Is being accepted overrated? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-06-26 18:10:34 by Edog91

I have been thinking to myself lately about recent laws being passed and prity much the non effect it will have on me. Let alone other zoos who don't put them self's in the bulls eye of the public and law. I don't need the law to be happy and i don't need society to be ok with my actions to be happy so why should I care. Obviously I don't want zoos to go to jail or pay a fin but the moment we become legal, zoophilia dues not belong to us any more. No longer will the zoo community be defined by us but by the public. I would hate for us to lose what independence we have to control our own communities , rules and believes. I am just having a hard time seeing the benefits of being accepted. After editing.

I should of said this early on, I would like it if were decriminalized, don't get me wrong but it was supposed to be thought provoking. For example would animals as a whole be better off if sex with animals where decriminalized, not zoosexuality but sex? If it become legal everyone would be able to do it not just zoos. Animals don't have consent rights, could legalizing sex also legalize rap as well? The law may not concern its self with consent but harm and nothing else. The lives of zoos and there animals would be great but maybe not for other animals. When ever I hear talks about decriminalization I hear more about how it may effect people and not much about the animals.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 3 points on 2016-06-26 18:36:39

I don't think full acceptance is personally necessary as long as I can safely find a couple friends who understand and relate.

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 7 points on 2016-06-26 19:04:28

The danger of making something illegal is that you do lose control over it. Push it to the illegality and shit gonna happen.

The laws wont have real effect on us anyways, as long as you keep it behind closed doors. (this goes with pretty much a lot) But we all know the story of when someone gets caught, how that tends to roll (its usually more than just sexual acts)

I don't want it to be an open part of culture, I just want it to be -not illegal- and -not in public view-

Myself I am already wary over zoo porn and the conditions those animals might be due to someone wanting to make a profit. Can't imagine what it'd be like if half the globe wants to see zoo porn....

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-06-28 07:07:05

I might note that zoo porn legalization is a separate issue than legalization of the act itself.

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 1 point on 2016-06-28 10:36:31

Having a canid relationship just not being illegal would be great.

I mean, if it came to having a sexual relation, it still gonna be behind closed doors and private, just don't want the risk of having them taking your other half away.

Just the idea that your partner could be taken away and being put down, stomach wrenching.

porn should stay illegal for obvious reasons

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-06-28 13:05:35

porn should stay illegal for obvious reasons

Though I agree porn production should be illegal from a legislative standpoint (if nothing else to deter the porn industry), the sad fact is porn is actually legal in some places even where the act itself is illegal. My homestate is one such example.

Messed up, isn't it?

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 1 point on 2016-06-28 13:09:49

that indeed is stupid, like, you can only have sex with a dog if you're making a porn

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-06-28 23:06:53

Well, you can be a cameraman and not be guilty. The people doing the deed are the criminals. It's treated like filming a crime.

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 2 points on 2016-06-29 08:42:11

that makes absolutely sense legally, but come on, that's just so stupid

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-06-29 23:27:01

Oh it is. I'm just clarifying their position. I don't agree with it.

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 2 points on 2016-06-29 23:59:19

I know you'd not agree with it, it's just me going "oh god, stupid"

WeAreDifferent Canines 3 points on 2016-06-26 22:00:21

I just had a discussion about this a few days about a month ago (holy shit, time is fast). I'll just quote from myself:

You're right, you don't have to. And I do know all of that.

But if I'm honest, I don't long for social acceptance myself. I can't be bothered by anyone who criticises my lifestyle or by any law trying to ban something, for which the state does not have any possible control over. I do not believe in "zoo parades" anywhere in our lifetime. I do not believe in any today's stranger, who was once against it, accepting that I am a zoo. And to be honest, I wouldn't even care if anyone does. It's simply not their business to begin with.

I'm beyond the point of thinking that I need any kind of acceptance for having things to work out the way I want. I don't. I can do what I like, I can love whoever I like. I don't need to express my love over any Facebook status, or involve my friends into the relationship, or smooch my dog in public, as for my partner does not care, if I did any of these things with or without the attention of others. She loves to be who she is: A dog. Running around hunting tennisballs, playing tug-of-war with me or other dogs, sleeping and eating, basically wagging her tail around all day and much more. If my dog is happy with the way things are, I am happy for her too.

That said, I do understand your fight, seeing yourself as being an ambassador for zoophilia. You sure do have honourable goals, to provide zoophiles the freedom of law and society they desire to have. I will try to avoid to get into any zoophiles way for their fight (having my post deleted should be proof enough), but do understand that I do not fight at your side either. I do have all the freedom I could ask for. It's easier to live love this way.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 6 points on 2016-06-26 22:56:40

As someone who has been victimized in many ways by a world that does not accept zoophilia, I see acceptance as if anything, decidedly underrated. Just because you can "make it" doesn't justify the many teens you never hear about that most likely get institutionalized or worse, commit suicide due to social pressures. I'm sure if someone tallied the numbers on our losses due to that, you'd be astounded.

That said, I don't see full acceptance coming any time soon, so I see WORRYING about it as foolish.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2016-06-26 22:59:20

Do you think it will come in our lifetime?

