So I marched in our local pride march with thousands of people, with this sign. (
submitted 2016-06-19 04:13:58 by The-Forested-Garden
[deleted] 1 point on 2016-06-19 05:22:49


peacheslala97 5 points on 2016-06-19 05:27:41

Were you well treated?

The-Forested-Garden 1 point on 2016-06-26 05:43:06

I had a few zoo-friendly friends walking with me, that's all I really needed. No one else even took notice.

ursusem 4 points on 2016-06-19 07:56:23

The 'zoo' in the poster looks more like some kind of odd design rather than a word.

The-Forested-Garden 2 points on 2016-06-26 05:43:31

You are welcome to design your own poster that has font more to your liking.

ursusem 2 points on 2016-06-27 05:23:39

No. Don't be a snot. It's not an issue about me liking it or not. What I meant by my comment was that I can easily see how random passersby may not have registered that squiggle as a word. I think many people have really not even heard of zoophilia. And considering how crazy our community is, I thank god for that! No one is going to register in his/her mind that, "Oh, that person over there is carrying a sign which alludes to the idea that people who are sexually and romantically attracted to non-human animals should be accepted just like any other minority sexuality." To most people, zoophilia doesn't exist. It is not some major social reality that they realize that they need to grapple with in their existence. It is nowhere on the radar screen of most peoples' thinking. So they are not even going to know what that word, "zoo," in your sign refers to.

The-Forested-Garden 1 point on 2016-06-28 04:12:24

There are curious people though, who wonder what things mean...even if they don't initially have a clue what something means..hence the asking. And, I'm happy to answer, especially when walking with friends who can back me up if needed. Personal attacks aren't necessary or productive BTW, especially if you are trying to achieve change within another person.

thelongestusernameee these posts are too deep for me. im starting to get all weird ag 2 points on 2016-06-19 11:53:03

i feel like that's not recognizable enough. i doubt many people will know what zoo refers too

The-Forested-Garden 2 points on 2016-06-26 06:27:43

Most people won't, but some do. The people walking with me knew...a lot of people in my community know what it means and that I am zoo. There was quite a bit of drama about it around 5 years ago over it from within the community, but I have way more friends now than I did then and nothing negative has become of it lol. If anything, being zoo gets me more loyal and appreciative friends.

30-30 amator equae 11 points on 2016-06-19 11:55:36

When stupidity reaches yet another level...

Lefthandedsock 2 points on 2016-06-19 22:13:05

Why do you think that?

30-30 amator equae 13 points on 2016-06-20 00:53:05

Because of the possible consequences of such a "in yer face" approach. Just imagine someone took a picture of you waving around this long do you think it´ll go unnoticed? How long until the cops pay you a visit (if "zoophilia" is illegal in your area) and take all the animals that may be in your house with them? And if it´s not the cops who make you feel sorry for your audacity, it´s the oh so tolerant LGBT community that will surely go batshit crazy when they notice what exactly is written on the sign.

I just can´t see any positive effects coming from this kind of aggressive tactics. It´s yet another fine example of the "special snowflake" phenomenon; putting your controversial and in many areas around the world illegal sexuality out there in the open, without ever considering the huge consequences it may have for yourself, your animals and your own community resembles every detail of stupid behavior for me.

Look, we had 3 so called "Zoophile Rights Days" in Germany, taking place in Berlin in 2013,2014 and 2015. Members of ZETA demonstrated for "zoo rights", handed out info material and tried to initiate discusions with bypassers. The only crowd they really could get attention from was the anti crowd, all the "normal" folks refused to take notice of this "demonstration".

So, what do we have here? Someone who decided it was a good idea to mix with the LGBT crowd, advertizing his/her sexual desire to fuck animals. We have a community that is already confronted with the slippery slope argument ("If we allow gays to marry, what will be next? People who want to legally marry their dog?") and has been proven as one of the most intolerant groups when it comes to zoophilia in the past. We have the total unawareness of possible negative effects, including the possible confiscation of animals and a shattered social reputation. All of that only for the thrill of publicly announcing your sexual interest in animals. Luckily, nobody took notice, maybe because the "zoo" was written almost illegible and knowledge of the special vocabulary our community uses hasn´t spread wide enough yet.

I even doubt it is morally right to abuse the parade of another community for your own purpose that does not at all match the participants´ ideas they´re fighting for. For me, this is selfish and highly disrespectful as you´re almost forcing the others to march for something they absolutely don´t appreaciate and understand. It´s like you hijacked a demonstration...and nobody likes hijackers.

If our "hero" is going to repeat his hijacking actions on the next LGBT rally/parade, I´m pretty sure that there will be some serious whoop ass waiting for him/her when the others take notice what his/her sign is saying...he/she should feel lucky that nobody took the time to read the sign this time. next time, he/she might run out of luck...and I´m very sure that this will make a slendid headline for one of the many on- and offline newspapers located at the right side of the political spectrum. "Look, Billybob, ´dem faggets. Now they want to fuck animals, like the good ol´ KKK Great Dragon told us some years ago...."

