Confused (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-05-24 04:46:46 by [deleted]


Susitar Canidae 1 point on 2016-05-24 05:28:24

Zoophilia is attraction towards animals, either one species or several. Kind of like how heterosexuality is attraction towards the opposite sex. Just like some heterosexuals can have different preferences and personalities, there is variety among zoophiles. The word zoophilia originally (in greek) means 'animal love'.

Thank you for sharing your story. I'm sorry for your loss of your dog. It's always hard to love a beloved pet.

A lot of commercial bestiality porn lacks that... connection. It's only produced for make money off curious people. It's not usually meant for those who actually love animals, most who watch it are men who get off on watching women being fucked by animals. A whole different thing, in my opinion. So, I can't really recommend bestiality porn, if you are actually are a zoophile and not just a person who likes taboo sex.