WILD - Trailer for an upcoming german movie. A woman who falls in love with a wolf. (youtube.com)
submitted 2016-02-13 01:05:23 by WeAreDifferent Canines
WeAreDifferent Canines 1 point on 2016-02-13 01:24:22

From what I can tell, this movie shows the story of a woman who randomly encounters a wild male wolf and falls in love with him on first sight. Apparently she manages to take him home. There seems to be one man this woman is presumably engaged with (by my own interpretation). Later she tells him about the relationship with this wolf, saying: "I've met somebody new"; "I know he feels the same way as I do." Her fiance seems to be very concerned and attacks her.

She tells the wolf that they will move away soon, together. Possibly escaping from the pressure of other people looking down to her.

Some words that flash on screen during the trailer are: "A lovestory" and "radical, sensual, free".

The short scene at 1:18 suggests that there are even (tasteful) sexual scenes in this movie.

From the videos description: ""Wild" by Nicolette Krebitz tells a story about freedom and luck. A disturbing and as much fascinating love-story about animalistic radicalism and intransigence."

Director is Nicolette Krebitz.

ihavedaggyissues 3 points on 2016-02-13 05:15:10

There was a post about this a little while back and I'll get my 2 cents in about it again:

Saw the trailer, and while the subject matter is up my ally, I was more than a little annoyed at how it seems to conflate mental illness with zoophilia. I get they're emphasizing the disconnect between internal desires and cultural acceptance. I literally feel that pain. I LOVE animals, canines being my weakness - I do not love the implication that I am insane for it. I am a well-liked, rational person with plans, goals, a career, and need for social acceptance, just like anyone else. That doesn't mean " I eat Alpo in the mall food court and look/act like I belong in an institution". Maybe I'm jumping the gun -I intend to watch this movie the moment I can get it. My initial reaction, though, isn't "Finally! A beautiful movie exploring interspecies attraction and the hardships of an individual marginalized by a society that doesn't understand" - it's "Finally!... Wait, why does the wolf-lover have to look like she is on all the meth?" Perhaps it is an edgy exploration of zoophilia, but I anticipate that any critical or social acclaim this movie may garner will be subverted by the apparently blatant insinuation that zoophilia = mentally sick. Sorry for the rant. That wolf is totes hawt though.

myloverhasfur Canidae 2 points on 2016-02-13 06:58:27

That wolf is totes hawt though.


HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2016-02-16 00:53:24

Second that.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 4 points on 2016-02-13 09:24:08

I'm guessing this is the angle they're going for to make it a bit more palatable for normal folk. The world isn't ready to realise that we have a legitimate attraction to animals. I think this is going to be a big topic in the future (whether we like it or not) but it has to be introduced through little steps like this that introduce the idea gradually.

why they chose the topic of zoophilia? really this is one of the last taboos society still has. I'm guessing this is what it takes to push boundaries these days.

AXwoof Exclusive 2 points on 2016-02-13 16:30:56

I don't know what to say. :/

As much as we appreciate the rare movies about the topic zoophilia, I believe it would just make regular people view this as a crazy-psycho-trash-movie. And reading the comments on that trailer confirms my guess. Also people's minds are very easy influence-able by movies ("Since I watched that movie I think . . .")

I would rather wish for a movie, which focuses more on the realistic attraction and emotions we have for animals. So maybe people could get a better imagination of zoophiles in general. (From what I know the most popular film is "ZOO", and it's based on the story of a man, who died after receiving anal sex from a stallion... not that romantic.)

Nevertheless I would still watch this movie, I can't judge it just by the trailer either. And yeah that wolf, rawr! :]

LupineRage 2 points on 2016-07-30 17:44:17

I've been scouring the web, trying to find a release of this movie that's even subd in English but to no avail.