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-06-26 23:01:23

I don't know. It's out of my hands. That, and my lifetime is not likely to be very much longer, to be honest.

If I were to place I bet, I'd say there will be change in our lifetime, but not full acceptance. I wouldn't be surprised if the mindset has changed significantly by the time your old though.

RebelK9 4 points on 2016-06-26 23:42:23

Sorry if this is a long reply, but it is something that I have given a great deal of thought. Passing laws against zoophilia is kind of like when they passed the sodomy laws. It does not directly affect the activities within the bedroom on a personal basis. But it can affect lives. An angry ex with the tiniest shred of evidence can cause havoc. This means not only possible jail time or fines for the owner, it can also mean the pet is taken away or destroyed. As far as acceptance goes, I don't know if there is an overwhelming sense that it is needed. I'm going to go out on a limb here but I believe that many if not most people into zoo have had some form of social ostracisation in their lives. As a zoo porn girl, I can say that it is dangerous. Identities are stolen, people try to blackmail, and any who do want to share that part of themselves face a real risk in doing so. Most of us know right from wrong. It isn't fair to punish people for not doing wrong. People who force their children into zoo type (or any sexual) situations are not right. It's an individual choice. But there is no reason why an adult who likes to have (consensual) sex with their pet should be punished. Anyway, I don't see any big changes in the field coming any time soon, and I rather wish lawmakers would worry about bigger problems than what people are doing in their bedrooms.

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 2 points on 2016-06-27 01:27:47

Can't add much that hasn't been said, but I will say I wouldn't have nearly as much of an issue with it being illegal if it didn't involve animals being killed for it, honestly.

Edog91 1 point on 2016-06-27 03:09:05

The part about Legalization was only meant to provoke thought. For example,As far as I know there aren't really consent laws for animals. And if sex is legalized with animals does that mean that we potentially could be legalizing rape? What if the law only concerned It's self with the animals physical safety and not their consent right? In discussions about decriminalization I almost never hear about the effect it may have on animals overall. And this is not meant to be an argument against legalization.

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 1 point on 2016-06-27 10:38:51

that is exactly my worry, because legalizing it would most likely end up harming quite a number of animals.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-06-28 07:05:07

How so? Do you honestly think those who rape animals, are going to stop because a law exists? The only one these laws hurt are legitimate zoophiles. That, and rape in most cases if shown to cause distress can be covered under existing abuse clauses. There is no benefit to blanket legislation as it's being practiced.

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 1 point on 2016-06-28 10:40:08

no, of course not, look at drug laws for that one. it might just deter a few from going that path

Edog91 1 point on 2016-06-29 06:12:12

U fail to include the increase of rape due to increased sexual interactions. I also feel I must say this is just for the sake of argument. How exactly would u be able to tell the difference between a dog that is being sexually abused and a dog that dues not like going to the vet? If the person even take's them at all. Also my origanle point was that the law is preventing an unknown number positive relationships but it is also preventing an unknown number of bad relationship.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-06-29 07:14:00

I'm skeptical the laws prevent any relationships, particularly bad ones. I'm also skeptical that legalization would increase zoosexual interactions: Most people find this deeply disgusting and I don't think that'll change.

I'll grant you there may be a few select exceptions. But it's far from worth the cost.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-06-27 05:29:36


Susitar Canidae 3 points on 2016-06-29 09:34:37

Look, bestiality was technically allowed in Sweden until a couple of years ago, as long as it wasn't animal abuse (and abuse laws in Sweden are pretty strict).

Did this mean that everyone and his neighbour had sex with animals? NO.

Most people aren't interested in that, and the social taboo was enough to stop a lot of people who did have an interest in it. Hook-up sites banned the mention of sex with animals long before bestiality became illegal. Erotic short story archives didn't accept stories about bestiality, despite them being legal. And so on.

So, just because it's not illegal, doesn't mean it's accepted. Saying you were a zoophile was still met with disgust by most people.

But, I would really want to turn back time to those years anyway.

An example from my own life: I've struggled with depression and anxiety now and then. One of the things that has made me think about suicide is the fact that a lot of people hate zoophiles, they wish I was dead, even though I don't even own any pets. Just the attraction is enough for them to hate me. Before bestiality was illegal, I could discuss this with a psychologist, and it helped. Now, in Sweden, psychologists have to keep confidientiality UNLESS they think there is a risk that the patient plans to commit (or has committed) a serious crime. Nowadays, bestiality is considered a serious crime (you can get up to 2 years of prison). So, admitting that I'm a zoophile, that I wish to one day have a relationship with a canine... could be enough for them to call the police. Because I risk committing a serious crime. Therapy is no longer safe, I have to watch my tongue.

Also, imagine for those who have sexual relationships with animals, if their vet suspects something... it would be better if one could discuss it with one's vet, instead of hiding it. For the animal's sake!

I cannot hope for full acceptance. But I do wish for decriminalization, and some acceptance from psychologists and others in relevant fields. I hope to find reliable information about sex with animals, about things like safe sex, hygiene, animal mating behaviour... After bestiality became illegal in Sweden, the Swedish internet forum about zoophilia closed down in a panic. I couldn't ask for advice from the any more.

