering of an animal. If she would see me as a rapist, she wouldn’t be so affectionate, or follow me everywhere. She acts like a normal dog, she is healthy, and happy. That is the most important thing for me. I don't claim this from brainwashed thoughts or whatever you might think, I'm just honest. It's not even rare that I get compliments from friends or even strangers, who notice the emotional bond between me and her. I can still see her as a dog and don't try to anthropomorphize her, but also as an individual with a character, not an object.

And to the standard comparison of animals to kids… animals (especially mammals, like dogs) are no asexual creatures, they are full grown, and can decide things, they don’t need words, they aren't ashamed of what they do, and for people like us here it’s very important to understand body language. If you think it looks „wrong“ or is viewed as unwanted behaviour when a dog desperately tries to masturbate, think over if the dog also sees it this way, if you’d „help“ them. And talking about consent, in contrast to this, I don’t think anyone asks their dog for permission, to get them castrated.

I don’t feel sick for being different, my sexual drive doesn’t control my life in a negative way. I never hurt an animal because of it, and I will never do. Actually I’m just a normal person, if you would see my house/room or PC for example, you wouldn’t find any signs of me being a stereotypical psychopath or rapist, I'm also not into that kink-fetish stuff. I'm not an ugly no-lifer, I have family and friends. I simply feel attraction to dogs, like others do to their husband or wife (-and if you have a partner yourself, you know that you don't want to hurt them). Humans are completely unattractive for me. I know it sounds „weird“, but there was no incidents in my life that could have caused my orientation. And I accepted myself, like the people here did, or try to. So what is wrong with it being discussed objectively? If you would read what users here say, without prejudices, maybe you can see that people aren’t unpolite nor trying to support rape or anything like that. Also there's a big difference between zoophiles, and straight people who come to this place to share their animal porn fantasies.

I'm not trying to control you, and I'm not sure what you understood when I said that sentence (english is not my native language, sorry if that is an issue), but I only suggested you to stay out of this subreddit, since you don’t seem to try to listen or take serious what people here say, and it would be „fair“ for yourself too, then you wouldn’t have to be upset because of it. And I also don’t want to start wars that lead to nowhere.

Feel free to call me a weirdo or a freak, but please don't accuse me of things I don't do.

[deleted] 0 points on 2016-02-13 12:37:36


AXwoof Exclusive 1 point on 2016-02-13 13:17:43

I didn't tell anyone IRL, but not because I feel ashamed, it's simply because there exist people like you, who will do whatever they want with that info, without caring what the truth is, and will spread their rumors. And I'm not seeing it as a "kink", that is just your point of view. I have zero attraction to humans, so this is my actual sexual orientation, believe it or not.

And if you ever heard of the definition of rape: "To force someone to ingage in unwanted sexual activities." - I know what my dog likes and what not. She means so much to me, so I would never abuse her. I simply don't ignore her needs, and treat her the way she wants, and not by what people claim is wrong or right. But I guess the only thing you can imagine when you think of attraction, is abusive sex.

[deleted] 0 points on 2016-02-13 16:52:41


AXwoof Exclusive 1 point on 2016-02-13 18:37:16


I'm just kindly explaining something, and you continue with your Ignorance. You know nothing about me, or my dog, or anything else.

But I read enough to see what kind of person you are.

And now, please be also kind, and leave the people here alone.

ihavedaggyissues 1 point on 2016-02-13 05:47:36

I love this. "Let's get this straight -I don't understand this x. It makes me uncomfortable, thus it is a sin. Thus it is rape. Just like pedophilia. You're like pedophiles. You're rapists. you are sinning. Because x makes me uncomfortable. I don't understand."

It's hard to believe a person is raping an animal that starts to hump their leg of its own accord. Also, will find that the similarities between pedophilia and zoophilia end at the "currently outlawed by blanket paraphilia bills" part.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-02-13 12:02:05


ihavedaggyissues 1 point on 2016-02-13 14:50:03

Not particularly. Allowing a sexually healthy and mature animal do its thing is neither confirming it is ill nor permanently intoxicated - it chooses to do what it does of its own free will, for its pleasure. I'd argue that is letting the animal have the power it's requesting, actually.

Do you think that all zoophiles are zoosadists by nature? If so, I can understand for the strong tone, but that is absolutely not the case.

*edit: grammar

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-02-13 17:02:41


ihavedaggyissues 1 point on 2016-02-13 19:54:02

A child is certainly able to do just that if they have had any sort of awakening. They are perfectly capable of expressing interest too; as a teenager I wanted to bang Carmen Electra. The big difference there is definition - we don't define pedophilia as "cruelty to children", but as exploitation of a minor. And it is, often - however, look no further than e EU and our very own 1950's for great examples on how those norms vary and have changed (and before you go there, don't accuse me of pedophilia - I barely have an attraction to humans, let alone a bunch of little shitheads). Zoophilia falls under "cruelty to animals" and "sodomy" as the rationale behind outlawing the practice, yet by definition we are allowing pleasure to occur for an animal that uses some form of communication to express that desire. Therefore, Puritanical sodomy laws (which in some places even covers anal sex with your wife) are really the kicker, and said laws also were effectively used to keep black and white people from intermarrying when your grandpappy was still a kid.

Last I heard animals didn't particularly like being slaughtered and turned into dinner en masse either, but we don't give a shit as long its just murder.

If you want to have a legitimate discussion about this then that's cool. If you just wrote to call me a rapist, compare me to a pedo, and take a shit on something I can't help and haven't ever acted on because its such a gray area, then the conversation might as well be over.

Edit: spelling

zetacola Loba 2 points on 2016-02-13 19:54:03

This would be a valid line of argument if society as a whole would consider non-human animals as equals to humans. But it doesn't. We (as a society) see animals as a means towards an end and humans as an end in themselves. The truth is we do not care at all about animal consent. We exploit and kill livestock, we exploit work animals, we sequestrate and mutilate our own pets... All of this is legal and seen as "moral" even though we totally disregard the animal's consent to participate and be subjugated to these things. Why is it different for sexual activities between humans and animals?

Is forcing horses to pull sleighs slavery? Is eating Macdonald's encouraging mass murder? No, right? Animals are not humans, right? Society does not weigh animals and humans as being equal. They should not be held to the same legal standards as humans. Then why is it that having non-consensual sex with an animal is rape, just like it would be for a human?... Are they equal to humans or are they not? It makes absolutely no sense to claim that sexual acts with animals are unlawful on the sole basis that an animal cannot consent. Most people (you included) do not give a shit about animal "consent".

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-02-10 15:21:33


Lateoss Lovin Mares 1 point on 2016-02-07 03:20:54

You aren't the only one who has thought of this before, many times have the idea of this thought captivated me when my mind is wandering. Also reminds me of the question I ask myself of what my future partner will look like...