I'm new here and just wanted to say hello. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-04-26 14:06:17 by OddlyComplicated

First, let me just say, it's a relief knowing I'm not alone anymore.

I'll be 32 next month and even though I've seen the different forums around the Web, I just wasn't comfortable with the community.

My gf introduced me to reddit and now here I am. After coming out to her (and expecting the worst) she said "There's probably a sub-reddit. Why don't you look?" While she isn't a zoo herself, the fact she was OK with it was mind blowing.

Anyways, I just felt I needed to get this off my chest. It's such a relief that there's somewhere I can discuss things openly and not be worried I be judged unfairly.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 5 points on 2016-04-26 14:17:51

Hello and welcome!

Getting things off your chest is such a relief. I came out to my partner a little over two years ago, and feel so much better for it.

OddlyComplicated 3 points on 2016-04-26 14:45:57

I've known for a very long time that I was a zoo but I've never been able to express it to anyone. Even now, I'm still reserved about what I talk about with my current gf.

I guess its just because I know its very taboo in our society.

zetacola + Rum 4 points on 2016-04-26 16:22:20

Welcome! It's always good to hear there are people out there who will accept this side of people like us. Your experience makes me curious, to be honest. How does a life partner react to a confession like this?

This subreddit is definitively one of the better bits of this community, in my opinion. I'm sure you'll fit right in!

OddlyComplicated 5 points on 2016-04-26 16:46:29

Well, her initial reaction was shocked. Not like "OMG you're disgusting." but more like "Really? I would never have guessed." I'm still wary about sharing details and stuff like that but every now and again she'll joke with me about it. Then again, we're in a poly-amorous relationship. She encourages me to seek another partner but I've never been good with people.

zetacola + Rum 4 points on 2016-04-26 18:35:22

Really? I would never have guessed

It's weird how this subject polarizes people. People are either "mildly shocked" or "absolutely revolted", but no middle ground.

Do you have a dog (I assume you're into dogs because of your flair) or any other animal of your own?

OddlyComplicated 3 points on 2016-04-26 19:27:08

I have two dogs but I've had different animals all my life. I'm mainly into horses but I don't have the resources to take care of one. Mainly, land and a barn.

OddlyComplicated 3 points on 2016-04-26 16:47:26

BTW, thank you for the warm welcome. Its not everyday that I can be so open about this.

zetacola + Rum 3 points on 2016-04-26 18:37:33

You're welcome. If you ever need someone to talk, you know where to find me.

OddlyComplicated 2 points on 2016-04-26 19:27:23


actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 8 points on 2016-04-26 21:20:47

she said "There's probably a sub-reddit. Why don't you look?"

man, the ridiculousness of this makes me lol. The fact there actually is an active sub makes me lol even harder.

congrats on coming out. feel any better about it?

OddlyComplicated 4 points on 2016-04-26 22:00:32

Actually yes. Like I said in my post, I'll be 32 next month. For basically the last 20 years, I have had this "dirty secret" and thought for the longest time that I was just weird. Now I now that I'm not alone and that there are people who actually understand my point of view on these intense feelings. I guess now I'm hoping maybe I make a friend or two to add to my poly relationship with my gf lol.

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 4 points on 2016-04-26 22:06:31

That's amazing she took it so well, it must feel so much better not having to keep your attraction a secret. I agree that I think the subreddit is one of the best zoo communities out there, welcome to the club!

OddlyComplicated 3 points on 2016-04-27 00:06:03

Thank you!

West_dogger niks soos die liefde van 'n hond 3 points on 2016-04-27 05:28:18


I'm happy things worked out for you !

Must have taken some serious courage and trust to come out.

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 3 points on 2016-04-27 11:37:08

Welcome here. Good she's taking it well

From what I've read around here, this place is one of the better parts of the community. Tho, I haven't experienced much of the community, so I can't speak out of experience

LoveForGSDs 2 points on 2016-05-10 06:21:52

Hi there! I'm also new and it's nice to meet others here. Also love that I don't feel so alone anymore and I can talk openly as well.

LoveWolvesInTheWild 1 point on 2016-05-15 03:44:04

I feel rather at ease as well now. I guess you could say, I got the courage to come into the mix after reading how you and Oddly came in here brand new. I feel scared a bit too. Just because I'm having to sadly keep this a secret from my partner. And I do not want to, but I'm too imature about this subject and I need to learn more about this and this topic, to make sure I'm not lying to myself about me being a zoophile. And having a rather immense attraction to dogs. It's not a phase. I've just never wanted to be open about it before.. Not like this. So it's scary in a sense. Anyways. I'm glad I'll be able to meet new people here. I'm not apart of this community yet, me thinks, I'm not sure if I'll be ever welcomed because of my darn unlikable personality.

LoveWolvesInTheWild 2 points on 2016-05-15 03:31:45

Hello Oddly! :3 I am brand new here too. Stumbled upon this a few days back and loved just reading what others have to say. I have not come out to my partner yet. I am afraid of what his reaction will be. So I'll probably be awkward and come off and on this reddit place just to read, or sometimes add my unnecessary words/thoughts to the mix. I'm sorry and feel guilty for even being able to comment here. Because I really don't add anything new here. But I hope we are both welcome here. Able to be open about what we love and like.

OddlyComplicated 1 point on 2016-05-15 23:50:52

I'm glad you was able to find this sub-reddit. And thank you for the reply. If you feel as if you're going to have a had time coming out to your partner, it might be best to keep it a secret. I know how hard it can be as I've kept it secret for 20+ years. If you need any advice, just send a pm and I'll help the best I can.