Bodil Joensen - Information ?? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-04-11 10:04:09 by mortiis37

Hi there people. I'm guessing 99% of people in this reddit know who Bodil is (if not, do your research!).

I am an author, who is currently researching Bodil, and has interviewed a few people who knew of her during her prime.

The one thing which has always intrigued me is the whereabouts of Bodil's daughter (I am guessing Knud P. Andersen was the father).

I wonder what her daughter feels about her mother, how much she truly remembers, her psychological state of mind, and if what Bodil did has affected her at all.

Someone posted over a year ago here regarding Bodil's daughter, but their post seemed to be more from a "creepy" stance, whereas mine is for research purposes, and to learn and educate, perhaps even help.

Myself, I have also been researching and interviewing scat stars for many years for inclusion in a project. I have (so far) interviewed Santara, Veronica Moser, Alexia Cage, Melanie, Cathy, Lisa, Carole, Chris-Extreme, Tima, Louise Hunter and more.

Swibblestein 4 points on 2016-04-11 17:20:18

I had no idea who Bodil was, so I decided to look her up. She's an animal pornographer and perhaps zoophile. I don't get why you expected me to know who she was though.

A certain number of zoophiles avoid real life pornography altogether. Additionally, most of the people on this board are male, so I would expect generally have little interest in female human pornography, one way or another.

Also why in the world did you bring up scat? What does scat have to do with anything?

I have a feeling you have drastically misunderstood both zoophilia and this subreddit.

Pigeondance Birdies yay 6 points on 2016-04-11 18:14:35

I had never heard of her either. I second what Swibblestein said, quite a few zoos don't watch animal porn for various personal and ethical reasons. I personally don't watch any human animal porn, if I want to watch "porn" I just look at dog vids on YouTube lol. Good luck with your research internet stranger

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 3 points on 2016-04-11 21:05:46

I remember last time this got bought up (remember T-V, anyone?) and everyone pretty much agreed she probably wouldn't want to talk about it, and it would be pretty rude to go and ask her about her troubled late mother.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-04-12 04:56:58

I'm with the others... it's as silly to assume a zoosexual will know a zoosexual porn star as it to assume John Doe heterosexual will know a given heterosexual porn star: It's very possible he won't have a clue what you are talking about.

I knew about her, but I imagine I'm the exception and it was only due to gossip. I've never watched her porn, it sounds rather tragic to be honest.

improbitas666 1 point on 2016-04-14 18:54:55

Can not contribute with information on her, but wow, you sure seem to investigating the scat and zoo era. Is any of the interviews out there? How and when will you post it? Really interested in the complete research.