Zoophilia advocate submissions (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-05-31 20:50:58 by BORAL356

Hey! I'm based in New Zealand and I'm on the hunt for people to talk to who argue zoophilia is a good thing - any ideas?

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 8 points on 2016-05-31 20:57:38

yeah theres a really great subreddit full of zoophiles you can ask. If only I could remember the name of it....

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2016-05-31 21:35:16

It must be getting late. For some reason I keep seeing you as a radio talk show host even though you totally didn't say that.

Anyway, ask some questions. We're fairly happy arguing about the ethics of it all.

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2016-05-31 22:31:31

I'm happy to talk to you myself. PM me if you like.

GermanZoo 1 point on 2016-06-01 09:28:38

Recently there already where an interview between a NZ Podcast and a German Zoophilia advocate. Maybe it is a good idea to ask the Germans?


30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-06-01 11:14:48

Funny how quickly you f-tards appear whenever there´s some possible publicity for your little "club". Aren´t you already busy enough with defending and supporting this dog porn maker from Verl in court? And why is your "Steve Lebrasky" giggling during the entire interview like a 12 year old school girl? How do you justify it that not even one ZETA member is a permanently contributing member in ANY zoo forum? Wouldn´t it be obligatory for a small group of self proclaimed "zoophiles" considering themselves to be a spokesman for ALL zoophiles to stay in contact with the worldwide community? Or are we only worth your attention if we pay your club´s membership fee?

I demand answers....be reminded that in here, you can´t do "business as usual" and delete anything that doesn´t fit your agenda..like you always do in your own homepage´s comment section. I also demand that you explain ZETA´s general strategy , ´cause all of your actions will not only have effects on your public image, but on ours as well. You may have gathered one hundered members, but we, the non ZETA members, outnumber you by far.

Why are some of your members so goddamn horny for cameras, why can´t you anticipate and avoid the usual media coverage of zoophilia, why do some of you constantly contribute to the unfavorable coverage instead of shutting up at the appropriate moments?

Is the Kiok interviews, the Burdinski appearance at Domian (German call in show) and the "Lebrasky" interview the best you can do? Really? If yes, then....OMG, we´re all doomed...

Regards An "elitist" zoo

GermanZoo 2 points on 2016-06-01 13:16:50

Wow, slowly here. We don't delete anything as "business as usual" but we also read the comments in advance and filter for example just insulting ones.

As for the Interviews: maybe you want to tell us when you talked the last time to the press, or hold an Interview in the middle of the night? Maybe you can do better than Kiok, Lebrasky or Burdinsky. Maybe you want to handle right-wing-activists from now on based on your Interviews?!

As for the Forum attentions: We are in a lot of forums under multiple names. We report and hold contacts there and also inform the Admins when we found out about illegal activities. Just because we don't have the time to write every day a Post or be active in every single Forum doesn't mean we aren't there...but maybe it's just me that thinks that a real life and real animals are more important than mocking an online community for fighting against a law (and winning btw.)

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-06-03 06:38:30

So you don´t delete posts, only when insults are included? Well, I´ve experienced the opposite many times. Even when my comments are completely uninsulting, they are deleted/not published. I can prove it as I made it a habit to take a picture of the screen before I submit posts on your homepage. Or do you consider having a different opinion an insult? That would totally explain it...

I do not waste my time on talking to journalists...well, maybe I would have done the interview with the TAZ, but probably would have been prepared way better than your spokesperson. Basically ANYBODY can do better than your guys, that´s a fact. And you wouldn´t have to deal with right wing activists at all if it wasn´t your horniness for public attention that made you their targets. "Wird´s dem Esel zu wohl, begibt er sich aufs Eis" , like we Germans say...

Oh, well, even I, a single person, manage to be a frequent contributor in this sub here... I managed to be present in here almost every day even when my mare was still alive and needed lots of time as she was blind the last year of her life and had some problems to get up. And you people, according to your own claims more than 100, can´t spend 5 minutes daily to scan through here? C´mon...that´s pathetic. Especially when you consider the fact that it´s you, not me who claims to be a "Sprachrohr" for ALL zoophiles...

Wow, you really are convinced that you´re winning...as I told you in the comment section of your homepage, this is wihful thinking. The bet I offered there is still held up by me. What will you do when reality bites your ass? The comment from the BVerfG isn´t a "Freifahrtschein", isn´t a wild card for zoophilia, guys! It is way too ambiguous, leaves way too much open for personal interpretation by the judge (what is artfremd? for example) and from my experience , a law directly aimed at "zoophilia"/sex with animals isn´t needed to fine people or throw them into jail. Just remember the time before 2013...some people were sued for sex with animals although no law against it existed.

GermanZoo 1 point on 2016-06-01 13:36:41

I also demand that you explain ZETA´s general strategy , ´cause all of your actions will not only have effects on your public image, but on ours as well. Why are some of your members so goddamn horny for cameras, why can´t you anticipate and avoid the usual media coverage of zoophilia, why do some of you constantly contribute to the unfavorable coverage instead of shutting up at the appropriate moments?

Zetas General Strategie is very simple: We want to inform! Whenever the Press has questions about Zoophilia we trend to answer them, but due to former interviews we changed our intern handling and stop Interviews when we are aware that these are negativ or just used to form a negativ point of view and don't project our reality.

Also we are interested in contacts from local scientist. We try to rise awareness and money for studies in the Field of Human/animal interactions.

As for Camera hungriness: We trend to change our interviewing team since the last ones as often as possible to give interviers the opportunity to have as much diverse opinions on the subject as possible. Also we started to get in contact with trainers in Public relations so we can give better interviews.

How the Interviews came into place: We get a lot of questions for Interviews in the first place and sadly not everyone can or will we put on camera (that's why you see Kiok for example so often).

