Podcast with zoophile/bestiality practitioner (full interview) (mixcloud.com)
submitted 2016-05-23 02:10:25 by sideperu
30-30 amator equae 6 points on 2016-05-23 05:46:35

Listened to the podcast for about 3 minutes and...ooohh my god, what a shitbag is playing the "zoophilia" advocate again. This Lebrasky guy can´t even say one sentence without starting to giggle like a 12 year old school girl....be honest,folks: if you can´t talk about it calmly and rationally in public, then keep yer fuckin´ mouth shut!

Once again I as a zoo feel terribly misrepresented by yet another of ZETA´s loudmouths. It just gets clearer and clearer that someone has to strip ZETA of their monopoly as "zoo spokespersons"; if you don´t need an alternative to this...well, I definitely do.

It´s a shame that anyone intending to take a plunge into the subject of zoophilia cannot avoid running into the ZETA morons as they are the only ones openly advertizing their little hobby.

Another thing: the text accomanying the podcast reads "has been in relationships with dogs and horses"...listening to his voice, I guess this guy is barely 30 years old. I doubt this guy ever owned a horse himself, so I wonder what these alleged relationships with horses were like....probably these relationships were ended by the actual owner of the "beloved" horse installing night vision cameras,huh?

This interview is just as horrible as Mr Burdinski´s youtube vid, not to mention Mr Kiok´s vid in which he , blessed by public attention, starts conversation by masturbating a cat lying on his fat belly...gosh, who needs the antis when THESE fucktards destroy any chance of understanding and tolerance way better than any anti could ever do?

It´s about time....I´m moving to my farm in july this year; right after I´m done with moving, T.Z.A.R. will start working to destroy ZETA´s monopoly.I just can´t stand it any longer to be misrepresented by obvious beasties, dickheads, fantasizing manchilds...it´s enough.

knottinghamm 1 point on 2016-05-23 11:34:00

Coincidence that this pops up on my feed after this?. I think not!

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-05-23 14:57:33

Oooh, another Whitney Wisconsin....how much we needed THAT....not!

Just by her mimics you can tall she´s outright lying. Just watch some youtube vids dealing with how to recognize liars and apply it to "Gigi"...surprise,surprise, she´s lying,folks! Clickbait.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-05-24 03:12:47

I hate to defend Whitney, but you need to think about this for a moment.

Some points:

1.) Not very many people are lining up to join our little exclusive "club." Even fewer are trying to fake their way in if they don't have at least a cursory interest. You seem paranoid about a very small (if even present) group.

2.) The same mimics that say she's lying are also symptoms of being nervous. Now in this case you might even be right that she's lying, I'll grant you, but don't forget that talking about zoosexuality can be nervewracking. Whitney's background is what really gives her away, not the above things.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-05-24 09:57:04

ad 1): Sorry to say, but when you expand your view a little, you will probably see that you´re wrong on this. Especially the internet culture made it incredibly easy for attention whorism to grow. Basically 90 % of BF users consist of attention whores using one of the few controversial things that our media brainfucked world has left over. You just can´t raise enough attention when confessing s/m, anal fisting, facesitting, etc anymore due to our oversexualized world.

ad 2): Nervewrecking? Of course I can only speak for myself, but as a longtime zoo with quite a few coming outs I never experienced such. I always remained calm, yet firm ´cause I know exactly what I´m talking about. So I wonder why someone is doing such a video...teaching the public something you just experienced once? I´ll be frank, this is solely for attention, nothing more, nothing less. I played icehockey once, for about a year, but I´d never make a vid about it because I don´t know enough about it to contribute more than gibberish. Talking about icehockey with your face held right in front of the camera won´t get you jail time and the animal participating euthanized, by the way.... It´s pretty easy to apply the same methods those "catfish" guys use in their show...do a screenshot and pic-search her...I promise this chick is on facebook and other social media platforms, so finding her in real life won´t be hard. Summary: we have a girl talking about something she obviously knows nothing about. Nothing else than the personal benefit of drawing some attention is gained from this vid. This won´t make people rethink zoophilia, quite the opposite, the lack of real arguents is what again establishes the notion of "zoophiles" as degenerates with very loose morals and a "try out anything at least once" attitude. If you are okay with stuff like this, fine with me. But I expect something more than a stuttering, nervous chick talking basically rubbish. As I said before several times: the ones we need to talk openly won´t show up, but the ones nobody needs to talk will show up instead. We nedd to professionalize our public relations, guys. This also includes disencouraging obviously unfit representants to step out in the open....there is no bigger amount of evil than that which has been done out of "good intentions", but ill prepared and badly executed.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-05-24 11:26:30

Yeah, I really thing you're seeing more of a boogeyman than actually exists. But you know I think that.

As for point 2, I'm not sure you'll find that to be commonplace.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-05-29 02:50:35

Let me just ask you one thing: what benefits have been achieved by all this? By Whitney, by this other chick, by ZETA, by all of this "zoo rights" bullshit? What exactly has changed from our current "strategy"? Isn´t it about time to try something different?

