New, Female 'Pup' Zoo Here, Looking to Connect With Others. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-05-10 06:14:40 by LoveForGSDs

Hi there everyone! I'm new to embracing my zoophilia so I'm branching out to places and looking to introduce myself to meet other zoos that are like me.

Little about me, I am a female in my 20s. I like to game, especially retro gaming, and am getting into game collecting. Also love WoW and Diablo, and Metal Gear Solid 2 is my favorite game of all time.

My primary attraction is to canines, and I developed it many years ago and have had it ever since. I consider myself a 'zoophile' in the sense that having sex with an animal isn't for the kink or humiliation or other aspect in a fetish context. I am genuinely attracted to the dogs and want to become closer to them.

I'm primarily into German Shepherd Dogs, hence my name, but I'm also attracted to Belgian Shepherds, Dutch Shepherds, Belgian Malinois (yum), Dobermann, and Beauceron. Also don't mind studs like Pit Bulls or Rottweilers.

As a therian that identifies myself as a Grey Wolf, the strongest attraction I feel in the world is towards wolves. I know that the physical scenario is pretty much impossible, but the attraction I feel to the wolf is nearly spiritual, and I was able to interact with one and kiss one in amazing bliss once. Wolves are the sexiest creatures on the planet, in my opinion, and I love them.

I also like 'pup' play where I'm the puppy for a master, or to play with a fellow pup. I have my own hood and working on a tail. I know it's kinda rare to find other females into puppy play, but I'd really like to get to know some like minded individuals here. :)

I'd like to get to know some of you, so feel free to comment here or message me if you think you'd like to get to know me. It'd be really cool to hear from a similar female zoo who knows who I feel, or a fellow female pup, but anyone is welcome of course!

Thanks for reading. Glad to be among others like me here.


30-30 amator equae 5 points on 2016-05-10 06:28:35

I wanted to respond, but you just turned out to be the most despicable human being around...I don´t mind about all the dog stuff, but METAL GEAR SOLID 2???? What the heck??? I adore MGS1, have the PS2 MGS3 Subsistence edition, MGS4 made me buy a PS3 and I´m still working on my S ranks in Phantom Pain (yaaaay! D-Horse!!! I´d like this game even more if it was a mare...;) ). But MGS2? That´s just an abomination to nature. May Kojima burn in hell for giving us that blonde retard in exchange for Snake... ;)

LoveForGSDs 3 points on 2016-05-10 06:33:40

A certain part of me just fucking adores Raiden and I can't explain it, haha. I love how useless and whiny he is, it's just hilarious. But Ye Gods yes, Phantom Pain is so good. Dat D-Dog....

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-05-10 07:09:21

I don't even know what you're talking about, but I find the rant is persuading me to agree with you anyways...

TheAsianTroll 1 point on 2016-05-10 09:43:22

MGS2 is considered one of the biggest letdowns in the series because the trailer showed us playing as Snake and then Kojima, the series creator, throws a twist in and has us playing the main game as a blonde-haired, surprisingly feminine guy named Raiden.

So basically, fans got very upset over Kojima pulling a bait-and-switch on them, despite Raiden becoming one of the biggest badasses in the series later on

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2016-05-10 21:44:03

I love how ridiculously nerdy this is, and I have never played MSG. Or MGS, even. I think I'll keep my original typo, it amuses me. :)

stalnixrm I wanna fuck a dog in the ass -1 points on 2016-05-10 07:18:02

/me facepaws really hard

Get a little grey on your muzzle, then claim your therianthropy. Asinine shit like this gives us a bad name.

For further information, join:

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-05-10 07:43:13

I wasn't aware therianthropy was an exclusive club.

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 1 point on 2016-05-10 07:55:22

I think stalnixrm meant that people claiming to be therian give zoos a bad name. I Don't really agree to that, but that's my opinion

stalnixrm I wanna fuck a dog in the ass 0 points on 2016-05-10 11:43:46

That is incorrect. Therians who act like bright-eyed yuppies who clearly are struggling with the reality/fantasy distinction give us a bad name. I've gone extensive rounds but long and short this is NOT the sort of person helpful to that image. I'll write a longer comment as a general response to my own comment since there's three of you.

WeAreDifferent Canines 2 points on 2016-05-10 11:55:01

Wait, could you tell me where that "bright-eyed yuppie" part is?

