My story (some sex involved) (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-02-09 01:42:41 by [deleted]


Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-02-09 01:45:54

I guess my question is why are you opposed to pursuing your attraction? Is it an ethical thing? Religious? What?

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-02-09 01:48:21


Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2016-02-09 02:16:51

No one can charge you if you're not broadcasting it or doing it in public. Just be smart and stay private.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-02-09 02:22:10


Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-02-09 02:27:27

I've found at least with dogs it's easy enough to train them that there is a "Sex room" (notably the bedroom) and sex does not happen outside it. They won't even attempt it.

You usually don't entertain guests in your bedroom, limiting the damage potential. That said, it is not a fix for your issue of not feeling comfortable with your own zoophilia, so I can't recommend this route.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-02-09 02:30:28


Lefthandedsock 2 points on 2016-02-09 03:14:18

If it's of any consolation, I've been going on zoophilia sites for 7-8 years, regularly, and absolutely nothing has happened. Sometimes you just have to say 'fuck it.'

Nor has any animal acted strangely around company, no matter how long we've been messing around. Then again, that could be because I naturally pick certain spots without thinking about it. We've never done it on the couch or in the kitchen or anything.

If they learn that it's only something that happens in certain areas, they essentially train themselves to behave elsewhere.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-02-09 14:09:27


Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2016-02-09 16:14:50

Like, forget about it. Look at some porn. In the US, it's extremely unlikely that anything will happen.

The sketchiest thing I've seen was wifi throttling on my phone while using certain sites.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-02-09 16:26:18


Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2016-02-09 16:29:15

The "extremely" part should comfort you. Authorities have a million better things to do than track down people who like dogs a little too much.

But if you like stories better, then you're 100% safe. In the US.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-02-09 16:36:30


Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-02-09 02:25:44

If you really want to go all zoo, the recent michigan bestiality laws seem unenforcable, but I can't recomend moving to a state based on legality, especially if you yourself find ethical issues with zoophilia itself.

I don't, but I don't judge those who do either. Religion is a powerful motivator and as legit a reason as any. May I recomend maybe seeing a psychologist about this? Emphasize that you don't want to act on this and want it to go away. Most won't see you as a bad person in this context and will try to help you with it.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-02-09 02:31:16


Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-02-09 04:35:51

No problem, and one last tidbit. Psychologists provide a service. If one ever makes you uncomfortable (like you feel he/she is looking down on you), you can always find another.

Good luck.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-02-09 14:08:01


30-30 amator equae 10 points on 2016-02-09 05:48:04

Really not sure if this is real...checking the post history will reveal that this guy has fantasies about raping young boys, now he tries to tell us that random farm animals hump him. I really can´t decide what exactly we have here: either someone getting his kicks from telling bogus stories online or someone who definitely needs professional help instead of tips how to have sex with a dog. I prefer the first option due to the inconsistency of the story above. Furthermore, I really don´t want to have someone around who has a tendency towards any kind of paedophilia; prejudices from the antis ("those who fuck animals will also fuck children"), you know.... Sorry, pal, by going through your post history, I´d strongly recommend getting professional help. If there´s any truth in all your posts, then you really need that.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-02-09 05:52:33

I did exactly that, if you'll note. You don't have to make him feel bad about it to say that though.

Good detective work though. I have a tendency to believe first and browse post history later.

PS: Don't get me wrong, it puts a smile on my face to still get your posts/views here. Never stop.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2016-02-09 10:07:36

I have decided to keep on voicing my opinions, mainly because our community is in desperate need of different perspectives in order to make change possible someday. My concept is about adaption, not the usual alienation strategy pursued by many "zoo activists". Plus, this place may be the most civil and moderate zoo chat/forum around; sometimes it even reminds me of the old IRC chats back in the nineties. Over the past 15 years, the level of permissiveness rose to an almost unbearable height within our scene, climaxing in the fact that "zoophile" has become a synonym for "fucks with animals". Our scene has turned into a self-obsessed, indifferent collection of individuals, alientated from the rest of the "normal" world to an extend where communication has become impossible. I was one of those who came up with the zeta rules and the symbol and it hurts me so much to see how our ideas and ideals were neglected, thrown aside and corrupted. I could sit in the corner of my living room and continue to bemourn my loss, I could be pissed off by some replies I have received, but I chose to stick around. It should be very obvious to all of us that our struggle for gaining tolerance is stuck in a dead end and somebody has to pull the cart out of the mud. Yes, it´s a dirty and unpleasant work, sometimes it reminds me of fighting windmills like Don Quichote, but nonetheless, it has to be done. We need to make a 180 degree turn if we want to get anywhere someday. Away from this permissiveness, towards a more moderate zoophilia society can possibly tolerate someday. Zoophilia is a topic dominated by emotions and thus, any logic and reason will fail to achieve progress. I made the experience that most "normal" folks don´t mind that you´re in a relationship with a quadruped partner as long as they can draw some similarities to THEIR idea of what love is. Turn it into a self centered "fuckfest with anything that walks" and you´ll have lost ´em quicker than you can say "reddit"...

I´m here so there´s at least one tiny voice not joining the choir of "anything goes". I consider it far more important than my own dismal mental state I´m in atm, having lost the love of my life only one month ago.

Regarding our "candidate" and his post from above: I wasn´t accusing him, I just wanted to give the full image to all the repliers. It surely isn´t a neglectable fact you just can leave unmentioned as the usual accusations from the antis include the "people who fuck animals also fuck little kids" mantra. I´m sure no one in here wants to prove ´em right, you agree? Just imagine our contributer is having a conversation about his sexual fantasies with a "norm"....the inevitable notion of somebody being stuck in the fetish and taboo breaker swamp will arise. Even I as a "non-norm" agree on that to a certain degree. And exactly that´s the moment when the perception of one "zoophile" gets transposed onto any zoophile...remember: due to our small numbers, each and everyone is the aequivalent of an ambassador for zoophilia. What you do and say counts...every single little word, every deed, even every single thought you express on a public forum like this. I just wish that our scene/community will finally manage to become aware of this instead of going full sexual berzerk. I don´t accuse the guy posting fact, I rather feel sorry for him. I´ve been browsing through many of his posts and haven´t read the word "love" even once...I´m so sorry he´ll probably never experience true love, the cutting through the cellophane wrapped around the heart and soul of mankind.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 6 points on 2016-02-09 13:06:08

You did that just to irritate me didn't you? ;)

You know my opinions on the word "zoophile." I still enjoy hearing your side of things, and I'll be honest, I even agree with a lot of your points. I just think you need to get a new word rather than trying to redefine what exists. It's not like the word "zoophile" was ever very glamorous anyhow.

[deleted] 2 points on 2016-02-09 14:07:13


[deleted] 2 points on 2016-02-09 15:15:42


electricfoxx 1 point on 2016-02-10 08:41:51

You are in-charge of your own life. You can choose what you do with your life. If you don't want to be a zoophile, you don't have to.

(A gay person cannot choose whether they have homosexual feelings, but they can choose whether they have sex or not.)

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-02-10 12:23:58
