A new zoophilia report from German regional televsision (featuring Michael Kiok, grandiose dickhead) (youtube.com)
submitted 2016-05-13 05:54:20 by 30-30 amator equae
30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-05-13 06:06:16

Here´s the transscription:

Female host: Dear viewers,we now advance to a topic we never thought we would have to deal with, but recently hints reaching us piled up. It´s about humans with a perverted sexual orientation, attracted to animals and actually having sex with them.It´s called zoophilia, is forbidden in Germany but is only punished as a misdemeanor. Our research to our horror unveiled that the "scene" is biggest right here, in Northrhine-Westfalia.We show this for you to see that those perverted humans are living among us and for you to realize your animals might be in danger,too. We talked to a man who has, much to our surprise, no problem to show his face, tell his real name and claims to be a part of this peculiar subculture. What he told us is hard to endure.

Narrator: "He has a sick and forbidden passion.He´s into animals. Since his childhood, Michael Kiok from Soest is attracted to animals.The 55 y. o. lives with his dog Cessie, but sex does not happen. "Because she refuses it", he says. He does not cheat on her, but also is into other dogs, especially males."

MK: "It´s like this: when a male dog walks by and shows interest, I won´t turn him down.We play and after some time, humping naturally starts to occur; and when this happens, you just stand still and see what happens"

N: "In puberty, he had sex with an animal for the first time. Even today, he gets nervous when watching a quadruped."

MK: "First, it´s excitement and arousal, lust for adventure.When I see horses, usually I experience a light to medium yearning, dependent on the moment.I once fell in love with a mare and....it didn´t progress to sexual contact because I had no chance, but in my opinion she was wanting it"

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-05-13 06:18:58

N: "MK isn´t the only one in NRW with that perversion.While we were researching, we stumbled across an internet forum where even a subgroup dedicated to NRW exists.About 430 members are discussing sex with animals in this particular group. Private investigator "Konrad" investigates undercover as a regular member in this forum. The investigator is collecting evidence for various animal welfare organisations for 5 years now."

K: "Members come from all social classes and age groups, from people on state welfare to highly reputed surgeons. Especially alarming is that in recent years, more and more young females can be seen in this special scene."

N: "And one incident is especially resonating in his mind..."

K: "Yes, it was hard to believe, but.....there was this event in Belgium, taking place in an old church. There were roughly around 25 - 30 male dogs penetrating women on demand that evening.

N: "For lots of money. Sex with animals obviously is earning some big bucks. In the hidden, much cash is being made."

K: "There are events that do not demand payment to participate. But others do, there are events where one has to pay 300 - 500 Euros to enter that event."

N: "Such meetups and sex parties are organised via the internet, too. Here, equalminded are searching for sex with horses, pigs,sheep and other animals."

Female Narrator: "Cologne. Search for real contacts (dogs and horses) / "Dortmund: We´re a couple and search a male dog or stallion for her" / "Area of Bielefeld: For me and my girlfriend, I search for someone with horses. Stallion and mare for sex"

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-05-13 06:30:39

N: "In this forum,it´s clear by now: NRW is one of the hotspots of zoophilia. Up to 10.000 active members are estimated to be registered on the forum. Sex with animals in germany is forbidden, of course, but it is hard to prove a violation; additionally,sex with animals in Germany is only deemed as "property damaging".MK can´t understand why it is against the law in the first plac; he even demands understanding when he has sex with animals."

MK: "I´d wish the topic zoophilia to lose the taboo status; to,let´s say, be able to separate the good from the bad."

N: "What´s wrong with these people?Psychologist Sebastian Bartuschek hailing from Recklinghausen scientifically researches zoophilia and searches for an explanation:"

SB: " Indeed, this is looking very disturbing when humans want to have something sexual with animals, have (sexual) feelings for these animals. But it´s like this: we really don´t know whether the majority of these individuals is sick in mind or if it is just a part of their normally aquired sexual preferences."

N: "What ever makes humans do such stuff, the "scene" in NRW is bigger than expected and animal welfare activists are demanding a more severe punishment."