All I can see is this:

As a therian that identifies myself as a Grey Wolf, the strongest attraction I feel in the world is towards wolves.

She hasn't mentioned therianthropy anywhere else or any "reality/fantasy" issues before or after that. This is a perfectly valueable statment to me. What's your problem?

stalnixrm I wanna fuck a dog in the ass 1 point on 2016-05-10 11:58:24

I wrote a longer post, as I said I would. Check the children of my initial comment back for my writeup on the matter.

dogsrgreat 0 points on 2016-05-21 22:45:23

You really think people care exactly what kind of putative animal fucker you claim to be? Jeez, get over yourself! Since when did being a zoophile require a person to be a mean little misanthrope?

stalnixrm I wanna fuck a dog in the ass 1 point on 2016-05-22 05:39:49

About the same time it required people to make four comments on a somewhat dated post to try to make a point.

Unlike you, I do have one merit worth mention: I know when letting things go is the better course of action. You arrived to the battle after it was over, kicked a soldier on the ground (or perhaps I mean "took a potshot at the army on the move to the next battle"), and you expect that you'd be called so great for it?

Move along. There is nothing for you to do here.

WeAreDifferent Canines 2 points on 2016-05-10 12:00:09

I think the most interesting behavior from those therian-elitists is that they have most likely "claimed their therianthropy", as soon as they found out about it, themselves.

Yet anyone new isn't allowed to do that. Double-standard at its finest.

By the way, there isn't even any information about if she's new or not... ^but ^let's ^just ^ignore ^that.

Susitar Canidae 3 points on 2016-05-10 08:03:31

I'm a therian, been active in the community for 8 years (mostly on Werelist), and I don't see what the problem here is?

stalnixrm I wanna fuck a dog in the ass 1 point on 2016-05-10 11:44:17

Hand it off to Savage and have him explain it. I'll write a longer reply here in a moment as a general reply to my own comment since there's three of you.

West_dogger niks soos die liefde van 'n hond 2 points on 2016-05-10 10:36:31

Wow are you a real live elitist :D

I'm humbled sir. should I bow or kiss you hand ?

stalnixrm I wanna fuck a dog in the ass 0 points on 2016-05-10 11:45:32

Merely because I believe someone is a bright-eyed yuppie that needs to come from the clouds to the ground doesn't mean I'm an elitist. However, since you asked, you can suck my clit. I'll write a longer reply here in a moment as a general reply to my own comment since there's three of you.

[deleted] 0 points on 2016-05-11 00:28:52


stalnixrm I wanna fuck a dog in the ass 0 points on 2016-05-11 00:37:44

Your inability to take what you attempt to dish out is categorically the mark of a schoolyard bully. The first time someone can hit hard enough to hurt, you sit, and cry, and throw a fit.

You're not in my focus, and quite a number of comments and replies have been written here by me on this matter. You're free to look over them if you want to see them. Especially:

[...] a longer reply [...] as a general reply to my own comment

Most of them received some level of, well, level discourse. You received this response because of what you dealt at me. Your - specifically, you, your - rage may as well be at a mirror for all the meaning it has about me at the end of the day.

stalnixrm I wanna fuck a dog in the ass 1 point on 2016-05-11 00:42:25

My context free nature is revealed through just how little I care about who even wrote the original comment. Sorry there West_dogger (as long as Lefthandedsock isn't a second account) - confusion happens when you get flooded with a few too many comments at once and try to go through them in a hurry.

The general point still remains.

[deleted] 0 points on 2016-05-11 00:44:32


stalnixrm I wanna fuck a dog in the ass 1 point on 2016-05-11 00:45:42

Kay. You can keep saying it. It won't make it happen.

dogsrgreat 0 points on 2016-05-21 22:46:50

Not an elitist, just a dick.

stalnixrm I wanna fuck a dog in the ass 0 points on 2016-05-10 11:56:25

There are some red flags to consider in the therian community that may elude those who are "only" zoophiles here.

I like to game, especially retro gaming [...] Also love WoW and Diablo [...]

One of the biggest problems for newcomers to therianthropy is that first hard hit of exposure to therians who have taken entirely too many beatings on their behalf. Nowhere is this more apparent than when someone /reeks/ of being a roleplayer or likely to be one. /Therianthropy is not a roleplaying community/. While many of us are avid gamers, roleplayers, and yes - even zoophiles (it's almost mandatory, really, in some senses of the word), we generally see "I love roleplaying games" as a red flag to be suspect.

