PSA: tumblr may terminate your account for "bestiality" without warning or explanation (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-02-14 01:12:18 by zoozooz

Under the name fuzzyfurlover (yea, I'm still looking for a proper nickname) I posted some stuff to tumblr. Never porn, I just wrote some comments to newspaper articles or reblogged and commented on other posts and stuff. I don't care that much whether someone reads this stuff, I just believe writing stuff down and posting it to the internet helps me calm down a bit. Nevertheless it seems I had actually accumulated 96 followers.

On Februar 1 they terminated my account and I received this message:


We've terminated your Tumblr Account. As per the policies you agreed to when creating a Tumblr account, we do not allow bestiality on Tumblr.

Creating new blogs or accounts with this same subject matter or content will result in immediate account termination.

This termination is final, and replies to this message will not be reviewed.

Tumblr Trust and Safety

I guess people didn't like me interacting with them and reported my account a couple of times.

I have used the "account terminated" support request form to ask for clarification and whether the accounts of other zoophiles are at risk of termination too but it seems they don't want to.

So here's the PSA: Save all the posts you care about so you can post them elsewhere in case tumblr terminates your account.

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 2 points on 2016-02-14 03:54:25

That's a shame, I'm sorry you got banned. I enjoyed your blog a lot and the articles/resources you posted. Do you happen to have those saved anywhere, so I could post them to my resources tag? I know there was a bunch in my likes that I meant to reblog but never got around to it.

I wish tumblr's way of handling this stuff was more refined; I know both me and another tumblr user have been reported multiple times by different people but we never get banned, but then if other zoos get reported they get banned. It seems entirely dependent on which tumblr staff member looks at the reports, and how they feel about the situation. That even happens with non-zoo "regular" tumblr blogs where it just comes down to the viewpoint of the moderator who reviews your case, which is inherently a flawed system imo.

TheRedditRottie 1 point on 2016-02-14 04:01:19

That's a shame, I'm sorry you got banned. I enjoyed your blog a lot and the articles/resources you posted.

Same here, the deconstructions of news articles were particularly enjoyable, I'm very disappointed to see them gone.

zoozooz 1 point on 2016-02-14 09:23:21

I don't really save posts unless I put a lot of work into them. I mostly scribbled something down in a couple of minutes to get it off my chest, not because I thought it's particularly valuable... If you really want to, you may use a google search for and use the google cache

so I could post them to my resources tag?

to get your account terminated too?

ursusem 1 point on 2016-02-14 06:10:00

Another anti-freedom of speech organization that is around these days....

But really. You were just discussing the topic- you weren't distributing porn. I could maybe understand a termination on the basis of porn but....?? (what the hell Tumblr [hash tag you suck])

zoozooz 1 point on 2016-02-14 09:05:04

As a global platform for creativity and self-expression, Tumblr is deeply committed to supporting and protecting freedom of speech. At the same time, we draw lines around a few narrowly defined but deeply important categories of content and behavior that jeopardize our users, threaten our infrastructure, and damage our community.

What Tumblr is for:

Tumblr celebrates creativity. We want you to express yourself freely and use Tumblr to reflect who you are, and what you love, think, and stand for.

What Tumblr is not for:


Gore, Mutilation, Bestiality, or Necrophilia. Don't post gore just to be shocking. Don't showcase the mutilation or torture of human beings, animals, or their remains. Dick.


If we conclude that you are violating these guidelines, you may receive a notice via email. If you don't explain or correct your behavior, we may take action against your account. We do our best to ensure fair outcomes, but in all cases we reserve the right to suspend accounts, or remove content, without notice, for any reason, but particularly to protect our services, infrastructure, users, and community. We reserve the right to enforce, or not enforce, these guidelines in our sole discretion, and these guidelines don't create a duty or contractual obligation for us to act in any particular manner.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-02-14 09:40:50

I don't get it (after having considered those guidelines)...... Why be against discussion concerning the topic of bestiality? ......... Makes no sense

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-02-16 08:16:44

It makes perfect sense. They simply don´t want this topic on their platform, neither in images nor words. Easy as fuck,isn´t it?

ursusem 2 points on 2016-02-16 09:07:04

But WHY??! ..... Because they find the topic disturbing??! What?! I guess it must just be that.... I'm always shocked by how some people react to this topic. I feel very differently about the topic than a lot of other people feel and I feel like it is very difficult for me to understand and empathize with those people. They seem completely crazy to me!! I've had pleasant thoughts in regards to this sexuality since my very early childhood and I was never really condemned for it back then (or ever, really). The reactions I see some people having comes as a rude awakening for me and I'm always confused by their reactions (as if their reactions are a part of some dream for me and not actually real). I'm VERY comfortable with this subject matter.

