Have you ever found another zoophile in your area? What did you think of/do with them? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-04-29 23:21:17 by [deleted]


Frostfedora Captain Esports 7 points on 2016-04-30 00:34:50

We were both zooexclusive up until she saw my dick. It was such a nice 🍆 that she proposed to me and we're essentially married-- just have a few legal barriers.

Still love dogs, though.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-04-30 00:57:52


Frostfedora Captain Esports 3 points on 2016-04-30 01:16:05

Thanks! We had a relationship online and one thing turned into another, some zoo-theme Skype roleplay occurred, and we met in person.

As for the legal barriers, neither of us is underage or anything, but I'll withhold further information for the purpose of anonymity and such. Should be able to marry within a few years.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 5 points on 2016-04-30 03:47:15

I still refuse to believe this isn't some long term elaborate trolling.

Frostfedora Captain Esports 0 points on 2016-04-30 04:22:23

There was something long involved, but I earned my position on this subreddit fair and square by fucking one of the mods.


Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-05-10 04:49:31

Please stop messing with me with comments like this. It'll help me sleep at night.

ursusem 2 points on 2016-04-30 04:27:16

Ew! Human dicks. X(

Frostfedora Captain Esports 5 points on 2016-04-30 04:33:50

Hear me out though, hear me out.

Bad Dragon makes cocksheathes. It's like, a sheath, that makes it look and feel like you have a werewolf dick. Shit's amazing.

ursusem 2 points on 2016-04-30 04:35:59

So is that what you were wearing at the time she saw it?

Frostfedora Captain Esports 1 point on 2016-04-30 04:38:13

Nah, but I'm totally going to fuck her breathless with it once I get one. I got an A+ cock despite it being a human cock tho.

Just thought I'd mention the cocksheath since it's a gamechanger for zoos or anyone who wants to spice up their sex life. :')

ursusem 0 points on 2016-04-30 04:57:57

Well, at least you're into the opposite sex, buddy. I applaud you for that.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 4 points on 2016-04-30 07:01:40

... wait, what's wrong with being interested in someone (or an animal) of the same gender?

ursusem -1 points on 2016-04-30 07:14:54

It just isn't right. Most of the people who are gay were molested as children. Do your research on that.

TheRedditRottie is black & tan 5 points on 2016-04-30 08:00:25

Well, at least you're into the opposite sex, buddy. I applaud you for that.

It just isn't right. Most of the people who are gay were molested as children.

This is the last place I would have expected to see this kind of homophobic "I might be a dog/horse/whatever fucker but at least I'm not a GAY dog/horse/whatever fucker" bullshit.

What The Actual Fuck?

ursusem -2 points on 2016-04-30 08:12:01

I'm not homophobic. I don't have a problem with gay people but I do believe same sex relationships are messed up. I don't believe that it truly is just a healthy difference. Homophilia is completely unappealing to me personally. Simple as that. I'm not saying, "at least I'm not gay too." I think zoophilia is beautiful and I'm happy that I'm zoo. I just think it's wrong or messed up to be attracted to the same gender as yourself. That's not how real attraction works.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-04-30 08:57:24

enthusiastically grabs popcorn, waiting for the shitstorm in cinemascope to unfold soon......

TheRedditRottie is black & tan 2 points on 2016-04-30 09:06:47

I'm not homophobic.

so far so good

I don't have a problem with gay people but...


...I do believe same sex relationships are messed up.

here we go

I don't believe that it truly is just a healthy difference.

oh dear

...I just think it's wrong or messed up to be attracted to the same gender as yourself. That's not how real attraction works.

Wow...just...wow. Honestly, I think you need to reassess your belief that you're not homophobic.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-04-30 09:17:00

I don't believe that gay people should be discriminated against and like, beat up, or something. I think gay sex should be legal... But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be allowed to have our own opinions as to the rightness or wrongness of homosexuality.

TheRedditRottie is black & tan 3 points on 2016-04-30 10:31:34

I'm not suggesting that you're not entitled to an opinion, however you do need to be aware of your audience. If you want to publicly espouse an opinion that gay sex is wrong, that same sex relationships are "messed up" or "not how attraction works" then proclaim you're not homophobic that's your prerogative, just don't be surprised when someone pulls you up on it.

Tomorrow I'll be spending the day with an old friend who is, without a doubt, very homophobic...far more so than yourself in all probability (she won't even touch something that has been handled by a gay man - "in case he hasn't washed his hands"). I won't be trying to change her opinion, while I do disagree with her on this subject I also understand how she came to hold her beliefs. The key difference between my friend (who uses much the same arguments you do, almost verbatim in fact) and your good self however is that my friend knows what she is.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-04-30 22:30:16

No, homosexuals don't "scare" me. I don't understand their attractions and I think it is fair of me to suspect that there is probably something not good or confused that happened to them or they have a hormonal problem of some sort. There are many theories. Just because the mass media shames us and tells us to "not think for ourselves" when it comes to the topic of homosexuality doesn't mean that we should do that. I feel very strongly that homosexuality IS confused and just doesn't work. I feel bad for gay people as I believe they must have this issue or that issue that causes them to then find attraction to the same sex. If anything is "homophobic," not wanting to touch something handled by a gay person would be it. A lot of these gay people didn't identify with their gender when they were growing up so to them, the same sex as themselves holds that "opposite" kind of 'mystery' that drives sexual attraction. The bottom line is, what is natural, normal and healthy in sexual attraction is that we are attracted to that which is not like us. In the case of homosexuals, they never really identified with the gender they were born as so therefore the same sex as them is what holds that mystery for them. Therefore they are attracted to the gender that is physically the same as them. But doesn't this all ultimately boil down to and point to a disease process at play? These people are somehow genetically or hormonally or neurologically not relating or connecting with their biological reality. That is screwy. Why is it that we are expected to tip-toe around the elephant in the room here? I know that the things I'm expressing here are very shocking considering the evil that now controls us that we call 'political correctness.' Which, by the way, will ultimately destroy us in the end. Remember that this place is meant for discussion. In discussion, different viewpoints are presented, they are scrutinized and they are discussed. There will never be discussion if no one presents different views. I may be zoo, but that doesn't mean that I believe that no one should have the right to question the rightness or the wrongness of zoophilia. By all means, if anyone feels zoophilia is wrong, I implore that person to count all the ways. And do you know why that is? Because I am a person of truth and reality. In order to know the truth of something you need to consider all view points on whatever subject you are analyzing and realize that your verdict always has the possibility of being wrong.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2016-05-01 14:21:35

you really need to quit using the word "truth" in place of "my opinion".

Valiant1204 Now with added gay! 1 point on 2016-05-10 17:43:10

If you met me you would consider me a normal teenage male.

Just because you don't understand why or how doesn't mean that it's wrong. You're also forgetting that nobody has to listen to your opinion, even if you are allowed to give it.

I believe, from this rant, that you lack the mental acuity to truly see things from every view point - you certainly haven't in this case.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-10 19:38:10

I've known someone for a long time and never knew that he was gay until about a year ago but that doesn't make same sex attractions right. I don't treat him any differently from anybody else though.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-04-30 08:01:20


ursusem 0 points on 2016-04-30 08:17:48

I'm a girl. When did I post that?! (I think I'm losing my mind here)

zoozooz 3 points on 2016-04-30 10:04:31

Most of the people who are gay were molested as children.


What about those who were not?

ursusem 1 point on 2016-04-30 10:27:52

Maybe there are some who have not been molested but it seems like a majority have been and I think you need to wonder about that.

zoozooz 1 point on 2016-04-30 11:47:52

It's not like I haven't heard that there may be a higher correlation between childhood abuse and homosexuality. Yet, I have not heard about any proposed causal link. i.e. an actual mechanism. Sure, there probably are a few cases where it works that way - after all, there are weird conditions around. I mean one, that would really explain all the gay people. Why are there "good christian" families that have a lot of children and bring them all up by teaching them "good christian" values, yet one of the kids turns out gay without being molested? And this kid tries to be "normal" for years and can't and eventually the family kicks the kid out? Where does that come from?

Of course extreme conservatives like to claim that, but just the fact that this is on conservapedia should make people skeptical.

A lot of food for thought can be found easily: https://www.google.com/search?q=molested+gay+causality

For example http://www.pandys.org/articles/abuseandhomosexuality.html describes this hypothesis:

There is one interesting theory put forward by Wachob (1999) that children who grow up later to identify as LGBT are more at risk of sexual abuse as children. She stipulates that being abused does not cause homosexuality, but rather that children who will later identify as LGBT are more vulnerable to child abuse.

The reasons she gives for this is that LGBT adults report that their behavior and interaction with others was often atypical in childhood when compared to their peers. Being or feeling “different” can result in social isolation / exclusion, which in turn can lead to a child being more vulnerable to the instigation and continuation of abuse (Gracia, 2003).

In addition to this, many gay men in particular, report that they remember feeling dissatisfied or uncomfortable with their body as children, and as young teens they sought out situations in which to try to make sense of their sexual feelings (O’ Leary, 2006). Unfortunately, therefore, abuse could occur in this situation because abusers take advantage of the child’s uncertainties and insecurities.

Of course we don't really know...

But not knowing still means that the tl;dr is that if you are so convinced to know, you have likely been convinced by politically far right or religious propaganda.

edit: skeptics.stackexchange.com is always a good read: https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/1931/does-sexual-abuse-lead-to-homosexuality

another edit after having read it: not actually that good in that case. Oh well...

ursusem 1 point on 2016-04-30 23:18:13

zoozooz, you are right in that it is a complex sort of thing. It's not something that I'm a complete expert on but I've heard enough to hold some of my own convictions that of course can change with new information. I'm glad that homosexuality is not shrouded in the stigma that it once was. If a person struggles with same sex attraction, I think it is most healthy for these individuals to be able to express their feelings and not be treated or regarded in any worse way as people than anyone else. Everyone has trials.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 3 points on 2016-05-01 14:18:07

i've heard that the sun revolves around the earth. it's a pretty old theory and there are people who still believe it, therefore it must be true.

Lefthandedsock 6 points on 2016-04-30 13:53:37

This just in: Ursusem is a fucking idiot.

No one's even surprised anymore.

ursusem 0 points on 2016-04-30 21:29:18

I speak the truth as I see it in the present. It doesn't mean that I'm right but what I say is what appears to be the truth to me based on what I know this far.

incognito-cognition 1 point on 2016-05-01 00:43:33

I'm curious how many people's minds you've read to know what constitutes "real attraction" and to know whether or not gay people have it.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-01 01:43:38

I can't help that I'm IN LOVE with heterosexuality okaaay

zetacola + Rum 4 points on 2016-04-30 21:50:20

Fucking hell. And we wonder why LGBT+ hate our guts.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 3 points on 2016-05-01 14:12:00

were all the wild animals that engage in homosexual activity molested as young animals? do your research on that. it's all over the animal kingdom (or at least mammals).

and who are you to say what's right and wrong?

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-05-10 04:47:57

Oh deer god (yes, deer god). I did not just read this...

This is like rediscovering that timecube theory guy from the bowels of the internet...

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-04-30 07:37:02

Gamechanger for zoos? WTF? A+ cock? I think you don´t really understand what zoophilia is, right?

30-30 amator equae 10 points on 2016-04-30 07:34:28

If a shrivelled little cocktail sausage decorated with a device from a fetish accessoire company is enough to turn her to humans, she was NEVER zooexclusive. If the only thing that gets you to turn towards humans is her spreading her legs, you NEVER were zooeclusive either. A teenager who can´t get himself pussy isn´t living in celibacy. Celibacy and exclusivity are concepts based on more than missing opportunities, you know.

West_dogger niks soos die liefde van 'n hond 2 points on 2016-04-30 02:51:54

Yea I met a zoophile online who lived a few blocks blocks away,

We talking about how crazy it was to meet a zoo in you're area and ended it there.

I mean we still chatted online but no real point in going further then that.

chargeo1 1 point on 2016-04-30 03:52:39

Never, but it would be a fun chat for sure.

I love hearing new ideas and perspectives

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-05-01 09:51:53


AliasTheReindeerPone Short Christmas Horse 2 points on 2016-04-30 04:14:54

Nope. Can't really say I want to either. Y'all are great, and I'm glad that this place exists, because it's helped me better understand a subject that means a lot to me. But unless it's anonymous, I am very reserved about who I share this part of my life with. Just look at my name: Alias.

