Sooo.... Anyone worried about that opbeast crap hitting here? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-02-23 05:32:06 by Vaeraun88

As the title. Keep seeing random things about some kind of opbeast that those moronic anonymous twats plan on carrying out to 'ban bestiality' and destroy accounts and forums utilized by anyone remotely involved.

electricfoxx 1 point on 2016-02-23 06:50:14

Talking about zoophilia is not the same as committing zoophilia, hence this forum is legal under Freedom of Speech laws.

Even though this subreddit was quarantined, Reddit has been good about being pro-Freedom of Speech. I wouldn't worry. Some sites, like Tumblr and Facebook, are promoted to the mainstream so they tend to be more censored.

Vaeraun88 3 points on 2016-02-23 07:00:12

Still, this is Anon. They arn't above phishing for login info, mac addresses and personal contact info ect for all the 'vile animal lovers that deserve to be jailed/killed' whether you just talk about/support it or do it and posting it publicly.

Their slated goal is banning it completely anyway, and getting people put on no pet ownership lists for even verbal support.

About the only reassuring thing is that no one seems to give a shit about em, no one retweets their crap really.

zetas212 3 points on 2016-02-23 18:00:32

Trust me, this isn't the same Anon that goes after the big targets, in fact, these guys manged to piss off the actual dangerous anons for their behaviour giving everyone a bad name. They had to tread pretty carefully for a while, but it seems they haven't grown up yet.

Besides, orchestrating a DDoS is not in any way indicative of their hacking skill. Botnets are available to anyone with cash, so all it proved was that they had a little bit of lunch money left over.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2016-02-24 06:09:08

Oh did they? I stopped paying attention to them a while ago, but it sounds like I missed some tasty drama.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-02-24 07:36:38

It sure would be sweet to see that drama! I'm with you on that

stalnixrm I wanna fuck a dog in the ass 1 point on 2016-02-23 21:31:41

mac addresses

No a big deal. Kay. Sorry, my CS degree was glowing green with a panic signal ;)

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2016-02-23 23:15:00

I'd be kinda worried if they were grabbing the MAC addresses of my devices. But I don't believe that's possible without them installing malware on the devices (or the nearby router, I guess).

stalnixrm I wanna fuck a dog in the ass 1 point on 2016-02-24 11:03:40

Your MAC address isn't permanent for most machines; in fact, I can change mine just by swapping my NIC in... well, anything. It can also be set in software or spoofed (in fact, an attack on MAC whitelisting requires you to do so).

In other words, a MAC address doesn't identify you any more than your IP can, in absolute terms. Stop spreading panic for something that doesn't matter.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2016-02-24 13:15:26

Looks like my information is out of date. I had thought it required root to change, and therefore a valid attack on normal phones, but seems that Apple has made their devices randomly cycle MAC addresses to avoid the exact type of surveillance I was worried about.

Nowix 1 point on 2016-02-24 15:28:31

Your MAC only gets send to devices you directly connect to (within your network). It doesn't get broadcasted to the rest of the internet. Only those who have access to your computer or your network can see your MAC address. And even if they got it... What can they possibly do with that? If someone's this far down in your system or network you got far bigger problems anyway.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 2 points on 2016-02-24 17:19:18

I can think of several thinks "they" could do, but the one which Apple's MAC-randomiser fixed was honey-trapped tracking: if I was looking for people like me, I'd set up some free public WiFi (or, if I was the police, make orders to the controllers of existing public WiFi systems) to keep records of which MAC goes to which websites, and follow whichever devices went to websites of interest.

"Public WiFi" nodes couldn't cost more than about £20 (Pi Zero, a few dongles, power supply), so it wouldn't take a very large investment for a private individual to cover a useful fraction of a public space this way, the main cost would be the bandwidth to the wider internet.

Fortunately, this No Longer Works, so there isn't any reason for hostile agents to attempt it.

Nowix 1 point on 2016-02-24 17:26:11

Tcp doesn't transmit your mac address meaning that no website would ever be able to see your mac. Sniffing mac addresses through public wifi is possible but requires them to already know pretty much exactly where you are in the first place. If you use https everywhere it prevents people from knowing which website you access even on public wifi spots (though they could see an ip address)

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2016-02-24 17:31:41

Tcp doesn't transmit your mac address

Never claimed otherwise. But if you control the routers, you can program them to record which MAC addresses request certain websites. Even a Pi Zero ought to be powerful enough to do that level of link-layer-packet-inspection in real time.

30-30 amator equae 4 points on 2016-02-23 08:25:04

Is OpBeast still a thing? After they have been banned from Twitter a year ago or so, I never heard anything from them...