Yes, we zoos need to raise attention and awareness on our behalf. But we should do this otherwise as demos have turned out to achieve nothing for us. We don´t need fools waving around signs, especially not when they hide in another crowd they intend to hijack for their own agenda.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-06-20 01:28:27


fuzzyfurry 5 points on 2016-06-20 20:47:57

It´s like you hijacked a demonstration...and nobody likes hijackers.

Oh come on, there are regularly groups who are more or less allies that march in parades advertising their own cause.


Someone who decided it was a good idea to mix with the LGBT crowd

According to the sign, OP is trans. What more do you need to "mix" with a crowd that includes trans people?

It´s yet another fine example of the "special snowflake" phenomenon; putting your controversial and in many areas around the world illegal sexuality out there in the open, without ever considering the huge consequences it may have for yourself,

Kinda the original spirit of the pride parades, no?

30-30 amator equae 6 points on 2016-06-21 01:01:07

According to the sign, Op is a trans animal fucker.Nothing more is needed to instantly lose all connections to your "posse" and nobody will give a flying shit about the unimportant detail of your gender identity anymore. The moment you make yourself recognizable as an animal fucker, you get the boot...multiple times...

"Kinda the original spirit of the pride parades,no?"...hell....and I thought it all was about equality, not demanding privilege or a "special snowflake" status.Maybe this misinterpretation of mine is based on an era when the pride parades had not degenerated into a fucking freak carnival yet, but were actual political demonstrations that addressed important civil rights issues of homosexuals, not privileges and general immunity.My bad.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-06-21 06:19:26

According to the sign, Op is a trans animal fucker.Nothing more is needed to instantly lose all connections to your "posse" and nobody will give a flying shit about the unimportant detail of your gender identity anymore. The moment you make yourself recognizable as an animal fucker, you get the boot...multiple times...

Depends on your crowd. I was once friends with a LGBT organizer of sorts, and he had this to say about the matter of zoos in the parade when I asked (anonymously):

First of all, Yeah that did take alot of courage. Coming out is always difficult and it never stops. I happens with everyone new you meet. Thanks for sharing. Second, You are part of a community, my community actually GLBTQI community. It actually goes on to say Furies, Bears, Weres, etc. You are not alone but as you stated before there is a huge stigma upon this sexaulity. I personally have... I guess experimented with a dog once.. but it's not something that i'm really into. I personally believe that sexuality is fluid. But yeah your not alone but I'm not sure if zoosexuality will ever be socially accepted. It's unfair but it's a line people think should be maintained. It's a whole ethics debate. (Sorry if that is offensive, I'm not trying to be)

He goes on to actually advise me to avoid being "open" in the parade (I wasn't planning on going anyways but it was a bit of social experiment), but it just goes to show that not everyone in that setting thinks the same.

The-Forested-Garden 3 points on 2016-06-26 06:23:55

Again, 30-30 assumes that as soon as the general LGBT community gets a whiff that I'm zoo and in "their" parades (even though I'm trans) that I will be instantly pulverized into mush on the street. Thing is, I have people by my side when I walk with this sign, people who are already well-respected within the community. If anything, most people around here are supportive of me once they get to know me as a person. 30-30 sure does seem to assume an awful lot about my life in this post. I don't know about you, but I haven't let what other people say or think about me dictate how I operate in the real world and I'm not about to start now.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-06-26 22:57:46

I don't know about you, but I haven't let what other people say or think about me dictate how I operate in the real world and I'm not about to start now.

Good for you. We need more of that in the world in general.

fuzzyfurry 2 points on 2016-06-21 08:21:36

hell....and I thought it all was about equality, not demanding privilege

Well, as a demonstration against discrimination including harassment from the police

Police raids on gay bars were routine in the 1960s, but officers quickly lost control of the situation at the Stonewall Inn. They attracted a crowd that was incited to riot. Tensions between New York City police and gay residents of Greenwich Village erupted into more protests the next evening, and again several nights later. Within weeks, Village residents quickly organized into activist groups to concentrate efforts on establishing places for gays and lesbians to be open about their sexual orientation without fear of being arrested.

"How long until the cops pay you a visit".

or a "special snowflake" status.

just no

The-Forested-Garden 1 point on 2016-06-26 06:09:12

I'm transgender and therefore am part of the LGBT community by default, 30-30 is talking out of their ass since they don't even have a clue about me aside from this post. I think they might be jealous from the lot that they wrote and how offended they are at my attempt to be out within the queer community. Also, I'm not a he or her, I wish certain people in this thread would actually learn to read. I find misgendering people to be quite disgusting.

All that crap they wrote, I've already seen before from other zoos who are so cautious, they are paranoid and think their situation is everyone's situation. 30-30's situation is most likely different than mine so they cannot speak for me and my personal life. I also find it funny how certain people criticise, but can't come up with any good solutions on their own for pushing rights/tolerance/accceptance.

Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 2 points on 2016-06-20 19:23:12

We MUST stay hidden when we are illegal in most countries.
I understand why you want to wear this kind of sign, but by experience we know it's more negative to whole zoophiles to show we exist.

