Have you ever felt a blip on your Zoodar? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-05-05 05:52:53 by Swibblestein

This one is mostly for fun.

Zoodar: The zoophile version of Gaydar.

Do you ever feel like you can spot a zoo in your day to day life? How often do you suspect someone of being a zoo? Ever suspected someone and then gotten confirmation / contradiction on it? Got any stories of someone you've really suspected of being a zoo, but couldn't ever prove it?

Surely I'm not the only one who likes to judge this sort of thing when I hear someone make a suspicious comment, or seem just a little too attached to their companions.

Swibblestein 9 points on 2016-05-05 05:55:30

I don't really have any particularly good stories, but I do have a reasonably recent one:

Walking along the street, I see someone with... Some sort of Husky-like dog (not a husky, or any other breed I know of... had longer, layered fur, and was absolutely jaw-droppingly gorgeous). I stopped to say hello, and the dog was quite friendly. Her owner said something along the lines of "Yeah, she's a total flirt with guys".

Now, I'll freely admit I'm entirely biased based on how gorgeous this dog was, but I like to think that maybe he was speaking from experience there.

West_dogger niks soos die liefde van 'n hond 7 points on 2016-05-05 07:49:08

Makes my ears ring when I look in the mirror

Lefthandedsock 10 points on 2016-05-05 15:20:32

Absoutely. I was at a horse jumping show in VT a few years ago when I saw this woman with her Australian shepherd. She was so enamored with him, obviously paying no attention to the show while he was on top of her. She laid there underneath him, letting him lick her lips and teeth while she rubbed his cheeks.

Whatever she was or was not, they put on a show more interesting than the horses and their riders.

zetacola + Rum 4 points on 2016-05-05 19:20:50

I lived in the countryside for the better part of my youth. While I didn't think much of it back then, looking back now, there are a few things that were suspicious.

We had a neighbor, a lady, who lived alone with three golden retrievers, all male. Another of our neighbors, who became sort of a friend of the family, owns multiple dogs and horses. I never really suspected him to be zoo, but he coddled animals to such an extent it was almost unsettling at times, especially since he's an imposing, big bearded, tattooed biker type of guy.

I don't want to assume anything. I'm sure some people just reaaaaally like animals without making this sort of mental leap. But you never know...

This may be a bit off topic but... I think I physically look like some of the guys I see in porn (petlust), which is incredibly disquieting to me.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 3 points on 2016-05-05 21:01:29

hit the gym man, its worth it. I used to be a fatty but got my ass in gear and its crazy, people really do treat you better.

Also you buck the steroetype that zoos only go after animals because they cant get grills, so it's kind of a double whammy.

edit: I assumed you meant the chubby petlust guys, not the ones who just need a decent haircut.

zetacola + Rum 7 points on 2016-05-05 21:32:43

I was talking more about facial traits, hair color and general demeanor. Some were better than others, but there are a few, maybe two or three, who I think look just like me. I won't share pictures of my face for obvious reasons, but I think you'd understand exactly what I mean if I showed you.

Also you buck the steroetype that zoos only go after animals because they cant get grills, so it's kind of a double whammy.

Some of these guys were actually pretty ok. I'm no Adonis but I certainly ain't that bad myself. I think it's legitimate to assume that the majority of people who "commit" bestiality only do so because they can't get humans, for one reason or the other. But I don't imply zoos - people attracted to animals - have to fit in this category as well. I sincerely doubt all petlust guys were zoos tho.

And no, I'm not a fatty lel. One of the biggest reason I want a dog is to stop having to run alone. Also to stop having to sleep alone, but that's another story ;)

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-05-06 15:36:32

heh fair enough, silly me. I cant really remember how any of the petlust guys look, it's been so long since I've watched any of those vids, but I just remember they all looked a bit...dunno. Anyway, I'd rather use my imagination than watch their vids to be honest. They dont really do anything for me. Yeah the act is being done but christ the dogs look miserable in most of them.

One of the biggest reason I want a dog is to stop having to run alone. Also to stop having to sleep alone, but that's another story ;)

aw yiss, this is the dream.

zetacola + Rum 2 points on 2016-05-06 16:19:25

There is a grand total of three videos I tolerate and even then it's iffy. 800MB downloaded off a 15GB torrent lel...

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-05-06 16:44:32

haha yeah thats about right.

ZooMasil 3 points on 2016-05-05 22:02:18

When I started college I was skinny and tall with very little muscle mass, my school had a brand new gym which was very nice and I decided to get into shape. Having confidence in who you are and what you look like is really important, and for me it was that working out and some martial arts I did that gave me that.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 3 points on 2016-05-06 15:38:18

definitely. getting in shape really gave me confidence to call myself a zoo. Before that I was always wondering if I was one of those guys who just looked at dogs because I couldn't get girls.

Got in shape and I still found dogs sexy and humans unappealing lol.

Swibblestein 3 points on 2016-05-06 15:44:32

Right now I'm imagining you as a shirtless sexy Adonis with a chiselled chin, and trophy dogwives draped over your muscled arms.

The mental image is highly amusing.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2016-05-06 16:09:33

haha oh god if only. I'm still working on the trophy dogwife thing.

pinkstray 2 points on 2016-05-07 00:56:34

I never thought of things that way. Thanks for the insight.

ZooMasil 12 points on 2016-05-05 21:56:29

Okay this is a funny story. Typically I hate jumping to conclusions about people but I'll say this one is a fair bet. So I was a freshman in college and I'm taking an engineering and design class, this class didn't end till about 6pm in the day which is late for a college course so by the end of it people are just ready to leave and go home, so as I'm walking out the door one of my class mates whispers under his breath "I can't wait to go home and draw horse butts". I do a double take at that and continue walking, all in all, a story that has stuck with me.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 4 points on 2016-05-05 23:06:09

Horse butts are awesome!

ZGreenZX 2 points on 2016-05-07 22:10:33

Few years ago i was looking through my moms stash of CDs and DVDs for some nice music in our old apartment which we still have in other town. We don't have internet there thats why. There was 1 DVD with 'My Stuff' written on it. Guess what came up! 10+ vids of dogs fucking random women, giving a blowjob to dogs/horses. I asked my mom about it and she had no idea... yea sure..of course. Im pretty sure my mom is into that stuff too

bonniebubblegum deer, deer, and deer 1 point on 2016-05-09 10:34:15

ive always gotten the feeling that my mom has done something with zoophilia, considering how unconcerned and "not mad" she was when i got caught. i know she'd never say anything about it, but im almost sure of it. It still kind of bugs me to this day, and i just never had the courage to try to ask about it.

KaRabbit 0 points on 2016-05-22 01:25:52

I can spot a zoophile if they are constantly running at poor innocent animals that cannot consent with raging erections