I am genuinely attracted to the dogs and want to become closer to them.

While this is often shared in common with Therianthropy and zoophilia, this alone is not enough to create a therian.

I'm primarily into [domestic dogs]

... Promptly followed by...

As a therian that identifies myself as a Grey Wolf, the strongest attraction I feel in the world is towards wolves. [...]

"yet another person claiming to be a wolf" is another flag, this one a light red. However, in conjunction with the doublelisting of favorites, this is really glaringly bad.

Not only this, but the intersection of "roleplayers" and "not actually therians" is - you guessed it - wolves. The two together are /generally not good news/.

I was able to interact with one and kiss one in amazing bliss once.

This story reeks of bullshit. I'm calling bullshit. I don't even need to explain why. If I do, you've not studied wolf behavior. You can either have had access to a relatively domesticated one (unlikely, and still not completely safe even then) or have gotten mauled because you were wrong place wrong time (reasonably likely, but not really) or simply - and more likely - this never happened. Occam's Razor demands the third one.

If I'm to believe the third one, then the extended notion is that not only is this looking worse as a fantasy v reality breakdown (expanding the RP section of the space), then this is really sad to see people get taken in on.

I also like 'pup' play where I'm the puppy for a master

Without offering any specific criticisms of puppy play, this is another indication that the user is likely to be a roleplayer by admission of roleplay.

break for wandering eyes

All these things together make me think that this is not a therian, but someone who wants special snowflake credibility status. Which is a shame because I don't doubt the entire post, just enough to growl and say "NOT IN MY NAME".

So yeah. There's that.

WeAreDifferent Canines 3 points on 2016-05-10 12:35:17

we generally see "I love roleplaying games" as a red flag to be suspect.

This is just about as hypocritical as you can get. I don't know the people you hang out with, but "we" is relative. "We" as in "We therians"? I am a therian (and just to ease your mind, I've been for 9 years) and I don't agree at all. Are animals not allowed to roleplay? Are people who claim to have an animal soul not allowed to roleplay?

While this is often shared in common with Therianthropy and zoophilia, this alone is not enough to create a therian.

And she never stated that it makes one.

"yet another person claiming to be a wolf" is another flag

And yet again, purely hypocritical. I've noticed this behavior a lot amongst therians and I won't just get it. Therianthropy is not about being a special snowflake. When there are wolves, there are wolves. If the main "population" was about otters, people would complain about otters. It was never up to anyone else but the person who claimed their mind, to decide what they are or not. Who are you to blindly judge on a stranger?

This story reeks of bullshit. I'm calling bullshit.

A "domesticated" wolf is still a wolf. There are wolf-sanctuaries in many places which you can visit. There are tons of videos of strangers being able to directly interact with the wolves. Some of them even playing with them or getting slobbed all over.

Without offering any specific criticisms of puppy play, this is another indication that the user is likely to be a roleplayer by admission of roleplay.

Which is again, hypocritical.

All these things together make me think that this is not a therian, but someone who wants special snowflake credibility status.

Sorry, who? I've just seen a person expressing her free mind and another one judging her for it, wanting to take something away that she claims to be. You are just standing there, with your checklist of things YOU claim therians are and are not, not respecting any individuality from yourself and shouting: "I call bullshit!"

This is not what therianthropy is about. Not at all. This is and always should be an open-minded community. You are not going to change anything about anyone. IF there is truly someone, who later finds out that he just made up all of this, then let him find out himself. Who are you, the therian police? You do more damage than you care to prevent, because THIS is the negative view a lot of people interested in therianthropy gain, it's not about the obvious fools.

If you truly see yourself as being none of the fools, then be an example for them. Show them how you do live with it, but without dictacting anyone towards your standards.

Have a good day.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 4 points on 2016-05-10 13:18:13

I kissed a wolf too. Wolfhaven used to let you do this, IIRC. Or one of those wolf refuge places.

And I don't even LIKE wolves. So it's not that unusual. Your bullshit meter needs adjusting.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2016-05-10 21:36:15

I agree. A quick search for "wolf lick human" shows me plenty of different wolves licking different humans before it gives up and shows dogs.