Lefthandedsock 3 points on 2016-06-20 21:11:12

I don't really care one way or another. It's not illegal in my country, anyway.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-06-21 00:42:31

There may not be a law directly addressing sexual relationships with animals in your country, but experience tells us that reasons to take away your animal from you can be constructed very quickly. If interpreted in the "right" way, existing animal welfare laws prove to be quite flexible when the accusations involve sex with animals.

The mere lack of a law banning interspecies relationships does NOt put you on the safe side. I heard about several incidents from the era before the recent wave of outlawing interspecies sexuality where self proclaimed animal rights activists and organisations managed to steal the animal from the alleged zoophile; the animals were never seen again. In another case of some dude who got outed by accident, the social stigma led to his total isolation; nobody wanted to do business with him anymore. Zoophiles all seem to overestimate the issue of legality and underestimate the issue of social reputation. The fixation on the legality issue is something that misleads many into thinking that the lack of laws banning sex with animals turns them immune against negative effects of an outing. Quadruped partners of outed zoophiles have been abducted and even poisoned by single individuals and animal rights organisations alike, the witchhhunt that usually follows an outing has driven more than but a few out of town, out of state, even out of the country; they had to restart their lives again in an environment ignorant of their sexual orientation. Outing yourself also can lead to family problems of various degrees, ranging from mild, but steady intrafamiliary mobbing to full blown "get the fuck outta my house, you pervert!BTW, you´re disowned!" reactions and a total breakup of the family ties.

Don´t ever be fooled into thinking that you´re good just because your government hasn´t outlawed interspecies sex (yet)...until we all face a major change in the public perception of zoophilia, being a practicing zoophile literally is like dancing on a knife´s blade. Even without a law prohibiting your orientation, so much can (and , according to Murphy´s law , will) go wrong...

What scenario will provide you with a better chance to live your life uninterrupted, living under an anti zoo law, but with friendly and tolerant locals who know that your relationship is harmless for both and is based on actual mutual love...or living without an anti zoo law, but in an hostile environment that won´t hesitate to call the police or do things that are even worse than snitching once the things you like to do to your dog/horse/cow/sheep, etc. surface into the public ?

The-Forested-Garden 1 point on 2016-06-26 05:43:47

When rudeness reaches a new level...

If you think it's "stupid" then don't do it yourself. It's not like you saying this negative shit is going to make me suddenly rethink what I did. You aren't that important, I promise.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-06-19 12:41:16

well I think thats pretty great, good on you for having the courage to do that OP.

IAmAZoophile 1 point on 2016-06-19 21:26:40

Same here! I'm always interested to hear about people who've tried to represent zoos in LGBT events/communities.

The-Forested-Garden 1 point on 2016-06-26 05:59:12

Heh, I wouldn't recommend it if you don't at least have some tie to the community outside of it. I'm lucky in the fact that I am transgender, so if they ever try to "boot" me from the community (which is literally impossible since it's everywhere and there is no official membership) because I'm zoo, I tell them that even if they don't consider being zoo as part of the community, I'm still trans and they can't change that whether they want to or not.

The-Forested-Garden 2 points on 2016-06-26 05:56:42

Thank you :3

Susitar Canidae 4 points on 2016-06-20 20:47:53

That takes some courage.

I've done a similar thing. Wore a top with a Zeta on it, and dressed as a wolf (mask and tail). But I doubt anyone knew what it meant. After all, if anyone would have asked, I would have said it stood for 'Zoo' as in animal and it would have been kind of logical with my outfit. But I still made sure to walk with a zoo-positive friend, in case I would get into trouble.

Anyway, nobody noticed/cared.

I understand the concerns, as 30-30 voices them. If you have pets and bestiality is illegal where you live, this is a huge risk. I don't have any pets, so I don't have that particular problem.

But it's also so frustrating to go as a lgbtq zoophile to Pride. At pride, everyone repeats these clichés... "You can be yourself here!", "All love is equal!", "Nobody should be judged based on their sexuality!", and yet, you know that it's not true. That loving a non-human is not considered equal, that you can't be yourself at Pride.

Sometimes that frustration takes it's form in these kind of messages. That are probably quite harmless, because it seems people don't notice...

The-Forested-Garden 1 point on 2016-06-26 05:50:10

You can't get arrested for protesting zoo rights. Sure, you may get people getting suspicious, starting rumors, etc...but unless someone actually has some sort of evidence that you actually sex up animals, no one can do shit about what you publicly think legally unless you publicly state that you have sex with animals. Heh, and even if someone decided to try and somehow corrupt the system to get to me, they would have to plant some evidence of a crime because there is no crime to be had :3

Aside from that, I also have a zoo related top..although it's very provocative and I have only worn it out in public once. I get the whole LGBT not supporting us thing, thing is, there are plenty who do...they just can't publicly out themselves as allies for the same reasons we can't out ourselves most of the time. You just have to be good at finding such people and not get too attached to people until they are in the know and are confirmed to be OK with it..if you want to be out at all that is. I wasn't really there to make new friends anyways and the sign was just a rushed experiment. If I had taken the time, I'm sure I could have come up with something a bit more verbally detailed and identifiable. I'm not afraid anymore and making that sign and parading it out in front of all those people was something I did more for myself to show that.