Hello all, quick question ? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-05-30 10:07:22 by Condogerd The wag of a tail a lick on the nose.

Now I don't have a dog and I have no plans to get one anytime soon but just out of general curiosity and well I suppose the infermation could prove helpful here I figured I'd ask.

Is first heat to early to engage in "relations" with a femal dog partner ?

If so when is a safe age ?

Sorry if this question isn't right for this place I know it's not really about this, but I figured looking out for the safety of your animal partner is very much what this place is about.

Anyways I'd love some feedback !

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2016-05-30 16:03:50

The dog owners I know say that's too soon, wait for second or third. (I'm not a dog owner either, and I never asked them if that was opinion or justified belief)

poopsquigle 1 point on 2016-05-30 16:38:24

I've heard a lot of people say wait until about 2 years old when they're fully mature. First heat can come before a year old, so basically still a puppy.

West_dogger niks soos die liefde van 'n hond 1 point on 2016-05-30 17:41:17

Aye, it seems one should at least wait untell third heat maybe latter, I really don't know enough about dog anatomy to really give a good answer. Before that like /u/poopsquigle said, she's still just a pup.

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 2 points on 2016-05-30 19:08:27

Yeah, all the dog breeders I know never breed on first heat. It can be a very confusing time for them since it's never happened to them before, it's good to let her handle it herself and adjust to the feeling without interfering. Best to wait a few heats, or even better wait until she's fully mature at around 1.5 or 2 years.

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-05-30 20:38:35

I'm going to concur with the rest here. First heat is too soon. Probably third heat at least.

I mean, imagine your first boner (assuming male, because there are so few lesbian zoos). Probably you were more confused than anything, and I'm willing to bet you weren't ready to be sexually active at that point either.

Nowix 1 point on 2016-05-30 21:30:42

I am genuinely surprised so little people around here are familiar with the general breeding guidelines. Guys, we're supposed to be experts in this, you're slacking, lol.

As far as breeding goes, first heat is definitely way too early. From the second heat it is generally accepted to breed your dog but some decide tot wait until the third. But that's more or less a personal decision. Of course this is based when they're fully grown so they can bear puppies. However this is still a valid rule to follow considering during the first heat they're not fully grown yet and you can cause some serious problems otherwise.

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-05-31 17:50:45

I don't know what you're talking about. So far everyone has given the same advice as you. No to the first heat, second probably fine, might want to wait for the third.

Nowix 1 point on 2016-05-31 18:34:34

No critique intended, lol. Just kinda surprised there's a lot of "I've heard ..." and "I have a friend who says ..."

Swibblestein 2 points on 2016-05-31 19:05:36

Well, I mean, I imagine there's a few reasons for that. One, I think we just have a lot of inexperienced people around here. Nothing wrong with that, but naturally they want to hedge their bets. Besides that, growing up with a dog, the dog's first and second heats may have been well before a person's own reaching of sexual maturity. Worth mentioning that many people don't get puppies either - they adopt adult dogs.

So, I mean, there's reasons why someone wouldn't know, and reasons why someone wouldn't even need to know, even if attracted to dogs.

Oh, on that note, maybe they aren't even attracted to dogs, but their friends are. Seems reasonable.

Not really criticizing you either, for the record, but just working through the explanation for myself here as well.

Nowix 1 point on 2016-05-31 19:58:00

Nah. I'm not sure. I guess it's different for everyone. Between me knowing I was a zoo and being able to actually get a dog I spent almost every little bit of my free time on researching absolutely everything that I could research about dogs. The whole reproductive system was one of the things. I wanted myself to know the full ins and outs of it before I even wanted to think of doing anything sexual. I didn't want any avoidable accidents happening.

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 1 point on 2016-05-30 21:41:38

Like the rest mentions, definitely not the first heat. Like with humans, when they start to have their periods, it doesn't mean that they're ready for it. And I don't need to repeat the rest of what has been said, as it has been said

WeAreDifferent Canines 1 point on 2016-05-30 23:13:07

EDIT: Removed for the sake of every other zoophile. Look for comment below.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-05-31 03:28:34

Hell, this is baaad advice. First, we´re talking about a living creature, not a friggin´ car or some kind of automaton. Your animal is ready when it is ready for intercourse...there´s no "just count the heats and then go for it". I even wonder if the OP is open to the possibility that his dog may never like sexual contact with him at all...there´s no "fuck algorithm" you just have to work through to get what you want.

We zoos are frequently linked to animal abusers; when I read through the reply above, I can´t refrain from thinking there might be some truth in it because it reads like one of those stupid "how tos". Always remember that sexual relationships with animals are a GIFT, not something you can demand from them in exchange for food and shelter. And as if you were receiving a gift, you should practice patience and humbleness...there´s no dead sure giveaway, no certain point of time that justifies going right at it. Build up a relationship first, an intimate relationship. If both of you are ready for each other, you will both know it...

Let your animal fully mature, don´t force yourself onto your animal and have some respect...if you buy an animal with the sole intention to get laid, then you better should forget about it. Build up a natural loving and caring relationship with your animal, then proceed in tiny little steps. Always keep in mind that you could also end up without ever having sex with your animal. Forget about "fuck algorithms" , let your love guide you both to bodily intimacy.