By the way, I don't think I've seen you around here before OP. Welcome! Or if you have been around and I just missed you, then still, howdy.

[deleted] 2 points on 2016-04-30 04:56:20


ursusem 1 point on 2016-04-30 04:19:46

I think anal stuff and things to do with the butthole is gross/disgusting/something I don't exactly approve of. But it seems to be wildly popular among humans these days -.-

And to answer your question, I haven't met another from my area.

Frostfedora Captain Esports 3 points on 2016-04-30 04:27:50

I think anal stuff and things to do with the butthole is gross/disgusting/something I don't exactly approve of. But it seems to be wildly popular among humans these days -.-

Not going to push it on you, but it's pretty damn cleanly. And even if you get a little dirty if the douching wasn't thorough enough, well... that's the price of admission to the rocky road.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-04-30 04:39:14

It's an exit point, not an entry point. It is literally the most disgusting thing in the world and THIS is what people openly embrace?? And not interspecies passion???! What the hell people!

the_egoldstein 3 points on 2016-05-04 06:24:40

One could as easily say, "Interspecies sex is litterally the most disgusting thing in the world...." and your argument would be exactly the same. It is an appeal to emotion, which is a logical falacy.

I'm not a fan of anal myself, but hey, it's not my problem what others do.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-10 06:43:10

However, in a place for discussion, we should be able to share our feelings about topics. I don't care if someone holds the view that interspecies sex is not right but they better not try to change me and my life due to their feelings!

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-04-30 07:15:13

Cleanly? Yeah, keep telling yourself....nevermind the coli bacteria among other little malicious germs that are coming down the "rocky road"...

Susitar Canidae 4 points on 2016-04-30 10:11:58

I don't ever want to be an in a serious relationship again with someone who at least cannot accept that I have sexual fantasies about dogs. So I mentioned quite early when dating my boyfriend that I had a sex dream about a dog, to gauge his reaction. Had it been negative, well, I could have said it was just a dream, dreams are strange.

But his reaction was something like "well, I've had similar experiences". Turns out he is into wild felines, like cheetahs and lynx. Obviously, not something he can act on. But it's nice to have this common understanding of each other.

It is during our relationship that I have for the first time had any type of sexual experience with a dog, and he is okay with that, as long as I'm very careful about it.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-04-30 22:35:09


weetsf1 4 points on 2016-04-30 11:32:50

A delivery driver who (surprise!) delivered a truckload of boxes to my house was absofuckinglutely into dogs. He was petting my big dog just overenthusiastically in combination with talking to him "clandestinely" enough for me to be able to know what's up. Made comments about him all day during the unloading, too.

Didn't tell him I knew what was up in order not to give him a heartattack. It was both weird and funny to watch how he totally was a bitch for my dogs attention.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2016-04-30 12:29:20

Yeah, sure....just like every woman walking her dog MUST be fucking the dog...right? Have you heard about selective perception? `Cause such misinterpetations happen when your thoughts orbit around animal fucking all day...what is a strong hint at fetishism that has slipped out of control.

Note to myself: everyone petting an animal "overenthusiastically" MUST be an animal fucker...wow! jeeez

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-04-30 20:12:23

Cause such misinterpetations happen when your thoughts orbit around animal fucking all day...what is a strong hint at fetishism that has slipped out of control.

ah yes, a true zoo never thinks sexual thoughts about animals /s

ursusem 0 points on 2016-04-30 21:26:03

I don't think that was the point 30-30 was making.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2016-05-01 00:51:02

A true zoo isn´t obsessed with sex in such a way that he starts seeing "zoos" all over the place. A true zoo is aware that he/she is part of the smallest minority there is within the sexual spectrum. A true zoo doesn´t assume that every little random thing like , for instance, a profane and widespread paw print tattoo is a "dead sure sign" the one wearing it "must be a zoo".

When you start seeing things in that way like this fellow above, it´s pretty sure you suffer from an obsession. The same mechanisms then apply as in the usual chemtrail, "reptile people run our world"," jewish bankers/illuminati control us" conspiracy theorist guy you run into online frequently. Everything you perceive you´ll squeeze into your selfcreated alternate reality...and exactly that´s when you start losing contact with reality.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 3 points on 2016-05-01 08:32:31

weetsf said he suspects one guy (who was pretty affectionate with his dog) to be a zoo, and you extrapolate this into thinking he sees zoos everywhere.

the hyperboles and straw men you keep posting are pretty tiring to read all the time.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 6 points on 2016-05-02 06:41:31

i'm just sick of hearing "true zoo" all the time... holier than thou bullshit.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-05-03 03:01:08

Oooh, someone´s butthurt? Because "mene mene tekel uparsin"?

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2016-05-03 06:25:07

you are so ridiculously full of yourself.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-05-03 08:13:09

How about not wasting your time on me, but getting some actual experience by "dipping your pen in the ink" at least for once?HAND...

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2016-05-03 16:50:27

thank you for assuming i have no experience.

your first statement, however, is terrific advice.

zetas212 1 point on 2016-05-05 20:46:32

your first statement, however, is terrific advice.

\*looks closely at the injury\*

Yep, that's a burn

zetacola + Rum 2 points on 2016-05-03 22:05:12

You've talked shit against people who fence hop and encouraged someone to "dip his pen in the ink" in the span of 10 hours. I don't know. To me it seems awfully contradictory.

You know 30-30, I used to esteem your opinion greatly when I lurked in this sub and even when I first signed up as "zetacola". I love to read you when you interact with non-zoophiles. I love to read about your experiences, the loving bond you shared with your mare, the sacrifices you've had to make in life to get there, your experiences with psychedelics and etc. I find it humbling to read the experiences of someone who has built his entire life around an attraction as taboo as that of animals. But now, a lot of what you say just comes off as condescension and contrarian bullshit, or is downright contradictory. I won't pretend we are all friends here, but antagonism for the sake of antagonism really doesn't benefit anyone. And thinking you have the right to talk down to anyone because you've owned a horse which you also fucked is quite frankly sad.

Get off your damn high horse, pun intended.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-05-04 04:38:53

You have to check this guy´s post history to properly understand my reply, mate. I used his own words in a satirical way here..sadly you can only read the words but can´t see how much I was smiling and giggling while I was writing them...

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 2 points on 2016-04-30 19:22:08

I have found that my best friend is also a zoo, i kinda carefully asked two things, and well, he just bluntly asked if I was one. He had the feeling I was one, but out of respect never asked.

Kind of weird really for me. Surprised to say the least.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-04-30 20:13:02

thats pretty sweet.

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 2 points on 2016-04-30 20:44:35

Yup, it kind of helps. haha, been talking for 2 evenings now.

He suggested to look into pup play, to see if I still could work myself into humans. At least I have a person to run to, to talk about my feelings irl.

zetacola + Rum 4 points on 2016-04-30 21:59:16

What the fuck is even going on in this thread...

Anyways. No, I have never met another zoophile in my area, but I think I would like it to happen eventually. I'd prefer meeting someone like me, which is to say someone low key and not overly obsessed with sex. It must be nice to be able to talk about this face to face with somebody who understands.

Lefthandedsock 5 points on 2016-05-01 00:22:10

Seriously, did someone drug all these fuckers? Everyone's gone off the deep end.

zetacola + Rum 5 points on 2016-05-01 01:40:06

Ironically, this thread kinda reads as if zoophiles are nutjobs and should probably be avoided in real life.

Lefthandedsock 4 points on 2016-05-01 01:55:17

I concur.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-01 02:18:24

Why? Because we express strong opinions here? We're not dead and we're not emotionless beings.

zetacola + Rum 12 points on 2016-05-01 03:38:54

Discrediting same sex relationships on the basis of nature, normality and health on a forum for people who have sex with animals is a fit of pure fucking cognitive dissonance. I don't care about strong opinions. But if you can pull off the mental gymnastics necessary to justify interspecies sexual relationships but find it within yourself to condemn homosexuality, you have one heck of a problem.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-01 04:19:20

In bestiality, you have two animals relating with one another and "falling in love." Sure, you need to learn another genetic way of expression but it still is basically a male creature being attracted to a female creature and vice versa.

That doesn't mean that I believe that it is impossible for one to condemn zoophilia, though. But I actually think zoophilia is not as bad a thing as homosexuality is. Homosexuality is more f'ed up than zoophilia, in other words.

But that doesn't mean that people who have same sex attractions should be treated in any cruel sort of way by those who don't have same sex attractions. I just don't buy what the media tries to sell us by saying that homosexuality is completely fine and dandy. I think there's more to the story and things we're not being told.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-05-01 09:56:31


zoozooz 2 points on 2016-05-01 11:34:23

In bestiality, you have two animals relating with one another and "falling in love." Sure, you need to learn another genetic way of expression but it still is basically a male creature being attracted to a female creature and vice versa.

Oh really? Reading Miletski's stuff there was this funny bit:

The participants reported having clear preferences between female and male animals, while some reported they were attracted to both genders (questions 243-260). In some cases, a preference for same sex animals seemed to be more common. For example, out of 68 men (87%) who reported attraction to dogs, 27 (40%) were attracted to male dogs, compared with 13 (19%) who reported they were attracted to female dogs.

Also, as mentioned earlier, 40 men (49%) and two women (20%) reported their first animal sexual experience was with an animal of their gender (question 223). It was further evident from the participants’ descriptions of their sexual behaviors with animals (questions 228-242) that they did engage in sexual relations with animals of their gender.

It's not representative, but still...

zetacola + Rum 3 points on 2016-05-01 19:29:40

So I guess there is a new criterion for what makes one a "true zoo."

You can't be gay.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-01 22:35:46

I'm just saying that it is possible to have heterosexual relationships within bestiality.

zoozooz 1 point on 2016-05-02 09:38:07

Sure. Just saying there may be more gay zoophiles here than you thought.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-02 18:08:02

I've KNOWN for a long time that a big majority of the zoophile community consists of individuals that are also gay. But then so therefore I'm not allowed to openly and honestly express myself about things (such as homosexuality)? I understand that people probably don't like to hear it, but since I'm not trying to force laws (and I think it would be wrong to make laws), it doesn't really affect you, does it? You can agree with me, or you can disagree with me.

zetacola + Rum 3 points on 2016-05-01 19:10:27

In bestiality, you have two animals relating with one another and "falling in love." Sure, you need to learn another genetic way of expression but it still is basically a male creature being attracted to a female creature and vice versa.

I'm really curious as to why "male creature being attracted to a female creature and vice versa" is the defining factor of what is morally acceptable to you. What I find to be absolutely crazy about your position is that every argument that is used to justify or defend zoophilia can be used to absolve homosexuality from a moral perspective. Why you would come to the conclusion that homosexuality (within a species) is more fucked up than zoophilia is just beyond me. Is it because you think it's disgusting? Or against "nature"? Or not "normal"? Holy fucking shit ursusem, do you not realize that these are the exact reasons why 99% of the world hate our guts?! Lending credence to this kind of rhetoric to defend a homophobic stance validates the opinions of those who are irrationally opposed to our attraction. Good job.

Cognitive. Dissonance. Look it up. Because this is exactly what is going on here.

I just don't buy what the media tries to sell us by saying that homosexuality is completely fine and dandy.