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-05-29 03:21:31

Depends on what the different thing is. I'm not willing to march down another ill conceived plan, and to be frank, that's how I see yours right now: A radical response to a radical behavior.

My advice: Forget about this crap. We're not going to win anything through our own momentum. I've been there, tried it, it doesn't work. If anything happens, it won't be because the ball was in our court.

Go get that property with your marefriend and quit worrying about it.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-06-02 10:12:11

Do you think homosexuality was tolerated by 50% of society from one day to the other? At one point, 95% of people where against it. Advocacy, exposure, education, that is how they moved that 95% to 50% and getting lower. If they did it, then we can do the same as we have the same facts on our side. YOu may not see a big change/improvement, but there is, even if it is just 0.1% it adds up. Eventually in 100 year, instead of 90% of society heating us, it will be only 50% and things will get better.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-06-03 00:51:04

Oooh, man, you´re sooo full of ignorance and bullshit...don´t try to teach someone who actually has lived through this phase of increasing tolerance himself. Homosexuality hasn´t gained acceptance through "advocacy,exposure,education"...that´s a plain lie the LGBT scene has adopted as their narrative now. Anyone who witnessed the 80s and 90s themselves knows that it was the HIV/AIDS epidemic that was the gamechanger. It was the terrible images of people (mostly gays) suffering and dying from HIV that changed people´s minds. While this epidemic was at its peak, it was brought to normal people´s consciousness daily...in the newspapers, on the telly...I even heard my grandma, who was what you would falsely call a "homophobe", saying "I can´t stand gays, but no one should have to suffer like that." Especially in Germany, pictures eerily resembling those made in Bergen-Belsen, Auschwitz and Kattowice had a huge impact on society and managed to change the general perception and attitude towards homosexuality.

Another thing you totally negate here: homosexuality IS NOT zoophilia! No homosexual ever had to deal with the issue of consent. Even reality proves your opinion to be delusional...in the end of the 80s and all through the 90s, the overall climate for zoophiles was way better than today. In fact, nobody but a few religious fanatics cared about you having sex with an animal back then. As the new millennium began, the internet became more common, the animal porn craze followed and people like you emerged. From that point on, it all became gradually more hostile. After the Pinnyan incident in 2005, things ceased to be like they were before. The rest of the story is, well, history... You can keep fooling yourself as you see fit, but be warned that you are suffering from your own selective perception here. Where you see "things will get better", reality teaches us that things have and will become worse and worse.Maybe you really need to smash your head against a wall to encourage your neurons to start working again. Just give it a try, it might help...

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-09-26 04:40:53

So, advocacy had nothing to do with LGTB advancing their rights? Have you stop to think that was a combination of both? Though clearly education had a bigger impact than people feeling pity out of seeing gays suffer with HIV.

homosexuality IS NOT zoophilia!

I never said that it is.

No homosexual ever had to deal with the issue of consent.

So? We both have to deal with the issue of sex being illegal for bullshit reasons. That is the point. We both get discriminated by the bigots.

Even reality proves your opinion to be delusional.

Sorry, i have not posted opinions, I post facts. And if any of my facts are not true, feel free to prove it.

all became gradually more hostile.

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi

you are suffering from your own selective perception here.

What selective perception?

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-05-24 17:26:25

I've come out a few times to a few people, and it's been nerve-racking each time.

I notice you talk about how we need good representatives. And you say you're immune to the nerves most people experience. I'm curious what, if anything, you've done publicly on the issue. Do you consider yourself a public advocate?

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-05-29 02:47:48

Public advocate? I guess it depends on what exactly you´re aiming at with this term. I´m surely not a public advocate in the same manner as Doug Spink,George Willard ( a.k.a. Hossie,Mark Matthews), Michael Kiok, David Zimmermann and Oliver Burdinski (all associated with ZETA). But I do get involved in discussions about zoophilia once in a while. The main problem I´ve run into when trying to achieve some tolerance isn´t a commonly assumed "general hostility" from the outsiders, the main turn down is the status quo of our own community. With all the vile and detestable stuff involved in "zoophilia" these days, it´s pretty hard to become an advocate for anything, you know.

Don´t get me wrong, I wouldn´t refuse to become a public advocate on behalf of zoophilia, but I strictly refuse becoming an advocate for free animal pornography, "sex parties" with groups of "zoos" involved and animal sharing. Until this very day, our scene hasn´t managed to draw a line separating zoophilia from that and anyone openly advocating zoophilia in public is inevitably also becoming an advocate for AP and such. ZETA is frequently accused of targeting free animal porn and sharing of animals; ZETA even is supportive of people caught making and distributing animal porn and attends trials to back up the "zoophiles poorly misunderstood by society".

So, advocacy is nothing I´d shy away from...but I consider it to be my right to choose what kind of people I become the advocate for. I´ll gladly speak out for the moderate and reasonable zoos, for those who don´t misinterpret zoophilia as an "anything goes" segment of "normal" human sexuality.