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-06-03 07:23:44

Well, at least you wisen up a little...still, there´s a long way to go for you. All the past stuff that included one or more of your members was so goddamn unfit and amateur...I´ve watched some of your interviews in company of some of my zoo friends and we all ran into moments we just cringed or felt the need to kick in the screen due to the sheer stupidity of what was offered as a "zoo´s" point of view. I´m glad that you guys try to improve, but the damage these interviews did can´t be made undone easily. I even made the experiment and showed my mother and my sister two of your videos (animal lover with Burdinski and an edited video featuring two of Kiok´s interviews). Although both know that I am a equine zoo and are very supportive of me (my mother even helped me buy my mare in 1994), neither my mother nor my sister reacted positively. Your representants did a bad job, to be honest.

I really hope you will improve your performance in public, here´s a little crash course in PR: face, appearance, consistency,intelligence, awareness of recipients, honesty. Face means that you should get someone who does not look like a "child molester" (o-tone from my mother regarding Kiok). Get someone with a nice face. "Beautiful" people will always be listened to with more attention and openness than ugly folks. Appearance means that casual wear is taboo. Suit up, guys. Learn from Martin Sonneborn and DIE PARTEI, C&A offers cheap tuxedos for 50 Euros. Consistency: Choose an exclusive zoo as a representant. Believe me, "zoos" with human relationships will always be seen as fetishists by the public. keep it as simple for them as it is possible. Someone with a consistent curriculum vitae is more likely to be seen as trustworthy than people with experience on literally every sector of sexuality. Always remember that non exclusives can easily be considered perverts with an unhealthy sexual desire by normal folks. Intelligence: Don´t just put out the most retarded guy you have! I remember watching the discussion Burdinski had with Haferbeck. This other ZETA guy accompanying Burdinski really came across as if he´s not the "brightest candle on the cake", if you know what I mean. Choose an outspoken and smart representant, someone who´s not just parroting stuff he read on the internet, not just citing the "debunking" lists that are out there. Always be well prepared, anticipate your "opponent´s" questions and try to find an adaeqate reply BEFORE the interview takes place. Plan ahead...like you would do playing chess. Awareness of recipients: Never offer a simplified and easy weltbild ("All zoos are harmless" for example). People just won´t buy this crap and their scepticism is legit IMHO. Try to find common places your interview partner feels less repulsed to. As I said before: monogamy will be more capable of "selling it" to the interviewer than painting a picture of "zoophilia" as a "non stop fuck fest through the barn". Always keep in mind that your liberal approach towards sexuality isn´t common at all. Avoid tripwire illusions like this is...keep connected to "normal" sexuality as much as possible. Honesty: A huuuge and important factor! If your interview partner ever gets the notion of you dodging away from unpleasant details or assumes you´re straight out lying to him for the mere purpose of "pimping up" the public image of zoophiles , you already have lost. Don´t suck out on the negative parts of our scene, offer clear statements against fencehopping, animal pornography and animal sharing. It doesn´t matter if you think the rest of the world is intolerant and backwards, for them, all three of these topics DO matter. Even if you don´t share my views on zoophilia, consider what I propose and try to apply it on your next interview. Hell, if you don´t mind dropping me a PM in here, I´ll do an interview myself to prove how different the outcome will be when my principles are applied. It depends on you and your willingness to forward an interview request to me; I´ll promise that I won´t address ZETA at all, won´t attack you, won´t mock you. You decide...

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-06-01 10:15:30

Pretty much everyone here will argue that zoophilia is a fine thing, myself included.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 1 point on 2016-06-01 16:15:18

About anyone here, as others have said, would argue it as a positive thing. I as well as several others on this subreddit have been active in supporting it through interviews and debating with the general public [via internet or otherwise] on the matter. There aren't really a lot of hugely popular press movements on the matter aside from ZETA, so its generally more of a speak to those who will listen type of deal. What more specifically are you looking to talk about?

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-06-01 18:19:41


Pigeondance HolyFlyingFuck 1 point on 2016-06-01 18:25:58

another zoo chiming in, happy to answer questions, pm me if you like

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-06-01 18:44:04


silverwolf-tippysmat 1 point on 2016-06-01 19:52:31

Hmm. I don't argue that zoophilia is a "good thing". I in fact try hard to discourage most folks; Fetishists, thrill seekers, porn eaters ect. I even offer discouragement to the odd genuine zoo. The fact is, it's a difficult lifestyle choice, and one that requires much more commitment than the average normal relationship.

If you meant arguing that it's acceptable, well, it can be but it really needs no more acceptance than the individual zoo and his/ her partner choose to give it. In other words, I don't need to argue it with you or anyone else to live it myself. Same goes for "Legal" BTW. Laws against it don't effect my relationship behind closed doors. In fact, they tend mostly to get abusers, fencehoppers and porn producers off the streets, so I more or less support them until a better solution to those issues presents itself.

Clarify what you wish to argue, and I might be tempted to argue back...

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2016-06-01 22:28:48

I am a zoophile. Ask me anything.

Aluzky 2 points on 2016-06-02 09:28:09

If you got nothing to hide and no fear from repercussions of people find out you are a zoo, then go ahead. Just do a lot of research about the topic, read almost every study made about it, learn and memorize like all the fallacies that exists. And fact check everything before you post it. If you have not been debating for like 3+ years, i wold advice you to not do so in speech in person, stick to internet post till you know like every argument from memory with all facts included.

peacheslala97 1 point on 2016-06-03 02:25:22

I'd be a good candidate for such a debate :)

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 1 point on 2016-06-03 07:44:55

I am not a zoo, but I am an ally to zoos after completing research on it (I at one time did research on many different deviant sexualities). I probably do not have all the answers as many zoophiles may, but you can ask me anything you like.