Man pleads guilty to bestiality involving miniature horse at ACT stables (
submitted 2016-02-17 17:15:39 by zoozooz
zoozooz 2 points on 2016-02-17 17:17:58

This story gave me a deja vu, but I didn't really find an earlier article for it, so maybe not.

This one doesn't seem to involve any porn sharing or trespassing, nor any animal cruelty.


Police began investigating the offender in June last year after they received a referral from the RSPCA.

Court documents said the man was interviewed by police and made partial admissions to engaging in a sex act with his miniature horse.

which doesn't give much information, for example: Did he know they were police or were they "undercover"? And... uhm... what's the "sex act"?

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-02-18 09:15:02

How did this guy manage to get into trouble and arise the RSPCA´s attention? There are very few things: 1) Porn: The article says nothing about this. Maybe he did some porn and uploaded it, who knows? 2) Leaving "traces" on the animal: Semen or bruises, externally and internally. the articles says nothing about that, too. 3) Somebody snitching on you, reporting you to the police and/or the RSPCA. Maybe he was caught in the act, maybe he was dumb enough to have sex with a horse right before the vet examined it.

Additionally, he frankly admitted...anyone with some functioning brain cells would deny,deny,deny. But he admitted, so it´s quite sure that there is hard evidence (media,traces) or a witness he didn´t notice while he was "at it".

Without further information, a proper evaluation of this case cannot be made. This guy could possibly be anything: a horny old man, a genuine zoo, a hardcore animal porn maker, a sadist...we simply don´t know. Yes, it´s quite difficult to sleep with a horse in a public stable, but it isn´t impossible to do so over decades without getting oneself into trouble. Safety is the keyword here.

If the trace leading to him was porn, then it´s just to interfere. If he left traces, the trouble he´s now into is his own fault. If he was snitched on by another, it also is his own fault. As a zoo residing with your horse in a public stable, you ALWAYS check,doublecheck,triplecheck,quadruplecheck any potential threats to prevent the authorities paying you a visit.

Anyway, being dumb gets you in trouble. To analyse what exactly happened, more info is needed. The article basically gives no details and thus, we all should avoid drawing conclusions that could easily backfire when more info is revealed.