If you have porn, don't forget to encrypt it. Especially in the UK. (dailypost.co.uk)
submitted 2016-06-17 16:36:10 by fuzzyfurry
fuzzyfurry 5 points on 2016-06-17 16:37:27

Also be aware: They can force you to decrypt it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_disclosure_law#United_Kingdom

rabbutt 2 points on 2016-06-17 23:30:58

They can force me to do nothing. I conveniently "can't remember" my passphrase. ... I think there was some kind of animal in it... and some numbers. And a short passage from the magna carta.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 5 points on 2016-06-18 16:32:41

I'd be careful with that line of thinking. apparently not being able to remember the password isnt a valid excuse even if you actually dont remember it.

Its completely fucked up.

rabbutt 3 points on 2016-06-18 16:42:35

It sure is. They can't compel me to testify against myself. It's against my rights, what was bestowed on me by Jesus and George Washington.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 5 points on 2016-06-18 20:26:40

we dont get those rights over here :(

rabbutt 5 points on 2016-06-18 20:32:19

Do what we did. Fight the British and draft a constitution.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-06-19 03:44:13

Good luck in the English homeland. That's just about all that's left of the empire (with a shoutout to Wales and Scotland). At any rate, English law is what this thread is about.

peacheslala97 2 points on 2016-06-17 20:18:02

I didn't know that at all and still occasionally look at the porn.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-06-18 01:40:09


Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 4 points on 2016-06-18 02:10:52

God that's stupid, he wasn't even in or involved with the videos. The UK's porn laws (in general, not just bestiality) are so over the top.

zetacola + Rum 2 points on 2016-06-18 03:30:05

VeraCrypt has special "hidden volumes" you can use to hide your really sensitive files even if you are forced to reveal your password.

ZoroasterTheCat 2 points on 2016-06-18 12:21:23

Veracrypt? Is that the go-to encryption software now after truecrypt expired its warranty canary?

zetacola + Rum 1 point on 2016-06-18 22:29:10

Basically, yes.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 0 points on 2016-06-18 18:04:11

I believe hidden volumes are legally untested at this point. Nobody knows what happens if the police "order" you to decrypt the volume on suspicion of illegal porn, and you provide a password that produces a volume of highly embarrassing but entirely legal porn. Does the use of a hidden volume system count as reasonable evidence you have other volumes you've not admitted to? How might a judge decide if you cooperated or not?

Edog91 3 points on 2016-06-18 03:41:51

I have gone clean for the most part.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2016-06-18 05:51:26

How about not using this abusive, moneymaking shit instead of giving hints on how to get away with it? Whenever it comes to porn, why do I imagine all defenders as Gollum, hissing "My poooorn! My preciousss pooorn!"?

Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSF82AwSDiU

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 6 points on 2016-06-18 10:08:48

The whole "gollum" imagery speaks volumes as to your bias.

I'm not really one to defend porn, as 90% of it in my experience is distasteful if not abusive. That being said, it's not an inherently abusive practice. Inherently foolish on the makers part perhaps, but that's all.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2016-06-19 13:26:50

You still haven´t understood the huge influence the entire animal porn issue has on the public image of zoophiles. Whenever a zoo tries to teach the public about zoophilia as genuine and mutual love between a human and an animal, the counterproof is just two clicks away. By using porn, you generate profit for those who don´t hesitate to drug up animals, restrain and force animals to get what they want... Using porn in any way encourages the market to record new porn to satisfy the demand and thus you support even the worst, most abusive assholes, even if you just watch " gentle porn". The companies you stream your "vanilla animal porn" from also offer abusive material...do you really think there´s a difference between the money made from "vanilla porn" and abusive stuff?

You even said it yourself, 90% is distasteful if not abusive. Are you really implying that we all should keep quiet about the 90 percent only for the 10 percent of non abusive porn? Another question nobody from the pro porn fraction has answered yet: We all agree on the fact that animals CAN consent to interspecies sex in here. An animal CAN understand the act. But an animal will never be able to understand the concept of pornography. In every porn recording, the participants know that their actions are recorded and will be published. Any actor signs a contract wherein he/she agrees to exchange his/her individual right on footage of them for the money paid for their participation. An animal can´t sign such a contract. So, animal porn morally isn´t any different from taping and publishing someone´s sex acts without their knowledge. The common attitude of "They (the animals) don´t seem to care much about it, so I´m free to do it" is just another hint at the anthropocentric weltbild so many of our community seem to suffer from. As long as nobody of the AP makers can show me a contract signed by ALL participating individuals, even the quadruped ones, AP is inherently abusive.

