Are there any zoos who find nonhuman apes / monkeys attractive? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-03-05 08:54:06 by Swibblestein

It occurs to me that I'm not sure I've never actually heard of a zoophile being attracted to apes or monkeys of any sort, with the obvious exception of humans.

This is interesting to me, given the wide variety of species I've heard described as attractive, and given how the rest of the apes are our closest living relatives at the moment.

I wonder if it is precisely because of how close they are to humans - perhaps they fall into a sort of sexual "uncanny valley"?

(Though its only tangentially related, monkeys also seem to be nearly absent from the Furry Fandom as well)

Anyway, I'm curious if anyone knows of any zoos who are attracted to that general group of nonhuman animals. I'm also curious if anyone has any hypotheses as to why that attraction is so relatively rare.

electricfoxx 3 points on 2016-03-05 13:20:33

I find Ring Tailed Lemurs attractive, but that's about it.

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-03-05 17:17:21

To be fair, Lemurs aren't monkeys. But that said, they ARE primates, so that is still an interesting thing.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2016-03-05 18:37:44


Adramelec 2 points on 2016-03-05 13:32:25

i would love to have sex with an Bonobo male or an Gorilla :)

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-03-05 17:19:26

Well, from what I know of Bonobos, it would seem like the only barrier to such an event would be finding some time with a Bonobo. Getting intimate would be... well, trivial.

That's interesting though. Can you speculate as to why most other people don't find apes attractive?

Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 2 points on 2016-03-05 21:32:47

Maybe because apes are too far close to humans.

I don't find apes and monkeys attractive. My heart belongs to equines.

BrazenBull00R 6 points on 2016-03-05 20:03:43
ZooMasil 2 points on 2016-03-05 21:32:10

technically speaking, human/bonobo hybrids are possible, I would be very interested in seeing someone actually make one.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2016-03-05 22:17:41

The offspring would be too much of a monkey for human town, and too much of a human for monkey town.

Swibblestein 3 points on 2016-03-05 22:31:40

I'd need a citation on such hybrids being possible. I've heard people make similar claims before but they always amount to an urban legend.

ZooMasil 1 point on 2016-03-05 22:41:10

well there's a wiki page that has some genetic reasoning behind why it's possible, but that's the thing we don't actively try so we don't know if it could be done, that's why I'd like to see.

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-03-05 23:09:23

Ah, then in the future, for clarity, "might be possible" would be the better choice of words over simply "is possible".

zoozooz 1 point on 2016-03-06 11:17:42

but that's the thing we don't actively try

That only reminds me of the alleged and allegedly failed experiments under Stalin: (obviously not a reliable source)

Not trying to defend Stalin, but it does sound far fetched--

Pigeondance Birdies yay 2 points on 2016-03-05 21:37:46

Interesting question, one I've considered before too..I don't know if it's an uncanny Vally thing or what, but I think they look downright creepy. Virtually the only animal group that I can't find physical beauty (sexual or otherwise) in. I mean they are cool animals but I wouldn't want to spend time with one.

Lefthandedsock 2 points on 2016-03-06 18:20:37

I'm certainly not attracted to them. Their personalities seem atrocious, and they look like ugly humans.

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 3 points on 2016-03-07 00:20:32

I'm attracted to great apes! Especially gorillas and bonobos.

Someone sent me a message on tumblr a while ago when I posted about it and said the reason they weren't attracted to apes was because they were too close to looking human. I'm not zoo-exclusive, so maybe that's why the "in between" look doesn't bother me very much. I find it intriguing.

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-03-07 02:23:20

Hm. Well. That's pretty interesting.

Honestly my first impulse as to why they're not attractive to me is "too humanlike" as well, but that only applies to great apes. Non-ape monkeys don't really look that human.

animalfancier 1 point on 2016-03-07 17:03:39

It may be that apes and monkeys are humanlike but not humanlike enough. I certainly don’t find apes attractive in a sexual way. It might seem odd; as apes are our closest relatives, you might expect that if humans were going to find another species sexually attractive, it would be some kind of ape. But actually, it makes sense that it’s not.

One of the first things that must develop in the formation of a new species is a ‘mating barrier.’ A developing species must avoid mating with the species it’s evolving from or the two will simply re-merge, and the new species will never become established. So the sexual-signals that used to be used by the ‘old species’ to act as lures must fail to impress members of the ‘new’ species. In other words: what used to be a turn-on becomes a turn-off. I’m fairly sure most people - zoophiles or not - would regard our immediate ancestor, Homo erectus as none-too-attractive; so, however close they are to our species, mating with one of them would be a no-no.

However, by coincidence, some species may have features that mimic the sexual signals in another, and it’s sometimes suggested that humans - and other animals - go in go in for cross-species sex because the signals being sent out from the other species resemble those that trigger sexual behaviour in their own. Certainly, I find horses’ (mares’) rear-ends alluring because they resemble human buttocks - specifically women’s. And of course, the fact that horses are fine-looking animals probably has a lot to do with it as well. (I also remember watching a Golden Labrador’s rear-end waggling from side to side, like a woman’s, as she walked in front of me, in a way I found sexually exciting.)

I tend to feel that sexual attraction in humans towards other animals is more common than is suspected, even if it’s dubious if it qualifies as zoophilia. How many people have masturbated whilst stroking their pets, or at least been sexually turned on by them, and yet don’t regard themselves as ‘zoo’s? I suspect the numbers may be much higher than is generally believed. (Certainly, from the popularity of animal-mating videos on the Internet, particularly horse or dog, a lot of people seem to like watching animals having sex.)

biohazardousfag69 1 point on 2016-03-08 09:13:47

Well, I HAVE been banged by a few silverbacks in my time.

FN-2187_ 1 point on 2016-03-27 17:53:10


Cromcorrag 1 point on 2016-05-07 05:23:46

I'm hugely attracted to female Bonobo apes. I'm sure I'll never have the chance to have sex with one, but I'd give her hours of oral, and even tongue kiss her. And have every kind of sex she'd allow.