In all seriousness, would Donald Trump be the best candidate for zoophiles? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-03-09 04:01:05 by Frostfedora Captain Esports

Ted Cruz is an evangelical who would definitely oppose it. Rubio's pretty much irrelevant at this point. Kasich is too religious. Clinton would never support something that unpopular. Bernie would be confused-- what does that have to do with wall street?

But meanwhile, Trump gives no fucks and just wants to make America greater than ever before, and what says "great" like strengthening the ancient bond between man and beast? He's also interested in appointing a conservative (yet likely not heavily religious) Supreme Court justice, who would presumably be less of a handwringer about "m-muh animal abooooooooose, muh consent" than a leftist judge appointed by Hillary or Bernie, especially Hillary.


Kynophile Dog lover 10 points on 2016-03-09 04:28:15

Honestly, I don't think so. To be fair, I have a liberal bias (I support Bernie, but really only as the best of bad options), but I think his desire to make America great again would, in practice, mean a return to conformity and the values of the 50s. Hell, if you mentioned it to him, he'd probably talk about that time he saw it in a Tijuana bible and go on a rant about Mexico. Bernie, meanwhile, is a lifelong civil rights activist with a great deal of sympathy for underdogs and tunnel vision for economics. He doesn't care at all, it seems, about cultural change, and that is worlds better than someone who wants culture to get closer to an all-American mythos in which nuance and subtlety are derided as too faggy for this land.

To be fair, I do think that Bernie would be completely paralyzed by an intransigent Congress and upset identity politicians on the left. But it's better than someone who, like Trump or Clinton, seems beholden to say what people want to hear, regardless of how little sense it makes.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-03-09 06:29:56
Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 7 points on 2016-03-09 06:52:18

As european, I see Trump as the worst thing the world could ever nightmare.
Bush was a catastrophe, and you put him on president chair again.
Obama is the worst liberty pourfender of all time, and you put him on president chair again.

Please, don't make a fucking mistake again.
Trump is a clown.
You'll win nothing with him.
You'll loose everything with him.

But I can see the other ones aren't better at all.
"The choice between black death and cholera", as we say in french here.

WeAreDifferent Canines 6 points on 2016-03-10 05:11:20

As a german, I hardly see a difference between Trump and Hitler.

That should mean something.

incognito-cognition 4 points on 2016-03-10 18:33:18

Kidding aside, the parallels are there. And I'm sure there were many people in Germany saying that he was the wrong choice at the time, but we see how that worked out.

To the OP's question, most equality groups oppose Trump, and provide a plethora of quotes to support their position. Admittedly most of them are regarding his stance on gay marriage, not overall equality, but I would not count on any favors from him.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-03-11 01:42:22

"Raise your right hand and swear to vote for Donald Trump!"

I mean, yeah. Pretty blatant parallels at this point.

AntiTheory 1 point on 2016-04-23 00:00:11

I watch the news at the gym sometimes, and I see Trump every time I do, and the headline is always either him saying something totally racist, bigoted, hypocritical, or outlandish, or it about how he just surged ahead in polls or won a new state.

And I can't help but watch this downward spiral towards the closest we've ever had to a totalitarian presidential candidate and wonder if future generations of Americans might interview me one day and ask me how we let it all happen.

zetacola Loba 1 point on 2016-03-09 16:09:06

Hahahaha oh wow...

I support anyone who will make this goddamn country fall to its knees. So Go Trump!

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-03-09 21:24:10


thatwierdcouple 2 points on 2016-03-24 16:31:45

my thoughts, you are as crazy as trump.

hungover_unicorn 2 points on 2016-03-29 06:51:20

Feel the Bern.