When even ZETA shows some moments of unexpected clarity and state that animal pornography is used mostly by non zoophile, average normal folks, defending AP becomes rather silly, don´t you think? AP is selling us out to fetishists and thrill seekers and the indoctrination has advanced so far that even the ones who are sold and whose struggle for tolerance is sabotaged by AP seem to develop some kind of Stockholm syndrome.

Folks, get used to the idea that animal porn will soon be treated like kiddie porn. When "zoophilia" is outlawed globally (that´ll be the case pretty soon,btw), the next logical step will be to get rid of any depiction of such illegal activities. And as it has happened with underage porn, animal porn will vanish from the surface net. You will be forced into the darknet to get your masturbatorial support flix, like those who are into snuff, kiddie and torture porn...with all that´s involved in it, screening of file sharing sites by the police, sting operations and ,once in a while, a huge bust of an animal porn ring.

What if society offers us zoos some tolerance and even legality in exchange for an internet completely animal porn free? Would you be able to give something for a regulated privilege to live out your zoophilia, but only with one animal and without the possibility to have other sexual relations at the same time? What are you willing to give? Or have you joined the vast masses of idiots who misinterpret zoophilia as "just another variance of human sexuality that should have the same rights as any other sexual orientation"? Zoophilia IS different from all other orientations as we´re dealing with ANIMALS, not humans. This IS NOT just another orientation and demands an entirely different mindset from the zoo; one that´s not anthropocentric, one that´s not exploitative in any way, one that´s not exculpating doubtable practices with the common statement "...the animals don´t seem to mind..."

As long as you demand tolerance from society, but deny anything that could possibly lessen your "freedom", the status quo will remain. Things will get worse and it´s not society to blame for...it´s the incredibly stubborn attitude of the "zoo community".If you want society to adapt to zoophiles, zoophiles undoubtedly have to adapt to society, too. If free and easy access to animal porn is what I have to sacrifice in exchange for more tolerance of zoophilia, then I wouldn´t hesitate a second...just take it, delete it and throw everyone into jail who posesses, swaps and distributes this shit. Sacrifices have to be made in order to revive the dialogue with society and to break up the old and encrusted frontlines.

zetacola + Rum 7 points on 2016-06-20 19:25:16

You said it yourself : "animal pornography is used mostly by non zoophile, average normal folks." Most "zoophile" porn clearly is not marketed towards zoophiles. So what does it change if we stop using it, really? Even if every zoophile makes a point to never use porn again, it will do absolutely nothing to change the public perception of us. People don't give a fuck. We are rapists and abusers in their eyes no matter what we do.

If posting animal porn on the Internet is an abuse of the animal's understanding, would you also advocate to take all animal mating videos off Youtube? Ban all nature documentaries while you're at it? Please... Animals. Do. Not. Care. The anthropomorphism here, rather, is to make sex into this complicated and sordid affair that should always remain hidden from view. Only humans think of sex this way.

As long as nobody of the AP makers can show me a contract signed by ALL participating individuals, even the quadruped ones

You realize that this kind of logic is exactly what people use to condemn bestiality right? So it's sometimes important to respect animal "consent" and sometimes it's not... Right.

What if society offers us zoos some tolerance and even legality in exchange for an internet completely animal porn free?

This is naivety in its purest form. You seriously think that by eradicating animal porn we would attain tolerance in society? Holy shit.

Get the fuck off your soapbox. Your illusion of moral superiority in a forum for animal fuckers is just ridiculous.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2016-06-21 01:44:04

"People don´t give a fuck"...okay, then let´s all advocate fencehopping, raping animals and animal sadism...nobody cares anyway, right? We Germans have a proverb "Ist der Ruf erst ruiniert, lebt sichs gänzlich ungeniert" (Once your reputation is destroyed, you can do whatever pleases you)...impressive how you try to avoid any kind of responsibility here.

"Animals .Do.Not.Care."..."But.Outsiders.do.care.about.what our community.does.and.what.morals.are.prevalent.in.our.community. With the same point of view, you can justify the dairy industry because cows also don´t seem to care being milked. Still this is an exploitative practice. With your little sentence, you only prove my point of an anthropocentrism problem...and also show your shortsightedness. Your sentence should rather be spelled like "I.think.that.animals.don´t.care.and.I.won´t.question.my.behavior.´cause.I´m.the.human.and.I.decide."

