Sheriff Joe, Maricopa County Lead Way on Animal Cruelty (
submitted 2016-05-19 08:58:40 by zoozooz
zoozooz 3 points on 2016-05-19 09:12:04

It's always weird to see how Joe Arpaio is embraced when people talk about this topic. This guy is hugely controversial: and there's even an own wikipedia article about the controversies surrounding his office:

The Justice Department report found that the Sheriff's office carried out a blatant pattern of discrimination against Latinos and held a "systematic disregard" for the Constitution.[5] The Department's racial profiling expert found the sheriff's office to be the most egregious case of profiling ever seen in the U.S.[6]

That's not meant as an ad hominem attack, it's just weird to see people just ignoring this.

There's not much detail to how they work, but this description:

These arrests are usually the culmination of months-long investigations, sometimes spanning more than a year, Evans said. Investigating bestiality cases is “more than a 24/7 job,” he added.

He said he scans websites like Craigslist and bestiality forums every day for posts advertising animals for sex or seeking animals for sex, then fires off responses to the ads. Once he connects with a suspect, Evans said he spends months exchanging e-mails and text messages before arranging a date, time, and place to meet.

One poorly worded text or delayed response can unravel months of work, he said.

“You have to keep corresponding with these people or they're gone,” he said.

Wow, so much work just to catch one person who isn't even guaranteed to do any harm.

“[T]he law protects accepted animal husbandry practices as you can clearly note upon a read of Arizona’s state statute,” Murphree wrote. “Arizona Farm Bureau is fervently opposed to the inhumane treatment of animals; this falls into that category. In Arizona, this abhorrent behavior is a felony.”

\*googles a bit\*

Ana Kennedy, government-relations manager with the Arizona Farm Bureau, said the legislation is needed so that pets can be protected without complicating things for agriculture.


Arpaio said the publicity won't slow or discourage his commitment to stopping bestiality.

“They’re starting to get a little smart—they think,” Arpaio said. “But we’re still working cases and we’re not going to stop.”

"They" are not the smart people in the first place. Stopping bestiality? Bitch please, currently you're catching people who think it's a good idea to advertise illegal activity openly on craigslist.. People who are actually starting to get only a little smart will really not be caught by you..

Well, maybe it's not actually a bad idea trying to prevent people from soliciting sex with animals to strangers on the internet, for the welfare of the animals. As usual the problem is with how law enforcement seems to have no concept of differentiation between harmful sex and harmless sex.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-05-19 13:03:35

"Well, maybe it´s not actually a bad idea trying to prevent people from soliciting sex with animals to strangers on the internet, for the welfare of animals."

Exactly. Nothing to add here....but sadly you brought in the harm principle again in the following sentence. the only thing I have to say here: I don´t care if there´s a differentiation. If women are forced to prostitute themselves, it doesn´t matter if the "customer" acts harmless or harmful. The vile deed has been done before by turning them into prostitutes against their will. You´re a vegan,right? Milking a cow does not do direct harm to the cow, so why are you against it? Right, it´s ethical see all that´s included in the dairy industry. Just transpose this way of thinking to the "animal sex ads" protagonists and you´ll probably see why the harm principle fails as an ethical landmark here; there´s more involved than just harm. Soliciting sex with animals online displays a certain way of we zoos should refrain from at all costs.

zoozooz 0 points on 2016-05-20 22:40:43

Well, it really only comes down to harm for me, that's where my very libertarian views towards sex come to play. If people just advertise sex with animals on the internet and let every stranger just come and fuck the animals, I do agree:

The vile deed has been done before by turning them into prostitutes against their will.

But I don't have all of their cases in my mind right now and we only read an article that paraphrases what the sheriff's office says.

After all, apparently they talked with some of the suspects for over a year. Without knowing the contents of their conversations, I don't really want to make a blanket judgement. Maybe the suspect spent all that time getting to know the other person, got to trust them and made a reasonable effort to verify they have no malicious intentions towards the animals, establish boundaries and meet up under the premise that the animal will dictate what happens and how? Maybe most people who do that on the internet don't do that. Maybe none do, I don't really know. And in any way, the cases where they were caught were obviously cases where they were fooled by a police officer and might as well have been fooled by a person who would have malicious intentions.

So... on the one hand over a year is quite some time to get to know someone and establish some trust, on the other hand, it is still an unnecessary risk that you're getting fooled.

I mean I'm not thinking about personal morals here, I know that you're inherently opposed, to this sort of thing, but when I think about the harm I think about what the law should be concerned with. Maybe I do tend in your direction after all...

