Questioning my actions. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-03-22 04:39:26 by Condogerd The wag of a tail a lick on the nose.

Hello /r/zoophilia im a 23 year old male I'v been in the community for a few years now and after accepting myself as a zoophile for a while now I'v regressed to questioning myself, I catch myself wondering if what I do is wrong if I'm just using and taking advantage of someone who loves and trusts me. How much consent really go's into what I do, I understand that it's quite obvious with a male partner it's much more fogged with a femal partner however. It's a big diffrince between letting something happen through love and trust rather than wanting it.

Anyways i don't really know where I'm going with this I'm just feeling confused I supposes.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-03-22 05:14:21

Hey, you said, "It's a big difference between letting something happen through love and trust rather than wanting it." Can you elaborate on what you mean by that?

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2016-03-22 05:56:15

many of us still doubt our actions after years of being a zoophile. in a way, it's a good sign, because it means you're aware of the fact that you could be taking advantage of an animal that may not want it, which hopefully then means you're more careful to not harm the animal. however, by its nature, the self-doubt doesn't make it easy to know for sure if you are or aren't hurting them. just keep being careful and vigilant.

as an example, my regular partner just kindof switches off sometimes. she can be totally into it for a while, but sometimes she decides she's done (if i haven't finished yet), and i just have to respect that, step back and leave her alone.

DisappointedByPeople Raccoons 1 point on 2016-03-22 06:54:21

If you can read body language of your animal, then you can see the consent.

Condogerd The wag of a tail a lick on the nose. 1 point on 2016-03-22 18:29:59

Thanks for your answer not really what I was looking for however.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 3 points on 2016-03-22 07:46:26

I think it's normal to question yourself, especially with everything around us telling us we're wrong. You have to remember though that animals can tell us both when they want to be petted, and equally when they dont want to be petted. sex is exactly the same way.

It's a big difference between letting something happen through love and trust rather than wanting it.

dunno if you want to expand on this but I'm thinking that 'letting something happen through love and trust' actually means more to me rather than simply 'wanting it' which is a product of lust.

Condogerd The wag of a tail a lick on the nose. 2 points on 2016-03-22 18:11:42

Aye that's true however dogs unconditional love will cause them to put up with things that they don't particularly like such as a small child biting on he's/her ear.

Or ruffling your hand all over his/her face, even without causing pain it can still cause discomfort.

Yes I suppose most dogs will let you know they don't like this but many things they don't care enough to let one know even when it's something they don't like.

30-30 amator equae 8 points on 2016-03-22 12:57:00

First of all, questioning yourself over and over again is an essential and vital part of zoophilia. Without it, chances are high that the often cited "mutual love" mutates into a selfish justification at some point. Since animls can´t talk, there is always a certain degree of doubt involved in zoophilia; this is healthy and will prevent the zoophile from turning into an amoralistic dick that puts his/her own self gratification first.

Why do you think consent is "quite obvious" with a male animal, but "much more fogged" with female ones? I´ve heard this way of thinking so often now, but also know that male animals that "perform" on humans are ALWAYS trained to do so. Male dogs will hump anything, for example. Do you really think that Fido expresses his "love" when he humps a pillow or a stuffed animal? Do you really believe Fido is picky when he wants to get off and only sticks it into things he "loves"? For me, the real foggy thing is taking advantage of the natural humping reflex of male animals; basically no difference from taking advantage of the sucking reflex in calves. Infantile bovines will suck on everything that vaguely looks like a cows teat. Is this really consent or just taking advantage? For me, it´s quite the other way around: if female animals tolerate you "doing it with them" and show clear signs of pleasure (mares, for example, will show their delight by chewing and licking their lips, spreading their hind legs with the tail lifted upwards), identifying consent is much easier than with males who basically will hump anything that will let them. Of course you´ll need to study the female sexual behavior in depth to avoid misinterpretations, avoid misconceptions ( "mares twitch and piss as a sign of pleasure/climax during intercourse" ) due to lack of knowledge. But when you put some effort in trying to really understand how sexuality works with your species, it´s much more likely you´ll be able to recognize real consent in females than in males that just need some initial trigger to hump. An erect penis does not show "clear consent"...hell, even in human males, it´s not consent when the dick does the thinking, is it? ;)