My feelings for them are somehow split in two: on the one hand, they managed to get some animal porn sites deleted from the web, they even managed to shut down the epicenter of all anti true zoo propaganda (EATZP), Beastforum for about 6 weeks. Since I think that in order to get more openness for zoophilia, all animal porn must be wiped from the net, I had some sympathy for what they were doing. On the other hand I highly despise that they were also attacking sites not dedicated to distributing porn. They tried to blackmail Finlands government into banning "zoophilia" by attacking even official government websites. Actions like that probably are the reason behind their isolation from other Anon activities. Anonymous´ideals of free speech were thrown into the garbage bin by OpBeast.
I do see certain parallels. Since Anonymous and Zoophilia aren´t coined trademarks with an exact definition, anyone can hijack the names for whatever they are up to. Ideals behind these names then are the first casualities, quickly followed by the ones living these ideals.

That´s the problem of "flat hierachry" organisations and groups without a leader or a code of conduct relevant for anyone who wants to be a part of this group. When OpBeast was active on twitter, I spied on other anon groups and experienced that the other Anons were very ashamed of this happening in their name. But like in zoophilia, there´s no "head organisation" that has the power to expel those acting vile, you can´t sue them so they don´t use the word "Anonymous" anymore. So, OpBeast basically is Anonymous´ beasties calling themselves "zoophiles", ruining the public image and reputation of many for their own agenda.

But since OpBeast seems to be gone, don´t worry about them. They were just a bunch of fascistoid script kiddies with an absolute rejection of questioning their own beliefs and prejudices, an echo chamber retweeting false "facts" to reassure them of their own sublime form of online pogroms.... a virtual "Reichskristallnacht".

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 6 points on 2016-02-23 09:49:04

I have been hearing some overlap, some difference, from my other sources.

The appear to be:

  • Still active
  • Containing a surprisingly high fraction of unemployed middle-aged english women who do almost nothing but clicktivism
  • Trying to get various twitter accounts suspended
  • Campaigning against furries, possibly because of all the "realistic" dildos
  • Infiltrating zoo groups (and as we have 2,715 "allies" subscribers, I am certain some are here. Hello!)
  • Logging into accounts with stolen credentials to send malware to friends of those accounts
  • Hacking best websites (forget which one), using the email addresses they find to locate zoos
  • Boasting that when they talk to us from a hijacked account, we don't notice the change of personality (fun fact: nobody notices this, this has been tested a while back with kids speaking the words of adults, the combination is called a cyranoid)

What is "EATZP"?

zoozooz 2 points on 2016-02-23 10:04:13

Campaigning against furries, possibly because of all the "realistic" dildos

That's the funniest one:

Stuff like

\#Furry attractions = \#Zoo attractions. Furfags can prove it when they remove the animal bit \#OpBeast

They're kinda admitting that it's not actually "protecting animals" they're concerned with, but with what people are attracted to, isn't it?

What is "EATZP"?

the epicenter of all true zoo propaganda (EATZP), Beastforum

And yea, all they do is DDOS'ing websites (, sending links to websites that collect ip addresses and attempting (and mostly failing) to dox people, so I'm not too worried.

Only talking to people with stolen accounts could be worrying. Did they have any significant "success" with that?

TweetsInCommentsBot 1 point on 2016-02-23 10:04:24


2015-07-19 14:48 UTC

Thanks to @\_RektFaggot\_ for the DDOS attacks against!

This message was created by a bot

^[Contact creator]^[Source code]

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2016-02-23 11:03:34

That's the funniest one:

I dunno about "funny", but it does show that a relatively small handful of accounts are repeatedly posting identical content. My guess is a noob wrote their own bot, manually signed up with twitter four or five times for a signal boost?

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-02-23 10:17:21

Yeah, after I replied, I did a quick search and it seems they´re back again on twitter. They still do what they´ve been doing before termination of their first account. Fun fact: They claim they made Denmark outlaw "zoophilia", but in reality, they just hopped onto the bandwagon.

EATZP is an abbreviation me and my friends use for Beastforum, E picenter of A nti T rue Z oo P ropaganda (eats pee;) ). We decided to use this because we think that there´s probably no other single website corrupting the public image of zoophilia more than BF. Any anti trying to find evidence for the " sheer vileness of zoophiles and zoophilia" will quickly gather what he searches for on BF. The general overtone of the comments below homemade animal porn, many clips clearly showing abuse and bad treatment (tied up animals, animals showing clear signs of disapproval etc.), the "personal ads" showing that an "animal brothel" would never run out of "customers" willing to pay for a fuck, i guess you know what I´m talking about. BF is NOT an ally for zoophilia, it even seems that Bf is one of the main reasons why zoophiles constantly fail to get their ideals to teach the public about decent and empathic zoophilia when proof for the opposite is just two clicks away, on a website that states it has the "largest zoo community" in the world? BF shows what a completely legal "zoophilia" would turn out to be like....heaven for the wankers and pervs, but surely hell for the animals..