WeAreDifferent Canines 1 point on 2016-05-31 16:10:24

Damn, I knew I worded it badly. Sorry for that. I didn't intend to let it sound like "automation". I have deleted my comment now, for the sake of everyone else. I haven't thought this through.

That said, I am a zoophile by definition and I know my dog isn't some toy, but a very real, intimate partner. And I do have much respect for her, much more than for most humans.

I intended to guide OP on possibilities for how to approach his dog with care and respect. But I agree, I took it a few steps too far and wrote it far too detailed for being a "guide", but rather a "how to", as you say. I didn't mean to do that.

Thank you for pointing this out and for correcting me by being a real guide.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-05-31 22:36:05

Nevermind...but pay more attention to how you express things from now on. I really shouldn´t have to remind you that we zoos are watched with Argus eyes and everything we say, do or write can and will be used against us. The public image society has of us zoophiles is shaped by stuff like this and we MUST avoid anything that can be misinterpreted...thank you for being open to my criticism. Only pure and unconditional love shall guide us through the dark times we experience now. Every one of us is an ambassador for zoophilia, let us all never forget that.

WeAreDifferent Canines 1 point on 2016-06-01 00:47:00

You're right, you don't have to. And I do know all of that.

But if I'm honest, I don't long for social acceptance myself. I can't be bothered by anyone who criticises my lifestyle or by any law trying to ban something, for which the state does not have any possible control over. I do not believe in "zoo parades" anywhere in our lifetime. I do not believe in any today's stranger, who was once against it, accepting that I am a zoo. And to be honest, I wouldn't even care if anyone does. It's simply not their business to begin with.

I'm beyond the point of thinking that I need any kind of acceptance for having things to work out the way I want. I don't. I can do what I like, I can love whoever I like. I don't need to express my love over any Facebook status, or involve my friends into the relationship, or smooch my dog in public, as for my partner does not care, if I did any of these things with or without the attention of others. She loves to be who she is: A dog. Running around hunting tennisballs, playing tug-of-war with me or other dogs, sleeping and eating, basically wagging her tail around all day and much more. If my dog is happy with the way things are, I am happy for her too.

That said, I do understand your fight, seeing yourself as being an ambassador for zoophilia. You sure do have honourable goals, to provide zoophiles the freedom of law and society they desire to have. I will try to avoid to get into any zoophiles way for their fight (having my post deleted should be proof enough), but do understand that I do not fight at your side either. I do have all the freedom I could ask for. It's easier to live love this way.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-06-01 07:50:11

Seems as if we have someone here who fully understood it. Actually, I´m not "fighting" for anybody, nor do intend to do so in the future. All I am up to is leaving a footstep in the sand, one that may be discovered by future zoos to guide them. I don´t intend to become the "great zoo leader", I just want to diversify what´s on offer, a different approach, a kind of zoophilia that puts an emphasis on compromises between the zoos and society.

I only do this to honor my mare; all that will emerge in the near future will only have one purpose...to honor her, to honor what we both had and what made us tolerable for the outsiders, the essence of our love. Sharing this with you fellow zoos is, I have to admit it, basically a selfish act. If some of you can benefit from it, then it´s totally fine with me, but I don´t expect anyone to join me, my viewpoints or my fight.

I´m not even doing all of this to "be someone"; I couldn´t care less if my name is forgotten some decades ahead, when my ashes rest with that of my mare. My "coffin" is already sitting right in front of me, containing her remains...and I´ll join her when time´s up for me. There´s only one thing that´s important to me and that is she´s not forgotten, our relationship is not forgotten... She was real, our unconditional love was real, tolerance and even acceptance of our love was real...it was OUR way and I will write it down, no matter if anyone is inspired by it or ridicules me for it...

You really got it right. Don´t waste your time with your partner, it can be over sooner than you think. Use your time, use it wisely. Nothing else counts. Take good care of your animal, nothing ever will come close to a mutual and fulfilling loving relationship.In the end, it´s exactly THIS what zoophilia should be all about, not bitching for tolerance, fighting with society and wasting precious time. Enjoy your life, enjoy the privilege of walking a path not many will ever notice it exists. All life is one, our love proves that beyond any reasonable doubt.

zetacola + Rum 0 points on 2016-05-31 04:46:56

Wait till the legal age of 18.

JonasCliver Mightyenas lol 1 point on 2016-05-31 18:00:18

Not funny.

zetacola + Rum 1 point on 2016-06-01 16:11:13

\> tfw not even people on /r/zoophilia find your terrible jokes funny.

silverwolf-tippysmat 2 points on 2016-05-31 20:58:00

I agree with waiting at least until the 3rd heat, because her body will be mature by then, and even then take it slow. There is, as has been said already, no guarantee she'll be interested. I had one partner, Tippy, who wouldn't let me touch her when in heat. Yet out of heat she was as horny as could be. I loved another dog, Ginger, who never wanted to go farther than finger play, not even oral, in heat or out. Shadow, my most recent lover, was ready any time after her third heat, in heat or out.

The point I'm making is, like us, they are individuals and sex with us is as un-natural to them as to us, so ANY recommendations made are going to be only "It's possible..." or "She might..." ect.