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2016-05-21 04:40:18

Libertarianism has one big flaw: it won´t work. It is an idealistic view of the world totally denying the true nature of humans. Just imagine complete and total freedom of drug you think it is a good idea to pass dope to people,without any limitations and restraints? Same goes for sex: total freedom is nothing humans seem to be able to deal with properly.It always mutates into pure selfishness. If you look at the neuronal mechanisms, drugs and sex are very similar; the same neurochemical agents, the same mechanisms, the same danger of "losing it".

Regarding Arpaio. Please read the link you have inserted above, with the first paragraph about Darland.

This fella, Darland, is not exactly what you call a zoo, is he? For me and the general public, the notion of someone totally out of his mind, being a slave to his sex drive is inevitable here. He even flew from Seattle to Phoenix for sex...if you´re familiar with any kind of drug scene, then some eerie similarities are undeniable. Driving for several hours just to score some one and a half grams of mediocre dope...I know that well from some of my friends.

I won´t buy it from somebody who spends several hundred buck for a flight across the US that he will fly back home without getting what he came for, you know. I also am horrified how easy you become apologetic to turning an animal into a sex toy, even if you stress some "boundaries" and "the animal has to be in charge"...for me, that´s quite irrational and idealistic...a totally inappropriate point of view towards the fetishistic nature of these folks, if you ask me. Maybe you just need to take a closer look at the "usual suspects" using these hook up platforms. Analyze their vocabulary, learn to read between the lines to see what they´re really up to and you won´t be able to avoid the sour taste that will be in your mouth after that.

I´m really far from being sympathetic to Arpaio, but he does some good here. I do know he doesn´t take action in good intent, but nonetheless he does what our community should do: end the online prostitution of animal once and for all. This isn´t love, this is completely about sex, completely about the humans involved. I heavily doubt the animals have anything to say in these kinds of "arrangements". Maybe I just suffer from my in depth knowledge of "our" scene here...but reality proves me somehow right almost any time. I know how the antis run, I know how most of the so called zoos/beasties run...I studied them for quite a time now. Your libertarian approach will only reassure the ones opposed to us that in reality we zoos truly are a bunch of mindless,animal fucking sex maniacs. Unless we can finally disconnect the true zoos from the fetish/sex posse, we won´t even be heard.

LupineRage 2 points on 2016-05-19 10:36:47

I'm somewhat divided on this, to be completely honest. From one standpoint, why is there a rash of Craigslist ads for sex with animals? This sounds like legit trafficking to me and the welfare of the animals is probably not a paramount concern, which is bothersome to say the least.

However, the obvious concern here is that this represents the ever-expanding totalitarian police-state that we live in. Even if the sheriff is acting within the law, which I'm sure is sketchy and being manipulated, this is an outright crusade based on someone's personal "moral" objection to a different lifestyle/sexuality.

Quite frankly, if I were a resident that fell under his jurisdiction, I'd raise holy hell over why he was wasting his time and my tax dollers pushing his own twisted moral agenda by obsessing over people having sex with animals. I would contest that his time could be far more effectively spent investigating violent crime and acting as a public servant, which is what an elected police official is.

But then again, there's the truth and then there's the media's lies so... It's hard to get a clear picture of what's really going on. Sherrif Joe has long been a person of interest by the fringe media on both sides of the left-right paradigm. I'm sure there's a slant here, somewhere.

Frostfedora Captain Esports 4 points on 2016-05-19 10:51:36

Joe Arpaio's one of the biggest pieces of shit in law enforcement and only remains in office because of retired conservative white people who keep moving into Maricopa County (specifically, Sun City) due to their fetishization of being "tough on crime" which pretty much just means corruption and police brutality.

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2016-05-19 12:00:18

I absolutely refuse to apply an easy black-and-white view onto this issue. Arpaio may be a dick , but without the countless fools openly advertizing their urges for animal genitalia in public (exactly that´s what craigslist and the various forums are), Arpaio couldn´t do shit.

So: do you blame the fire when you stick your hand into it, knowing that fire will burn you? Do you blame the police for arresting you when you feel the need to stand right in front of the police station, yelling "Dope! Low price heroin,crack,meth,coke and weed"?

Let´s see it as it is, folks: Without this stupid habit of offering or searching for animal sex online and thus further confirming the public´s notion of "zoophiles" as a bunch of unreasonable, driven by sex, whacko maniacs, Arpaio would have nothing to work with. Stupid people lacking the reason to realize how important privacy is in our orientation (mostly because they don´t belong to our orientation) are the ones who relly are to blame here.

