I had my first experience today with a forbidden love (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-05-20 05:18:44 by [deleted]


OddlyComplicated 1 point on 2016-05-20 15:33:08

Good story and good job. Just be careful as its not your dog. Your friend may not be so happy about all that's going on.

West_dogger niks soos die liefde van 'n hond 2 points on 2016-05-20 16:39:25

Good story and good job.

I fail to see the reasoning here, not really something one should be commended for.

OddlyComplicated 2 points on 2016-05-20 16:54:24

That's why i followed it up with the be more careful next time. I didn't want to just flat out tell him he was shit bag for what he did. Some simple encouragement to actually think before acting was my intention.

Yuri9707 2 points on 2016-05-20 18:58:28

Once again, Im sorry, as I said to 30-30, didn't think what I was doing was a monstrosity in your guys's eyes, thought that was what the sub was about n stuff, guess I was wrong. Guess Ill go somewhere else then, peace.

OddlyComplicated 1 point on 2016-05-20 19:40:49

That's why I didn't want to be mean right off the bat. You're new to this. You're young. You'll make mistakes and not think. I'm not trying to say this is a reason to excuse your actions however. The difference between us and the bestiality freaks is we try and treat animals as close to humans as possible. We love animals. We don't simply lust after them. And he's right, had you been caught and charged, it would be just been another mark against this community that has tried so very hard to separate itself from the bestiality folks. I didn't want to be mean because I was in your boat at one time. I was young and didn't know any better. I didn't have the internet when I was young and thought I was the only one who had feelings like the ones I had. I made mistakes and almost got caught several times for fooling with animals that were not my own. But then I started seeing on the tv and the newspapers about people being arrested and vilified for the very things I was doing. As I said to begin with, just be more careful and control yourself. I'd like to think that, as a community, we'd welcome any and everybody but there are some things that we don't tolerate.

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2016-05-20 16:04:44

What do you want me to say now? Pat your shoulder for screwing around with an animal that´s not yours, without the consent of the owner and the fact you needed to "bait" the dog into licking you? You, sir, are no different from a bloody fucking fencehopper. If that´s the spirit you have, you´ll definitely run into some severe problems sometime. What if your friend catches you next time you have your "window"? If you feel safe, well, guess again...I think a fellow man is totally able to recognize dried semen and such in his dog´s fur, on his mouth,etc... With your "why me worry" and "just do it" mentality, you probably won´t find many friends among us here. So, if you feel like a hero now for doing your best friend´s dog behind his back,think again mate. What if your friend is a zoo himself and you just screwed around with HIS relationship? As a longtime zoo, I can only say one thing here: DON´T screw around with other people´s animals!!! Get your own dog, forgodssake!!! You surely expected sympathetic replies, but I´d rather be an honest asshole than a fucking liar...you, sir, are calling for serious trouble if you continue like this. As a fencehopper, you need luck ALL the time; the ones owning the animals need luck just ONE time and you´d be fucked, our community will be fucked once again for YOUR selfish and irresponsible actions and the papers have another selling headline. So: stop it! Right now! We as a community are already seen as mindless fucks driven by sexual desire...don´t prove ´em right just because your dick is itching. Think about it.

OddlyComplicated 1 point on 2016-05-20 16:35:03

I have to agree with you 30-30, his actions are no better than a fencehopper. I didn't say anything in my post about it but you're right.

Yuri9707 2 points on 2016-05-20 18:58:24

sorry guys, didnt know what I was doing was so wrong and looked down upon here, I thought thats what this sub was about. ill delete it and go away, thought more people would be friendly about it and not act like dicks :/ I see this stuff all matters a lot to you guys with who's dog it is, and I understand now I look back on it, but in all honesty, I didnt expect this backlash. I'm sorry.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-05-21 04:06:10

To set things straight: this sub is indeed about zoophilia. Nobody would´ve replied like this if you did it with your own dog. But before you complain about us acting like dicks, just give the whole thing another thought. We´re basically trying to keep you out of serious trouble, to save your ass BEFORE something happens you wish you could make undone after all the shitpile of legal trouble and social stigmatization that will surely follow getting caught collapses onto you. How about thinking with the head located ABOVE the belt for a moment? What if you do get caught doing your best friend´s dog? Are you prepared to learn it the hard way instead of listening to people who are way more experienced than you are? Are you ready to become your town´s "dogfucker", lose your best friend and run into trouble even with your own family? Not to mention the entire shitfest you have to endure when police gets involved...and you turn into a nice headline in your local newspaper or even become the "dogfucker star" nationwide.

You should think of our responses as a harsh but friendly warning. One little moment you´re observed by someone and the world will crash down on you...for a few minutes of "fun". Nothing will be as it was before, I promise. Is this worth it? I´d think that our backlash is the preferable alternative to this, isn´t it? You really need to learn a lot before you start having "beasty fun"...and lesson one just has been taught to you. Don´t mess around with other people´s animals. It is far too dangerous, one slip of attention and you´ll find yourself in hell. Learn to think with your head, not your dick....it´ll spare you from trouble even grown, adult men can´t handle well.

Yuri9707 1 point on 2016-05-21 17:37:12

you're right dude, Im sorry, just didnt expect it at all, you know? didnt mean to call you guys dicks, as I said, I understood how fucked it was, especially now that I think it over, and all of you were just stressing the repercussions if it got out. Just never really been around a dog like that before, and my hormones were in control and it was all driven below the belt, not above, like you said, and it just was all scrambled mess at the time. Thanks for being mean and stern, was exactly what I needed to see.

zetacola + Rum 2 points on 2016-05-20 17:23:32

"Just get your own dog bro. It's easy."