I don't even know what to say. So you're just trying to be a contrarian then? Tell you what. Just give me one good reason why homosexual behavior between two consenting human adults is morally reprehensible and that simultaneously does not discredit zoophilia and I will give you one entire fucking bitcoin.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-01 22:34:40

I don't really care that all these people in the world think that zoophilia is bad because they think it's disgusting or against nature or not normal or whatever. I think people should be free to have their own feelings about things. And let's acknowledge that feelings CAN be INDICATORS as to the goodness or badness of a thing. This is one of the reasons why I'm always quite interested in getting these folks into dialogue about why they feel the way they do about interspecies sexuality involving humans. I like to know what is at the root of their feelings. Only then can we really understand what is truly troubling them about zoophilia. We really cannot move forward until we acquire this information, I believe. Where I think these people cross the line is when they create laws that discriminate against zoosexuals and criminalize zoo sex especially when they haven't even really researched or really seriously tried to understand the phenomenon - which, by the way, is pretty much ALL the time. There is a big difference between that and what I am talking about. I do not at all call for the discrimination against homosexuals nor the criminalization of homosexual acts. But you know, as a zoophilic person I really get tired of the grandiose, unquestioning, social acceptance that homosexuals are now enjoying in society while zoophiles are wrongfully shat upon. From my perspective, homosexuality is more disgusting and is more base than interspecies sex. Of course I don't think of interspecies sex as being gross or disgusting in any way. I am extremely offended that society thinks that MY heart and soul which I cherish and feel should be reverently honored is thought to be the lowest of the low while disgusting (from my perspective) homo sex is esteemed. Not only do I think it's just gross for two individuals of the same gender to go together- that is just ew!- you know the parts don't fit at all and same body parts together don't make me lose my lunch eeugh What?! I'm not allowed to find a certain kind of sex to be gross??! And another thing about this is that since bestiality is considered by society to be the grossest of the gross then it is expected that the people who are into it are also of course automatically they must be into all and every kind of sick and perverse kind of sex. Well guess what that misconception is a misconception!.. At least in heterosexual bestiality (and yes I am aware that homosexual bestiality exists, which I am also against. Of course I don't care to control anybody else's life if your heart and soul happens to be into gayzoo then live your life but don't expect me to not have my own feelings about it) a penis can actually go into a vagina. And why might that be? Oh, could it be because we are all animals at the end of the day? I'm an animal, you're an animal. Bestiality, in my opinion, is really like just an extreme kind of RACIAL difference between the two lovers. And bestiality is wrong because why, they're not humans? FACEPALM. Come on, people! Yeah right like they don't have feelings and they don't have minds and they don't want to have sex.. Let the creatures relate to each other in the way they will- and that includes the creatures that are human! I don't see myself as being fundamentally different from individuals of other species. Sure there are differences but I don't believe there to be any fundamental difference. Sorry all about this tangent.... Does that mean it would be right for me to create laws against the gay? Fuck no! Which is the concept that TRUE bigots cannot comprehend! No two humans are alike. What I feel to be right is not necessarily what you may feel to be right. Duh! How much life experience does it take to realize that you zoo bigots?!! That I know are reading this.

But anyway, not only do I feel that gay sex is just simply mechanistically gross but ultimately I feel that this kind of love is meant to be given to a member of the opposite sex as yourself. When you give that love to a member of the same gender, it is essentially stealing. That is my belief about it. It's wrong. How dare you! How dare you be so internally messed up that you can't properly love others. That is my feeling. Now, is that a good basis unto which to create laws against homosexual acts and to discriminate against people? No. Should I have a right to my own beliefs and feelings? Yes. I don't agree with gay. I find it to be evil. It's proper, right and true for a girl to love a boy and for a boy to love a girl. How WICKED it is to twist this! In my personal feeling. And no, it should not be considered homophobic to not be in love with homosexuality!

TheRedditRottie is black & tan 1 point on 2016-05-01 23:13:50

But you know, as a zoophilic person I really get tired of the grandiose, unquestioning, social acceptance that homosexuals are now enjoying in society while zoophiles are wrongfully shat upon.

Ahhh, the truth...you can no longer hide your jealousy and you've allowed it to spawn the irrational seeds of bigotry...Careful now, this path leads only to ruin.

Which is the concept that TRUE bigots cannot comprehend!

The TRUE bigot is the one who cannot comprehend their own bigotry.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-01 23:30:26

So why am I bigoted? Is it because I don't like gay sex?

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-05-02 07:02:40

no, it's because you say it's wrong only because you don't like it.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-02 07:24:35

Maybe it's just that I'm not sure if it really is okay. I guess the same could be said about zoophilia although I feel in my heart that zoophilia is good.

But I don't say it's wrong just because I don't like it. I also think it's wrong for this reason that I posted earlier: "...but ultimately I feel that this kind of love is meant to be given to a member of the opposite sex as yourself. When you give that love to a member of the same gender, it is essentially stealing. That is my belief about it."

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-05-02 16:09:35

and it's fine to BELIEVE that .. but to say automatically that it's WRONG is simply incorrect. that's what everyone is trying to tell you. that's what you aren't getting. you can believe whatever you want, but just because you feel whatever you feel .. that's OPINION, and doesn't make things right or wrong "just because".

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-02 17:33:07

Well that's exactly what I was doing. I was telling my opinion. It's wrong to me, it's not wrong to you. I don't get why nobody seems to see what I have been constantly saying over and over which is that we can't make laws against homosexuality just because of beliefs like mine. I wouldn't want it to be actually criminalized even if everyone felt like me. I stand by my statements.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-05-02 18:57:28

I don't get why nobody seems to see what I have been constantly saying over and over which is that we can't make laws against homosexuality just because of beliefs like mine.

because you labelled it as wrong simply because you don't like it. you now seem to be pretending you didn't say that or conveniently forgetting it. you don't get to choose what's right or wrong based on what you do or do not like.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-03 07:35:44

I have other reasons for seeing it as wrong that I mentioned besides just not liking it. But just because I see something as wrong because I have a magical fairy dust way of perceiving relationships and think there is something inherently sacred about the heterosexual relationship (and maybe I'm right about that, who knows), that's not enough evidence to prevent other people from living their lives in the way they choose so long as they are not causing harm and anguish to others. Why can't I choose what's right or wrong based on what I feel to be the truth? How do my beliefs about what things are right and what things are wrong have any real effect on anything?

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-05-03 17:09:36

Why can't I choose what's right or wrong based on what I feel to be the truth?

you can choose what's right or wrong FOR YOU .. but to say simply that it's right or wrong tells others that you think they are wrong. that's when people lose their shit. wording is VERY important. just try it next time .. be clear that you're expressing an opinion or your version of "the truth". chances are people will be far less likely to blow shit out of proportion.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-05-03 17:09:37

Why can't I choose what's right or wrong based on what I feel to be the truth?

you can choose what's right or wrong FOR YOU .. but to say simply that it's right or wrong tells others that you think they are wrong. that's when people lose their shit. wording is VERY important. just try it next time .. be clear that you're expressing an opinion or your version of "the truth". chances are people will be far less likely to blow shit out of proportion.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-05-02 19:09:51

you need to go back and read what you wrote. you didn't express it as opinion, you expressed it as fact.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-03 07:06:52

My opinion is strongly held by me. It is fact to me.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-05-03 16:48:09

opinions are not fact. please check a dictionary. things are not true simply because you want to believe them.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-10 06:23:03

Feelings for a person ARE true. It's called 'religion,' for one. ;)

AXwoof Exclusive 1 point on 2016-05-03 17:15:55

@ursusem, you said:

I actually think zoophilia is not as bad a thing as homosexuality is. Homosexuality is more f'ed up than zoophilia, in other words.

You call homosexuality f'ed up, but completely ignore the fact that not all zoophilic relationships are straight either. By generally claiming "zoophilia is good" you include same sex interspecies relationships (e.g. man + male dog) too.

So IF you really have the opinion that homosexuality is "wrong", then stop setting double standards when it comes to zoosexuals.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-05-04 06:16:49

actually, she addressed that elsewhere, saying that homo-zoosexual relationships are also wrong...

zetacola + Rum 1 point on 2016-05-02 00:21:54

This is one of the reasons why I'm always quite interested in getting these folks into dialogue about why they feel the way they do about interspecies sexuality involving humans. I like to know what is at the root of their feelings. Only then can we really understand what is truly troubling them about zoophilia. We really cannot move forward until we acquire this information, I believe.

Well, there you have it! I too would like to know what is the root of your feelings. Because only then can I understand what is truly troubling you about homosexuality, right? And indeed, we really cannot move forward until I acquire this information.

I do not at all call for the discrimination against homosexuals nor the criminalization of homosexual acts.

You may not be rooting for the criminalization of homosexual acts, but you are definitively discriminating against homosexuals.

But you know, as a zoophilic person I really get tired of the grandiose, unquestioning, social acceptance that homosexuals are now enjoying in society while zoophiles are wrongfully shat upon. From my perspective, homosexuality is more disgusting and is more base than interspecies sex. Of course I don't think of interspecies sex as being gross or disgusting in any way. I am extremely offended that society thinks that MY heart and soul which I cherish and feel should be reverently honored is thought to be the lowest of the low while disgusting (from my perspective) homo sex is esteemed.

Your worldview is thoroughly, completely, utterly fucked. This "grandiose, unquestioning social acceptance" for homosexuals is a product of your skewed mind. Like I said to /u/30-30, maybe if you'd get off the damn computer once in a while and dealt with real humans you'd see how misguided your perspective is. Homosexual and bisexual people are routinely victims of hatred, abuse, violence, segregation, discrimination, alienation... Just because mainstream media stopped hurling stones at them doesn't mean that the are universally accepted. Your feelings, your perspective, your sense of right and wrong hold absolutely no precedence over another's. I understand that seeing LGBT rapidly gaining acceptance while bestiality is as illegal now as ever feels unfair. It feels unfair to me too dammit. But life is unfair. That's just how it is. If you are offended by how society views your feelings, then revolt! But don't take your anger on people who are still victims of the Western world's severely misguided dogma.

Not only do I think it's just gross for two individuals of the same gender to go together- that is just ew!- you know the parts don't fit at all and same body parts together don't make me lose my lunch eeugh What?! I'm not allowed to find a certain kind of sex to be gross??!

Can you even hear yourself? Why do you think society discriminates against us? Because what we do "is just ew!" to the majority of people. Come on. You can do better than this.

What?! I'm not allowed to find a certain kind of sex to be gross??!

You can find whatever you want to be gross. This isn't the point. But you can't hold your feelings towards something as the sole moral barometer with which to rate these things. It is irrational. And furthermore, it is that exact same rhetoric that fuels the majority of the discrimination that you experience as someone who identifies as zoosexual. So it's okay when you do it, but not when other people do it? What is the logic in that ursusem?

What I feel to be right is not necessarily what you may feel to be right.

And this is exactly why "what one feels to be right" cannot be used as a pillar to support a moral system.

How dare you! How dare you be so internally messed up that you can't properly love others.

It's funny you should bring that up because I wonder the same thing about me and other zoo exclusives. What is so messed up with me that I can't love humans? But that begs the question, doesn't it? What makes my way of loving acceptable or not while somebody else's way of loving is the opposite? Why can't we just let people love whatever they want without judgment if no harm is caused? To me, it just makes no sense for zoophiles to hold the "it's okay if no harm is done" standard for themselves but fail to apply it to other sexual marginals.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-02 00:52:52

Wow. And once again no zoophile ever understands the things I write. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. No one ever hears the things that I write. I might as well just write this: akdfa;djfoeuiauvjdljjfpoeiruqporuqjfovaodcqcf qweoiuroqpirejfojfaoqjeorpuqoptuvfjovcnporupwouowpiuripoquportvpoicuopieuwpcoiurpoimupimupwoi4urpoiutvpirpoiuwpougpoivwurtuwpoieuhrq4

zetacola + Rum 1 point on 2016-05-02 01:10:07

How did I not understand the things you wrote? Your worldview is flawed and your epistemology is irrational and hypocritical. The end.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-02 01:12:02

Whatever, idiot.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-02 01:16:55

I guess I'll try again some time when I get up the energy for it. But not so much to try and get through the thick skulls of zoophiles (and in my experience many zoos have this. And they are also haters of bears) but more just to counter what you say for myself.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-02 05:49:10

It's obvious that you all are just closed minded about the differing view that I'm presenting without a fair consideration of it.

zetacola + Rum 2 points on 2016-05-02 19:40:30

No. I have offered your view a fair consideration and the fact that I am still replying to you instead of simply passing you over as a homophobe should be proof enough of that.

What should I do to not be closed minded in your opinion? Should I agree with you? Well, no. I'm sorry ursusem but I don't agree with you. And your garbled rants about how you think homosexuality is "wicked", "twisted" or "evil" will not change anything about that.

Trying to vindicate your position by claiming that you think it should remain legal despite what you feel does not work. A legal system, just like your petty feelings, is not enough to act as a single pillar of morality. Many crimes produce no victims, many deeds done in accordance with the law hurt people. Legality isn't right or wrong. Legality is the terms of your social contract, nothing more. I think zoophilia isn't wrong, but I'd still argue to keep bestiality illegal. Why? Because I care about animals and making it legal will open the door to a whole slew of animal abuse. Legal =/= Right. Illegal =/= Wrong.

Now try to get that through your own thick skull: If something is done in such a way that it hurts no one, and even provides great amounts of pleasure, an avenue of communication and a sense of deep meaning in people's lives, what the fuck is the problem with it? Why is it wrong? Why is is wicked? Why is it evil? Don't answer these questions for me, answer them for yourself.

