So I was Banned for 4chan (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-02-28 04:59:56 by [deleted]


electricfoxx 3 points on 2016-02-28 05:17:28

I usually browse 8chan. They seem quite friendly.

TheLostOne97531 1 point on 2016-02-28 05:24:36

Thank you.

zetacola Loba 1 point on 2016-02-28 05:27:48

It's so slow tho.

TheLostOne97531 0 points on 2016-02-28 05:44:06

You want a link to my thread? I didn't save all the pics because

1- Low storage space

2- Just didn't appeal to me

zetacola Loba 1 point on 2016-02-29 05:05:30

Shitty thread bro.

TheLostOne97531 1 point on 2016-02-29 20:41:46

Yep. Just pointing something out to you.

30-30 amator equae 6 points on 2016-02-28 08:53:22

So you´re back here again...

I won´t waste my time with you, but I stumbled across your "American equality party manifesto".

An excerpt: "4. Ban on all porn for those under eighteen. Internet porn banned, no exceptions.(...)"

Add this, coming from a 15 year old: "(...) because I posted zoophilia...(...)"

First, you can´t "post zoophilia", there´s no such thing as "zoophilia" porn, "zoo" porn,there´s only animal porn. Second, wow, your level of hypocrisy recently just hit 9000. A 15 y.o. posting animal porn on the internet, complaining about being banned, yet writing a manifesto where all what he is doing himself is outlawed...I´m speechless. I never witnessed such inconsistency before (okay, politicians and religions ^^ ....).

I´m not against outsiders partaking in here,not at all. But what I´m against is being abused as a playground by a little kid. Zoophilia is serious, we are serious and not here to entertain the lonely, the trolls, the attention whores etc. If you can keep it SERIOUS and HONEST this time, I don´t mind. But if you try to bullshit us/me with your obviously made up crap again, I´ll do what I did last time. So, keep it civil. If you have questions about zoophilia, then feel free to ask. Honesty would be highly appreciated.

P.S.: A little hint: As others seem to post animal porn on your chan-board without getting banned, I suspect your ban isn´t necessarily dependent on posting porn...anyone who has experienced your last visit in here may get the idea it´s something else that got you banned...

TheLostOne97531 0 points on 2016-02-28 16:42:39

Okay, okay, I'll be civil and honest. Completely civil and honest.

Yeah, I'm a gargantuan hypocrite, if I were a pope, I'd be pope Innocent, and the Borgias and the DiMedicis. In actuality, I never really left, I've been checking in on here some days, reading silently, not posting.

But as far as I know, I didn't post anything against either 4chan or global rules, other than animal porn. But yet, others posted far more explicitly than myself and were not banned. But I'm not going to claim innocence.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-02-29 10:29:56

When I see what you did elsewhere ("I´m a Trump supporter" - "I´m against trump"), could it be that nobody wants to play with a "subsonic pastry on the floor" (a.k.a. as lyin`Bass Tart ;) )?

Maybe quitting to piss off everybody within the first days of membership in a community would help not getting banned for "no reason" other than applied common sense by the mods?

TheLostOne97531 1 point on 2016-02-29 20:42:29

Yeah, sometimes, to promote my own personal or political agenda, I lie. Like politicians. I do not like Trump, I'm writing a little bit of something as to why.

I have no idea what you are referring to, please elaborate?

Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 1 point on 2016-02-28 17:50:07

"Rule 9 : There is no real rules about moderating. Enjoy your BAN."

TheLostOne97531 1 point on 2016-02-28 17:54:54

I don't get it

Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 1 point on 2016-02-28 18:02:11
TheLostOne97531 1 point on 2016-02-28 18:16:18

I do not like these rules. How do I overthrow this?

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2016-02-28 19:04:43

You don't. The rules govern you. You obey the rules.

TheLostOne97531 1 point on 2016-02-28 19:06:20

Unless I'm a rebel. Then I break rules

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2016-02-28 19:11:37

You can break 'em, but you can't overthrow them.

TheLostOne97531 1 point on 2016-02-28 19:48:37

Meh, I'll use 8chan. Much better

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2016-02-28 19:55:15


TheLostOne97531 1 point on 2016-02-28 20:06:01

But why do we need a "Rule 009" in the frst place?

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2016-02-28 20:17:48

Because people felt entitled to know why they were being banned.

TheLostOne97531 1 point on 2016-02-28 20:27:51

Well they do have a right to know, or at least they should

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2016-02-28 21:21:41

Oh well. Life isn't fair.

