Doubts & fear (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-03-22 12:35:57 by [deleted]


30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-03-22 13:44:42

First of all, this is totally about your own dedication and devotion. When I was in my late teens, I had the same fears, was in the same situation like you ("how can I ever afford my own mare?It´s sooo f*in´ expensive!") and also had enough awareness of society´s repulsion towards zoophilia. But at some point in my life, it just became perfectly clear to me that I am forced to go this way and accept all the risks, discomfort and personal sacrifices that are involved. I simply didn´t have the "choice" an exclusive equine zoo, there was no way but to accept what nature had given me. I came to the conclusion that, if I had to go this way, I will do it with the utmost degree of dedication possible. I started my riding career, became a riding instructor instead of going to university. I bought my own mare in 1994 although my income was ridiculously low at that time and I had to make severe sacrifices. I even went through a phase where i had to live off roughly 80 Deutsche Mark for eating....for the entire month. Noodles, rice and bread, nothing else. Privacy was also something I hadn´t lots of. But I always managed to find some leaks in the daily farm routine, half an hour or even an hour of uninterrupted privacy to be with her. It basically all breaks down to a simple proverb I posted o another thread in here: "The dedicated will find ways, the hesitant will find excuses". That´s basically what zoophilia (especially when horses are involved) is all about. Overcoming your fears and doubts, welcoming even the uncomfy and unpleasant aspects as an essential part of it.

My mare died on January this year, after 22 years of a perfect loving relationship. If asked whether I´d make the same decisions again when offered the possibility to turn back time, with all of the doubts, fears and anxieties, I would answer this: "Hell, yeah!" Anything was totally worth it. I´ve nothing to regret, nothing that would keep me from doing it again. Zoophilia isn´t comfortable; it will affect your life fundamentally, it will make living difficult. But the rewards outweigh all of this...well, at least if you´re a genuine zoo, not someone mistaking a fetish for animals as zoophilia. There will be no "comfy" zoophilia, sacrifices have to be made for sure. Fears have to be overcome, your life has to be altered in order to create possibilities to live as you wish. But see it as a test of your dedication: if you´re repelled by these difficulties, it´s better for you not to take the responsibility for a horse. As a riding instructor, I´ve seen way too many idiots who refuse calling the vet although it was needed just because they "needed" the big flatscreen next month. I´ve seen too many assholes losing interest too quickly, condemning the horse to a life of 24/7 in a small and dark box. Especially horse ownership will demand lots from you, it will interfere with your whole life. You´ll have to be ready for quick responses when you´re called and someone informs you that your horse shows signs of a colic....this can happen anytime, in the middle of the night as well as while you´re working or enjoying yourself with friends and family. Dedication is the keyword. It is even more important if you´re an equine zoo. There will be no easy way around it. Fears, anxieties and doubts are natural, but you´re only ready for this if you can overcome all of these "downsides": if you truly love horses in a way that exceeds the simple sexual arousal while fantasizing, you´ll simply have no choice but to overcome your fears and doubts, to reform your life so you´re able to provide a horse with all that´s necessary etc... Dedication. It´s just as simple as that.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-03-22 14:06:07