Female host: "I´m out of words. Dear viewers, after shooting this report, we handed over all evidence gathered to the local Veterinäramt Soest. MK already was known by them and the Veterinäramt will initiate legal action. I swear that we will support and back this up."

Edog91 2 points on 2016-05-13 06:53:39

Exposure is the first step but to what end. The public may be in need of a bad guy and we may be made out to be that bad guy.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-05-13 06:54:06

My comment: Again, Michael Kiok did us a huge favor by displaying the aberrant fool with a sex offender´s face randomly engaging with any animal that walks by. The former chairman of ZETA once again manages to reassure any cliché of what a "zoo" is like. But he´s not the only problem here. What is even more disturbing is the totally intolerable and vile structure of our "combined" beasty/zoo community. Events like the one the private investigator told about , taking place in Belgium, the personal ads cited, the money that seems to be involved...all of that only manages to form a picture of organised exploitation of animals for money and lots of willing perverts who pay almost any sum without batting an eye. Again, I have to iterate my approach: it´s exactly that kind of conduct that can be held accountable for our devastating public image. I wonder how this report would have went without all of that fetish party, fucks for money, random taboo breaker shit; with a Michael Kiok more adaeqately prepared and not telling dubious and fucked up stories , but sticking to hard facts about REAL zoophilia. Please notice the psychologist´s neutral approach. In my opinion, a more neutral report would have been possible, but not even Kiok, the "big founder and leader of ZETA" managed to draw a more understandable and favorable picture. Please note that you shouldn´t put your face in front of a camera if you don´t know eexactly how you can play the media game in a way you outsmart the biased questions and the expectable selective cutting process that has the potential to turn you into a sex maniac if you don´t pay enough attention to what you say and how it possibly can be applied to underline the report´s overall undertone.

Sadly, once again our scene proves to be a conglomerate of ugly eejits lacking any advanced media competence, but feeling entitled to appear in almost any report on "zoophilia" to boast their egos (if it´s not Kiok, you can be dead sure that it´s Oliver Burdinski holding his potato head into the camera...spilling the same liquid bullshit as Kiok did here), with a huge scene organised in online forums, doing despicable things and exploitig animals only for their own wealth and sexual gratifiation. We also could learn that in every forum, there migt be someone collecting things that could be held against each and every one of us. Stay alert. This one also goes out to the ones who mistake zoophilia for a nice little game they can play in their spare time. Once and for all: THIS IS DAMN SERIOUS, folks!!! Act according to the severeness of the dangers we all are in constantly. Activate your brains before you talk, write, press the record button on your camcorder/cell phone. This is NO GAME!!

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2016-05-14 01:13:03

So do you like or dislike ZETA as an organization? It seems like sometimes you do and sometimes you don't.

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2016-05-14 04:13:47

ZETA is a good idea(!), but very poorly executed. ZETA does not obey to their selfgiven rules. ZETA considers itself as a spokesperson for all zoophiles, but turns a deaf ear to any form of criticism from non members of their little "club". ZETA constantly makes decisions that turn out to be counterproductive for gaining tolerance. All of their members seem to be totally unaware of how public relations work, just look at Kiok in the video above. For someone who tries to earn trust from society, I´d expect a little more than an old man resembling the looks of a sexual offender and exhibitionist creeping around in public parks to show off his tiny shlong...or do you want to be represented by old, creepy and fat dudes? How about wearing a tuxedo instead of casual? We all know how much looks influence the overall perception. I won´t get into detail here, but fact is, these idiots try to play politicians/zoo lobbyists, but only in a very amateur fashion. We need professionals or at least an attitude of a pro.

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2016-05-13 07:05:33

A little addendum: JUST WATCH THE VIDEO! Don´t follow any links as this video was posted by Carsten thierfelder, one of Germany´s most retarded "Zoo hunters". Just be aware that IP tracking is still a thing, but I really don´t think he´s smart enough to pull something like that off. He can´t even speak or write his own language properly, so chances aren´t very high he has control over any computer language...but you never know. Beware!

zoozooz 2 points on 2016-05-13 09:30:37

Eh, this report was a lost cause from the beginning

We show this for you to see that those perverted humans are living among us and for you to realize your animals might be in danger,too.