Susitar Canidae 5 points on 2016-05-10 13:41:32

Also love WoW and Diablo

A lot of people play video games. It's a perfectly common and normal hobby. It has nothing to do with her statement of being a therian.

"yet another person claiming to be a wolf"

Canines are the most common theriotype, even at places like Werelist. Having a common or uncommon theriotype does not invalidate the identity in itself.

Without offering any specific criticisms of puppy play, this is another indication that the user is likely to be a roleplayer by admission of roleplay.

I've met several persons in the pet play community who are actually therians by definition (identify as animals), but have never heard of therianthropy. So they were drawn towards the first community that allowed them to express that animal side of themselves that they found. It's just like some therians express themselves in the furry fandom, some other take up poetry, some role play animals online, some others study biology and so on. It's not strange for a therian to be interested in a hobby that has something to do with animals. Look at all the therians at Werelist who get animal or anthro avatars on Second Life, or who like playing Ookami or other video games with animal characters, or who admit to liking fiction with animal characters (The Lion King, Redwall, and so on).

You can either have had access to a relatively domesticated one (unlikely, and still not completely safe even then) or have gotten mauled because you were wrong place wrong time (reasonably likely, but not really)

Some zoos and sanctuaries offer close contact with wolves. I don't recommend it after a zoo in Sweden had an accident involving these 'tamed' wolves, but before they closed down that attraction, I would bet hundreds had been kissed by those wolves. There is a similar thing in Norway, and I would not be surprised if it existed in more countries than that. A weird type of tourism, kind of like swimming with dolphins or whatever, but it does happen.

LupineRage 6 points on 2016-05-10 13:45:02

Hi. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm a wolf therian who has been a part of the community off and on since the AHWW days. I'm also one of the more prominent members of a very highly acclaimed therianthropy discussion forum and am a zoophile as well.

While I certainly agree that there are some red flags to look for in someone claiming that that are a therian, I most certainly would not consider gaming to be one of them.

With that said, I'll point out what I see as being questionable and explain how most therians come off as being elisist and essentially shoot themselves in the foot while trying to preserve the public image and concept of those of us who take therianthropy seriously.

Gaming + Wolves = role-playing, Nah. I see your point and while it is feasible, I highly doubt it's representative. Wolves are the dominant majority of all therians, those who are serious as well as those who are "fluffy". While I'll exclude the fluff here because we are talking about those who are actually therian/kin, the fact remains that wolves hold a resounding majority.

As far as gaming goes, OP is presumed to be in her mid twenties. Look around on social media profiles anywhere, there are a shitton of 15-25 year olds who are heavily into gaming. Again, a resounding majority. What you see as an equasion that equals role-playing, I'm, admittedly, giving the benefit of the doubt and acknowledging the high probability that this is just circumstantial overlap of considering oneself a wolf therian and also being an avid gamer.

"I'm primarily into [domestic dogs] ... Promptly followed by...

As a therian that identifies myself as a Grey Wolf, the strongest attraction I feel in the world is towards wolves. [...] "yet another person claiming to be a wolf" is another flag, this one a light red. However, in conjunction with the doublelisting of favorites, this is really glaringly bad."

First, as I should not have to point out, therianthropy is the identification of a human being, as a non-human animal. It has absolutely nothing to do with one's favorite anything. I'm a wolf therian and my favorite animal could be a shark for all it matters and it would not trivialize or discredit my therianthropy one bit. My favorite animal doesn't designate my identity as a wolf.

Secondly, OP stated that her greatest attraction was to wolves but that she's primarily into dogs and went on to list breeds such as GSDs, which are very wolf-like in appearance and somewhat wolf like as far as behaviour. When I say somewhat, I mean moreso than other breeds. This, to me, looks purely situational. In most states, it's illegal to keep or own a wolf or even a hybrid and it's far more trouble. I think what you are seeing as a "double listing of favorites" is merely a compromise because of the world we live in.

Moving on.

"I was able to interact with one and kiss one in amazing bliss once"

This does seem awful fluffy to me and perhaps OP could clarify, here. I'd be prompted to ask was it a domestic wolf, a wolf hybrid, or a wild one. If the answer was a wild wolf, I'd follow up with a myrid of other questions. So, yes, I am skeptical here, myself.

