Bill to ban bestiality hits resistance from New Hampshire farming reps (
submitted 2016-03-01 17:55:59 by zoozooz
Clopanator 2 points on 2016-03-01 21:22:51

Love NH. <3

zetacola Loba 3 points on 2016-03-01 21:36:43

[...] urged committee members to consider the consequences such legislation could have on normal animal husbandry practices.

Define "normal."

zoozooz 16 points on 2016-03-01 22:02:38

You see, if you are a farmer and you jack off a horse to collect the semen, everything is fine.

But if an hour later you think "that was fun" and do the exact same thing again for fun, you committed a heinous act of animal abuse and need to go to prison.

Not because there's any difference in what you do with the horse - but because one is considered a "normal practice" by some people and the other is not.

SunTzuSaidThat 2 points on 2016-03-01 23:02:31

A double-standard thoughtcrime double whammy!

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 7 points on 2016-03-01 23:39:00

Double whinny.

zetacola Loba 1 point on 2016-03-02 02:55:49

My point exactly.

30-30 amator equae -1 points on 2016-03-02 06:28:53 collect semen for breeding is definitely an entirely different thing than "jacking off" a stallion. To collect semen, you only have short contact with the penis...mainly to insert it into the phantom. If you do it for your own sexual needs, you wouldn´t be satisfied by that, right? Please don´t mix those two things...collecting semen isn´t "jacking off". Do you really think that breeders rub a stallion´s penis to get the "white gold"? I´ve worked at a large south German breeding farm for showjumping horses when I was an apprentice and had to help "harvesting" stallions several times. If you really get off by that, you definitely need professional help, guys. It´s like saying that milking a cow is the same as playing around with tits.

I guess you all suffer from the usual bias that can be witnessed in our community. I understand your quest for good arguments, but saying that breeding is the same as manipulating a stallion´s penis for your own pleasure really is dumb and additionally accuses all breeders of subliminal bestiality. Just because there are some (!) similarities, it still isn´t the same. You wouldn´t compare a cutting done by a professional body mod artist to what some people suffering from borderline do to themselves...

zoozooz 3 points on 2016-03-02 09:41:11

If you do it for your own sexual needs, you wouldn´t be satisfied by that, right?

Maybe not.

Do you really think that breeders rub a stallion´s penis to get the "white gold"?

It's about what the law says. If for the law the only difference is using your hands vs using a "fleshlight", that doesn't make too much sense...

But yea, if you don't count slightly sensual cleaning, maybe dogs are a better example.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2016-03-02 13:28:14

The point you seem to be making isn't the point I think the others are making.

If it's inherently abusive for a human to be involved in a non-humans sexual activities, then breeding must be abusive. That doesn't tell anyone if either is inherently abusive, and it doesn't tell anyone if it's abusive in some circumstances, it's just that breeding is a strict subset of human involvement in non-human sexual activity.

larblac 1 point on 2016-03-03 05:04:20

Manipulating a stallion's penis to make him ejaculate is pretty much jacking him off, either manually like crumping or with an artificial vagina.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2016-03-03 08:08:29

Could it be that you´re all a little stuck on your "zoosexual narrative" here? What benefit has this "argument" given us? People use your logic for decades now and it had led us nowhere. By trying to legitimate sexual contact with animals this way, you only distance yourselves even more from the Average Joe who agrees with me and sees a significant difference between breeding and having sexual interest in animals. It´s not logic that will gain us tolerance, it´s emotions. You can argue how "it´s technically the same", but society will only become alienated more and more...please, get rid of your "zoo narrative", reestablish contact with the "normals". Don´t try to force your "supreme, logical evaluations" onto society, this will only blow up right in your faces.

larblac 1 point on 2016-03-05 07:12:01

I don't have a "zoosexual narrative" because I don't know what that is or means (the same could be said of the entirety of your above post; I have no clue what you're even discussing).

I also don't care about legitimacy, average joes, "normals" or society; I'm pointing out that masturbating a horse is masturbating a horse, regardless on how someone dresses it up either with technical terminology or crass language.

zoozooz 5 points on 2016-03-01 22:34:54

There's also a big discussion in "other discussions".

Blatantly stolen joke:

Q: What do you get when you inject human DNA into a sheep?