Female host: "I´m out of words. Dear viewers, after shooting this report, we handed over all evidence gathered to the local Veterinäramt Soest. MK already was known by them and the Veterinäramt will initiate legal action. I swear that we will support and back this up."

Really, that's how you want to frame it? I actually had to giggle because of the overly dramatic tone the moderator was using. Thanks for this neutral reporting, media!

Sure, I don't expect anything better from Sat1 etc., but still I wonder if this warrants a complaint to the Presserat. After all, no matter what you think about the interview with Kiok, the report as a whole was aimed at discrediting a minority. I just skimmed the Pressekodex and curiously they don't mention sexual orientation in their discrimination policy. Maybe it is included in "social group"?


Wait, that's real? When I saw this in google results etc. I always thought this was only for address collection for spammers.

K: "Yes, it was hard to believe, but.....there was this event in Belgium, taking place in an old church. There were roughly around 25 - 30 male dogs penetrating women on demand that evening.

Sounds like an urban legend, but eh, maybe some people really do something like that.

About the usual interviews I do concur with 30-30. They are all pretty terrible. Something about the way they talk about zoophilia is always highly bothersome to me but I can't really put my finger on it. It's just that they somehow never really say what I would want them to say. And if I as a sympathizing zoophile find their interviews disturbing, how are random people who have no idea about zoophilia supposed to think about it? This could be done so much better...

Oh and


Sex with animals in germany is forbidden, of course

Is this a new report? Then what about the explanation from the supreme court? Just bad research?

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-05-13 10:38:09

The report surely had a "slight" bias, but the discrediting...well, that is what Kiok managed to do all by himself, with his incompetent shittalk.

About beastbook and other forums: Maaaaann,waaaaakee uuuuup! That crap is for real! Remember the Ramstein incident of M.Pussamsies? He too ran such a semiprivate forum (beastforum.info), with almost the exact same attitude as beastbook, the english beastforum etc...this isn´t made up, all of this is real, it is happening right in front of our eyes and is legitimately running under the label "zoophilia" when it is interpreted as "have sex with animals". See why I am so opposed to stuff like that? It definitely contributes a vast part to "zoophilia´s" public reputation as an intolerable form of sexuality that uses all the rules and morals to cover up and trying to justify the vile acts.

Regarding all of the "zoo" interviews: Well, that´s our main dilemma here. Those who would have something meaningful to tell remain silent and those who can´t contribute anything more than utter rubbish and beast yadda yadda are the loudest fame bitches always ready to jump in front of a camera. Btw: that´s something I also do count as a sign of "true zoophilia: to be able to display a stringent and coherent picture, avoiding anything that can be misinterpreted with ease. Bona fide zoophiles don´t talk shit in front of a camera.

I can´t say when this report was aired. So it may be possible this was aired before the supreme court´s commentary on the "zoophilia" paragraph. There´s usually quite a reasonable amount of time between recording and airing such reports...

Maybe now you can understand why I´m sometimes feeling like fighting windmills, Don Quichotte style....with the little, but significant difference that Quichotte´s windmills are only an illusionary threat, but what I am constantly hinting at is very real, sadly.

zoozooz 3 points on 2016-05-13 13:02:41

it is happening right in front of our eyes and is legitimately running under the label "zoophilia"

Well, of course it's happening, but for me it always registers as more of a background phenomenon that's full of spammers and scammers. I mean for every sexual orientation you can find these people. Ever read the comments on "normal" porn sites? Ever looked in /r/gonewild? In /r/creepypms?

I think the deal with me is that I'm not a fan of the exclusionary approach. I hope I have made clear that I'm not a friend of these attitudes, but excluding them from "the zoo community" does exactly what it does here: Some of them will just make their own communities, with blackjack and animal hookers. You seem to regard them as evil when you say they are "vile perverts". But I don't think they have active malicious intent. I think many of them just want to get off and don't really think about the consequences. What I really want is to convert these people to people who care. The frustrating thing is that I have no idea how. How do you convert people to caring about animals? I view that very similarly how I don't think most of the people who eat meat don't do so out of a malicious intent to kill animals and get off on eating their flesh, but just a lack of caring about the lives of those animals and what I really want is for them to start caring about it instead of calling them "vile perverts"...