30-30 amator equae 4 points on 2016-02-16 10:17:58

Welcome to reality, mate. For a zoo, it´s hard work to come to terms with his/her own sexuality. But it´s even harder work to come to terms with societies general disapproval and discomfort when this topic arises. Thus I constantly recommend seeing zoophilia through the eyes of a disapproving "norm"; it surely will help gaining a higher awareness and a more realistic evaluation of the zoophile´s position in society.

I´m a longtime practicing, exclusive zoo, but I avoided fooling myself into this is in any way "normal" for the rest of society. I always keep it in the back of my head that having emotional and sexual relations to an animal is perceived as a major threat as it questions almost everything our society is based upon. Attacking the anthropocentric weltbild by claiming that animals are equally "loveable" as "evolutions most perfect and progressed design" is something most people don´t even want to think about.

Although I´m a zoo, I understand that. I see where more "normal humans are coming from, I understand that they cling onto the extraordinary status of their own species...without that status, human life would be nothing more than a delusion. Civilisation would be nothing more than irrelevant games played by furless monkeys. They´re afraid.....they opposed Galilei´s observations because they needed the terracentric weltbild. This Galilei ass told ´em they´re not the center of the universe, some other bloke told ´em their race was not superior and now, some animal fuckers insist on the fact that they´re nothing more than just another animal and all their little games they think proves their extrordinary status as "crown of creation" are mirrored in the animal kingdom; that animals are capable of almost any emotion the furless monkey sees as an expression of its own superior status. To all of you zoos still thinking that zoophilia is harmless: for the animals, it is indeed if done with maximum empathy, love and care. But you don´t have a metaphorical waterpistol in your hands, you´re wielding the aequivalent of the Tsar bomb, aimed at the core of human existence, at civilisation. Accepting the equality of animal and human life rips the mask off our self given status as "developed" and ahead of any other species. Friedrich Nietzsche´s "Umwertung aller Werte" (Reevaluation of all values), that´s what zoophilia really is. Just think of a world where animals and humans share the same legal recognition, the same rights. The world , as we know it today, would immediately cease to exist, no farms, no milk, no meat, no leather, no exploitation of nature as it destroys the natural habitats of animals... Just always remember what you are as a zoo....a walking question mark for mankinds status.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-02-18 05:25:50

I don't think I've ever had to "come to terms" with me being zoo (like it was something that I didn't like about myself). I've always wanted to be in love with animals like this. I'm proud of my zoophilia (and always have been). I always wished that I would become like this/ relate to animals in this way.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-02-18 14:50:32

Only someone with no experience can say that without being ashamed, you know. Your "zoophilia" is a safe one as you probably never will get it on with a bear. It´s comparable to being in love with a popstar or your teacher when you´re , like, 12 years because totally out of reach. You say, you´re proud of your zoophilia....what exactly are you proud of? You´re literlly standing in front of a ladder and haven´t even climbed the first step, but you´re already proud of something? What exactly is the achievement that popped up on your internal game console? I´m neither ashamed nor proud of being a zoophile, ´cause there´s nothing to be ashamed of, but also nothing to be proud of. It´s just my sexual orientation. I haven´t done anything to become a zoo, it just happened. So, what are you proud of?

ursusem 2 points on 2016-02-20 10:02:10

I'm not sure how never "doing the deed" makes it safer... If I ever get the right life circumstances I would be doing all the zoosex just like anyone. But I hate to think that zoophilia is only present if the act has been committed. So people are not zoo unless they are or have been in a long term loving and sexual relationship with an animal? That generally isn't how sexuality is typically understood to work. If a certain young man or young boy has never been with a woman, does that also mean that he therefore can't be a heterosexual? Isn't it usually the case that a person knows what their sexuality is before they become at all involved with romantic relationships? Do you think that I will just simply be totally accepted by society because I JUST have the innocent opinion that bears are sexy TO ME along with the innocent wish of mine to do all the sexy things with them (coupled with a suspicious nonexistent interest in human men [or women, for that matter])?! I could be considered weird at best and at worst a whole host of terrible things could be done unto me by my fellow human beings due to my having expressed these eccentricities that I have. I'm not a kind of person who "has a fantasy" but ultimately just lives a life filled with endless human relationships (and gets just as much of a sense of fulfillment out of that). I stand out as someone who doesn't live like how most live. I'm also very private. I try to reveal as little as possible about my personal life. In general I'm a loner. But once again, what makes my situation "safer," as you put it?