Finally, I want to adress your doubts once again: You´re 23, as you wrote. Could it be that your doubts originate in the simple fact that "zoophilia" often is a temporary phase in the development of some? As a teenager/young adult, insecurity is common: "will my first girlfriend laugh at me? " , " is my dick too small? " , " Am I a shitty lover who lasts only a minute? ", etc....questions like this play a certain role. For some, choosing an animal that doesn´t care about and won´t snitch on your "penile dimensions" and shitty love performance is a way of getting comfortable with their own sexuality without any form of judgement. They kinda "rehearse" their sexuality in a safe, non judgemental "environment" with an animal as a preparation for future human contacts. I don´t say this is necessarily how you are, but an example that motivations for doing it with an animal can vary largely. I´ve met so many "hardcore zoos" in their late teens/early twenties, but a few years later, when they had their first human girl-/boyfriends, their "hardcore zoophilia" was gone all of a sudden. That´s what I call "substitute zoophilia" or " training zoophilia" as the animals clearly are a substitute for what these individuals really want or serve as training partners needed to get rid of the personal insecurities towards their own sexuality.

Please don´t take this as a personal attack or insult, just some things worth pondering. In the end, it´s totally up to you to examine yourself , your motives and your actions.

zoozooz 6 points on 2016-03-23 18:06:41

if female animals tolerate you "doing it with them"

Have you seen porn? Petlust? All their female dogs "tolerate" it.

and show clear signs of pleasure

which is the crux. What makes you think zoos are any more immune to self delusion and wishful thinking? Viral videos with dogs show all the time that people absolutely suck at judging a situation. Googling an example I found this one and apparently people are not able to decide whether this dog is aggressive or not. Or what about "professional" trainers like Cesar Milan who give bad examples on TV all the time?

But when you put some effort in trying to really understand how sexuality works with your species, it´s much more likely you´ll be able to recognize real consent

But how much is "much more likely"? How much educational material about sexual relations with animals in practice is there really and how do we know it is up to date and accurate? What if it's just a delusion pushed and reinforced by certain communities? Go to beastforum, tell some pornographic story and ask whether they think the animal enjoyed it and the answer will almost surely be affirmative no matter what. What makes us think other communities are so much better?

I'm not even sure if I'm just playing devil's advocate or if I'm serious here.

After all the best anyone can do is take a step back and evaluate whether the body language and behavior of the animal is consistent with "consent" to the best of our ability and hope for the best.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-03-24 03:47:03

I never said that just because your groin itches when an animal walks in, you´re immune to delusional thinking. Quite the contrary, I do think that it´s quite common within the so called "zoo" community. So, how can you know that your female animal is really enjoying it? Well, there´s surely no easy and comfy way; you have to go in depth studying the natural behavior of your species. Literature IS available, but not easily found in your local book store or amazon. Mostly, this knowledge is hidden within books for PROFESSIONALS (emphasizing done on purpose!). When I was an riding instructor apprentice, I had to study books issued by the FN (Federacion nationale), the German pro rider association. Amongst other relevant topics, several chapters deal with breeding, natural sexual behavior in equines and anything related to it. If you put in enough effort, you surely can extract some basic knowledge about identifying sexual pleasure in mares. If this knowledge is backed up by enough actual experience, the amount of doubt will definitely dwindle over time. I don´t say there will be a point where you absolutely can be sure beyond any reasonable doubt, ´cause there is no 100% certainty. And that´s exactly why I said that doubting yourself over and over again is vital and an absolute necessity for any zoo.