Edit: Sorry, in my first post the "anti" of EATZP was missing, edited it in there to avoid misinterpetation of BF as a valid source of what zoophilia is really like...;)

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 2 points on 2016-02-23 11:01:02

Ah, that makes sense now. I tried googling, all I got was "Energetic Agreeable Trusting Zealous Perceptive" :P

Vaeraun88 1 point on 2016-02-24 00:51:49

Is that still true about BF though? I've seen in various zoo chans that people regard BF as a haven for 'moralfags' that harp against fence-jumping, and that some guy who posted pictures of his donkey raping other animals(he poorly photoshopped out the restraints he used) was basically tossed out on his ass once he was found out, as he should be, among other things. You wouldn't have to use restraints if they actually wanted to do it; no better than ranch owners restraining mares so they can be raped by a stallion they want nothing to do with.

At any rate, BF is nothing compared to that one chan board that blatantly posts animal abuse and torture porn. That just made the blood run cold, and i've seen some seriously disturbing crap on the 'net over the years. There arn't many things that make me want to smash someones face in with a sledgehammer, but that place... fucking hell. I wish I knew where they lived so I could destroy them. Nothing deserves that. Nothing.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-02-25 06:28:18

It heavily depends on the specifics and population of a zoo forum. One major obstacle the true zoos have to overcome is this enormous number of outsiders invading "our territory". Porn is one big factor; the more porn you can access in these forums, the more vileness can be witnessed. Even ZETA said that animal porn is mainly aimed at "normal" people searching for something perverted, something unusual. I´m zoo for more than 25 years now and I´ve never understood the fascination some folks have for animal porn. Offering AP serves as a weirdo magnet IMHO. Especially on BF, there are two groups of individuals: one group visits for AP, for "one handed writing" as I call it, for fantasizing about things they probably never do in their entire lives. The other group is the actual zoos. The second group is significantly smaller than group one and will quit BF after they have witnessed enough bullshit to be pissed off and disencouraged to continue. The only "morals" I can see on BF are those referring to clear and bland animal abuse; and even these "morals" aren´t enforced strictly enough. I remember a guy named Calfboinker uploading a vid with a cow tied to a post, the rope tightening and choking her when she tried to get away. I and many other zoos reported this, but the video stayed accessible for another 4 weeks. After that, I left BF for obvious reasons. Our problem is that we really need to separate from the "beasties", from people not interested in the animal at all, solely focusing on the sex without any morals, without any thoughts given. The more porn is available on a forum, the more of these mindless eejits gather like flies around a pile of shit. Another pretty good example of what type of folks use these forums: We all "know" that mares are so "goddamn sexy" because they "twitch" when penetrated. Many insist on the illusion that this twitching is showing pleasure. But it´s nothing more than a myth brought up by those who do not understand horses. Twitching is a reflex that´s comparable to the muscle shaking horses do when a fly sits on thier bellies, that´s something a mare does to force out urine and excess semen AFTER the intercourse. A mare willing to be penetrated will OPEN UP wide, her labia will lose any tension. Just watch a natural mating vid: does the mare twitch when the stallion mounts her? No, not if she is "in the mood". But since many folks misinterpret this, probably by transposing human female behavior onto a mare, myths start to build. When I see one of these self proclaimed "horse experts" and " numero uno horse lovers" penetrate a mare and she does not even spread her hind legs, but the bloke keeps telling how "she´s totally into it", I suddenly understand that the claim of the antis "we´re all raping the animals" isn´t as far from actual truth as we all like to think. Actual knowledge of the animals isn´t found often on zoo forums: many myths and misconceptions swirl around and get passed on from one fool to another. This subreddit is a pleasant exception from this and that´s why I stranded here, after several years on BF and some other forums I participated in.

Bf might be not the worst forum out there, as you wrote. But still, it is one piece of the puzzle, one part of the distorted picture "normals" get when they search for information on "zoophilia". If we, the true zoos, ever want to get somewhere, we need to un-link us from anything that can harm our fight for tolerance. I don´t care if there are other forums out there that are okay with exteme animal torture; for me, BF isn´t much different from these other boards...a little bit more moderate, yes, but basically, it´s the same state of mind , the same target audience, the same greedy attitude. If we ever want to gain some gound i society, clear words from our side are desperately needed. Until we don´t separate us from the animal porn, fetish, asshole scene, nothing will ever grow for us...BF, chan-boards, it doesn´t matter.