TheLostOne97531 1 point on 2016-02-28 22:07:44

Nope. or else we would all be sharing in the bounty of the earth and Communism would be everywhere. Except, to borrow from "Whatculture", NOPE.

Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 1 point on 2016-02-29 10:16:52

Life is a cruel bitch.

Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 1 point on 2016-02-29 10:15:25

You can't.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-02-29 05:36:31

I felt inclined to post a post about how 30-30's opninions on zoo-porn are just that, opinions he likes to present as "facts" but there is so much else going on in this scatterbrained thread it puts me (your resident scatterbrain) to shame. I don't know where to start. I guess I'll start with this:

U mad bro?

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-02-29 08:12:30

Since our clingy little friend hasn´t brought up anything of importance yet, I´ll accept your offer to argue...;) So, let´s do the basics. Zoophilia = a sexual orientation consisting of emotional love AND sexual attraction towards animals Bestiality = solely based on sexual attraction towards animals So, zoophilia can be compared to a firm relationship and/or marriage as the emotional part is of great importance. Porn = depicting any sexual act. The way it is depicted strongly focuses on the mere bodily mechanisms. The main interest lies on the sexual organs. Emotions are usually not depicted in porn, as this would totally interfere with the interest of the average target audience. Porn is usually categorized by what is depicted, like in "gay porn", "normal/hetero porn". It doesn´t matter what kind of relationship the actors have. So, saying that "zoo" porn exists is like saying that "marriage" porn is a thing. For the main purpose of porn, it really doesn´t matter what kind of interpersonal status the actors have. For zoophilia, on the contrary, the status of the relationship is what really matters and what sets zoophilia apart from bestiality.

In case you intend to say that "zoo" stands for zoosexual, then I have to call this BS. The term zoosexual has been just recently brought in by those who don´t qualify as bona fide zoophiles, but still want to use this enticing, scientific sounding greek term "zoo". Zoosexual basically means "having sex with animals" and is some kind of an all inclusive term as it also includes so called "zoo sadists" (who really are nothing more than sadists not "brave" enough to live out their "fantasies" with yoomans yet) and "animal crushers ". The suffix "zoo-" is used incorrectly in the term zoosexual as it is a long existing abbreviation for zoophile we already used more than twenty years ago. An example: the greek word for human is anthropos. Calling "normal porn" anthro porn would enrage the anthro/furry scene as it is their term. Although not wrong per se, the suffix "anthro- " has a completely different meaning and is the abbreviation for anthropomorph (shaped like a human). The term "zoosexual" is not only illegitimately using the "zoo-" suffix, it additionally reverses the original meaning of "zoo-". Say, do you really want to call yourself a "zoosexual" and standing in line with the sadists, the rapists, the dicks? I guess that´s not the case...society already puts us zoophiles in the same drawer as all those other dickheads "playin´around with animals", why should we not only be complacent, but ,even worse, do this mixing and misinterpreting ourselves? Zoo pride enormously depends on separation of true zoophilia from bestiality, from sadism, from rape, from using an animal as a live sex toy. The common misinterpretation of the z-word within our scene has led to the z-word being commonly used by anyone as a synonym for "fucks with animals". Do we really want that? Common and mindless misuse won´t make something into a "right". Example? "TicTac. Only two calories"....No. One TicTac has in fact two thousand calories, or two kilocalories (Kcal), but everyone uses it wrong. A weight watcher does not count calories, he/she counts kilocalories. The same goes for this "zoo-" shit; just because everyone uses it wrong, it won´t become a"right" someday.

Coming back to our starter topic: There IS NO "zoo" porn. There´s only animal porn. If I had recorded my mare and myself doin´it and decided to upload, many of the porn consumers would definitely have been disappointed of one hour of video, but no sexualized angles, no rabbit-like in-and-out, but cuddling, kissing and slow and gentle intercourse. If there´s true love, it becomes uninteresting and even boring for the average porn consumer, trust me. You can easily see that by analyzing all different types of porn, extrapolating a porn "formula". Extremely sexualized, focused solely on the reproductive organs and intromission, stupid shit like "creampies", "moneyshots" and such get the idea behind, I hope. Mechanized sexuality, meaty fuck robots....that´s the whole idea behind porn. Zoophilia, if understood as a real loving relationship between human and animal, per se disqualifies for porn.

