An unexpected ally in London Mayor Boris Johnson? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-04-20 21:23:53 by actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied

saw this in a post he made the other day on facebook:

Love is a many splendoured thing. Cupid’s darts find the most unexpected targets. I am not for one minute prepared to exclude the possibility that erotic interest may flower between a man and a goat. The ancient Greeks clearly thought about the possibility: hence their mythologising about Pan and satyrs and other cloven-footed hybrids.

He then goes off talking about the president of Turkey not being a goat fancier, among other stuff.

I love Boris, he's great, and if he supports us zoos then even better!

zetacola + Rum 2 points on 2016-04-20 23:32:39


30-30 amator equae 4 points on 2016-04-21 00:41:09

I hope you know that this is connected to the "causa Böhmermann" and his poem mocking and insulting Turkish sultan Erdogan. With his poem, Böhmermann, a German satirist and comedian, heavily insulted Erdogan as a reaction of Erdogans try to censor another satire done by Xtra3, a weekly satirical show on German TV.

Aaah, gosh, just google it...this one has grown so big since Angela Merkel´s decision to throw away freedom of speech that it stirred up shit worldwide. Even John Oliver commented on this in his show.

Basically, Böhmermann called Erdogan a goat fucker and having fellatio with a thousand sheep in the evening....and I consider Johnson´s response/tweet to be satire referring indirectly to Böhmermann´s poem instead of actual tolerance of interspecies relationships...although the UK seems to be a little more tolerant of Prime Ministers sticking their cocks into a dead pig´s head than other nations, since Cameron still is in office....;)

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-04-21 16:07:15

haha yeah I made this post as more of a tongue in cheek thing. I can always hope Boris actually is on our side though.

good explanation though, I didn't really know what he was on about exactly.

Kynophile Dog lover 3 points on 2016-04-21 03:03:18

He is rising politically, as the EU wanes in popularity in Britain and politics in Europe begins to swing rightward again. Still, I don't think one can read to much into this, other than that Johnson is a provocateur and a nationalist.