A: Banned from the petting zoo

Kynophile Dog lover 3 points on 2016-03-01 23:22:30

My question is, where are the free speech nuts on this? The bits about promotion or advocacy are what really rankle my deepest principles. Banning bestiality would suck, but would at least be understandable from the perspective of the general public. Banning speech about bestiality, though, is downright authoritarian.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-03-02 07:14:35

I can totally understand you, but I always try to see both sides of things. Let´s not fall for the usual "us and them" mentality and see it from another perspective: "Our" community made a basic mistake several years ago by becoming too "tolerant" (I´d rather call it indiffferent). Any "newcomers" are welcome, regardless of their motives, their attitudes etc. Our numbers increased as more and more people joined the "zoo community"; sadly, it wasn´t only "true zoos" joining, but a vast number of people who want to "explore", want to "live out themselves". We also included all those whose major interest is porn, some of us even consider porn as a vital ingredient of our community. For someone viewing us from the outside, it must look like we´re infecting society with all our "animal fucking shit" as more and more bored people/couples and fantasizing individuals keep joining our visible representations (forums etc.). Additionally, more and more cases of fencehoppers, animal rippers and amateur porn producers make it to the headlines. For someone on the outside, phrases like "seen animal porn for the first time, been hooked ever since" shape a certain picture, namely that of a "sexual plague" that spreads among society. Especially online forums can have some kind of advertizig effect and it surely isn´t entirely made up by "them" outsiders that being able to talk about any fantasy including sex with animals has a significant encouraging effect on a significant percentage of community members to try it themselves "in natura". Don´t get me wrong, I also think that banning speech about bestiality/zoophilia isn´t favorable at all, but I see that our community has totally forgotten any responsibilities and became blinded by this distorted misinterpretation of "tolerance". I can only point at one of the rules we published two decades ago, the Zeta rules. One of them says "Don´t talk ´em in, talk ´em out". The real meaning behind that always was to avoid becoming a threat to society by placing quantity over quality. Especially zoophilia is dependent on the character qualities of each single individual, the quality of motive and attitude. Turning it into the "next big thing" in sexual fancy is what brought us to this point where even a ban on talking about bestiality/zoophilia becomes legit for the authorities.

Many accuse me of being a judgmental asshole, but I never do it because I want to be recognized as "the perfect zoo", residing above everybody else. I always do it because I want to protect our community from becoming something that poses a threat to society. Remember physics 101: Every action will be followed by an appropriate reaction. Exactly this is what seems to happen here: We became too visible, too vast in numbers because we counted everyone "in" without checking if the "aspirant" meets any moral stadards, without checking if he/she can meet all the responsibilities involved in zoophilia. We became indifferent and carried away by the illusion that we only had to increase our numbers to be heard. Now, "they" hear us...but what "they" hear and see is far from tolerable. We as a community became so self obsessed that we entirely lost the connection to the "normal" folks. This is what maybe will break our necks and drive us into oblivion. If our community does refuse to finally wake up like it did for decades now, we will lose everything. Not only our animals and reputation when caught, but even the possibility to communicate online. We all need to wake up before it´s too late. Things like banning us entirely from the net will happen when "tolerance" will kill common sense, when contact to the real world is lost.

Just to remind everyone: the Zeta rules weren´t made to judge you. They were made to ensure that our community can survive in a hostile environment. We as a community have failed to self organize enough so we´re not seen as a threat to society. We discarded any rules to ensure "tolerance" within our community. Now, this "tolerance" seems to backfire at us. You surely can put the blame on the "unjust and intolerant" society, but it was mainly our own fault. We missed out on shaping a public image that creates sympathy for us; instead we preferred to put out the picture of zoophilia as "just another kink/fetish" by letting all those pervos/fetishists/non zoos in. That´s what happens when an etire scene misses out on community hygiene. Don´t blame the "evil" authorities, it´s what our scene has become that forces them to counteract with bans, laws and stuff...

Susitar Canidae 6 points on 2016-03-01 23:28:04

I'm glad to see some probably "normal people" point out the hypocrisy of banning all forms of bestiality while allowing artificial insemination. But then again, since a lot of people don't own farm animals and have no idea about the common practices in the meat industry, they might not even know how common artificial insemination is...

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 3 points on 2016-03-01 23:36:02

"Would impose a Class B felony, punishable by up to seven years in prison"

Isn't that quite extreme?

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2016-03-01 23:44:17

Funnily enough, their neighbor to the south, Massachusetts, makes it punishable by up to 20 years. But it's a "crimes against nature" law, and by its letter probably bans homosexuality and any other vague thing as well.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-03-02 07:38:40

so they can get married now, but they can't have sex? ha! idiot lawmakers...

bonniebubblegum deer, deer, and deer 1 point on 2016-03-03 10:17:55

i never thought it would happen here so soon... at least theres some resistance to it

bonniebubblegum deer, deer, and deer 1 point on 2016-03-03 10:18:36

this just adds to my theory that it will get a lot worse for use before it gets any better