Seeking Love Again (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-06-21 00:17:47 by peacheslala97

I'm starting to grow comfortable again and as such I want a partner, not speaking in a quickie or strictly sex purposes(though I am a highly sexual person and I view sex as important) but I want to bond with my partner and have them bond with me on an emotional level. I miss my first love and "Bobby" so much and while I'm wary of getting close to a person IRL at the moment I want to be with a real partner again. I don't have the time, space or money to care for a horse right now and I doubt I could afford a stallion but I am seeking a dog now. I love large breeds and I jog everyday so I'd be able to devote the time to my new friend. I post this to seek guidance on what I should do at the moment and what I can do to assure a proper relationship.

the_egoldstein 5 points on 2016-06-21 04:13:17

In most cases, I advise against a dog. They're a lot of work, require absurd demands on your time, and in general can be a real hassle. For some people this hassle is part of the draw and they wouldn't have it any other way, but for others it's an oft-overlooked disadvantage. Think real hard about where you fall on that spectrum before getting in too deep.

That said, if you're set on getting a dog, there are some things I consider prudent...

First and foremost, an untrained dog is a disaster; learn how to properly train a dog. If you need somewhere to start, I recommend reading Karen Pryor's "Don't Shot the Dog" (Terrible title, good book...and it's not really a dog book). Learning how to deal with problem behaviors is part of being a good caretaker.

Consider the physical characteristics of any dogs you're considering. Long hair dogs shed a lot, surprise suprise, but shorthairs shed too. If you're out in the woods a lot, like me, a shorthair is a bonus as they're easy to clean and find ticks on. Shorthairs don't like the cold, longhairs don't like the heat. An active breed isn't going to fare well without a routine to wear them out, every day whether you feel like it or not.

Make damn sure you can afford it. Surprise vet bills happen; be sure you can afford not only food and routine care, but the surprises too.

And last, but certainly not least, sex is one of the last things to consider. People tend to put a lot of importance on sex, but it's something that accounts for very little of the time we spend with our partners.

peacheslala97 1 point on 2016-06-22 22:50:56

Well of course I've weighed every pro and con when it comes to dating a dog or horse and right now my attraction is to dogs and not simply because I think they're easier to manage. I'm prepared to handle all the risks that come with my new relationship. Due to my work hours I'd have more than enough time to spend with my partner, including brushing him, going on walks with him and cuddling him ect.

silverwolf-tippysmat 3 points on 2016-06-21 14:05:12

I've both horses and dogs, and can tell you dogs are by far more expensive in the up-keep, so thinking cheaper isn't nessicarily true. Initial cost is lower, but commitment cost is gonna get you.

As said already, a dog is a huge time and energy commitment as well. I also echo training and researching the breed(s), as wether the dog becomes a lover or not, they are a lifetime commitment that can easily mean living with that choice for 15-18 years or more. Also keep in mind that dogs are extremely individuals, and no two of the same breed will be alike or be exactly what the breed description says.

Bonding is best started at the puppy stage, though a rescue might surprise you.

Just some food fer thought...

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2016-06-21 15:35:37

Dogs are more expensive in the upkeep than horses? In what universe? A simple colic surgery can easily exceed the costs of a dog´s entire lifetime. We´re talking about thousands of Euros here. A well balanced diet for a horse also is way more expensive than any dog food, it includes pellets, muesli/cereals and hay that can be very expensive and hard to get depending on the weather in the haymaking months. In Europe, we recently experienced many rainy days, so the prices for the haybales have risen to about 100 Euros per bale; harvesting of the first cut was impossible this year due to excessive wetness. Horse food is way more expensive than dog food you can btw buy cheap in discounter markets, the monthly costs of hay and straw easily exceed the overall monthly costs for keeping a dog by far. A dog does not need his hooves trimmed every 6-8 weeks (what generates steady expenses of another one hundered Euros per horse each time the farrier pays you a visit) and a simple examination of your horse by a vet can generate a bill so high you could easily pay off 4 dogs from it. My sister has two dogs and when I compare what I spent on my mare with what she spent on her two dogs, it is ridiculous to say that keeping dogs is more expensive than keeping horses. The only way I see such a statement to be true is when you totally neglect the horse, malnourish it and screw around with the hooves yourself instead of calling someone who actually has learned about the delicate hoof mechanism and how quickly a horse can suffer lameness if an amateur messes around with the hooves. Sorry, but I don´t think you ever had a horse; if you really had one, then you obviously were a very shitty horseowner.

zetacola + Rum 2 points on 2016-06-21 16:29:17

Bravo horsefucker, bravo.