"You realize that(...)..." No. Don´t you see the difference between direct interaction (sexuality) with animals and indirect actions the animal isn´t capable to understand (porn)? Having sex is natural for animals and consent can be given to it through body language, but being turned into a porn star for the world wide wanker community is artificial and consent to it cannot be given, not even through body language. As log as there are no animal-human translator devices out there, recording your animal having sex is equally abusive like taping your girlfriend without her knowledge and consent.If your statement is the common moral basis our community is operating with, it´s no surprise for me that we´re all seen as sexual sickos and perverts who don´t give a flying shit about the animals whenever our own interests collide with a morally consistent and respectful form of zoophilia.

"This is naivety(...)..."..oh, really? Have you put my idea to the test or are you just presuming negative results out of thin air? Since animal porn really is perceived as a nuisance from and a dangerous practice potentially poisoning and disorienting society and many are drawn into "zoophilia" by watching too much animal porn, I´m not willing to discard my idea.
My "illusion of moral superiority" gave me 22 years I was able to live out my zoophilia with my mare...in public stables, with lots of folks knowing what my mare and me had together.There surely must be something I did right,huh. Standing on my soapbox has proven to be quite comfy and also protected my mare and me from negative consequenes. I guess I´ll stay up here just a little bit longer...;)

zetacola + Rum 4 points on 2016-06-21 16:21:29

okay, then let´s all advocate fencehopping, raping animals and animal sadism

Nice strawman.

Don´t you see the difference between direct interaction (sexuality) with animals and indirect actions the animal isn´t capable to understand (porn)?

Why don't we also stop doing everything animals can't understand in that case, uh? Because, after all, we need to be "morally consistent." Why don't we start with ending the involvement of animals in highly illegal activities that may ruin their lives or even result in their death if the human gets caught? I'm sure you know the kind. Then, let's move on to the banning of the ownership of animals, the banning of their imprisonment by humans, the banning of their use for almost all human activity, especially if it involves work or commercial interests (that's right Mr. riding instructor, that means you're out of a job too)... Like I said, this is the exact same logic people use to shit on zoophilia : "animal consent is important only when I feel it's important!" There is not an ounce of fucking logic behind a statement like this. It is a fallacy of rationalization.

No, "outsiders" do not give a single fuck about what we do and the so-called morals in our community. "Outsiders" would see us all in prison before they would even consider hearing what we have to say. And believe me, animal porn is absolutely not what is at fault. People were hanged, burned at the stake, tortured, and etc. for bestiality hundred of years ago. Do you think Internet porn was responsible for that too? Or was it that people were caught fapping to Michelangelo's Leda?

I'm not even one to defend porn. I try to cut it out of my life. But whatever the community feels about porn will not change anything about how we are perceived at large. There is also loads of porn out there that shows a willing and enthusiastic animal... Still doesn't make people think any good of us.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 5 points on 2016-06-20 19:53:36

You still haven´t understood the huge influence the entire animal porn issue has on the public image of zoophiles. Whenever a zoo tries to teach the public about zoophilia as genuine and mutual love between a human and an animal, the counterproof is just two clicks away.

Ironically, so is the counter argument to the counter argument.

By using porn, you generate profit for those who don´t hesitate to drug up animals, restrain and force animals to get what they want... Using porn in any way encourages the market to record new porn to satisfy the demand and thus you support even the worst, most abusive assholes, even if you just watch " gentle porn". The companies you stream your "vanilla animal porn" from also offer abusive material...do you really think there´s a difference between the money made from "vanilla porn" and abusive stuff?

I don't know where you think I get my porn, but clearly you have no idea.

For the record, I have about 400MBs of the stuff (which is as you know, nothing today), all from personal friends, and none of it abusive. There's your conterargument.

You are arguing against the PORN INDUSTRY. Not porn. Get it straight.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-06-21 04:26:41

The fact alone that you still believe there´s non abusive animal porn out there shows your own bias. I´m agruing against both, porn and the porn industry as they are practically different branches of the same rotten tree. You´re basically trying to self absolute you with your "counterargument"...others use abusive stuff to get off, but you use only the non abusive flix from personal friends. Would you be so kind and show me the contract the participating animals signed to allow distribution of their footage? You can´t? Because Animals.do.not.care? What is taking advantage of an individual´s incapability to understand the concept of pornography and the consequences of publishing it called again? Animal porn is per se an objectification of the animal, the animal´s personality doesn´t matter and the only thing that does matter is if the live sex toy "performs" good enough for the world wide wankers to get off.