"I also like 'pup' play where I'm the puppy for a master"

Ok, perhaps OP is just expressing canine feelings/behaviours through BDSM roleplay. It's no different than someone trying to express it through wearing a tail or walking on all 4s or hell, hiking through the woods. I do agree that puppy play would certainly be more centered toward domestic dog than wolf and, even if OP gets deeper into her own therianthropy and discovers she was mistaken and she is, infact a domestic dog therian, it still doesn't invalidate her therianthropy. It can be somewhat hard to distinguish between dog and wolf, especially for someone who's had no or little or the wrong guidance and with all the misinformation out there, such a scenario is highly plausible.

I'm unwilling to growl and scare away someone who may actually benefit from learning more about therianthropy. I question, yes, of course. My questioning, however is not in defense of my identity, however. It's in effort to help someone else establish their own.

We, as the upstanding, credible, vetted members of the therianthropy community, would benefit to remember that there was a time when we knew nothing of ourselves or our identity either and many of us were confused. I won't say that most therian communities have become elitist, however, many of them have lost the care to reach out and help new members figure it out. I know that a large part of the reason is because of so much fluff that comes from Tumblr, Facebook and other social media sites, however, if we have to cull through a hundred to find one therian who's life we can improve by sharing information and experiences with, is it knot worth it?

On a side note. I saw a link above for werelist. I'd also like to mention that Therian Guide is a great place for new members in the therian community, questioning therians, and others to find an abundance of information and converse with other therians who actually do care enough to help others figure out and establish their identity.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2016-05-10 21:42:03


I know a few people from that era, but that place was mostly trolls by the time I got there. Nice to hear from you!

LupineRage 2 points on 2016-05-10 22:38:36

Same, nice to see that folks from my era are still around, haha.

dogsrgreat 0 points on 2016-05-21 22:56:41

I am sorry... "Image and public perception...?" I think you mean LupineRage's private and personal members only fantasy land. To be a member of LupineRage's PPFL, do you have to have your head all the way up your arse, or is it recommended to lodge your cranium in a canid sphincter?

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 3 points on 2016-05-10 17:02:47

Myself I am active in the therian community for over 5 years now, and not under this specific canidae branch (I however identify as canine of some form)

I'm not sure why, if someone RP's (which is quite common) they can't distinct between "reality/fantasy" So far I don't get the feeling that OP has any problems in making a distinction between that. Yes, there are cringy folk out there, who can't see the difference between the two.

It's perfectly possible to have had contact with wolves, there are wolf sanctuaries all over. For all you know it could be their job working there.

So because someone "plays rp games, and does pupplay, and identifies as a wolf and is attracted to dogs" (like many others) it's fake. So they cant have hobbies, because they're therian?

that's a pretty quick judgement to pass

stalnixrm I wanna fuck a dog in the ass 0 points on 2016-05-11 00:21:44

So because someone "plays rp games, and does pupplay, and identifies as a wolf and is attracted to dogs" (like many others) it's fake. So they cant have hobbies, because they're therian?

No. There are coorelating factors that point to problem people who simply don't belong in the therian community, of which user hits a number. I have provided my reasoning already at length.

This is akin to saying "there are people with cancer in an area, and all these things are high there, and look - over in this area, there are these people with cancer, and those same things are high there, too!" (which, by the way, is a real world basis for investigative studies). It does not give concrete evidence, but it is the litmus test.

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 2 points on 2016-05-12 20:57:01

I do understand what you mean, however in this case i really doubt them lying about it. if anything, a wolf therian would try to get close to wolves if the opportunity arises. And RP helps some people in dealing with it, so this is just the two sides of a coin

Frostfedora Captain Esports 1 point on 2016-05-10 20:04:34

/Therianthropy is not a roleplaying community/.

But you all are pretending to be animals. Playing a role, if you will.

stalnixrm I wanna fuck a dog in the ass 2 points on 2016-05-11 00:18:19

That's like saying "Christians are pretending there's a god". You can see the catastrophic underpinnings.

Which isn't to say it's at all spiritual for all of us; IIRC those citing it as a spiritual experience in any form self-reported around 1 in 3.

dogsrgreat -1 points on 2016-05-21 22:48:09

Go fuck yourself, really.

