Temp post @Zoozooz. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-05-27 07:21:42 by [deleted]


actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-05-27 15:11:59

lol, I'm guessing admins got tired of people reporting him.

Edog91 2 points on 2016-05-27 18:54:09

Who was he ?

Frostfedora Captain Esports 1 point on 2016-05-27 19:44:54

Just a semi-frequent commenter/contributor to the subreddit.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-05-27 20:59:39

he liked letting everyone in the default subs know about his peculiar persuasion at every opportunity. You know how that goes down with the average joe. I know for sure he got banned from askreddit for having a 'novelty account'.

No slight meant against him though, I quite liked reading through most of the stuff he wrote.

Frostfedora Captain Esports 1 point on 2016-05-27 19:40:09

I don't remember seeing anything that would get him shadowbanned. The main reason people usually get shadowbanned is because they accidentally voted on a linked thread which violates Reddit's brigading rules. They're usually pretty good at sorting that kind of thing out and removing the ban.

Probably going to leave the thread up for a bit longer and then take it down, can just send him a comment reply the next time he posts in case he didn't see this thread.

stalnixrm I wanna fuck a dog in the ass 1 point on 2016-05-27 20:31:11

You should have moderation reports as staff of this subreddit, right? At least for ones in this subreddit. I'd submit that myself and others often found what he wanted to whinge about irksome but I've never reported him. (Can't remember if it's one of Reddit's policies but "merely not being your thing does not justify a downvote" is a principle I've picked up over the years.)

fuzzyfurry 1 point on 2016-05-28 10:37:40

I just make a new one. I didn't like the name anyway and I don't even like the posts I have written.