If these Anonymous script kiddies would focus on bringing down AP sites, hell, I´d support them wholeheartedly.

Vaeraun88 1 point on 2016-02-25 17:28:25

The porn ain't going no where, though, so that's a bit of a pipe-dream. Once it's on the net it's there forever and no amount of wishful thinking would ever make it so. New 'forums' and 'chans' will always pop up re-hosting the content. Whether we like it or not it's here to stay. It would send a better message if BF and other high-traffic sites like it made it a point to completely ban abusive videos and the people that upload them, show that it's Not okay, and purge it from the Community in general, though, as well as experienced zoos dispelling prevalent myths about mares and other animals.

The abusive content would still resurface elsewhere, but at least distance would be put between That and the actual zoo community.

But, just like human porn, there will always be people that want to post vids/ect of them having fun with their pets, and no shortage of people that want to watch them, whether they are just fetishists or zoos that like to watch other zoos too. To think otherwise is frankly wishful thinking at its worst; you can't change human nature.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-02-26 14:31:33

I think that YOUR wishful thinking is speaking here. I remember a time where the internet was full of kiddie porn and you even received "offers" of CP material via email. All this shit is gone, at least from the "official" web. You surely can get what you want on the Darknet. But this shows it is possible to ban something entirely from the " surface" web. If politicians decide to treat AP the same way as CP, you can re-upload your "collection"...but will be visited by police soon after. Of course, there´s no shortage of people wanting to watch this stuff. Breaking taboos always will be thrilling for some.

Additionally I think you totally overestimate the teaching effect of forums like BF. Frequented mostly by people fantasizing, these forums are not the right place for real education. Trust me, you won´t be heard and regarded as a "boner killer".

I stick to what I´ve stated elsewhere: as long as animal porn is out there, the community of real zoos won´t get anywhere.Ii guess your´re an animal porn afficionado yourself and thus are defending "your little hobby" here. But just remember what I said about sexual behavior of mares when you watch the newest "ultra hot" man on mare clip. Shift your attention from your pleasure to what is actually happening onscreen for a moment and you easily can see why society is referring to us as animal rapists. Mares tied and cornered so they won´t run off from the "mutual and incredibly pleasurable experience", mares not showing any sign of own arousal, but signs of apathy (at best) or of distress. Watching this shit is supporting an industry that´s not at all interested in animal wellbeing, even the so called "amateur" shit usually is more abuse than mutual pleasure for human and animal. It´s time to get your head out of your arse and realize that animal porn is definitely the worst thing to link to true zoophilia. Think about it the next time you see a mare twitch during intercourse. Because you just witnessed plain and clear rape, although you don´t identify it as that. The nature of all porn is illusion. Let´s get rid of these illusions in order to replace it with reality, actual knowledge and zoophile ideals.

zetas212 2 points on 2016-02-23 17:56:31

They make a lot of noise, but I think the number of retweets and "likes" is pretty telling concerning their level of support. Plus, their vocabulary (not to mention their "arguments" )makes me think the main players haven't yet finished High School and want to play with the big boys by imitating anonymous.

Vaeraun88 2 points on 2016-02-24 01:07:02

Their "arguments" are idiotic anyway. If animals can't consent than all intercourse between animals is by default rape and the entire world is filled with constant and repetitive rape. Thus, we should endeavor to prevent all animals from ever having intercourse and take care of them all until they go extinct.

Homo sapiens are animals. You can't say one instance of animals having sex is okay and another is not, or that these two animals can consent but these two can't; it's hypocritical and stupid. As long as both animals are into it and want it there's nothing inherently wrong except for peoples preconceived notions of what they subjectively consider to be 'right'.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-02-24 04:37:05

The only argument I've ever seen them field is something to the extent of "it is impossible to have non-painful sex with an animal, because the genitals are on the backside..."

someone don't tell them that they're wrong, at least with dogs. It's not like they'd actually check...

Vaeraun88 2 points on 2016-02-24 06:43:13

As if the genitals arn't 'on the backside' if a human bends over lmao. Dog dicks are Big. Big breeds are considerably bigger than the average human. As long as they are in heat, and want it, chances of hurting a big bitch are slim to none. And mare-pussies laugh at our size, they are used to things 6-12x our volume being rammed inside like a freight train by something that weighs 5-10x as much as we do and is exponentially more powerful and heedless of any damage it could cause.