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 2 points on 2016-05-10 17:45:18

OP is my friend and she's used the word therian to describe herself for 10+ years. She's not new.

stalnixrm I wanna fuck a dog in the ass 0 points on 2016-05-11 00:19:21

Rule of thumb: Don't white knight your friends online.

While I'm relatively willing to sit and talk and reason, there are people who will eviscerate anyone who gets in their way, usually starting with white knights.

zetas212 2 points on 2016-05-13 02:11:00

there are people who will eviscerate anyone who gets in their way

I'm sure they're terrified

stalnixrm I wanna fuck a dog in the ass 1 point on 2016-05-13 03:38:46

My eyes rolled so damn hard I think I saw my visual cortex.

It's not about being terrified. It's about minimizing the experience of unnecessary drama. People, sooner or later, move along. Not giving them cause to stay on the point is part of how you get them to stop harping at it.

And I'm not saying you should cave in to bullies; don't get me wrong. But white knights don't solve problems - they make them last longer than they had to. Conflict drives interaction, online and in the real world. Legitimizing the attack is more likely to feed the troll than it is to make them go "oh, gee, I guess I was wrong".

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2016-05-10 21:31:55

Wow, I think I remember that site from 2001! \*dialup noises\*

stalnixrm I wanna fuck a dog in the ass 1 point on 2016-05-11 00:22:39

If you're going to go, go all out.

Susitar Canidae 6 points on 2016-05-10 08:02:09

Oh hello, it's almost like I could have written this! I'm also a wolf therian, female, attracted to dogs (GSDs are lovely, but I find huskies and akitas even more beautiful) and I express myself through pet play. And I like video games, although I haven't played those you mention. Did play the first MSG though.


zetacola + Rum 2 points on 2016-05-10 16:02:52

Hello and welcome.

Shiloh Sheherd dog. Look it up.

LoveForGSDs 2 points on 2016-05-10 17:47:49

Oh my GOD I love them, wow!

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 2 points on 2016-05-10 21:28:59

Shiloh Sheherd

\*Googles\* wow, so much fluff and such piercing golden eyes!

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-05-18 17:02:05


zetacola + Rum 1 point on 2016-05-19 02:45:59

Well, the breed is still under development. I like that their gait, legs and lower backs have not been atrociously disfigured like the ones of show line GSDs.

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 3 points on 2016-05-10 17:40:46

I'm a close friend of OP, and she's identified as therian for 10+ years, she's got plenty of "grey." Claiming someone else's spiritual beliefs as "bullshit" when you know nothing about them isn't what this thread should be about, if anything that just ends up pushing people away.

Welcome to the sub, I still think this is one of the best zoo communities out there.

LoveForGSDs 4 points on 2016-05-10 17:47:35

Welp I didn't mean to start so much debate in the comments with this. Sorry that what I had said started all this. :/

To clarify though, about the wolf. It was a captive born wolf in a sanctuary that you were able to interact with and take photos with and such, and he gave me a big sloppy kiss. :)

Anything else you want me to clarify or whatever, just ask. Again sorry I made such a mess between people, I didn't mean to.

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 2 points on 2016-05-10 18:54:59

no worries :D welcome to this sub

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-05-10 19:08:38

What now still is missing is somebody reposting this in /r/drama....;)

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 1 point on 2016-05-10 21:47:56

for creating a positive discussion, right?

Changlorious-Bastard 2 points on 2016-05-10 21:08:18

Never heard of "therianthropy" until this post. Comments on this post leave me to strongly conclude that they are douchebags.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 6 points on 2016-05-10 21:56:01

Therianthropy is like paganism: plenty of sensible, mature adults are into it. Unfortunately, it also attracts teenagers who think they are fairies. (Literally fairies, in both cases).

u/LoveForGSDs appears to be a sensible adult. I think u/stalnixrm is doing a good impression of a Birmingham screwdriver today. (I've been there, sometimes an idiot on the internet can spoil your outlook for the rest of the day, and I wouldn't be surprised if s/he just saw a tumblr fairy).

stalnixrm I wanna fuck a dog in the ass 2 points on 2016-05-11 00:17:08

"... All your problems look like nails" - there is a corollary. "If your problem is a nail, all your tools look like hammers."

dogsrgreat 1 point on 2016-05-21 23:02:26

You definitely look like a tool.