As far as how it is that I can be proud of this thing goes, I understand that all that zoophilia really means (at least in our context) is that someone loves animals and is also sexually attracted to animals and either does or would like to make love to animals/ an animal and yes, I can see why one would think there is nothing to be proud of in that because this sort of thing just is what it is. Everybody in the world is attracted to something and to someone. It's not really a choice. People just like what they like. This is neither a good nor a bad thing. It is a neutral. And I agree that there is nothing really to be proud of as far as that understanding of zoophilia goes (which I would also say is the correct understanding).

The thing is, it is strange that some people are open to the idea that a being of another species would make a good “love interest” for them. The logic follows that people that are like that likely view animals more like equals. Those people do not recognize that humans are superior to animals (meaning that humans are “made” of a sort of greater intrinsic value). Animals are worthless. Humans are worth something. A human soul is of value simply because it is human. That is the way that our human society views this world. The soul of an animal, on the flipside, is insignificant/meaningless and of course wretched. While a lot of people care about animal welfare and call themselves ‘animal lovers,’ animals are still considered by many of these people to be only so-so important. They are creatures to have around as companions but that is where the line is drawn. Animals are just animals. They are simple beings not worth too much of our time in thought. Now how does that make you feel? How does it make you feel when there are all these creatures on this planet and humans are mainly just interested in humans? I feel like it is actually kind of “mean” how most people consider animals to be “just animals” and therefore do not focus on them, do not inquire about them, and do not wonder about them. I do not feel comfortable about relating to non-human animals in that way although it is the way that I see most humans relating to animals. I feel that I am a better person for seeing the wrongfulness of this attitude towards other species that most humans seem to possess. I believe that within zoophilia, there are these kinds of underlying beliefs at play. The beliefs being that it is wrong for us humans to “discount” animals- to see them as being lower or inferior to us etc. I personally hold these convictions strongly. My zoophilia is like a sacred religion to me. I feel very strongly about these ideas! Anyway…. But that is the root of where my pride comes from. I’m proud of myself for not regarding animals in the lowly way that most people do. I’m proud of the person I am, the character I have, the way I turned out. Being a zoophile is something to be proud of, indeed.

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2016-02-16 08:12:11

This is NOT a matter of anti-freedom of speech. Tumblr and any other platform is a private(!), commercial enterprise. As such, THEY can do as they like. The common misconception of "anything in the internet is public grounds" is WRONG. If they don´t want you around, they have the right to do so. Just compare it to your own private property: just imagine inviting a friend who turns out to be total antizoo. Your right to show him the way out outweighs his right of freedom of speech. Please, don´t come up with the same old tendency of self victimisation again, it really starts to bore me. This world is NOT made for zoos, it never was,it never will be. We are only a very teeny tiny subculture and should not make the same mistake as the LGBT movement made, forcing ourselves into public perception at all costs.Exactly that is what forms the large opposition the LGBT faces today. Unless we zoos don´t respect other people´s right to refuse hearing about loving and having sex with an animal, we cannot expect others to respect us. know.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-02-18 04:56:40

But it is true that their organization is anti-freedom of speech. That was all I was saying. And I'm saying shame on them. I know that they don't HAVE TO uphold such values but I'm saying that it's wrong of them that they don't.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-02-18 15:00:58

It´s a company, not an organisation. A private enterprise with only one goal, to make money. I think you totally misunderstand this simple fact. Come on, try to walk into Coca Cola Headquarters and hold a speech about how Pepsi is better than Cola and complain about them being "anti freedom of speech". What you can legitimately do IN FRONT of the building as it´s common ground, you can´t do INSIDE because it´s their property and they make the rules in there. With social media, it´s basically the same: if you use twitter, tumblr´re metaphorically inside THEIR virtual building and they can do as they want. Your freedom of speech is granted in PUBLIC places like town square, but NOT on private property of others. Using social media is just that, entering private property.

bonniebubblegum deer, deer, and deer 1 point on 2016-02-20 01:23:02

should not make the same mistake as the LGBT movement made, forcing ourselves into public perception at all costs.

but in today's society the only other option is to keep being oppressed and prosecuted. id rather be considered annoying than put in jail.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 7 points on 2016-02-14 10:48:15

bah, Im gonna start my own blogging website, with blackjack and (doggie) hookers!

Pigeondance Birdies yay 3 points on 2016-02-15 00:46:01

Lol.. made me giggle

Udderluvr 0 points on 2016-02-17 01:00:19

classic lol

zetacola Loba 1 point on 2016-02-14 23:54:52


And nothing of value was lost.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-02-18 05:49:47