When the genders are reversed, it's the Human that has to be mindful of the Animals size in regards to pain, ect, but that risk is their own to choose to take in letting a large animal mount them. We have the intellectual capability to mitigate the risks to ourselves and the animal.

That said, as any trip to toypics will show you, human beings are ridiculously... accommodating. Big as dogs can be they arn't terribly likely to do any real damage no matter the circumstances to someone prepared. Horses are a bit different, at least full-sized and up, but there's plenty of ways to mitigate the chances of anything going wrong as well.

We have the extra grey matter available to ensure our animal friends and ourselves have an amazing time without anyone getting hurt. The same can't be said of overzealous male animals that could accidentally hurt the female without realizing it.

Like the previously mentioned argument, its a dumb one born of ignorance and preconceived, prejudiced ideas about zoos(that they have no intentions of changing no matter the facts anyway).

Vaeraun88 2 points on 2016-02-23 19:46:35

Well their twitter craps back on at least and they're actively targeting 'zoo' twitters and stuff again seemingly. Even furries arn't exempt it seems.

I find it funny that they are resorting to ad hominems, racism, baseless accusations and outright lies to push their agenda. They've called the entire nation of Hungary a bunch of primitive savage stoneage barbarians simply for not having any anti-zoo laws.

They also seem to love putting pictures of puppies on photos as emotional blackmail. Zoos arn't having sex with puppies. It's stupid.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2016-02-23 23:01:15

I find it funny that they are resorting to ad hominems, racism, baseless accusations and outright lies to push their agenda.


They also seem to love putting pictures of puppies on photos as emotional blackmail. Zoos arn't having sex with puppies. It's stupid.

While those things make them terrible human beings, they do seem to be powerful rhetorical devices.

Vaeraun88 2 points on 2016-02-24 00:35:47

They're effective on the zealous and the uneducated but they just make me roll my eyes at how moronic they are.

Edog91 1 point on 2016-02-26 13:31:42

I never knew he was banned from twitter. How link has he been gone?

bonniebubblegum deer, deer, and deer 1 point on 2016-03-03 10:29:17

all animal porn must be wiped from the net,

you cant remove porn from the internet. you can reduce it, but you can never remove it

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-03-03 13:08:32

What happened to the kiddie porn then? The ones sharing this vile stuff via the net when it was young have completely gone. Surely you can remove something from the net, the only thing needed is enough political will to get rid of something. By cutting availability of animal porn on the surface net, you definitely would make sharing and usage decrease. Easy availability of AP has to end.

bonniebubblegum deer, deer, and deer 1 point on 2016-03-04 11:20:27

The ones sharing this vile stuff via the net when it was young have completely gone.


ever heard of the deep web? some of them just went down there, and there are a few normal websites that have that stuff, but they are invite only and rarely appear on searches. plus what about subs like /r/jailbait? that wasn't banned too long ago.

bonniebubblegum deer, deer, and deer 1 point on 2016-03-04 11:22:54

the only thing needed is enough political will to get rid of something

surely you jest.

stalnixrm I wanna fuck a dog in the ass 1 point on 2016-02-23 21:33:11

Read some of the twitter. Ugh.

Their zealotry will meet its own end. They're not pro-animal so much as sexually uncomfortable, it would seem.

zetacola Loba 2 points on 2016-02-24 01:02:28

im account hacked by #OPBEAST with my 133t HAX0RZ SKILLZ all of u will die sick animal fuckers like what teh hell is wrong with u for wanting to rape inncoent dogs????????????????? i am normal unlike u i can get erections when talking to girls like ur mom LOL im the most mature person in my shcool i had sex with vaginas many times unlike u also iam totally not 12............ fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Vaeraun88 2 points on 2016-02-24 01:08:21

Lmfao. Nice one.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-02-24 04:37:59

I upvoted this. Something is wrong with me...

Vaeraun88 2 points on 2016-02-24 06:25:46

Probably because its as hilarious as it is likely how they would actually respond. :D

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 2 points on 2016-02-24 09:52:51

You spelled 'fuk u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' wrong. ;P

sevenbitches 1 point on 2016-02-25 05:21:43

Never post private information on any part of any zoo web forum that would harm you if it were made public, and you have nothing to worry about.

I've watched forums get blown up for an extended time and occasionally it doesn't even require any skill and a script kiddie can do it. As a general rule it's not a question of if but when, and that's the only safe mentality. They are large attack surfaces. People derive a false sense of safety from sense of community and administrator reassurances (among others).

It's not useful to make assumptions about the capabilities of this one specific loudmouth attacker and it would be foolish to base any decisions on them.