Like I've said a dozen times before, what I find to be utterly asinine about this is that zoophiles use the precept of "as it hurts none" to justify their behavior. But how can you hold this opinion to justify bestiality and not homosexual behavior? It makes no frigging sense.

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2016-05-01 04:55:30

Expressing a personal opinion is discrediting? Oh, I forgot, it´s only tolerance if everyone pads you on the back while you get a dick up your bum, right? For me, it´s especially disturbing when I witness how tolerance (latin: tolerare = enduring something you don´t like) has been distorted to an excess where even a single, personal opinion expressed is resulting in amateur diagnoses of alleged mental problems. But I forgot, the LGBT isn´t aiming at proper tolerance, in reality, it´s absolute immunity they´re after...no one should ever express doubts, personal opinions aside fro the PC ductus...."I´m gay, love me or else you´re a homophobic, intolerant, nazi, mentally ill dick!"

I really start to wonder if there´s an actual grain of salt in the conservative´s view; we got to a point where it is forbidden to express doubts and personal views. It´s really breathtaking to see a community that is ( or should be) used to outside hatred, has (or should have) understood by now that there is absolutely no way to win over 100% of Earth´s population, but still is fighting for an imaginary sexual freedom utopia, a sand castle with pink tapestry, unicorns pooping rainbows etc...you´re chasing a goddamn illusion, folks! There always will be someone who´s not "feeling your shit", no matter if you´re hetero, homo, s/m, petplay, bondage, bestiality, whatever. But the LGBT is the only subgroup obviously inept to deal with that simple reality, trying to enforce their personal views into everyone´s heads.

When homosexuals hate on zoophiles, no one bats an eye. But when a zoo expresses a personal view of doubt, shit´s gonna fly all over the place. Are you LGBT defenders equally ferocious when one of your gay friends hates on zoophilia? I bet that´s absolutely not the case.

When prejudices fog the mind, rational thinking is the first casuality. Even when it´s positive prejudices, don´t forget that. If someone doesn´t dig your LGBT accpeting PC instantly, well, then get used to it! It´s exactly this freedom of expression that is endangered by your bullshit political correctness. When you´re not allowed to have your own opinions anymore, fascism is swinging above your head like the sword of Damocles.

I don´t completely agree with /u/ursusm, but since homosexuality is far from being completely researched, you all may be surprised and look like a bunch of parroting fools one day when science has advanced and found out more about same sex attraction.

I´m outta here for now...

P.S.: What makes my blood boil more than yours: What do you think of /u/Frostfedora throwing us zoos under the bus in /r/drama? Someone that has supported and linked fake ass whore Whitney Wisconsin and miraculously turned from "zooexclusive" to "Since I met this girl, I seldom have sex with animals" in an instant? If you have such alliies, you don´t need enemies, right? Time to resign, Frostfedora....

zetacola + Rum 4 points on 2016-05-01 21:03:01

I though /r/zoophilia was free from this kind of insanity, but I guess I was wrong.

Just because you are entitled to your opinions doesn't mean they are safe from scrutiny.

I'm just going to quote /u/ursusem:

The bottom line is, what is natural, normal and healthy in sexual attraction is that we are attracted to that which is not like us.

Natural. Normal. Healthy.

I could write a thesis on why using nature, normality and health to discredit human behavior makes no goddamn sense. I hope to hell I will not have to. Especially not on a forum for animal fuckers of all places.

Every argument that can be used to defend zoophilia can be used to defend homosexuality. Every single piece of rhetoric you can use to justify bestiality can be used to justify homosexual sexual contact. This is what I find to be insane about this whole ordeal. If you are a zoo who holds the opinion that it's wrong to be gay because it's "disgusting", "unnatural", "abnormal" or "unhealthy", you are basically agreeing with the irrationality that opposes your own attraction. Accepting homosexuality when you are a zoophile isn't a case of political correctness, it's a case of not falling into deranged cognitive dissonance.

I don´t completely agree with /u/ursusm, but since homosexuality is far from being completely researched, you all may be surprised and look like a bunch of parroting fools one day when science has advanced and found out more about same sex attraction.

You know, zoophilia hasn't been researched at all. Maybe you've been molested as a child too? Maybe you've suffered massive social trauma in the past that makes you unable to have relationships with your own species? Maybe you have an inferiority complex that makes you desire relationships with beings that are "under" you? Who knows right? It hasn't been researched.

but since zoophilia is far from being completely researched, you all may be surprised and look like a bunch of parroting fools one day when science has advanced and found out more about interspecies attraction.

I think you people should step from the computer and hang out with actual human beings once in a while.

And /u/frostfedora is just a troll at this point. And I don't particularly blame him. It's hard as fuck to take zoophiles seriously, especially with this kind of shit being spewed around.

Frostfedora Captain Esports 2 points on 2016-05-01 21:04:03

I'm also a mod!

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-01 23:03:13

Why is it so wrong to question this stuff? Why is it so wrong to question homosexuality? To question zoophilia, even? I think it's apparent that society is not anywhere near close to accepting zoophilia. Like, they probably won't accept it within our lifetimes. And I'm actually okay with that. Zoophiles still have A LOT to answer to and their answers have so far not been forth coming. I'd go so far as to say that zoophilia doesn't deserve acceptance at this point in history. People have a lot of likely legitimate fears about us that they don't even want to look at themselves. Zoophilia has barely been scientifically researched. Why is it not okay to express doubt?

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2016-05-03 03:50:07

See? That´s the whole difference here...I don´t get batshit crazy about you suggesting I might have been abused as a child, I don´t take it as a personal offense when you say I might suffer from a social trauma. It is a legit thing to assume, as well as it is to assume the opposite. I don´t want to force mainstream views into the "dissident´s" head, I don´t call you insane,a hypocrite, don´t say that you lost your overall credibility in here by now.

I don´t discard anyone´s opinions, not even those of the irrational antis. I don´t like installing "mindcrime" zones where you aren´t allowed to voice unpopular opinions and find it exceedingly funny that it´s a GERMAN who holds up the values of freedom of expression...

Oh, while we´re at it, please tell me, do you go down on any LGBT member who claims that zoophilia is unnatural, sick and disgusting in the same ferocious manner you go down on ursusm here? Would you mind answering my question why it is bigoted for a zoophile to doubt homosexuality, but when a homosexual doubts zoophilia, you remain silent? Is it because defending homosexuality is mainstream now and you´re not likely to face much opposition, but defending zoophlia within the LGBT territory would induce a massive shitstorm with yourself being in ursusm´s position as a target you can comfortably lash out onto?

What the fuck has happened to you folks? Who´s the bigger bigot here, ONE zoophile who voices an unpopular opinion....or the countless numbers of LGBT folks that won´t waste a second to ditch us "perverted retards" into jail? Why do you insist on a mutual support for homosexuals when actually the support is truly one way support? Why am I as a zoophile not the least bit insulted when someone thinks that zoophilia is gross, disgusting, retarded, sickening, etc... why can I tolerate even the worst anti positions without batting an eye? Why do you think that I don´t have contact with humans? As a riding instructor, I surely have to deal with more humans on a daily basis than you do....but I forgot, only claims others make are insulting, your own irrational, non fact based claims are "just asking"...

I do agree with ursusm when she says that our community hasn´t deserved tolerance yet and the commencing avalanche of hatred, butthurt feelings and hostility that can be witnessed in here is exactly the reason why...you´re all chasing your fantasies instead of dealing with the grim everyday realities offered when the computer is turned off. Instead of asking why ursusm feels that way she feels, you spit insults and anger all over her and unknowingly do EXACTLY the same as all those "concreteheaded, zoophobe, narrowminded assholes"you always complain about when another fencehopping incident is drawn through the media. The same irrational reflexes are triggered, the same mechanisms of "burn the witch" and "stone the pariah" aplly. Bra-vo, folks! Since ursusm isn´t proposing to make homosexuality illegal again and won´t enforce her views onto anyone, as she had made clear several fucking times now, for me, you´re the ones blindly following the mainstream agenda, you´re the witchhunters here. Sure, it must feel great to be on the other side at least once...but if you ever asked yourself why all those anti people do go down on you when you´re expressing an unpopular view like "zoophilia is a geuine orientation", well, there you have the answer...it feels great to be on "the right side", whether or not you really have thought about it in depth or just following a mainstream agenda...fascism lives in us all, folks. And remember: tolerance is NOT immunity!!!

P.S.: Maybe it would help to read Max Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse and Theodor W. Adorno....maybe you´ll get an idea what sceptical tolerance is..."The telos (greek: roughly translates to final goal) of tolerance is truth."

TheRedditRottie is black & tan 1 point on 2016-05-03 12:46:17

countless numbers of LGBT folks that won´t waste a second to ditch us "perverted retards" into jail?

Despite all your elder statesman rhetoric you still don't understand jack fucking shit do you 30-30? You're too blinded trying to play the high and mighty by defending the unpopular opinion that better fits your lifestyle to see the rest of us defending the unpopular opinion that better fits ours. It still hasn't crossed your mind that some zoophiles might just be filthy fucking faggots as well has it? Or that you don't know best, or that it's not your place to be arbiter of what a "true zoo" might be? If someone wants to sling shit at me or people like me then I absolutely will launch a vigorous defence.

I really couldn't give a flying fuck if every last LGBT person or even every person alive really does want to throw every zoophile in jail, I absolutely will speak out where I see LGBT people being irrationally attacked because just like them I live every day with the stigma and prejudice of my sexual orientation. They can hate on me all they want, that won't make me believe they deserve all the hatred that is still directed at them and it most assuredly will fucking not make me hate them myself. To do so would make me no better than all those Westboro idiots, spruiking their religion of peace and tolerance while shouting god hates fags.

Would you mind answering my question why it is bigoted for a zoophile to doubt homosexuality, but when a homosexual doubts zoophilia, you remain silent?

You do realise the chilling effect of zoophilia being illegal in most of the world don't you? I mean, if you do you'd realise this is a pretty fucking stupid question to be asking right? /u/30-30, the person who would tell us that to be out and proud is a heinous crime and no true zoo would ever risk the safety of their partners over something so frivolous and who then attacks us for not defending ourselves when to do so risks being outed. I mean come on...really?

I'm not calling ursusem bigoted because she holds (pretty much textbook) homophobic opinions, it's because she is so fucking recalcitrant she can't even see or acknowledge that her opinions just might in fact be homophobic.

Since ursusm isn´t proposing to make homosexuality illegal again and won´t enforce her views onto anyone, as she had made clear several fucking times now, for me,you´re the ones blindly following the mainstream agenda, you´re the witchhunters here

Personally, I'm not the person that walked into an outlaw motorcycle gang HQ and started shit talking Harley-Davidson's, that's not how you start a healthy discussion (or ask a question as ursusem is now trying to frame it) it's a fucking suicide mission. Given the number of homosexual zoophiles here I'm surprised ursusem has walked out without much more than a metaphorical black eye. Bruised egos and hurt feelings on either side don't count for shit, but really...what the fuck did either of you expect.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-05-03 22:23:54

I assume this is a second account, isn´t it? Maybe try and read my replies with your neurons turned on before you do your wild guessing bullshit, mate. Eventually you may even get what is it I´m trying to put across here, but by reading your little rant ad hominem I´ll guess its very unlikely. For anything else, please consult my reply to zetacola above. Oh, and stop being a drama queen...you suck at it.

TheRedditRottie is black & tan 1 point on 2016-05-05 11:11:13

I assume this is a second account, isn´t it?

No. (something...something...wild guessing bullshit, mate).

Eventually you may even get what is it I´m trying to put across here

Well, I've all but given up hope of you comprehending what I've said so I guess we're even yeah? Fuck it, how about I give you one last go...do you remember when I wrote, in reply to /u/ursusem:

I'm not suggesting that you're not entitled to an opinion, however you do need to be aware of your audience.

Fucked if I'd know how you could misinterpret that, but maybe you...

should learn something about discussion mechanics.

So, when ursusem wrote:

Well, at least you're into the opposite sex, buddy. I applaud you for that.

Well, what the fuck did you think would happen? Damn dude, I even gave you a fucking analogy but you were so tangled up justifying your own bullshit that it still went over your head.