Even Carsten Thierfelder, one of Germany´s most odious "zoo hunters", once said that he´s not interested in those among us who keep their controversial sexuality private; he´s only after those "poisoning society" with porn, promoting animal sex and hookups. Can´t you understand that Arpaio´s and Thierfelder´s actions do not target the responsible zoos out there who keep themselves separate from animal online prostitution? Both of them know that they´re basically powerless when you have sex with your OWN animal in the PRIVACY of your home, without causing injuries and/or psychological behavior changes of the animal. Why is it so hard for some to kickstart their brains before they place ads in online communities? And how trustworthy can these people be regarding all the responibilities and duties involved in keeping an animal if they fail at adding one and one correctly? The ones offering their animals online/prostituting them should not have animals, if you ask me. Zoophiles are "owners", lovers, partners....not friggin´pimps! The ones searching for an easy way to empty their balls/get their various body cavities stuffed are IMHO the real dicks...cherrypicking assholes. If you can´t afford an animal of your own, get a job. If you can´t keep an animal where you live right now,fuckin´MOVE to a place you´re allowed to keep an animal. If all you´re searching for is sex without the harrassing duty to care for the animal afterwards,then get lost. Nobody needs that. Going the path of least resistance is what makes rivers and men crooked.

So, stop pointing your fingers at Arpaio. It´s basically the fault of the ones mistakenly thinking that you can hook up online for quick and easy animal sex. Don´t mess around with cause and effect. Without this vast mass of people advertizing their carnal needs online, Arpaio couldn´t do a fucking thing...

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-06-02 10:29:32

So, you think it is right that he is going after zoos?

Without this stupid habit of offering or searching for animal sex online and thus further confirming the public´s notion of "zoophiles" as a bunch of unreasonable, driven by sex, whacko maniacs

FACT: A lot of zoos are like that, same way a lot of non-zoos are like that and do the exact same behavior with humans. Are you against gays and straight making adds to have one night stands? Are you against consensual human prostitution? Do you have a double standard?

Stupid people lacking the reason to realize how important privacy is in our orientation

We shouldn't hide just like gays, bi and straights don't have to hide. (excluding countries where they get jailed for life or hanged)

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-06-03 00:32:42

You frankly ADMIT that "zoos" (or what you think are zoos) are what I accused them of? Sweet. And yes, I am against one night stands and prostitution, even if it is "consentual"...I am generally taking a stance against the capitalist brainfuck that sexuality has to become some kind of "tradeable good" like a loaf of bread or a bottle of beer. For me, exactly this profanation of sexuality is what made us into this incredibly oversexed, yet terribly underfucked society we are today. You can stick your shortminded accusations of me being "double standards" where the sun does not shine, mate. You seem to have fallen for the sex lib lies entirely, you published animal porn yourselves, I witness your stupid little arguments in the youtube comment section every once in a while and can´t help the impulse to make you quit after I read some of your shit.

Consentual prostitution is basically a myth, reality shows that prostitution mostly isn`t consentual in most of the cases. Women are coerced, lied to and forced to prostitute themselves; the women prostituting themselves "voluntarily" often are forced to do so by our capitalistic system. Easy and quick money makes them sell their body. It´s as voluntarily as going to a working place each day although you can´t stand it. You do it for the money, and only for that. It is estimated that around 80% of all prostitutes are more or less forced into selling their bodies, many by force, others by poverty.

Your "right in yer face" attitude isn´t the solution, it´s part of the problem, man. You´re part of the problem. As I said it before, some of you "zoos" seem to care more about this shitty "sex lib" agenda and seem to have fallen totally for the "everything must be permitted" illusion than you really care for the animals. You and likeinded folks seem to be exhibitionists rather than zoophiles; in a world full of nobodies, publishing animal porn and being a loudmouth for "zoo rights" gives you the illusion of being somebody. Especially you folks are to be held responsible for the current situation, with all of the laws, with all of the zoo hunters who could only emerge because you folks offered them game to hunt.

Sheriff Arpaio couldn´t do a fuckin´ thing about zoos if there weren´t idiots like those openly seeking animal sex on the internet, in public. I know how common it is for the "zoo scene" to point fingers, I know how soothing this self victimisation is for some of you. But if you put aside the bullshit, you can´t deny that the hostility zoophilia faces today from the outside world is well deserved. When the status quo of our community makes even zoos cringe, it is very plausible that it´s not the outsiders´ fault, but our scenes´.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-09-26 04:59:55

I am against one night stands and prostitution

Do you understand how backwards and prudish your beliefs are? Do you understand that if you are against that, only YOU get to not have one night stands and not use prostitution? I hope you understand that you don't get to force other to not have one night stands or use prostitution. You are no different from some one who is against gay sex and goes around telling people how bad gay sex is and how they shouldn't have gay sex while being an asshole to any homosexual that they see.

can´t help the impulse to make you quit after I read some of your shit.