Edog91 3 points on 2016-06-30 16:14:23

When it comes to Sweden I believe bestiality was accidentally decriminalize in the abolishment of sodamy law, so not alot of people probably knew.and as soon as they found out, they campaigned for a the ban.

I am a zoos as well so I know what it is like to know people hate you, I simply don't give them any attention because ita a waste of time and energy. Not to downplay what ever u are going through but its a matter of self-respect and dignity. I am not going to hand my happynes over to some ignorant ass hole. I would rather spend my time with friends and dogs and the occasional beer.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-06-29 13:32:58

You must not mix up terms here; legality/legal status and tolerance/acceptance are only loosely connected to each other. What really is overrated is the legal status absolutely is possible to live a zoo life even when zoophilia is criminalized, but you are blessed with tolerant people around you not immediately calling the cops once they start to suspect something. It also is possible to run into massive hostility and witchhunting attitudes with zoophilia being perfectly legal technically.

Having lived most of my life in a country without a law directly prohibiting sexual interactions with animals, I can only say that not having such a law is something that seems to encourage and bring out the worst in some individuals. Decriminalisation without some form of regulation will definitely send out a totally wrong signal to the "zoos" out there, it would make all the dubious practices like pimping out animals and fencehopping equally "legal" as a genuine zoo relationship. You´re totally right on the fact that the usual "pro zoo" campaigners tend to fade out on the animal´s right to be left alone when lobbying for "legal zoo". The entire "zoo rights" thing focuses on the human side and only considers animals when it comes handy in arguments with the oppsite frontline. General decriminalisation without any form of regulation is the last we should aim for if we want zoophilia to be taken serious.

Especially when the circumstances and laws have an encouraging effect on the whole "wanna-try-out" subdivision of "zoos", there´s nothing that can prevent the unfit, uneducated, but horny as fuck, indoctrinated by binge watching animal porn individuals from "tryin´ it out". Without the deterring effect the anti "zoo" law has on those for whom "zoophilia" isn´t an orientation, but a kink, a fantasy, a new and promising kick to spice up their somehow boring sex life, we of course would see several millions of "new zoos" every year. Sites like Beastforum, where the common narrative is "zoosex is tha best! You have to try it!!Oh, and don´t you forget to record and upload it in here, mate!!!", have a huge advertizing effect, group dynamics also come into play and can quickly turn a person that is "interested in zoo" into a "contributing" member uploading shitloads of videos he/she only records to become a "full member" with "credibility".

I can think about decriminalisation as long as I want, but still fail to see the benefits of "zoo legalisation" outweigh all the downsides that would come with it. The encouraging signal that a legalisation would send out to the genuine zoos would also be sent out to all those with dubious motives, making it less dangerous for them to engage in any kind of exploitative and abusive practices involving animals.

As a longtime zoo who has thought through the whole legalisation issue, I just can say that I´m against it when there´s no form of regulation. I totally agree to the general idea that the govermnment is responsible for protecting animals and ensuring their well being acording to animal welfare laws. The only way I see a legalisation happen is a form of "licensed" zoophilia: the zoophile should be tested by a psychiatrist every few years to exclude any mentally ill person from "zoophilia" as the well being of the animal can´t be ensured at all times , an official vet examines the animal regularly (maybe monthly or every two/three months, but unschedueled so the "zoo" can´t prepare for the visits), the zoo has to sign a code of conduct excluding the making of animal porn, pimping out animals to others, abusive and harmful practices, etc.

Whenever the "zoo" violates one of those rules, his/her licence is revoked immediately and continuing having animal sex will lead to an arrest. With this and only with this, the government can ensure the well being of the animals because it is possible to actually weed out all those who are mentally unstable and incapable of properly taking care for an animal, not to speak of having ethically correct intercourse with it at all times, those who misinterpet this orientation as a goldmine for them to exploit with making porn and pimping out animals, etc.

As a true "phìlos zoois" (friend of animals), I can´t live with the guilt of even a single animal that has to suffer from "legalized zoophilia". If even only one animal is spared from the evil deeds of a "zoophile" only because zoophilia remains illegal, I´ll gladly accept all the clandestinity , hiding and denying a zoo has to adopt to live his/her life. If my "zoo freedom" is bought with the suffering of even one animal, I`ll gladly sacrifice my freedom. Bestiality is fucking animals, maybe building up a relationship with them. Zoophilia is about changing sides....zoophilia means "animals first!Always!"

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-06-29 23:29:09

You must not mix up terms here; legality/legal status and tolerance/acceptance are only loosely connected to each other. What really is overrated is the legal status absolutely is possible to live a zoo life even when zoophilia is criminalized, but you are blessed with tolerant people around you not immediately calling the cops once they start to suspect something. It also is possible to run into massive hostility and witchhunting attitudes with zoophilia being perfectly legal technically.

But what legality helps with should not be underestimated either: They can't drug the shit out of you against your will on a doctors orders to treat a legal condition. Or institutionalize you.