I have to agree with what /u/zetacola said elsewhere, it's absolutely spot on (and significantly more tactful than myself but then people tell me I'm not backwards in coming forwards...). 30-30, you're not the only person that looks at post histories...when you're "on song" you're a great communicator and have a lot to contribute both within this community and to the general public...but fuck me, when you sink your teeth into something like this I have to wonder if you're the same person. Here you are again, this time the lecturing us about free and critical thought, accepting opposing views and the danger of latent fascism and generally sprouting some really insightful stuff while simultaneously trying to stifle any discussion of homophobia and successfully missing the point that the whole reason this was even a thing is because both you and ursusem fucked up some basic

discussion mechanics


30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-05-06 07:45:48

You seem to be of minor literacy, mate...where have I said that you should shut up? I just proposed to see things strategically and asking yourselves if it wouldn´t benefit you more to do what the carpenter son from Galilea has taught. For continued insight in my way of thinking, consult my reply to /u/imaginaryvenus5.

Everyone faces discrimination. Why do you feel entitled to be the only sub group of people who don´t have to deal with any form of discrimination, what gives you the right to demand such a thing? Are you better than everyone else, does society owe you one? Look, even your choice of words ("lecturing" when I only voice my opinion, homo"phobia"...phobiae are serious mental illnesses and an arachnophobic gets catatonic, he´s not yelling "spiders are unnatural" and waving signs reading "god hates spiders") is aimed at transforming your group into something sacrosanct...which is kinda retarded if you ask me. No one is entitled to absolute immunity, not even your group. I´d understand you a whole lot better if you were protesting against the death penalty homosexuals have to face when they are living in Saudi Arabia, this is something you´ll have my absolute support. If a homosexual is attacked physically, I wouldn´t hesitate to help him/her, actually I´ve done this in the eighties .I still believe that no one should be attacked physically, incarcerated or killed because of sexual orientation. Does that turn me into a bigot? IMHO it doesn´t. I still have some problems with the LGBT community, such as the "bugchasers" (people intentionally having unprotected sex with someone suffering from HIV to intentionally get infected), I still have problems with the commonality of promiscuity (I also find it repulsive in heterosexuals), I still have problems with the more extreme forms of homosexuality (anal fisting, sphincter stretching, for example). Does that make me a "homophobe"? IMHO, it doesn´t. Although I hated him as a neoliberal fucktard politician, I smpathized with Dr Guido Westerwelle, Germany´s former foreign minister who died just recently. He was gay and had a longtime relationship with Michael Mross. They were out in the public and I was totally okay with it. Almost everybody else was also, as it seemed. Klaus Wowereit, former major of Berlin, also had a longtime relationship with his man; I also accepted it without any hassle. Many other openly gay folks that are in longtime relationships also had my support, I have no problems with homosexuality, I have problems with the way some are interpeting this orientation as a dick filled playground without any rules and limitations, but equally I have problems with this kind of profanation of sexuality in heterosexuals. That´s how I run...I don´t care what you do and with whom, as long as you´re doing it out of actual LOVE, not horniness and egocentric motives. I may be oldfashioned, but that´s how I see it.

I know that these are my views and try to abstain from imposing them onto others too much, but souldn´t I be allowed to voice my opinions although some may find them offensive or insulting? The same goes for ursusm´s unpopular beliefs. You all would have dealt with it a whole lot better without the fucking drama. By a simple sentence like "Maybe you should think about it again" and leaving it at that instead of nearly inflicting WW3 in here. I remember reading an interview with one of the participants of the original Christopher street incident. What he said still resonates in me, he said that he is ashamed of what has become of "his" community nowadays and that the new generation is fighting for something that none of the original protesters had in mind back then. All they wanted was not being thrown into jail for being homosexual back then, they never aimed for the whole shabangabang madness that is the LGBT community today, with trying to force their subculture, their terms, their way of living into the mainstream culture with "lethal force". He even called it a "sell out of gayishness" to the mainstream. By the way, that may be one major reason why the zoo scene that once perfectly reflected the common percentage distribution of society (roughly around 85 % heterozoo/beasty, 10 - 15 % homosexual zoo/beasty) has been (pardon me) overrun by bi- and homosexuals because zoophilia still has this flair of adventure and off limits subculture that has been lost by the LGBT scene today.

You surely can continue counting me in to the "homophobes" although I don´t get catatonic in the presence of gay folks, if you really need your all-black-and-white weltbild to enjoy your "us versus them" mentality where friends and enemies are clearly identifyable without more neuronal activity invested, so be it.

If that´s the case, then I do understand the shown hostility with everyone going batshit crazy....black-and-white schemes, just shooting at anyone not wearing your colors like a triggerhappy soldier in the jungle truly living the "shoot first, ask later" attitude. I´d prefer stratecigal thinkers over that. You could have won lots of new sympathy with a calmer response, displaying actual inner strength here. But that´s only me, the "hatemongering, homophobic" asshole speaking....you surely can gain as much new friends by throwing a tantrum every time soemone says something insulting as a militant vegan can turn meateaters into vegans by calling them "animal holocaust supporting, neolithic muderer fucktards"....I wish you good luck in the future.

Sometimes taking the punch, walking away smiling truly IS the better alternative. Maybe someday you´ll realize it, too...


Recoil, dude, it´s all about recoil....

TheRedditRottie is black & tan 1 point on 2016-05-11 12:31:58

You seem to be of minor literacy, mate...

Only responding in kind as you seem to be of minor comprehension, mate. May I suggest you consult your Funk and Wagnalls for the terms "brevity" (from the Latin brevitatem for shortness) and "context" (also derived from Latin - contextus apparently...but you'd have a better understanding of the significance of the term if you check the aforementioned Funk and Wagnalls rather than examining the minutiae of the etymology). Both are concepts with which it would seem you are patently unfamiliar...mate.

Why do you feel entitled to be the only sub group of people who don´t have to deal with any form of discrimination, what gives you the right to demand such a thing?

I haven't touched on this (repeated) assertion previously and I'm really not sure just where you think you're headed with this. What gives a straight white couple that have sex in the missionary position purely for the purpose of procreation the right to be free of discrimination? What would give them the right to demand such a thing? Oh, that's right...they don't need to demand anything of the sort and any assertion that they do is utterly ludicrous. You've based your argument on a flawed premise - that the rights of a homosexual person should somehow be different to the "hypothetical" couple outlined above when it comes to discrimination. If you need to be reminded of the human cost of that position I suggest you google "gay suicide statistics", it may provide a sobering reminder that their struggles are far from over. (A side note, a similar search for "zoophile suicide statistics" turns up no useful data - I have a hunch that the problem is much, much worse than for "regular" queer folks though)

souldn´t I be allowed to voice my opinions although some may find them offensive or insulting?

Of course, you can and have - nobody is impeding your (or ursusem's for that matter) proclaimed right to free speech...Should your audience not be allowed to take you to task where they find such opinions offensive, inconsistent or insulting? Of course, they will - as indeed they have. Again, if you fail to recognise the importance of context when starting a discussion then I have a pair of asbestos undies I can loan you, as you will doubtless need them.

I don´t care what you do and with whom, as long as you´re doing it out of actual LOVE, not horniness and egocentric motives.

Well...we agree on that (and I'm skipping over the typical "I don't have a problem with gay people, some of my best friends are gay" bullshit), but I think these numbers...

By the way, that may be one major reason why the zoo scene that once perfectly reflected the common percentage distribution of society (roughly around 85 % heterozoo/beasty, 10 - 15 % homosexual zoo/beasty) has been (pardon me) overrun by bi- and homosexuals because zoophilia still has this flair of adventure and off limits subculture that has been lost by the LGBT scene today.

...deserve a "citation needed". Actually, hang on a sec...

I remember reading an interview with one of the participants of the original Christopher street incident. What he said still resonates in me, he said that he is ashamed of what has become of "his" community nowadays and that the new generation is fighting for something that none of the original protesters had in mind back then.

Ahhh...ok, I see a little more clearly from where the "true zoo" stuff emanates now. Do you feel threatened by a perceived infiltration of "your" community by people that don't share your particular moral position? "They're doing something different that I hadn't envisioned back in the good 'ol days" and "Oh-noes!! My exclusive little club is being overrun with people I don't want to associate with! Woe is me!". Same as the bloke you referenced you need to realise that while a community will be defined by it's membership, individual members cannot themselves define a community - no matter if you believe you were "here first"...

Or you can sit on your porch yelling get off my lawn at all the young whipper snappers taking your ideals and twisting them as they see fit. Choice is yours mate.

where friends and enemies are clearly identifyable without more neuronal activity invested, so be it.

I really did hesitate to use that particular analogy as I felt it was sure to provoke this kind of halfwitted misrepresentation. Sometimes life seems, quite paradoxically, to be able to live both up and down to my expectations simultaneously.

But that´s only me, the "hatemongering, homophobic" asshole speaking

Quit the attempted self denigration, mate. Nobody's buying it and quite frankly you suck at it.

I wish you good luck in the future.

Likewise (note my lack of sarcasm, mate).

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-05-11 13:23:00

Still not over it? Wow, if pushing your views into people´s heads means that much to you, you must be pretty insecure about your sexuality. Nice move to hate on some veteran from your own community who has risked his life and freedom for your freedom, calling him a bloke. Braaavo! Keep on your "if you don´t love us, you obviously hate us, homophobe" attitude, Daffyd...and have a nice day. ;)

zetacola + Rum 2 points on 2016-05-03 17:11:22

You talk about freedom of expression as some sort of a one way street which is very ironic because it defeats the entire purpose of what freedom of speech stands for in the first place! Have the mods deleted ursusem's posts? No. Have the mods banned ursusem? No. People here haven't even ignored ursusem's bigotry for the most part and have replied to her posts in an attempt to engage in conversation. What about this isn't freedom of speech?

So your idea of freedom of speech is that I should censor my rebuttal to an unpopular opinion just because it is unpopular? What the fuck even is the sense in that?!

People are wholeheartedly allowed to post unpopular opinions, and by these very same rules, people are allowed to pick apart these opinions in any way they see fit. Freedom of speech is not some unilateral thing, and the fact that the majority of people are opposed to your opinion does NOT mean you are being discriminated against.

Would you mind answering my question why it is bigoted for a zoophile to doubt homosexuality, but when a homosexual doubts zoophilia, you remain silent

I looooooove how you just assume stuff to validate your opinion before even knowing what I'm going to answer you. I have defended zoophilia, on multiple occasions. My one friend who has been the most vocal against zoophilia just happens to be gay. You see, he hated the fact that homophobes used the slippery slope fallacy to try to condemn homosexuality ("if gays are able to marry now, what's next? People marrying their dog?") I asked him, as a joke more than anything, whats wrong with people wanting to marry their dogs. It started as a joke, but we had a serious discussion about it later that night. Right, I probably didn't manage to convince him, but I still held my ground. And no, he doesn't know that I'm zoo, and I will probably never tell him. But I think it's better that it stays that way, because my opinion comes off as those of a logical thinker and not a "filthy dogfucker" trying to justify his depravity. If the conversation ever shifts in the direction of the morality of zoophilia, I will defend it. Because I think there is no logical argument to be made against it.

And what ursusem has expressed isn't a mere doubt. It's a full blown attack on homosexuality. Once again, because I think there is no logical argument to be made against it, I will defend it.

What the fuck has happened to you folks? Who´s the bigger bigot here, ONE zoophile who voices an unpopular opinion....or the countless numbers of LGBT folks that won´t waste a second to ditch us "perverted retards" into jail? Why do you insist on a mutual support for homosexuals when actually the support is truly one way support?

And that's your problem. This isn't about some imaginary "mutual support" between groups of sexual marginals. This is about having consistency in the inner workings of your mind. If you can find it within yourself to justify bestiality, then it makes no sense whatsoever to decry homosexuality. Zoophilia is not accepted by the mainstream of society. Homosexuals are not an exception to this. And homosexuals do not owe us anything.

Instead of asking why ursusm feels that way she feels

Yes. I have done exactly this. Multiple times in fact. But she does not answer, because she has no answer to give me. You see, that's what happens when your opinion is irrational.

And by the by. I'm as straight as an arrow. So I'm not arguing because this affects me personally.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-05-03 22:11:17

Quote"..and the fact that the majority of people are opposed to your opinion does NOT mean you are discriminated against"...Please apply this to your own position when the next anti zoo shitstorm arises. And don´t forget to apply it to the homosexuals, too. We really aren´t too far apart on this, I just wished your remarkable conclusion I quoted would be equally applied to every "special interests" group. So, why all the hostility towards ursusm? I´ve seen it quite a few times when she expressed her disliking of dogs. Why is it so important to you defenders what other people think? Why can´t you just leave it there and stop trying to convince the targeted pariah?

