Legal status of watching zoo porn (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-06-29 16:16:36 by Khaalighula

Hi. I know you guys here don't particularly like topics involved pornography but this is something that always bothered me and I haven't found better place to ask. As you all know zoophilia is officially illegal in most of the countries but it usually means: a) having sex with animals, b) producing and selling pornography, and what I wanna know is how those things refers to watching porn on public websites like pornsocket or luxuretv which isn't obvious for me. It's sorta hard to find any precise information about that and in general law statements concerning subject of zoophilia seems extremely unclear and negligent. For example I found this: and it says that in my country ownership is legal but... well, it's wikipedia after all and I was unable to find any legitimate confirmation. Anyway I don't recall any cases of raids towards ALLEGED zoophiles (unlike pedos or terrorists on the other hand) so my guess is such sites aren't monitored in any way(?).

TL;DR Is watching and only watching porn with animals on the internet safe or risky?

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2016-06-29 16:24:53

I have NEVER heard of anything where someone got arrested just for streaming it.

so my guess is such sites aren't monitored in any way(?).

I would be very, very surprised if we weren't being monitored. Its just that they either can't/wont use that information to lock up people who get a boner over animals. My guess is they've crunched the numbers and they've realised they'd end up locking away half the population, which obviously they cant do.

Khaalighula 1 point on 2016-06-29 16:48:35

Hm, that's basically what I thought. Yes, I know that every site in the web is monitored somehow but you know what I meant. Thanks for confirmation.

I'm kind of paranoid and usually use VPN when browsing for such content but sometimes I forget turn it on.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-06-29 17:47:42

but you know what I meant

I wasnt being sarcastic, I honestly thought you meant that.

Anyway yes I think a VPN is a good idea but I wouldnt worry too much either way.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2016-06-29 18:53:17

You haven´t heard of someone getting arrested for streaming? But I have: my past time zoo friend from Vienna got six months on probation for streaming a few clips of AP back in ´94. The authorities confiscated his computer and presented the contents of his RAM as evidence.

"...they´d end up locking away half the population...". You really think that animal porn is THAT popular? Not even one percent of the overall population is into the whole animal sex sector (including even the thrill seekers, taboo breakers and animal/ perverted porn fiends ). I absolutely hate it when figures are blown up for the single purpose to feel more comfortable with one´s own orientation. No, not "half of the population" secretly watches animal porn, this is a complete exaggeration. Let´s do a quick calculation: world population = roughly 8 billion. People with access to the internet = roughly 3-4 billion. The chances that you someday run into Beastforum searching the net for "zoophilia" = nearly 100%. Chances that you make an account = roughly 40 - 50 percent. If it was true that "half of the population" watches or has an interest in AP, you´d expect BF´s member count to skyrocket to a whopping 1 billion. Compared to BF´s actual user account numbers (around 1,5 million) and with the knowledge that the 1,5 million includes a vast number of duplicate accounts for quicker download rates and accounts that are obviously "one use" ones abandoned and inactive a long time ago as well as the banned ones that also are counted as valid accounts, your guess is most definitely owed to selective perception. Most people will live their lives without watching AP even once.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-06-29 19:50:38

lol, you dont know what an exaggeration is eh. you germans take things too literally :\^)

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2016-06-29 21:00:54

also how do you explain why the animal mating videos on youtube have almost 10 MILLION views

hint: its not a few zoophiles watching that vid a million times each ;)

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-06-29 23:21:50

half the population is clearly an exageration, but at least women and dog stuff is way popular beyond just the zoo community. I found some on my brothers flash drive once for example, and he is NOT a zoo.

I too find it highly unlikely you'll ever be arrested from streaming if you own your own ISP connection, almost certainly not if that's all you do. Still a VPN is not a bad idea.

The authorities confiscated his computer and presented the contents of his RAM as evidence.

You must be missing something there. Ram is volatile and can't by it's nature be presented as evidence unless it was a public machine or one they somehow kept powered on and brought forensics to the site. Sounds like a public kiosk or something to me. Or maybe a hibernation file?

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-06-29 17:18:49


30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2016-06-29 18:28:19

"Can you really make it illegal to watch something?"...* cough, cough * kiddie porn *cough, cough * Of course a government can make it illegal to watch certain things and some countries do punish a simple animal porn user for watching it. In each country, animal pornography is treated differently; basically, there are three levels of prohibition: making animal porn (includes uploading/publishing and distributing it), possessing AP and consuming AP. Most countries outlaw making and distributing AP. When it comes to possession of AP, some countries allow it , but strictly for "personal use", others like Austria prohibit it. Watching AP is tolerated in most countries (no possession, no distribution), but there might be some countries where even watching is prohibited by law; the only way to ensure you don´t break the law is by informing yourself...almost any country has put its laws out there online for everyone to study and I bet that your country ins no exception. So, before believing in "wiki-knowledge" that often turns out as outdated and misguiding, I´d rather propose digging through your country´s official sites like , for instance, the one of the Department of Justice. There, and only there, you´ll find reliable info about the legal status of zoophilia, bestiality and animal pornography usage. Please check out things by searching the right and reliable sources.

On the issue of "ownership": Well, some countries see it slightly different and downloading a file to your computer is an aequivalent to ownership for them. Even files that can only be located in the temporary memory (streaming) can lead to punishment, so the "as long as you don´t download.." part may not be an accurate way to look at things here. It very much depends on your country´s pornography laws if watching AP can get you into trouble. Look ´em up, they´re out there for people to study them whenever they´re in doubt.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-06-29 23:23:15

Sillilness of it aside, yes, you can make it illegal to watch something. And legally streaming is the same as downloading, you are downloading the video temporarily into your ram. If they can prove you watched it on your computer you are guilty.