Over the last two decades, I supported some of the zoos I am in contact with when they ran into trouble coming out to their family. I also got involved in discussions with the anti folks, but not in a stupid and confrontative way, not claiming tolerance for porn and such. And guess what, most of the antis aren´t opposed to zoophilia itself, only to the excessiveness and malevolence shown by a vast percentage of the beasty/zoo community.

Mr Thierfelder, Germany´s most loudmouthed antizoo/zoo hunter, even mentioned me on his homepage; he usually doesn´t hesitate to call anyone from our community the worst names you can imagine. But he just called me a "sodomite" (in Germany, the old word for having se with animals is sodomy) without any further insults. The reason for that almost tolerant and benevolent treatment was a discussion I had with some BF users in the German hookup section, arguing about animal porn and animal brothels with some porn contributors and people hosting "zoo meetings". You surely know about the animal brothel controversy and the efforts put into denying their existence from "our" side by bending the definition of a brothel. I objected the common zoo folklore and said that anyone who is sharing his animal even once can be seen as the host of an animal brothel.

I also comment on the actions of ZETA, but sadly, they aren´t very open to listen to my criticisms and proposals; they often censure or even delete my comments, thus showing how little interest they have in improving their public perception.

I don´t know if all of that qualifies me as a public advocate for zoophilia. Even if it does, I refuse to acquire the ethics and morals of a lawyer who is even defending his client when the client´s guilt is undeniable. If you screw up, you´ll have to face the consequences...that´s how I see it. Advocate for a moderate and reasonable form of zoophilia? Sure...but I won´t stand at the local town square, waving signs saying "animal sex legal now!", I won´t defend the "rights" of animal pornographers, won´t defend the "rights" of drama queens and fetishists. There are more subtle, yet more effective ways to improve the lives of bona fide zoophiles than intentionally putting "us" into the limelight.

The farm I bought is intended to become a home base for the ones I am in contact with. The zoos I know for so long now know they can call me anytime asking for advice and help. Public advocate? Well, maybe some day...if "our " scene wisens up and throws out the ones causing us so much trouble by acting irresponibly, shaping the unfavorable picture of "zoos" in public and reassuring all the prejudices that are , partially legitimately, held against us. But one thing I am for sure: the head of a splinter cell of resistance. Books, music, actions against fencehoppers and animal porn makers...expect us to leave a mark that won´t go away anytime soon.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-06-02 10:09:39

I strictly refuse becoming an advocate for free animal pornography, "sex parties" with groups of "zoos" involved and animal sharing.

We get it, you don't like sex and fun where nobody is harmed because you find it "immoral"

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-06-03 00:57:57

No, you don´t get shit. I don´t like turning animals into live sex toys, I don´t like turning zoophilia into "the next big thing" for fetishists, I don´t like supporting the international animal porn mafia. And I also don´t like people who mistake their assumptions for facts as it isn´t certain whether "non harmful" sex is truly not harmful to animals. I´ve seen too many animals showing clear signs of behavioral issues to dig that "harmless" shit without further research. Until there´s undeniable scientific proof, claiming harmlessness is as much an assumption as claiming the opposite. I´m not a porn afficionado, but what I´ve seen hints more in the direction of the anti position. It isn´t "harmless" just because you lack the knowledge to identify the harms.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-09-26 04:34:38

This shows how immature and bitter you are. I don't like several stuff that other people enjoy, but you don't see me being an asshole to people who enjoy stuff that I don't like. I have no problems with animals being "used as sex toys" as long as they are treated humanly (consent) and not harmed.

I don´t like turning zoophilia into "the next big thing" for fetishists

Yea, because people is just there waiting to become zoosexuals and go have sex with animals. . Just like when homosexuality became legal, 50% of people turned gay and when to have gay sex parties. /sarcasm.

Do you understands that fetishes and sexual orientations is not something that people chose to have or do on a whim? Your fears are unfounded and paranoid.

Hello, I have had sex thousands of times and I have not see those signs of harm. (excluding the very VERY rare minor accidental scratch here and there, which is nothing compared to other accidents I have seen happen during non-sexual activities)

Sure I would welcome research about it to further proof what we already know, that unless you rape or abuse an animal (or you are oblivious to basic precautions like washing your hand and privates) you ain't going to harm them. PS: Are a virgin? If not, by your logic, you have harmed animals by having sex with them.

Until there´s undeniable scientific proof, claiming harmlessness is as much an assumption as claiming the opposite.

Yea, seems you are a virgin, else you would know that you can have zoosex without harming the animal at all. Hell, you don't sound like a zoophile. You sound more like a zoo-hater.

It isn´t "harmless" just because you lack the knowledge to identify the harms.

And you know that I lack such knowledge? hat ever, when the time comes and studies are done in detail about how animals react to long term sexual encounter with educated zoosexuals, you will see that you where wrong.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-06-02 10:05:20

Any chance this ends up o youtube so I can favorite it there and share it with my subscribers?

sideperu 1 point on 2016-07-06 20:36:30