I intentionally haven´t added my own viewpoints on homosexuality here and just focused on the "Frankfurt school" approach of Horkheimer,Marcuse and Adorno that includes "backwards" viewpoints as vital and essential part of dialectics to get closer to the actual truth instead of just swapping the thesis for the antithesis. The best form of reply to ursusm and her "irrational" beliefs came from LadySaberCat, it was calm, the lest judgemental and stringent...most of what "our" community had contributed was just yelling at the pariah. I do know that freedom of speech is bilateral, but I also don´t understand why it is so important to force your "just beliefs" into everyone´s heads. As I said, it´s not tolerance we´re talking about here, it is the demand for absolute immunity IMHO. Why is it so hard to deal with the fact that other people´s heads are off limits and by yelling, namecalling and accusing you won´t win anyone over? Exactly this hysterical approach is what bugs me the most. This is why I never fight for acceptance, it just comes naturally or it won´t come at all; all someone should fight for is legality (LGBT: already won in most 1st world countries) and tolerance (LGBT: nearly won, the majority of people does not have issues with you folks anymore). But acceptance? Well, forget it, its nothing you can fight for. It´s something you surely can hope for, but there´s absolutely nothing you can do about it. I consider this whole clusterfuck here as a nice example of exaggerated expectations and not only ursusm should learn something about the LGBT folks, but anyone should learn something about discussion mechanics. You know, we globally face an immense shift to right wing, conservative politics now; the anti gay movement gains momentum all over the world and the pendulum swings back. I also think, as I stated in another post, that you all chase an illusion, there never will be an environment free of "bigoted" folks, there never will be absolute immunity and anyone should learn to deal with the grim fact that you can win legality for your orientation, you can even win tolerance from a certain percentage of openminded folks, but you never can win over anyone and will inevitably run into negative individuals. What I say is that fighting is futile here and I don´t see any progress coming from engaging in a battle for people´s minds. This is why I said that I don´t care if someone insults me by having "nonsensical" beliefs about zoophilia, ´cause I know this always will be out there; again I like to hear why it is so important for the LGBT community that everyone literally has to love `em or else they are "homophobic, irrational, bigoted,etc." Is this really so important to control other people´s thoughts? If zoophilia is legal and additionally tolerated by close friends and family, then I am totally content. I do not want more and can´t understand why the LGBT folks are so upset about this situation here. Sometimes, remaining silent, maybe pointing out a couple of good books about the controversial issues would show more strength and self confidence than going full berzerk and countering someone who is flinging a tiny little turd at your "posse" with tons of elephant dung. "An eye for an eye....until we´re all blind."

By the way, exactly this kind of response is what America should have chosen after 9/11 IMHO. Showing strength by using all the money wasted on the military to quickly rebuild WTC and not going on a revenge trip that led to more muslim militancy and to the birth of ISIS/DAESH. As in this clusterfuck here, it is oftentimes more effective and displays a lot more strength to just take the blow, laughing about it and eventually turning the other cheek. If all of you defenders of the LGBT would have done this, I´d sympathize with you, but the amount of thirsting for revenge I witnessed in here just leaves me thinking if the proverb "the oppressed of yesterday will become the oppressors of tomorrow" is actually right.

Oh, I do see that there is some form of inconsistency in ursusm´s way of thinking, but doesn´t that apply to the majority of the LGBT folks, too? For me, it is equally inconsistent to be homosexual and hate on other subgroups in the sexual spectrum like us. I agree that homosexuals don´t owe us anything, but again, do we own them anything? The way I see it: what is expected from us for the sake of consistency isn´t expected from the LGBT with a bogus excuse "Well, they´re basically like the normals"...aren´t we too? And doesn´t that "legitimize" ursusm´s point of view towards homosexuality in a certain way because she "basically is like the normals"? Ursusm isn´t the only one with double standards here, so much is for sure now. I don´t want a world where there´s only cosyness, hugging and total acceptance...I want a world where there is also a room for controversy, insults, fighting, risks, adventures, hate, love, etc. This is what life is all about, folks. It´s not about turning the entire world into a nice little soft pillow, it´s about getting manly (or womanly) enough to deal with all the punches thrown at you and still walking upright, smiling. We should at least thank ursusm for initiating a debate that led us somewhere. This thread may be the one with the most replies ever since I joined this subreddit. Don´t take this too serious, folks...in the end, it´s just some text on a screen that absolutely holds no relevance for your everyday lives, no matter if ursusm likes or hates gays.

P.S.: @zetacola: I know you´re straight. I usually check the post history of people to get to know them better ´cause I´m interested in the ones I discuss with. ;)

zetacola + Rum 1 point on 2016-05-04 02:38:02

Quote"..and the fact that the majority of people are opposed to your opinion does NOT mean you are discriminated against"...Please apply this to your own position when the next anti zoo shitstorm arises.

Zoos are discriminated. What ursusem did was discrimination against gays. Discrimination is a prejudice against an individual based on their perceived belonging to a group rather than personal merit. If someone says : "all zoophiles are evil!" that's discrimination. If someone says : "all homosexuals are evil!" that's discrimination. And you could apply this to any group really, it doesn't even have to be restrained to "special interests" groups. "You are German therefore you are a Nazi!" That's discrimination... But if I say : "You are a homophobe because you discriminate against homosexuals," that's not discrimination. Even if everybody on Earth says the same thing, it's still not discrimination.

So, why all the hostility towards ursusm? I´ve seen it quite a few times when she expressed her disliking of dogs. Why is it so important to you defenders what other people think?

People are hostile towards ursusem because she makes absurd claims and is unable to back them up with anything factual. You can dislike dogs, sure. A lot of people dislike dogs and that's fine. Hell, I don't automatically like every single dog I see and I want to sleep with them. But it's more than just dislike. She is afraid of dogs; she has a hard time reading them and trusting them. Again, nothing really wrong about this either. It starts becoming weird when she admits being okay with sharing intimacy with a bear. I guess as a fantasy it can work. But when you start to take this outside of the realm of fantasy, it becomes well... absurd. A bear is a feral, dangerous animal. There's no denying that dogs can be dangerous too, but they are social animals that also happen to be domesticated. A dog won't lash out for no reason and most communicate their state of mind very clearly (to those who care to listen, that is.) As someone who loves dogs, it irks me a bit to see somebody who knows next to nothing about them spout all sort of nonsense. I'm sure you must feel the same about horses, no?

Now she starts going into her homophobic rambles. Her opinion, as I understand it, is that homosexuality is wrong because it's ultimately against nature. Again, it's fine to think that. A claim like that is hard to prove or disprove. For all we know, it could very well be against nature. But nature is not a barometer to gauge the rightness or wrongness of human behavior. It simply does not work. Now for the absurd part: she can justify sexual contact and romantic attachment between a human and an animal and not between two beings of the same gender. Again, using her idea nature as epistemology. If sodomizing my male dog is wrong because it's against nature, then sodomizing my female dog is wrong as well. And you can bet your ass the sex of the animal certainly isn't the defining factor.

Why is it so important to you defenders what other people think?

If the point is to discuss, than I think it's normal for discussion to happen. If you voice an opinion I don't agree with, I will do my best to offer a rebuttal. That is the nature of discussion, no? If no one cared what other people thought, there would be nobody here, including you. What I like about /r/zoophilia is exactly the fact that it is not a hugbox echo chamber. True discussion does take place here. But even then, it still happens that a subject, like say acceptance of homosexuality, manages to consolidate the majority of the people here willing to talk about it. And that's okay too. The subject of fence hopping consolidates the majority of the people too. Is that a bad thing? No.

most of what "our" community had contributed was just yelling at the pariah.

I don't feel like this is the case at all. I can agree that I rapidly, rapidly become a dick when I feel insulted in a conversation. But I feel the points have brought up, along with other's, were logically sound and worthy of consideration. If I compare this with the irrational name-calling ursusem called arguments, I feel that it's because of the utmost respect of others' opinions that people (me) still are ready to engage in conversation with her.

I do know that freedom of speech is bilateral, but I also don´t understand why it is so important to force your "just beliefs" into everyone´s heads

You really don't get what I'm trying to say. This is not about the "justice" of the beliefs. This is about the consistency of the beliefs. Consistency! If you can justify bestiality, it makes no goddamn sense to be opposed to homosexuality! That's it! That's my entire fucking argument! I cannot for the life of me understand what's so hard to grasp about this! If you base your morality of bestiality on the "no harm principle," you cannot simultaneously consider homosexual behavior wrong when no harm is done there as well! If you think that the gut reactions of the masses aren't enough to vilify zoophilia, you cannot simultaneously consider homosexual behavior wrong when it instill gut reactions in you! It is not consistent!

I like to hear why it is so important for the LGBT community that everyone literally has to love `em or else they are "homophobic, irrational, bigoted,etc."

Because, like I said in my previous post, there is no logical argument to be made against these people. You have every right in the world to think that butthole sex is disgusting. But the second you discriminate against people who partake in that activity, you are homophobic, irrational, bigoted, etc. If these people have done nothing wrong, they do not deserve to be treated as if they have done something wrong.

Sure, we will never create a world where everybody accepts everybody unconditionally. We will never create a world where nobody thinks butthole sex isn't disgusting. But it doesn't matter. If we manage to create a world where teenagers aren't thrown out of their house and disinherited because of who they chose to love, this is what matters! You can fight for acceptance, you just have to educate people. Bigotry comes from lacking education and only education can fix the problem. No, all homosexuals aren't pedophiles... No, all zoophiles don't brutalize animals... When you have some nonsensical drivel being spouted by people like ursusem, you are deterring education and therefore progress.

Also, like I said before, shut down the computer and go talk to actual people and you'll soon realize that true LGBT people, not the fucking whining vocal minority you see on shitholes like tumblr, also care about nothing than being accepted by family and people close to them. It's the fact that these people are routinely not accepted by their families or people close to them that's the problem.

For me, it is equally inconsistent to be homosexual and hate on other subgroups in the sexual spectrum like us. I agree that homosexuals don´t owe us anything, but again, do we own them anything?

I (hopefully) explained what I meant about consistency above. I'm talking about the logical consistency of one's positions. LGBT, like everybody else, will never consider our perspective because animals can't consent. No, we don't owe these people anything, but if we can justify acting out on our sexual desires, we consequently lend them credence.

This is what life is all about, folks. It´s not about turning the entire world into a nice little soft pillow, it´s about getting manly (or womanly) enough to deal with all the punches thrown at you and still walking upright, smiling.

That's just too easy to say.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-05 10:19:34

I don't think it's discrimination to ponder or even suspect that it's maybe a kind of evil to be gay. If it is inherently evil to be gay, what would it matter what an individual gay person is like as a person? Alcoholism is a kind of vice regardless of what an individual alcoholic is like as a person. That being said, I don't really see gays and lesbians as being bad people in the vein of, like say- murders and rapists- rather I see them more as confused people.

"As someone who loves dogs, it irks me a bit to see somebody who knows next to nothing about them spout all sort of nonsense"

I feel the same way about you when you talk about bears. But, I still need to be reasonable about it because I understand that most people don't know much about bears and there is a lot of negative prejudice towards bears due to the not based in true reality imaginative ideas people have about them. Bears are very intelligent, they're very emotional, they're very social. They are very fascinating animals. I think it's horrible the misunderstanding and bad rap that we humans give them.

They're not really what a lot of people imagine them to be.

My opinion is not that homosexuality is wrong because it's against nature. You've completely misunderstood my point there.

And what the hell is this below?

"Bigotry comes from lacking education and only education can fix the problem. No, all homosexuals aren't pedophiles... No, all zoophiles don't brutalize animals... When you have some nonsensical drivel being spouted by people like ursusem, you are deterring education and therefore progress."

Here it sounds like you want to bring acceptance by silencing any dissenting viewpoint. Oh boy!

zetacola + Rum 1 point on 2016-05-05 16:25:35

I don't think it's discrimination to ponder or even suspect that it's maybe a kind of evil to be gay.

Right. But you haven't "pondered or even suspect", you have called homosexuality evil. And that is textbook definition of what discrimination is. You base your judgement of individuals on their belonging to a group and not on their personal merit.

They're not really what a lot of people imagine them to be.

Yeah. I don't find that hard to believe at all, with the treatment that humans habitually give to wild animals. But bears are not domesticated animals. Whatever you may believe, they are way more dangerous than dogs.

My opinion is not that homosexuality is wrong because it's against nature. You've completely misunderstood my point there.