/rambling over

It definitely contributes a vast part to "zoophilia´s" public reputation

Yes, obviously. I just always have the irrational hope that things like the journalistische Sorgfaltspflicht would lead to better reports that look at it from more than that angle.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-05-13 13:47:42

Oh,man....WE´RE the "background phenomenon"! Not them! Percentages may vary, but it is safe to say that for every bona fide zoo, there are 50 to 100 people out there falling under the beasty label more or less. Just look at the various forums dealing with attraction to animals and you´ll realize this isn´t made up by me, but very a realistic figure. As I said before: our orientation was invaded and taken hostage by hoardes of beasties, wanna-try-outs,fetish shitheads and porn fiends. I do admit this is happening in other orientations as well and probably is due to the general oversexualisation of our lives. It all became harder, sicker and less about love, more abut consumable sex. But other orientations exclusively deal with humans who can voice their discontent independent of any interpretational skills of non human body language. That´s why animal porn is so contaminated with abusive practices like tieing animals up and so on...

Guess what, but I already noticed you´re not fond of my exclusionary approach. But tell me, how can we deal with stuff like I mentioned above otherwise? How can we maintain our ideals when we start to tolerate abusive behavior, trying to "convert" those fuckers by patience? And why should any animal have to go through pain and abuse until its asshole shithead abuser "sees the light"? Zoophilia is about animals, not humans. If those abusive persons don´t play the game according to the rules, they have to leave the turf,man. Or do you want to play football with a bunch of dickheads not obeying the rules, kicking and fouling you like they see fit? We are in desperate need of a referee, one who sends off all the douchebags immendiately. Otherwise, we are playing a corrupt and rigged game right from second one...and will never regenerate from the basic imbalance of powers...those who obey the rules will always be the ones losing, when breaking the rules has no consequences. It doesn´t really matter if the rules are broken out of malicious intent or accidentally....fact is, breaking the rules rigs the game and additionally makes only one party/team suffer. If you slide tackle me and break my leg, I don´t really care if you did it on purpose or accidentally...fact is, I´m off the game and in pain.

I believe there´s no way to convert them en gros....some may have an open ear and will adapt their conduct a bit, but the majority won´t. For them, the limitlessness of "zoophilia" is a major attractor and trying to regulate anything may only trigger more vileness for sheer pleasure of disobedience. Zoophilia is a weirdo magnet.... a cess pool of deranged, mentally challenged folks showing highly problematic behavior and attitudes soaked with sadism, superiority complex issues, domination, etc...

In my opinion, the only way we could stop society mixing those individuals with us is a strict separation. Otherwise, there never will be any progress towards more tolerance. When a real zoo convinces an outsider of the harmlessness of zoophilia, anyone blatantly showing the opposite with his conduct is counterproductive and diminuishes any true zoo´s trustworthyness. And in the end, it´s all about being trusted by society...only when they can be sure we will stay civil when the doors of our houses, rooms and barns are closed, tolerance can unfold.

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-05-13 16:09:12

Personally, considering the extreme and obvious bias of this interview, this is the sort of thing that, were I not already supportive of zoophilia, would push me in that direction.

Often, I find, it is the worst arguments in favor of a position that do the most for the opposition.

LoveForGSDs 1 point on 2016-05-13 17:40:22

This is pretty shameful, and only serves to reinforce negative cliches against zoos. This report is biased and vile and I wish someone would make a neutral and fact based report on zoophilia for once, to show the true facts and let people think.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-05-13 19:18:21

I agree, but there´s a huge problem doing such a more neutral and unbiased report: you can´t find enough folks who don´t see zoophilia as a sexual playground populated with animals. On youtube, there´s that "animal passions" report from the BBC, for example. In this, basically the same mistakes are made by "us"...we reinforce the negative prejudices in almost every instance. Keeping multiple animals for sex, also having an interest in humans, practicing animal sharing, etc...all that can be found and underlines the common picture of a zoo as a person with an exaggerated sex drive, only into animals because they´re easy to have sex with whenever you like, wherever and however, too.

