Leafy & The Dog F*CKER - YouTube Love Story #DramaAlert HOT #LeafyandWhitney (youtube.com)
submitted 2016-04-05 15:29:45 by [deleted]
FunFriendly 0 points on 2016-04-05 15:43:51

I really hope she makes a good k9 video at some point.

MarriedtoaBitch 3 points on 2016-04-05 19:06:36

And I really hope you and the rest of her fans die in a fire

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-04-05 16:26:42

Is this on the right fake ass attention whore lying bitch Whitney Wisconsin? If yes, an immediate no-no and thumbs down from me...

Edog91 1 point on 2016-04-05 17:45:59

I was cringing through the whole vide. Sometimes I wish things where as simple as coming out and tilling people we are normal for the most part and every thing works out just fin but things don't just work that way

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2016-04-05 19:57:57

All three of them are trolls of the highest caliber, for better or worse. Fuck this shit.

zetacola + Rum 1 point on 2016-04-06 00:48:08

I lost all my remaining braincells listening to this.