Changlorious-Bastard 3 points on 2016-05-11 12:07:33

Thanks for the intelligent reply.

duskwuff 1 point on 2016-05-10 23:34:32

Funny, that. I didn't need to read past your name to conclude that about you.

dogsrgreat 1 point on 2016-05-21 23:01:36

Lol. Bravo! One or two of them are quite nice to be fair.

Changlorious-Bastard 1 point on 2016-05-23 23:22:02

Found the nice one

OddlyComplicated 1 point on 2016-05-10 21:47:37

Welcome to the sub. You should also join us on the discord server. I'll post a link if you haven't already found it.

LoveForGSDs 2 points on 2016-05-11 03:10:32

I don't have it, so please link me if you wanna! Thanks!

OddlyComplicated 1 point on 2016-05-11 15:09:25

Sent you a pm

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 3 points on 2016-05-10 21:56:06

Welcome to the 'zoo! Wolves are amazing creatures... It must have been pretty awesome to interact with one.

LoveForGSDs 2 points on 2016-05-11 04:23:08

Just wanted to say it's been nice to meet you all, thank you for being positive!

HendorneEndohRoth 0 points on 2016-05-12 23:03:40

Hey there, I'm also a wolf therian, although I'm a guy. I'm 19 and just joined Reddit today, It's good to find others like myself here.

Also, to be honest, I was not expecting there to be a zoophilia subreddit, but I'm glad there is.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-15 02:03:55

God! Why are you people so into wolves??! Have you never seen a BEAR before?????! Or am I just some weird bear obsessed/infatuated person??

LoveForGSDs 2 points on 2016-05-15 02:46:25

A nice big male bear is super sexy, too.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-15 03:52:09

Indeed!! <3 ;)

Nowix 1 point on 2016-05-15 11:24:33

Bears are really cute, I've seen a few (really) up close. But wolves/dogs are still a bit higher up for me still <3 You seen The Jungle Book yet? You're probably going to like that movie.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-16 05:41:36

Why are wolves/dogs higher up to you? I don't know how anyone can put any creature ahead of a bear. I've seen The Jungle Book the new one at least three times. I think it's a wonderful movie and I definitely love Baloo! Bill Murray sure did a good job with him. When I get it on DVD I will probably be watching it over and over!

Nowix 1 point on 2016-05-16 07:35:10

If only I knew... Why do some people love girls and not men? Everyone's different. I can't even describe what it is exactly that I fall for with certain animals (wolves and certain dog breeds) that I don't find in for example bears. I wish I could. Not saying bears aren't great. For me personally I'm just missing that extra feeling/attraction that I do feel for canines.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-16 07:52:50

Yeah that's a mystery. But I know I'm definitely the opposite way and just think bears are IT. I could go on and on about all the things about them. Sometimes I like to learn more about other people's feelings which are different from mine because I do want to understand myself better if that makes any sense. And then things like attraction can be hard to describe. You are a man, right?

Nowix 1 point on 2016-05-16 10:13:04

Yeah I'm a male. I don't think the feelings are necessarily different, just directed at a different species. It also probably gets influenced a lot by how often you can see/interact with them and whether or not you can read their body language. Bears I can't read, I'm not afraid of them but I find them really unpredictable. Dogs on the other hand I can read from miles away and often know exactly what they want to do before they actually it. I absolutely love observing the wolf's and dog's body language. You, I presume, have the complete opposite of that.

Here's a photo I took of a bear. And a wolf, for good meassure ;) They both live together.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-05-16 19:07:59

For me the attraction has more to do with how an animal looks and perhaps maybe even what that animal may symbolize for me. Their behavior and my ability to predict them does not really factor into my attraction towards them.

Nowix 1 point on 2016-05-17 11:20:52

Oh that's interesting. Although certain dog breeds can look very sexy, I am far more interested and attracted to their body language, how they move and their way of communicating. I can watch a pack of dogs or wolves interacting with each other for hours. In a way it resembles how humans interact with each other at its core, hidden underneath layers and layers of social norms, taboos and culture.

Hybernation_ 1 point on 2016-05-18 23:28:59

Fellow female zoo here! I am new here myself. I started with my attraction early as well. I was very young when my affinity for dogs became apparent, stretching to my confusing teenage years. I also share you interest for all the breeds you listed <3

As for pup play, I am not too much into dressing the part myself, but I do really enjoy a collar and leash attached to me. ;)