So what is your point!? Do you mind telling me? Why do you think homosexuality is evil and on what do you base your opinion? I feel like I asked you this many times, but you never produce a conclusive answer.

Here it sounds like you want to bring acceptance by silencing any dissenting viewpoint. Oh boy!

When the dissenting viewpoint is based on nothing rational than yes, indeed, I would rather see it silenced.

imaginaryvenus5 2 points on 2016-05-04 11:18:43

I really applaud you guys for how you handled the discussion, while there could have been fewer insults each and every one had at least a point in their argument, which is way better than how it could have been.

/u/30-30 had a point regarding the blind acceptance people have to give to the LGBT community, while their existence is legit and everyone should tolerant it, that doesn't mean people shouldn't criticize and express their feelings about the topic in a calm and civil discussion, I am a guy who likes to look at different viewpoints, but I feel the internet threatens to damage anyone's reputation if they intend to say anything bad about LGBT, and this makes me feel there are a lot of anti-LGBT people who were forced to either suppress or change their viewpoint solely because of how other people on the internet may react if they vocalize about it.

I myself one time was browsing /r/aww and there was a picture of two hamsters sitting together on a tree branch looking romantic, I felt aww'd by that, until someone in the comments pointed out that they both have balls, I chuckled a bit then replied to him "aw, man, you ruined the moment for me" (ignore that it's a shit comment, I was still new to reddit), and then immediately got bombarded by people telling me that I am homophobic, while really I was just expressing how disappointed I was that the hamsters' behaviour was not as relevant to me as I thought, since I am straight, you know what I mean?

Now I must make it clear that I am not against homosexuality because frankly, i don't really care, but if someone shoves homosexuality upon my face they'll get my opinion on it which is that I am not homo, i do not like homosexuality, I don't support it because i don't know batshit about it and I don't support things blindly, in the end I'd like to point out that whenever anyone speaks about homosexuality in general on the internet they usually have to emphasis something sometimes multiple times in a row "I have to say there is nothing wrong with being gay" "I am not against homosexuality" to make sure nobody misunderstands them, like seriously guys, if people easily get offended by something that we have to repeat over and over that we don't mean what they might think we do mean as if we're standing in of court and afraid of getting imprisoned if we say something wrong then there is something wrong with this society.

zetacola + Rum 1 point on 2016-05-04 18:56:48

Reddit isn't real life. The Internet isn't real life. The "blind acceptance people have to give to the LGBT community" does not exist.

I have no problem having a discussion about the ramifications of an abnormal sexual orientation. However, I cannot for the life of me take people who can justify sex with animals seriously when they call sex between two males "evil", "unnatural" or "unhealthy."

It's so ridiculous that it's actually the butt of a joke:

"A man goes to a psychiatrist and tells him that every single night, he has a recurring dream wherein he fucks his horse repeatedly. The shrink asks whether the horse is male or female, to which the man responds 'Female, of course! What kind of pervert do you think I am?'"

imaginaryvenus5 2 points on 2016-05-04 21:35:23

To be honest with you, yeah, blind acceptance to LGBT doesn't exist outside of the internet at least where I live, but I have always assumed that was because I am in a very religious country, on the internet though (which you can't say doesn't exist because it does, and warps people's views on things in a very dramatic way and I am speaking from personal experience) it's a whole different thing.

Before I go into the second paragraph I want to say that in my opinion anyone who discards sexual orientations because it's unnatural or evil can just fuck off, there is no "natural" when it comes to sex as demonstrated perfectly by animals sometimes acting homo, sometimes you see dolphins masturbating to dead corpses or forming a group of males that sets out to rape unsuspecting females, if we want to act natural the whole world will be a giant orgy.

And I want you look into sexual orientations with my perspective for one second, males have dicks and females have vaginas, alright? And they strive to rub them with something so they can achieve pleasure, humans love to explore so we set out to have different tastes of where we want to rub our appendages, and since we love to label things we gave each tendency to rub with a certain thing a name, now having someone who loves to rub with trees doesn't mean he has to like rubbing into other plants, everyone has a preference, some people like anal while hetero, some don't and think it's gross and it's ok, some people like oral while homo, some don't and think it's gross and that's ok, man, you could have a sexual orientation towards tentacle monsters and think zoophilia is gross and it'd be ok, same thing with zoophilia and homosexuality, they are both different sexual orientations and being into one doesn't necessarily mean you like the other or even accept it.

In the end it's all a matter of where someone likes to stick their genitalia into and we shouldn't make such a fuss over how one person thinks sticking it into arses is weird, no matter where they like stick their genitalia into.

I have an exam tomorrow and I am speaking about genitalia at 12 midnight on /r/zoophilia ...

zetacola + Rum 1 point on 2016-05-05 00:40:29

Thanks for the reply.

I agree entirely with your perspective on sexual orientation. It's about connecting body parts and having fun. That's it. Why make it into something so goddamn complicated? What started this whole argument is that, obviously, some people do not agree with this. Some people view sexual relationship as a magical thing that can only take place between a man and a woman, or in this case a male and a female, and that two individuals of the same sex engaging in said relationship are "twisting their purpose" and doing something "evil".

man, you could have a sexual orientation towards tentacle monsters and think zoophilia is gross and it'd be ok, same thing with zoophilia and homosexuality, they are both different sexual orientations and being into one doesn't necessarily mean you like the other or even accept it.

But my point isn't about what's gross or not. I don't care that other people partake in activities I find gross and I will never hold this over their head. In my opinion, nobody should care about something just because it's gross if it does not affect them further. What I do in my bedroom isn't the business of anybody.

Zoophilia is a moral gray. Animals don't have the capacity to consent and don't have the power to emancipate themselves from abuse. Zoophiles use rhetoric centered around utilitarianism (happiness = good, unhappiness = bad) to justify their behavior. Zoophiles also don't allow fallacious rhetoric devices such as appeal to nature or wisdom of repugnance to undermine their opinion of the moral good of zoophilia.

The problem when you are a zoophile who holds the view that homosexuality is evil isn't that you think it's disgusting. Like I said, I could care less about what you find disgusting. The problem is that every argument you use to vindicate zoophilia simultaneously vindicate other sexual behaviors where no harm is done, e.g. homosexuality. And conversely, lending credence to fallacies of "nature" and "normality" to decry homosexuality simultaneously condemns zoophilia.

Well, good luck with your exam. I'm starting to be sick of talking about this, to be honest. It's just crazy.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-05 09:21:12

You say that sexual orientation is about connecting body parts and having fun and that's it but I hope you see that that is what it is according to your feelings and beliefs. Do you see how your attitude here is not tolerant towards those who feel differently about it than you do? Because you are saying, 'Why does there HAVE to be all these (nutty) people who think this thing that I don't?'

I'm saying, why can't we both exist and have our own feelings?

zetacola + Rum 1 point on 2016-05-05 16:14:08

I aim for objectivity. I understand I will never reach it completely, but it is still my aim. People's feelings are subjective and therefore it is not my aim to include as part of my discussion. What is sex objectiviely if it is not the connection of body parts?

Because you are saying, 'Why does there HAVE to be all these (nutty) people who think this thing that I don't?'

So, no. What I am saying is "Why does there HAVE to be all these (nutty) people who hold their subjective interpretations as objective truths?"

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-05 09:11:17

For me, it's not really an issue about it not being "natural," it's that I feel like it defiles the "specialness" of the male-female connection. And it does, if you believe in such a thing. But I don't go around discriminating against people. If someone is gay, then they are gay and they should not be treated any differently from anyone else. I understand that people likely see things in a different way from how I do and it therefore wouldn't be my place to push my views DOWN THE THROATS of gay people that I know or find on the street that are just out living their lives. Sorry that that is hard for people to grasp here.

imaginaryvenus5 1 point on 2016-05-06 10:27:41

OK, I get where you're coming from, sometimes we may have strong emotions on how things should be like, and it's totally ok, I mean, look at me, I live in a very strongly religious country but I believe it's best for this country to turn to secularism so that the various conflicts between the different religious parties are easier and more fair to solve, many people disagree with what I say and say that I don't know what I am talking about.

but you see, I don't voice my opinion on this until I know it's worth it, I am free to say anything I like, but I don't voice it in, say, a church, because I know damn well how people will respond to me and I might as well be speaking to myself, see, the moment I bring up the word Secular people will lost respect for me and therefore not take anything I say seriously, and I shouldn't really waste my time or breath there unless I have prepared an awesome speech that captures the feelings of everyone involved, you know what I am saying?

Same thing with you, you're free to say anything you like, but when you're in a sub-reddit this diverse in sexual orientations like /r/zoophilia, in the middle of a thread that's speaking about an entirely different friendly topic, saying something like "at least you're into the opposite sex, I applaud you for that" is absolutely 100% nothing but trouble, see if we take apart that sentence it has a couple of issues, it's completely irrelevant to the discussion as the person you were speaking to was talking about artificial dicks that spice up sex or something like that, and the situation is like being with a group of Muslims and Christians who're chatting with each other and then one christian says that he thinks killing people when there's evidence they partake in witchcraft is an ok thing to do, after that you jump in saying "hey, at least you're a Christian, right?", now imagine if you're a Muslim in this the middle of this group, how would you react?

Back to the real world, let me be clear, people shouldn't cause a complete shitstorm because of that comment, I am against that, but on the other hand I completely understand why they did it, all I am saying is that you should be careful of what you say as it might come off as kinda rude, I know your other comments are simple opinions and that's ok, but this "I applaud you comment" was not necessary at all.

I might just be making this situation broader but judging by your comments you seem to be very upset by this whole homosexuality defies the specialness thing, I encourage you not to think about it too much, as it will only drive negative thoughts to your mind and might make you restless to take a large portion of your time of the day trying to do something about it, but that's just how it seems to me, I might be wrong.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-05-06 06:32:44

Wow, very pleasant that there actually is someone out there who understands what I´m trying to put across here.

I´m a heavily tattooed guy, some of my ink is visible even when fully clothed. Every now and then I run into someone who stares at me like I´m a fucking alien (or fucking an alien in his plain eyesight ;) ). I run into opinions like "Wow, you must have a huge mental problem by desecrating your body ike that", I even dismissed when I applied for a job because of my tattoos several times. But do I throw a tantrum? No, I just get over it an walk on.

I wear long dreadlocks. I frequently run into folks giving me the "evil stare", obviously considering me a dope dealer, an unsanitary germ bank, a freak with an unbearable appearance. I am regularly pulled over from the police just because of my friggin´hair, my cars gets searched, sometimes even by dogs sniffing for weed. I am constantly confronted with society´s opinions, often called "antisocial" and " icky looking"...just because of my hairstyle. But do I feel the need to defend myself, do I feel the need to yell back at society for their "irrational and hatefueled" approach? No, it just isn´t worth it.

I´m a vegetarian for more than 25 years now, a vegan for nearly 20 years. I´m frequently confronted with meateating people insulting me with all of the usual arguments...blah,blah, weakling, retard, "a real man eats meat, so you must be a faggot/pussy", etc....I´m sure you know this kind of smack talk. There are some vegans/vegetarians who feel the need to fight whenever an opportunity to fight shows up, but I´m old enough to know how stupid and meaningless fighting is. I just swallow down all of the insults and move on.

I´m a riding instructor and whenever someone notices how I make money for a livin´, I hear things like "The only men who like horses are all gay" , " What an effeminate profession" and "When´s your gender changing surgery taking place?" Do I feel the need to throw a tantrum? No, ´cause I know how futile it is; I just walk away smiling at their ignorance.

I´m German and you´re free to guess how often I´m called "nazi", "fascist" and "Adolf" online,although I´m located at the complete opposite of the political spectrum. Do I feel the need to retailate immediately? No. I just smile at the insulters.

You see, discrimination is everywhere. People hate on all different kinds of things, it seems to serve a certain purpose within the human mind. But there´s only one peticular group of people who usually get batshit crazy about every fucking little insult...and that´s the LGBT community. I´ve never witnessed a similar tantrum from, let´s say, the coprophilia folks when someone says he thinks playing with feces and urine is gross, unnatural and sickening. I never seen someone from the s/m posse throwing a similar tantrum when his "hobby" is called sick, unnatural and repulsive. You can continue this list for literally all other sexual deviancies that are out there...but it´s always the LGBT scene that turns it into a fucking drama, turns a fly´s fart into an elephant´s.... Sometimes, it´s a lot more beneficial to just remain silent and walk away. It avoids unnecessary stress, it gains a lot of sympathy for the one who was insulted...you know, like the guy from Galilea taught, "turning the other cheek". Just compare your little fight in here to another , you LGBT folks....you´re basically no different than those militant vegans jumping into everyone´s faces with their attitudes...erronuously believing that shouting and attacking will turn your foe into a friend if you´re shouting loud enough. The opposite is true. You´re just hardening the frontlines here. By the way, I´m not saying you should shut up, you´re surely free to voice your opinion. But I see it from a strategic point of view and would choose silence over yelling if it grants me a better outcome, better yield of newly won sympathy. As I said before: sometimes it´s way better to just take the punch, counter with a witty pun and move on; this would show more inner strength than anything else.

