Questions About Horses. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-03-27 20:27:28 by Dicksandstuffyaknow

Why is it you never see videos of people making messing around with ponies or miniature horses? It seems to me that they would one, be easier to fuck due to their height, and 2 my basic logic says they might be tighter. Is this just because they are less common or because they are worth more? Also if I were to get me a horse/pony how would I even justify why I got one besides as a companion? I know goat/sheep are cheaper, and they are great for lawn care, but are they as willing?

Lefthandedsock 4 points on 2016-03-27 20:40:21

There are plenty of videos with miniature horses.

Maybe you ought to take this over to r/bestiality.

duskwuff 2 points on 2016-03-28 20:27:10

There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking sexually themed questions here. That's why there's a bit in the rules about marking explicit posts as NSFW, after all.

/r/bestiality is kind of a cesspool, anyways - have you looked at it lately? Most of the posts there are posting/requesting porn, or looking for hookups. OP is unlikely to find a genuine response there.

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2016-03-27 22:23:53

Goats and sheep smell. Good for whoever can get over that or enjoy it, but I don't see them as appealing.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-04-09 21:43:22


ZooMasil 1 point on 2016-03-28 03:52:06

Well I have a Mare who's about 15 hh and considering what her and I do besides sex she's great.If you have a horse and are a zoophile you should learn how to ride for a few reasons, firstly it's fun and a great bonding exercise, secondly it's fun and you have a great reason to have a horse, and lastly it's fun. Ewes are like Mares in the sense of sexual willingness, their estrus is different but they have one and if you "woo" them then they are pretty lovely and they'll herd with your horses!

zoopornlover 1 point on 2016-04-02 11:33:39

How did you build up your relationship with your mare? How do you know she actually is willing for sex?

ZooMasil 2 points on 2016-04-02 17:40:26

Once you have a mare and you're caring for her and interacting with her daily it's becomes pretty obvious how your relationship gets built, willingness for anything including sex comes with trust and love, and by the time you have those things she'll be very blatant with her sexual desires.

30-30 amator equae 4 points on 2016-03-28 04:04:20

"easier to fuck" , "tighter" , goats/sheep are cheaper" , "are they willing?", this totally sounds as if someone is looking for the "most convenient" live fuck toy here. First, height is nothing that´s inconvenient. Stores sell plastic pedestals you can stack until you reach the desired height. it surely is more "convenient" to have a pony for those who need to readjust their position due to the movements of their live fuck toy, but if a female equine really WANTS to be mated by you, she won´t move at all. Second, the illusion of "tighter" is plain silly, even Falabellas can loosen their vaginal tracts to an extend that can´t be described as tight at all. According to that, even draft mares can tighten up so much you won´t be able to put anything, not even your dick, in there.

If you really base your decisions on height and fuckability alone, you better buy a fleshlight or carve a hole in a watermelon. Animals are NO live sex toys.

larblac 1 point on 2016-03-30 08:31:30

Pet quality miniature horses cost as much as any dog. I've seen them as low as $500.

I'm personally going the mini horse route, for sure. I don't care at all for riding, so there's no need for me to have a full sized horse, that and I'm a bottom, so a stallion would need to be a mini for safer sexual interactions.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-03-30 10:55:26

Sure you can buy a pony for as less as 500 bucks...but anything else that´s involved with horsekeeping will be nearly the same cost. Dewormings, vaccinations, treatment of the hooves (with or without horseshoes), the food etc.

If you don´t have proper knowledge, you shouldn´t even think of buyiing anything equine ,regardless of size. Ponies and miniature horses will colic as easily as normal sized horses when not being taken care of properly. Mini horses will also get ill when kept alone, they will also develop behavioral issues when not trained appropriately, they will get ill when fed with bad hay out of sheer ignorance of a proper diet for an equine. Horses are NO pets. They aren´t cheap, regardless of size. The knowledge of proper nutrition and proper training is no different from maintaining a full sized horse.

Your ignorance of these facts just shows that you definitely aren´t ready to keep any equine, larblac. If your only interest in horses is based on "sexual interactions", you´re very likely to kill your equine within the first few weeks. Better keep it a fantasy, for the horse´s sake...

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2016-04-01 10:31:25

Have you considered making a website for promoting good horse care? (Or, heck, an app, they seem popular, that reminds people what to do on a regular basis?)

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-04-01 12:02:16

No, I haven´t and probably won´t ever consider doing this as there already are more than enough homepages out there trying to promote good horse care. But, if you remember, I´m a riding instructor and passing on proper knowledge of horse care is an essential part in teaching riding skills. I´m way more comfortable in doing this the old fashioned way of handing out instructions personally than just putting it out there for unfit and untrained wannabe horse folks. If you think of buying a horse, there absolutely should be NO necessity to remind you of your duties. If an online reminder is needed, forget about buying a horse.

Cromcorrag 2 points on 2016-05-07 05:08:02

I highly recommend the YouTuber Rick Gore. His channel is Think like a horse. I don't think he's a zoo, but he is all about treating horses like friends and companions and he has a lot of no nonsense videos on horse care and how to interact with them.

larblac 2 points on 2016-04-01 11:27:08

You're really reaching from what little I said. I was addressing the poster who asked if are they less common or worth more (there is a initial cost difference between pet and show quality miniature horses). OP didn't ask for specifics on horse diet, keeping and training, nor did they ask about the financial aspects of the three.

As a zoo-exclusive homo-leaning bisexual, yeah, I would expect some degree of sexual interaction in a relationship with companion horses (don't we all want that, to varying degrees?), but being close to them and working with them is a great honor.

Perhaps you should be wary of your assumptions of others and keep your grade school vendettas for people who are worth it (you know, people who actually caused you harm).

Cromcorrag 1 point on 2016-05-07 04:55:35

When I was first getting started with horses, I had friends that had over a dozen mini horses, several ponies, and several full sized horses. Aside from sexual contact, all the horses liked me and I groomed them weekly. When it came to sex tho, the mini's were too awkward, and never seemed interested anyway. Two of the pony mares, which were just the right height to fuck with me standing normally on the ground, were rarely in the mood and one was very jealous if she saw me paying too much attention to other horses. But both full sized mares, would let me fuck them any time I wanted as long as I bribed them with some grain.

When I got my own horses, I bought 2 Shetland pony mares. They never enjoyed being fucked or licked. Only tolerated it at best. Then I got two mares that were in the 16 hand range. What a difference. Both loved me giving them oral, and both would let me penetrate them just about any time of the month, as long as they were bribed with some feed, lol.

And another reason to have full sized mares is, the average person will never suspect anything sexual going on. Because of the perceived size differences. But have only ponies or minis? Everyone will gossip about you being an animal fucker.

As to how they feel? I actually prefer sex with full sized mares, even large draft mares. The only good factor of ponies is no need to stand on anything to get the right height for your dick to reach their bits.

I haven't tried sheep or goats yet, but have sows. A farm pig, at 5 months age is big enough and willing to play. And fairly easy as they love having their bellys rubbed, so you can fuck them as they are laying down. Pig sex is ok, but mares are my lover of choice. Everything about a mare is awesome and their scent is heavenly.