Young adult problems (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-03-11 12:40:28 by Throwaway93184

So, typical story, young adult early 20's really starting to get into the zoo community. I've been a lurker for years on beastforum, never made an account, I've had a sexual experience with a dog when I was very young and I think this steams from that. I feel no shame looking at hentai about it or reading stories or even roleplaying with people I know who I can trust. I've even began to be more open about my sexuality and vocalize it with people I'm in a relationship with. The only thing I'm really on the fence about is the act of it, actually doing something like that I don't know if I could do that or not. I've jerked off dogs before, but never actually, ya know, been wham bam slam dunked before. I'm just really not sure if i can take that step

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 4 points on 2016-03-11 13:00:04

Only you can make that decision if you want to follow this path. My advice however is if you can avoid this lifestyle and pursue a normal life with a human, then run with that and away from this like zoophilia is a blazing inferno of hellfire.

No offense to the zoo lifestyle, I love who I am. But this life is not easy, nor is it for the faint of heart.

Throwaway93184 1 point on 2016-03-11 18:17:04

Well, for obvious reasons its not easy, I mean I get that, it wouldn't bee too much of an issue for me, just because where I live its "legal" meaning there's no laws that expressly prohibit doing that with animals. And I'm not going out to some guys barn and like screw his horse that seems really over the top for me... I get that some people do that, I'm not one of them though.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, is it really so horrible?

ZooIam 2 points on 2016-03-11 21:08:57

Horrible? No.

I think it depends on where you are with accepting yourself and what you need from a partner.

I certainly experience romantic and deep emotional bonding with dogs. I've accepted that. My zoo sexuality no longer causes me grief and anxiety.

But there is a loneliness to it for me because I also need intimacy and companionship with another human for purely emotional reasons. I also would like to have children. THIS is probably the thing that caused me the most confusion and depression...its just a lot to sort out.

Throwaway93184 1 point on 2016-03-12 02:21:28

I dont have a problem accepting whats going on with my brain and attraction to (wo)mans best friend, i accepted that years ago. And my current chosen human partner (whom i just reiterated today that i was a zoo and they were ok with it) said that they had no problem facilitating this, or even participating... So thats not an issue. I suppose i need both in my life? and what i've discovered is that i can... "get?" both in my life, in a sense. I have no real idea what its like to enter a truely sexual bonding with a dog, though i've had emotional bonds with them before, i find that they are fleeting and often times torn away from me. I've lost 3 animals just to other people deciding whats "best" for me without really even asking me whats going on with me, or my living situation, they just, do it.

I dont know, i think this is what i want, and so i think im going to act on it.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-03-12 02:12:44

I guess what I'm trying to say is, is it really so horrible?

No, I do not think it is. I'm just warning you of it's pitfalls. It can at times be wondeful too, this lifestyle. It's all about how you look at it I guess... and how well you deal with the inevitable loss of your partner.

Throwaway93184 2 points on 2016-03-12 02:15:34

This made me sad and think about stuff that i didnt want to... have a +1

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2016-03-12 14:24:55

best of luck to you in whatever you decide. how many times have you had dogs as pets? how long? how was taking care of them for you? i would say if you had no problems caring for them - feeding, walking, "normal" playtime .. you should get another dog (assuming you don't currently have one), as long as you aren't going to run into people who feel the need to take it away from you again... make the normal stuff a priority and focus on that. if you decide to take things further, take it slow.

AmoreBestia Et scientiam! 2 points on 2016-03-13 14:53:41

Others have said it already, but it's certainly a choice that you have to make alone, with consideration for any nonhuman partner. This is a really good quote right here, for those people that intend to take the plunge:

it is important to understand that not all animals are fully compatible with human anatomy, this compatibility may also vary with estrus cycles and other factors. It all boils down to the following: Understand the species you like FULLY (seriously, do research), but above all else ensure that both parties are content, if they’re not, stop.

Literature is super important, and since you seem to have already made up your mind, it is doubly so. You want to know what you're getting funky with inside and out, so you can keep it safe and enjoyable for both sides; you want to have a special focus on verbal and body language as well as compatibility and disease transmission. Think of it like a second sex ed class. Again, it's important to respect the nonhuman's agency in the sexual interactions, but something tells me you already intend to honor that.

Throwaway93184 1 point on 2016-03-14 03:25:57

This was really insightful, I'll do that, thanks. I've already done tons of research just on animal behavior, just because I want a companion, but i really have no idea what my specific uhm... "Species" is into. So I'll do that, I definitely don't want it to be an unpleasant experience for the animal.. That's just abuse at that point