Additionally I deem it an absolute necessity to literally "turn into your species", at least to some degree.When your interest in animals is limited to the sex thing only and won´t transgress this at any point in your life, it´s very likely you´re fooling yourself. For example, when my mare and me were in the mood, it all took place in a way that was "natural" for an equine. I did it with her like a stallion would do it with her; I never forced human sexual behavior onto her....which I´m, to be honest, quite incapable of. Therefore, my mare could easily identify what I was up to and acted accordingly: spilling what we Germans call "Rosse", spreading hind legs with the tail lifted straight upward, started chewing and licking her lips, turned around her head, looking at me with this special expression on her face to encourage me while we were doing it, literally "sitting" on my lap when climaxing...and all of this although she was free to walk away anytime she wanted. I never became angry or tried to force her into submission when she decided to walk off, she knew that she could end it anytime by simply stepping aside with her hind legs. But she chose to stick with me; sometimes we were doing it for nearly an hour, with more than enough space for her to withdraw and walk off. I even made love to her in the riding range ( 20 x 40 meters), right in the middle. At the last farm she was located, we had two stallions and I often took her out on a walk, coming by the pasture with these two stallions. Especially in spring, these two were going nuts when we walked by as they could smell she was in the mood. Her reaction: hiding behind this strange twolegged stallion, literally demanding from me to fend off these two "contenders". I guess she was absolutely aware what "stallion" she "belonged" to...;)

Of course you can say this is "zoo folklore", self delusional BS...but I have pictures proving it beyond any doubt. Even other horseowners (clearly not zoo) told me in a semi-jokingly way that we two were in love with each other. It was visible for them, even without being an eyewitness of our sex life.

I know how incredibly easy it is to fool yourself. That´s why I always rely on other people´s opinions instead of my own when it comes to zoophilia. People have told me that I´m a "half-horse", a "natural", a "true friend of horses" (remember? hó phílos is Greek and translates to friend, not fucker...;) ) so often that I´d be filthy fucking rich when I had been given one Euro each time I heard such stuff. I guess that was one, if not the main reason why I never was harassed or became a target for all the other horseoweners in the public stables and riding clubs I had attended during my mare´s life.

I agree that all of this is far from 100% bulletproof, unbiased evidence, but there IS a way to "ensure" that my claims of a possibility to have ethical and mutual intercourse with a female animal aren´t made out of thin air. But it takes dedication, much effort, study, self discipline (even when you´re aroused and ready to "go"...), other people´s perceptions and , last but not least, a certain amount of doubting your own actions. In the end, nothing is 100% sure in this world...but you can exclude enough flaws and errors in perception so you can gradually get closer and closer to this magical mark of 100.This is NOT dependent on "hope for the best", it´s dependent on hard work, openmindedness and healthy doubts towards your own actions and highly developed personal morals, with mutuality and trust at the top of the list.

FN-2187_ 2 points on 2016-03-27 17:50:23

So you guys are attracted to animals? What the fuck? That's pretty nasty. I'm an animal lover but not like that holy shit.

Swibblestein 2 points on 2016-03-27 18:29:39

Honestly, it doesn't really matter if you find it nasty or disgusting. Clearly, zoophilia is not your orientation. That's fine, there's nothing wrong with not finding animals attractive. But there is something wrong with refusing to accept that other people have different interests than you do, if "that's gross" is your only argument.

I find the taste of eggs to be disgusting. That's a good reason for me not to eat eggs. But if I told you not to eat eggs, because I find them disgusting, don't you see how that would be some pretty broken logic?

FN-2187_ 2 points on 2016-03-27 18:58:27

You understand the differences between wanting to fuck an animal and eating eggs right?

Swibblestein 0 points on 2016-03-27 20:19:01

You understand the difference between an analogy and saying two things are literally identical, right?

ursusem 1 point on 2016-04-01 06:03:18

Why is zoophilia so mind blowing to you people?!

Condogerd The wag of a tail a lick on the nose. 1 point on 2016-04-03 09:08:54
