How to deal with the guilt and regret of performing sex acts with my dogs? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-02-26 10:45:17 by Throwaway81395723500

I've never penetrated them, but I've let them lick my dick, tried to stick my dick in their mouths and tonight I masturbated my dog until he was aroused and put his dick in my mouth for half a second before I realised what the fuck I was doing. Since I'm a horny teenager, I don't have many other outlets and when I do these things, I feel like I'm on autopilot, like I can't control myself.

Hopefully one day I can forget about what I've done, but for now how do I live with myself and move on from this?

30-30 amator equae 15 points on 2016-02-26 13:00:25

First of all: Stop doing it if you feel uncomfortable with it. I´m quite sure that you´ll soon get replies from others saying that it´s no problem, you´re a zoophile, nothing to be ashamed of etc. , but I think that shame plays an important role. You´re a teenager, right? Teenagers tend to experiment a lot and strange things can happen when hormones take over. If I were you, I wouldn´t worry too much, ´cause this seems nothing more than using an outlet for your sexuality. Just search for another outlet if you feel uncomfortable with "dogplay".

But there´s one big disappointment: You won´t "forget about what you´ve done". You will always know what you´ve done, even some decades later. Your task simply is learning to live with that. You could tell yourself it was your experimental phase, the hormones or any other "reason" why you did it...but you´ll surely can´t make it undone and just forget it.

So, just don´t do it again if you have such strong emotional problems with it. Be aware of the fact that you have stepped on dangerous terrain and that the majority of society isn´t very open about sexual acts with animals. Maybe someday you can laugh about what you´ve done out of sheer horniness when you were young. In retrospective, things will always be perceived less dramatic, you know.

You seem to be no zoophile and what you´ve done was mainly a hormone driven thing. You CAN move on. When you´re older, promise that you keep in mind that there are some individuals out there who CAN`T "just move on" because zoophilia is their sexual and emotional orientation. For you, it was an outlet, for us, it is something we can´t run away from, we can´t change at will, can´t just quit. Be glad that you obviously are not one of us and your "dogplay" hopefully is only a short episode of your sexual development.

So, don´t worry about it too much. Just don´t let it happen again, time will help you to get over it, promised. But don´t forget about us, those who can´t blame it on hormones and youth. For you, it was a hormone driven adventure, for us, it´s a lifelong reality that gets us hatred and disgust from all the "normal" folks out there.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-02-27 05:06:05

You pretty much just said what I was going to say. (I know, we agree on something? Hehe).

TheLordMyDog 1 point on 2016-02-27 06:04:23

Perfect advice and comment, yet again.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-02-26 16:56:13


myloverhasfur Canidae 3 points on 2016-02-26 16:59:02

As 30-30 said, find another outlet if you'll regret this. If, as he suggests, this is just because you're a teenager, and not because you're attracted to your dogs, it will do you (and your dogs) no good to continue. If, on the other hand, you do love them like that, or if you have trouble being sexually attracted to humans, you'll have to struggle seriously with it. In either case you can't change the past, but you can choose how you'll react in future. You can choose to define yourself by your past, but you don't have to.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 3 points on 2016-02-26 18:43:26

Oh man, been there, done that, felt the guilt and then I realised I actually was a zoo, lol.

More people than we know experiment with their dogs. Like you say, when youre a horny teenager you do stuff that you look back on and think it was a bit weird, but I can guarantee you're not the only one who does it.

If you think this is just a curiousity kind of thing and want to try and move on then thats fine. Just realise that you didnt hurt them in any way and what you did was just due to teenage curiosity. The world will keep turning and the memories of it will fade and you can put it down to being a stupid, curious teenager like everyone once was. If this is as bad as it gets for you you can probably count yourself lucky.

I will say though that in my case, the feelings didnt fade, which is why I'm here with everyone else. ya just gotta see what happens.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-02-27 06:05:56

Maybe he doesn't actually have any "feelings" of that nature for the dogs.

West_dogger ek hou van seks met honde 1 point on 2016-02-28 11:45:20

Don't do it if you feal guilty afterwords, thinking of him or her as a sexual outlet.

TheLostOne97531 2 points on 2016-02-28 16:52:35

Okay, simple answer? You don't. You simply shove it in the back of your mind.

Complicated answer? It depends on if you're an actual zoo. If you are an actual zoo, things are a bit more complicated. If you're not, see the above "Simple answer". If you are, you find a comfortable spot. find something that doesn't make you feel guilt, and then do that. Bit as long as neither you nor him feel horrible about it, to borrow from the Wiccans, "If it harms none, do what you will". You might just be a horny teen or you may be a real zoo. If it's the former, don't worry, you'll grow out of it. If it's the latter, don't worry, you'll accept yourself for it, the same as gays accept themselves, transgendered people accept themselves, you get the idea. If it harms none, and makes none feel guilty, do what you will.

Hope I helped somewhat


Altuser100 2 points on 2016-03-03 00:59:35

As someone pretty far removed from teen year I've learned there are sooo many more important things to have guilt over.Even if its just general meanness to other people. My spouse and I have let our pup explore his natural interest in my naughty bits and I don't obsess over it after the moment has passed anymore than I walk around thinking about my vibrator after I use that. Now if you want to have a relationship with your pet then you have something misdirected going on. Relationships exist between relative equals and if you've personified an animal to the level of thinking its equivalent to a human than you need to check that. What will actually happen is you'll meet a female and forget all about your misadventure with your 4 legged friend, or at least realize it was just a weird thing you did. Most people have lots of those in their closets

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-03-03 13:31:58

WTF??? Letting the dog "explore his natural (?) interest in naughty bits" is okay, but feeling love is misdirected? Conclusion: treat your animal like a vibrator, then everything is fine.....excuse me, I´ll gonna have to go and puke...

ursusem 1 point on 2016-03-06 00:03:58

And animals and humans are unequal to each other because why? One talks and the other one doesn't?