You´re clinging to pornography as if it was the last straw that could save you from drowning, man. Where´s the ZA3 P ...the Zoophile Alliance Against Animal Pornography? Can you imagine what an impact such a official zoophile organisation would have? How baffled all the antis would be if some of those vile animal fuckers actually would join the fight against easily accessible animal porn? The magic word again is compromise...you don´t seem to be willing to sacrifice something in exchange for tolerance. "My poooorn! My precioussss, non abussssive porn....!"

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-06-21 06:26:44

Would you be so kind and show me the contract the participating animals signed to allow distribution of their footage?

No because I don't believe such frivolous things to be necessary with animals. I know the people involved and I know the animals were loved/in love with their partner. That's all I need.

Also, all the animals in my porn are long deceased, absolving them of consequences. Heck, most of it was filmed in the the frickin' 80's, and I look at it maybe once a month because I have no relationship.

If that sounds like Golem to you, you have a definition problem and I can't help you with that.

Can you imagine what an impact such a official zoophile organisation would have?

I imagine almost nothing, to be frank. Look up PACM for an example (pedophiles against child molestation, which is/was also against child pornography).

I admit, there may be some hope in this idea though. I tried once, a long time ago, to organize a zoo charity for animal shelters and such. Funding was an issue back then because of tracability. Now with bitcoin I doubt it is, but I lack the social stamina for such a role today. If you really want to confuse the antis, show them what you love, not what you hate, and put significant cash where your mouth is. My advice to you if you really want to do anything is to pick that up and run with it. Heck, I may even have contacts for you to get started.

zetacola + Rum 2 points on 2016-06-21 20:31:15

Can you imagine what an impact such a official zoophile organisation would have? How baffled all the antis would be if some of those vile animal fuckers actually would join the fight against easily accessible animal porn?

Jesus. If anything, I think it would be the other way around. "I get off to bestiality but I swear I don't fuck animals" would probably get you in WAY less trouble than "I fuck animals but I swear I don't watch porn." There's just like a weird disconnect.

"I kill people but I swear I don't watch snuff films, man. All is chill."

Swibblestein 5 points on 2016-06-18 11:25:15

Maybe because you like to build up a caricature of the people you disagree with rather than actually trying to deal with them as they are?

Oh, and for the record, I've mentioned before that I avoid IRL pornography, so if you want to imagine me as Gollum, you'll have to think of something more accurate for Gollum-Me to be saying.

Honestly though maybe you'd be more persuasive if you tried imagining your opposition as, you know, an actual person sitting at a keyboard disagreeing with you, or something wild and crazy like that.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-06-19 12:22:01

Maybe you should check out the wiki article on "rhetorical question"...;)

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-06-19 20:44:38

Yeah, honestly I probably jumped down your throat a bit too readily there.

We disagree on quite a bit, but at least I do respect your passion, and think it's a benefit, even if it's at an angle to my own. I should try to be less of a dick - our past and present disagreements don't give me the right to be uncivil, after all.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-06-21 04:45:53

I appreciate your openness, but your apology is not necessary. You surely know me by now and how I tend to deal with things. I assure you that I can take some blows and won´t start crying if someone gets rough on me. I´m not fragile, not a mentally unstable person attempting suicide after a rough exchange of opinions...I can deal out blows, but also can take ´em without complaining about it.

I even believe that throwing away politeness and civility sometimes can have a cathartic effect, can break up encrusted structures and beliefs and is perfectly fine as long as no one takes discussions too personal, leaving with a grudge.

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-06-21 04:52:09

An apology is often for both people. I appreciate that you are not fragile, but regardless in my eyes I was wrong about something, so it was important to apologize purely from my own perspective, before even considering yours.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-06-19 17:51:04


G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 2 points on 2016-06-20 12:37:28

I do wonder, are cartoon drawings of animals in certain poses considered zoo, or incriminating. I don't dare googling this, as it probably will register somewhere.

Lostonofpluto 1 point on 2016-06-28 04:09:07

You don't have to tell me twice, just recently my dad stumbled upon my horse porn :( so embarrassing.