Summary: No "zoo" porn, no such thing as "zoosexuality" because emotions aren´t recorded, can´t be recorded and "zoosexuality" is a basically meaningless term in itself and is a sloppy translation of "animal fucking".

Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 1 point on 2016-02-29 10:19:41

You're loosing your time.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-02-29 10:49:14

Since my mare died, I have plenty....

Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 1 point on 2016-02-29 14:06:41

I'm sorry for you, but your time should be spended searching a new one to live with, not wasted trying to educate a trolling kiddy.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-02-29 17:34:12

FYI: This is aimed at Rannoch, not our underage troll...;)

Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 1 point on 2016-02-29 20:17:35

I was talking about Rannoch too...

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 0 points on 2016-03-04 05:47:17

You seriously believe I am a trolling kiddy? What little respect for who I am and what I have been through... I am no troll. I respect 30-30 as I suspect he respects me, thus this discussion. Perhaps the troll is to be found within yourself here.

That's all I have for you.

Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 0 points on 2016-03-04 07:02:52

Who you are ?
You're just an other nickname on reddit.
Nothing more.

Don't forget that.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-03-05 06:06:37

No, this name goes far beyond Reddit. Nice try though. Look on knotty. Look on zoophilesdestiny. Look on the archives of I've been here awhile.

Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 1 point on 2016-03-05 08:14:20

And do you really think it make you greater ?
I've been in zoo combat for so many years I can't remember when I begin to.
But I don't think I'm superior than anyone here.

Land on the dust. You became an arrogant one.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-03-05 08:28:46

I didn't say I was superior, I said I was not a troll. (Actually my whole debate with 30-30 is precisely about not being "zooier than thou" ironically.)

Simple. At any rate, you may have struck a chord because I HAVE been banned from a number of zoo forums for another Rannoch's actions (the name is common and is drawn from a storybook). I may have thought you were misassociating me. For that I apologize. I have a bit of a persecution complex on that one, admitedly.

Personally, I don't know about you, but I've been done with "zoo combat" for many years. Now, I just like to debate and hang out with people who understand. That is all.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-03-01 19:37:32

Zoophilia = a sexual orientation consisting of emotional love AND sexual attraction towards animals

This is where we disagree. I defer to the DSM definition, which is merely a sexual infatuation with animals. And so does most of the world, to be frank.

If we accept this, the rest of your argument is rather baseless. Of course, you don't, but we've been around this bush before...

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-03-01 22:13:13

...yeh,right...and having sex with animals is rape. At least that´s what "the rest of the world" thinks, so it MUST be right. So, would you please tell me the difference between a zoophile and a beasty? According to the DSM definition, there is none...agree on that,too?

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-03-03 04:16:08

Make a new word for your belief then. We can't go around redefining what the world uses... because if there is one thing the "rest of the world" is correct on, it's how they use words on a global scale.

I prefer "zoosexual."

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-03-03 13:48:41

Wow, what arrogance. Stealing a bike and when the victim complains about it, simply replying "Get another one!"... Do you know why the term "zoophile" has become the publicly accepted term for "fucks animals"? Do you know who is to blame? Well, you "zoosexual" (what exactly are you? Fencehopper, Animal ripper, someone using animals as live sex toys? ´cause all of that is included in your "zoosexual" rubbish), could it be that I´m simply right about many things? You guys have taken our word hostage, viciously and ruthlessly. Why do we need another new word? You stole it from us. BTW: We already have another word, but this time, we won´t make the same mistake and go public with it until our community grew enough to protect it from you "zoosexuals".

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-03-04 05:44:05

No, zoosexual is not currently a recognized term, so we can decide what it means. You can apply your "clean-zoo" meaning to it if you want. It is not printed in any english dictionary. "Zoophile/zoophilia" is.

To my knowledge, the word "zoophilia" is very old, and far predates our community. No one "stole" it. It has always meant "a sexual infatuation with animals." It says nothing regarding love or anything else.

TheLostOne97531 1 point on 2016-02-29 20:41:20

Yep. I am a bit upset.

AntiTheory 1 point on 2016-03-02 04:56:08

Yeah, me too. Join the club. It's called 8chan where they have a containment board for this sort of thing.

TheLostOne97531 1 point on 2016-03-02 20:39:10

That may be, but I still have reason to be pissed off. I mean, it is called "NFSW" for a reason. I can post porn, but the second an animal gets involved- "You have been banned for violating global rule 1."