I dare you to try it.

Consentual prostitution is basically a myth, reality shows that prostitution mostly isn`t consentual in most of the cases.

You know why? Because it is illegal and they have to recourse to pimps for protection. And there is also sex slaves because again, it is illegal, by being illegal it creates a black market where people pay large sums of money for sex and human rights gets violated. And when rape happens, they can't go to the police to report it because they get arrested for prostitution, and people who rape them know this and get away with it. This almost never happen in places where it has been legalized and regulated.

"everything must be permitted" illusion

Because allowing everything that is harmless is a bad thing? If I'm a liberal, then what are you? You are against progress, against freedom, against human rights. You are not with the good guys.

You and likeinded folks seem to be exhibitionists rather than zoophiles

Not a crime to be one.

in a world full of nobodies, publishing animal porn and being a loudmouth for "zoo rights" gives you the illusion of being somebody

Everybody is somebody. I don't understand your point. There is no illusion.

Especially you folks are to be held responsible for the current situation, with all of the laws, with all of the zoo hunters who could only emerge because you folks offered them game to hunt.

You are blaming the victims. You are like the people who blames gays when they get beaten or arrested, or blame blacks when KKK lynch them.

Letting bigots do as they please is not going to make things better for zoosexuals. Fighting back like the gays did is the right choice. Humans fear what they don't understand and they will never understand if nobody is there to educate them.

you can´t deny that the hostility zoophilia faces today from the outside world is well deserved

Again, blaming the victims. You talk the same as homophobes who say the same thing about gays.

When the status quo of our community makes even zoos cringe

Who cringes? Only you, and you are not even a zoo.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-09-29 03:23:59

Oh, well, some scandinavian fuckhead trying to justify his sex lib, that´s something.....

Why don´t you go on commenting your stupid youtube vids? Oh, you seem to be so delusional with your frequent comparisons of zoophilia to homosexuality...if you have the time, maybe reading about the differences between these two sexualities will help....but , as you seem to be a rather dull and dumb person not getting any point besides your own retarded justifications and your "anything goes, especially with animals" attitude, you can also use your time and go fuck yourself. At least, this surely isn´t abusive as fucking dogs, right?

I´m not a zoo? I made love to my mare when you still were shitting your diapers, dickhead! Who cringes? Maybe....almost the entire world, huh? One day, a lighning may strike you, turning you into some Prot me when this happens, okay? That is, when your IQ has doubled or so...

Aluzky 2 points on 2016-10-05 17:01:33

Oh, you seem to be so delusional with your frequent comparisons of zoophilia to homosexuality...

Seem is not the same as being delusional. If you have objective evidence that any of my comparisons is false, then prove it.

if you have the time, maybe reading about the differences between these two sexualities will help...."

No need. i have done extensive research about both sexualities in the past 10 years, I'm very well educated about those 2 topics. I know the differences and similarities by memory.

you seem to be a rather dull and dumb person not getting any point besides your own retarded justifications

That is your subjective opinion and not a fact.

and your "anything goes, especially with animals" attitude

Anything goes as long as it is consensual, harmless and safe to the animal.

you can also use your time and go fuck yourself.

Why would I do that when a dog can do that to me? ;)

At least, this surely isn´t abusive as fucking dogs, right?

Fucking dogs with their consent and without harming and while taking safety precautions is not abusive either.

I´m not a zoo? I made love to my mare when you still were shitting your diapers, dickhead!

By the way you talk, nobody will believe you. It is clear that you are against zoosexual sex. If you did have zoosex in the past, is clear that now you regret doing it.

One day, a lighning may strike you, turning you into some Prot me when this happens, okay? That is, when your IQ has doubled or so...

That makes no sense... What is a "Prot 2.0" ? If lighting strikes me I would be dead or seriously injured. And Someone IQ can't double (at least not yet, we don't have technology to do that) and my IQ is already high enough (IQ of 134) to have a rational debate, something that you are not interest in having as you let irrational morality and irrational emotions get in the way.

zoozooz 1 point on 2016-05-20 22:22:13

Arpaio often quotes “studies” which he says link bestiality to sexual abuse, though the Guardian was unable to find the original studies


“As a young kid, I would go to school, my dog Pepper – who lived to 18 years old – would follow me as I walked to school, wait for me, and then walk back home with me,” he said. “So how can you say that dogs don’t make families happy and people happy?”

No, no. We do agree here, dogs can make people happy. Very happy. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)