I wonder what exactly you LGBT folks are up to..is it really tolerance? Nobody has answered that, leaving me thinking I might not be too wrong by assuming you truly are aiming at absolute immunity, where not a single person should ever criticise you. What such a world would be like you can witness in some member´s replies here: I am called "fucked up" although I didn´t even said something against homosexuality. The simple fact that I´m hinting at bilateral freedom of expression is reason enough to insult me, to render me a retard and not worth listening to. When this is your LGBT tolerant world, folks, well, then fuck you and the horse you came with ( ...I´ll gladly take over that part if you came with a mare...;) ).

In most parts of the 1st world, you LGBT folks can do whatever you want without the authorities interfering, without the threat of being thrown into jail. You have entire cities like San Francisco and, for example, Cologne in Germany where you aren´t even stared at in a weird way when walking down the street wearing a pink bra and peacock feathers up your ass. YOu have a well organized infrastructure of clubs and gathering points, you have your own magazines sold openly, you have your own websites...what the fuck do you want more? I agree that in some rural parts of a country, it may be harder for a homosexual to live life, but you are free to move whereever you like. If your parents hate and disown you because you´re gay, well, everthing comes with a cost. I´m licky that my family is so tolerant and even helps me buying my own farm, but I would not stray off the path destiny has given me if I had been thrown out and disowned years ago. I have accepted what I am and will not falter nor fall walking my path regardless of what obstacles are put into my way. Grow up and get over the fact that this world isn´t comfy...for no one, not even the heterosexuals. One last thing: If keeping a neutral position is something that upsets you so much you end up calling it being "fucked up", chances are high that YOU´RE the ones who are fundamentally fucked up here.

ursusem 0 points on 2016-05-04 06:57:56

I really haven't had the time or energy to respond to your retardation. I will try my best. But I don't have time tonight. It may take me a week to get to it.

zetacola + Rum 2 points on 2016-05-04 18:52:47

I can't wait to read you.

Seriously though, if you can't quote academic papers or at least a few statistical studies that demonstrate that homosexuality is detrimental to people, I'd advise you to not even waste your time writing your reply. Because appeal to emotion and other baseless stupidity doesn't sway me one bit.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-05 08:23:00

My point was not to sway anyone on anything. I was just speaking honestly on my own opinions for the purpose of discussion. But I was definitely shown how one is not allowed to think certain things here.

zetacola + Rum 1 point on 2016-05-05 16:08:50

People have replied to you and at worst downvoted you. Your posts have not been deleted and you have not been banned. You are free to think whatever you want and express these ideas, but please understand that people are also free to reply whatever they want to you.

This is exactly like I said to 30-30. If freedom of speech means that somebody can voice whatever opinion they want, well that means that people are also allowed to voice whatever rebuttal they want, no?

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-05 08:15:05

I think the issue here is that so I've expressed an unpopular opinion here. Do you know what else is an unpopular opinion in society at large? Suggesting that zoophilia is a legitimate real orientation. And do you know what usually happens when unpopular opinions are expressed? Well, most people just attack and insult the individual who expressed the unpopular opinion and you encounter the same closed mindedness and unwillingness to really listen to the 'unusual' viewpoint that we see whenever we are talking with people who are against zoophilia. In other words, it is okay to "not like" an unpopular opinion but it sure is a shame that the initial reaction to unpopular opinions is that of complete closed mindedness. I like to hear different viewpoints of subjects. Even if the viewpoints may not seem "good" at first. I believe it improves my overall understanding of things.

I guess I'm not surprised that people have reacted to me in the way they did. After all, I dared to question the goodness of homosexuality. And I get the point you are making about 'how can one be against homosexuality when they are pro zoophilia' (and by the way, this only demonstrates ignorance on your part- you're saying, 'I don't know how that's possible' which means you need to listen to this other viewpoint that you've apparently never encountered before). You are saying things like, 'in our arguments to justify zoophilia, we zoos make the claim that zoophilia is okay because no one is harmed by it. But then, by extension, a sexual orientation such as homosexuality would/should also be morally okay because homosexuality by itself is another form of actions that do not result in any harm. So if we are using 'the harm principle' to determine right behavior versus wrong behavior, then we can know that both zoophilia and homosexuality are equally morally okay. I have presented the threatening position which is that I feel and believe in my heart that ultimately this kind of love is supposed to happen only between a male and a female (I might just be so extremely heterosexual that in a way I'm sort of incapable of really comprehending homosexuality at all which may be able to explain how it is that I can feel the way I do). And your reaction is, 'oh, so you just think that homosexuality is wrong just because. Well then, what is to stop other people from then just being like, 'zoophilia is wrong because I know it in my heart that it is wrong. Species needs to be separate?'' Personally, I don't understand why people feeling that way is a problem. It's a problem if they then also feel that due to their feeling and special belief they also have the right to control how I live my life. That is where I think the line in the sand needs to be drawn. So, there is nothing apparently wrong with homosexuality because it doesn't cause any obvious harm to anyone. But I feel that there is something extra to it that is playing behind the scenes. So while it's not exactly 'bad,' it's not exactly 'good' either in my opinion, of course. Ultimately I think it's good that society is much more open and tolerant towards sexual minority groups than it has been in the past. Tolerance should never equal immunity, I agree with that sentiment. As long as someone's lifestyle does not directly harm others, I think that people should be free to live as they choose to.

So, you should be able to see by now that I believe both homosexuality and zoophilia are discovered to be good when held to the harm principle. So I believe that both should basically be accepted or tolerated within free societies. However, that doesn't mean that I think that no one should ever be allowed to express their criticism of homosexuality and/or zoophilia, that no one should be allowed to believe that either or both are immoral or that they shouldn't be allowed to speak on their beliefs. There is a difference between "suspecting that something isn't right" in a supernatural sort of sense and really hating individual real people simply because they just think in a different way from how you think- not having compassion for people and the understanding that everyone is unique, everyone has their own perspective to bring et. cetera We're all different and we need to play nicely and try to understand one another.

zetacola + Rum 1 point on 2016-05-05 16:02:01

Suggesting that zoophilia is a legitimate real orientation. And do you know what usually happens when unpopular opinions are expressed? Well, most people just attack and insult the individual who expressed the unpopular opinion and you encounter the same closed mindedness and unwillingness to really listen to the 'unusual' viewpoint that we see whenever we are talking with people who are against zoophilia

Yes I agree. But now you must ask yourself why do people attack those who entertain the thought of zoophilia as a legitimate orientation? Most of the time, it's because people let irrational emotions get in the way of their reason. Emotions that you yourself have clearly expressed towards homosexuality. I'm sorry, but irrationality does not have it's place in a conversation that yearns to be rational. Go listen to the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham and try to tell me these two men are on the same wavelength from and intellectual and argumentative standpoint. It just doesn't work.

I too like to hear different viewpoints on things. And I don't consider myself as someone close-minded at all. But I hope you understand that calling things "evil" with absolutely no other foundation other than your gut feeling towards it does make for some pretty weak rhetoric.

and by the way, this only demonstrates ignorance on your part- you're saying, 'I don't know how that's possible' which means you need to listen to this other viewpoint that you've apparently never encountered before

It's not that I don't how it's possible that someone may be against homosexuality but supportive of zoophilia. It's that it's simply not consistent to hold these two views simultaneously. It's cognitive dissonance on your part. If you can justify bestiality, you cannot logically decry homosexual sex. You seem to understand what I mean about that, but your view still doesn't budge, so for me it's a bit of a lost cause at this point.

Personally, I don't understand why people feeling that way is a problem. It's a problem if they then also feel that due to their feeling and special belief they also have the right to control how I live my life.

It's a problem because you validate the views of those who are opposed to zoophilia when you use the same rhetorical devices to condemn something else.

However, that doesn't mean that I think that no one should ever be allowed to express their criticism of homosexuality and/or zoophilia [...]

No of course not. But what bloody criticism have you provided us ursusem? Slandering is not criticism.

that no one should be allowed to believe that either or both are immoral or that they shouldn't be allowed to speak on their beliefs.

Again, on what do you base your epistemology of what is immoral? If you hold an utilitarian perspective (no harm done) to vindicate zoophilia, on what do you base your perspective to decry homosexuality? The "supernatural"? Jesus Christ. The supernatural has no frigging place in a serious discussion, I don't care what you think. You can't expect people to remain silent when you base your claim on something as vaporous as the supernatural. And this goes for just about anything, really.

By the way, I don't hate you. I hope you haven't interpreted what I said as hate towards your person. I am just talking, no hard feelings. But try to put yourself in the shoes of people who are gay and read what you wrote. I wouldn't hold it above their heads if these people indeed decided to hate you.

Fuzzherp 1 point on 2016-05-03 02:17:30

Real shit. Like, this is maybe my second or third time here. Came to feel less weird cause i dont really have anyone to talk to about this and this thread does not make me feel better. This is some surreal fuckin shit.

zetacola + Rum 2 points on 2016-05-03 16:12:38

This is the first time in years I have seen /r/zoophilia this batshit retarded.

Ironically, someone just made a post about how dead it was here, and I said it was because people eventually ran out of things to talk about. Well, we have things to talk about now!

incognito-cognition 1 point on 2016-05-01 18:03:01

I've not found many in my area, but I've dated one for quite some time, and am friends with a couple more. My experience is also that the subject rarely comes up because we have other things in common, but when it does it's no big deal... which is exactly how it should be, in my opinion.

The context of your remark about being into more tame things seems to imply that you think being "into" animals is in some way not tame...?

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-05-01 18:41:00


the_egoldstein 3 points on 2016-05-02 18:43:43

Skipping past all the drama........

Over the years I've met a few folks who were into zoophilia/bestiality, some of them from the pre-internet days, but most were initially internet contacts who happened to live nearby.

From the pre-internet days, I knew of 2, but I was not especially open about such topics nor especially social so the exposure was limited. Both are long time friends who have kept in contact with me even as our lives have changed dramatically over the years. My door is always open for them.

Of the internet contacts I've known, they've mostly been good people who are living their lives as best they can. A few I have had differences with and did not attempt to remain in contact with, but none have been what I would define as a bad person. A few also have become very dear friends who I love as family. In general, I'd say it's the same as meeting new friends from any walk of life, some you will like, some not, and most will be somewhere in between.

OddlyComplicated 1 point on 2016-05-03 21:29:09

I only wish I knew someone local to me that was a zoo. At least my gf understands. We're in a poly-amorous relationship and I'd love to add someone else to our group.

[deleted] 2 points on 2016-05-03 21:30:37


OddlyComplicated 1 point on 2016-05-03 23:19:05

I'm not sure if my meta knows I'm a zoo or not. My gf seems to think he does. Maybe I'll come out to him as well.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2016-05-04 06:14:09

i didn't reply to this at first because as i understood the question, i didn't think it applied to me, but to try to salvage something from this thread and add some signal (by way of apology to the OP), here goes nothing.

i never met anyone locally that i found out was a zoophile. i've only ever met people IRL who i first met online and got to know well enough to trust them enough to meet up in a public place.

no idea what i'd do, though i admit it would be tempting to do the stupid/naive thing and admit to also being a zoophile (as long as i was absolutely certain the person in question is a zoophile, e.g. i caught them in the act).

[deleted] 2 points on 2016-05-04 13:31:44


zetas212 3 points on 2016-05-05 21:02:26

The very first zoo I met lived in the same county as I, but I had spoken to him online a few times prior to that first meeting. It's a bizarre feeling - and not always easy - to be able to talk about things otherwise safely stored in the vault, but it also feels great to know that the other party understands how you feel on a fundamental level.

Since then I've expanded my circle of contacts a bit to include some that have become great friends, but none since the first have been local.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2016-05-05 23:02:20

I don't know any zoophiles in real life.