There´s a certain reason why I believe zoo exclusives to be the best bet on being a genuine representative. The usual "you only use animals to spice up your boring sex life" argument does not work with them. And if that exclusive zoo isn´t such a mess like Kiok, maybe even someone you could describe as handsome, the other common argument "you fuck animals because you´re ugly and can´t get a human partner" also fails. We need to take every single prejudice people have regarding zoophilia into our considerations and search for someone onto whom most of these prejudices aren´t applicable. I know, I keep repeating myself, but being monogamous also helps our cause tremenduously. Living in monogamy deflects any notion that you´re only into animals to satisfy your excessive sex drive.

We shouldn´t blame the media; yes, the media is a part of the whole, but it can only use what is offered. Best example: Kiok tells us that he does not cheat on his dog, but literally in the next sentence, he tells us does not turn down any advance of a male dog. Contradicting himself within one sentence....as I said, don´t blame the media too much for this. Mostly it´s "our" fault. Another example: Kiok says that it never went to actual sexual contact with the mare he "fell in love with" and only an instant later he reassures the common notion of "us" by saying that "she totally wanted it".

I cannot stress enough how much every single word counts when you´re interviewed. Obviously the prejudice of "us" zoos being some sort of mindless imbeciles holds some truth; if you can´t foresee how every word from your mouth is checked for fallacies and contradictions, you really shouldn´t stand in front of any camera. If we really want to change our public image, we need professionals, not bloody amateurs doing the job.

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 2 points on 2016-05-14 03:33:48

More personal experience than fact-based, but "Animal Passions" is pretty neutral. Miletski mentions her study a couple of times.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-05-14 04:37:14

Animal passions only looks "pretty neutral", but when you take a closer look, it once again displays "zoophilia" as a white trash hobby. Within the first seconds of the documentary, the general undertone is set: " Come here, pretty boy". For any "normal" perosn watching, this must be highly disturbing and makes one think that not a single animal kept outside is safe from those vile person´s aberrant desires. In another scene, Mr "Mark Matthews" shows off his trashy female centaur tattoo, giving a mindboggling insight into his "sexual orientation"...maybe it´s not clear for those among us who tend to be apologetic/sympathetic, but for me and many so called "outsiders", this is a giveaway that Mr Matthews uses his ponies kept in a neglected and very trashy looking garden around his trailer home as a simple substitute for women with whom he obviously can´t get along well. If you additionally have read his bullshit bible "The horseman", you just can´t think otherwise. Animal passions won´t last any longer than a snowball in hell when seen with a healthy portion of scepticism.

We also should stop glorifying Miletski´s study. Miletski simply collected stories from self proclaimed zoos, has not verified a single detail, despite an entire "curriculum vitae zoophiliae". To be more precise: her study holds no more valid data than Brother Grimm´s book of fairy tales. It only shows how our community likes to be seen by outsiders, not what we really are like. Just as every husband you ask insists he "never cheats on his wife" and "would never visit a brothel", just as every man says he´s "well endowed" and has sex with his partner "twice a day", anything from Miletski´s study can only be evaluated as unreliable and biased to form a certain self image.

Aluzky 2 points on 2016-05-15 10:13:10

Is being an asshole your hobby? You are so unnecessarily judgemental and pessimistic. Can you try to be nicer? Is so depressing to read your comment.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-05-15 13:10:35

What? Am I supposed to lie so you can stay in your huffly-puffly world, uninterrupted , with your rosey-tinted glasses on?

Realism...one of the least common features in today´s beasty/"zoo" community. Let´s all just pretend everything is okay, let´s just surrender to the lack and white weltbild....society baaad, animal fuckers goooood...it´s such a nice little dream, you know; but every dream has come to an end sometime and if this is necessary, then I´ll be your alarm clock.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-05-16 03:15:20

Am I supposed to lie

You can state facts without being an asshole. There is people from all kinds who are zoosexuals, you are needlessly judging in an asshole way just because they are different.