Do you want a medal?

silverwolf-tippysmat 9 points on 2016-06-21 18:03:37

I'm not gonna start a shitfest with you nor defend my long history with horses. I gave the poster my opinion, based on my experience. You're welcome to your opinion based on yours. Perhaps the difference is solely in your euros to my dollars, and cost being different here and there, or maybe my dogs have just cost more to care for. I do admit, given my grandfather was a farrier, that trimming and general hoof care cost me only my time, but general wellness vet calls here to the barn average $75, one wellness visit for the dog costs $135, conciderably more. Dogfood costs well more per pound than Hay and grain here (50lbs dry food ~$25, 100lbs sweet feed $10. I grow my own hay, but sell it as well, and a ton costs the buyer $60)

A colic can indeed be expensive, but it's also relatively easy to prevent. Not every horse owner is going to encounter one, nor should they if raising and feeding properly. So can any number of diseases or injuries to a dog, and the cost of a 'simple' surgery can exceed $6000. At any rate, to answer your words; you can keep a dog cheaply if all you do is 'keep' them, as you can a horse. Neither mean you're doing it right though.

My intent in the above was to remind the OP that BOTH options come with a deal of cost, and getting a dog because you can't afford a horse is not a great option, not if you give a damn about either. As I said though, you're welcome to your opinion...

peacheslala97 1 point on 2016-06-22 22:55:39

I'm not getting a dog because I can't afford a horse though

peacheslala97 2 points on 2016-06-22 22:51:39

Actually I'm not going by the cheaper is better logic here

[deleted] -3 points on 2016-06-24 04:23:37


Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 5 points on 2016-06-25 06:57:47

No, I'm good, thanks.

peacheslala97 1 point on 2016-06-25 13:17:28

Wow way to be a bigot.

schlomocobaltstein 1 point on 2016-06-30 19:57:20

Wow way to be a faggot. Fuck you goddamn animal fucker, I should take you to my local sharia court and have you tossed off a cliff for being a fucking degenerate.

peacheslala97 1 point on 2016-07-07 19:12:43

Oh what I threaten you?

schlomocobaltstein 0 points on 2016-07-07 21:06:47

Fuck you degenerate. If I ever catch you walking in my turf I will beat you to death with a brick.

peacheslala97 2 points on 2016-07-07 21:09:47

I don't live in the slums like you do.

schlomocobaltstein -2 points on 2016-07-07 21:10:55

Your going to be living in the hell fire soon you pig fucker.

peacheslala97 1 point on 2016-07-07 21:26:55

I'm not interested in pigs you idiot. Go back to your cave.

[deleted] -3 points on 2016-06-24 18:36:19


fuzzyfurry 2 points on 2016-06-24 20:48:54

get meds

There is no "medicine" for zoophilia. The only thing doctors who prescribe drugs to "treat" zoophilia are doing is experimentation on humans. Or chemical castration, with all its possible devastating effects on the person.

And all of that for a benign condition that inflicts no harm?

[deleted] 0 points on 2016-06-24 20:58:40


fuzzyfurry 2 points on 2016-06-24 22:21:39

Well there are surely some sort of anti-psychotics you could get prescribed

Ok, but which ones have undergone clinical trials to prove effective for "treating" zoophilia?

[deleted] 0 points on 2016-06-24 22:24:17


fuzzyfurry 3 points on 2016-06-24 22:34:44

I don't mean to be so hostile to outsiders, even though you kinda started it. I'm just so very tired of it...

We have at least one person here who is suffering from previous "treatment" with drugs, so if you want to bother with it you can read a bit what your suggestions would do to actual people.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-06-24 23:30:56


fuzzyfurry 2 points on 2016-06-25 00:08:37

I posted in that thread too. I've been vegan for at least 8 years now. Why should I not post in that subreddit? I also considered posting in the OT: Progressive/liberal vegans: I'd like to think we're doing pretty well on social justice issues. What will people be shocked about our viewpoints in 200 years? thread, but well, it's not really worth it stirring too much.

I post a bit more in those subreddits - but with another account. The point is that you'd never know and I even make some effort to alter my writing style a little bit because I'm a bit paranoid that it could be matched.

I was going to ask you to consider how some portion of animal rights activists you might know are perhaps partly motivated by zoophilia, but after clicking on your username and seeing that you frequent subreddits like /r/PublicHealthWatch, a subreddit that happily keeps talking about gay people as "faggots", "mentally ill" an "deranged", I'm sure this conversation can serve no purpose anymore.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-06-25 00:13:31


fuzzyfurry 3 points on 2016-06-25 01:13:50


But I recommend you do something for your sanity and stay away from hateful subreddits like /r/PublicHealthWatch.

I can't believe this subreddit is not quarantined yet.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-06-25 01:17:29


peacheslala97 1 point on 2016-06-25 13:21:33

Yet you're still here. Get a life and stop picking on people to make you're own pathetic existence look better.

peacheslala97 1 point on 2016-06-25 13:19:59

So why are you?