Jamaica: Activist says… ORAL SEX WITH ANIMALS SHOULD BE BANNED …Outdated laws only prohibit buggery of creatures (jamaica-star.com)
submitted 2016-06-30 07:52:20 by fuzzyfurry
fuzzyfurry 6 points on 2016-06-30 07:58:36

They're not even trying.

Director of the Jamaica Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Pamela Lawson, told THE STAR that she believes all forms of sexual relations between humans and animals are "offensive and unacceptable."

"I don't think it should only be an animal right activist who should be upset by the ruling. I think these actions are generally resented by society because it is just not right,"

Attorney-at-law Hugh Wildman supported Lawson's view, stressing that the laws as it relates to the sexual abuse of animals should be amended to reflect current happenings. "As it is now, you have to prove penetration for a bestiality charge. The law has to keep in touch with modern trends that did not exist when the laws were created," Wildman said.

Maybe it's just me, but if I were to go to the press to propose a story in order to get the government to ban $thing, I would not have my best and only arguments be "it's offensive and unacceptable" and "it's just not right".

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-06-30 09:47:07

"As it is now, you have to prove penetration for a bestiality charge. The law has to keep in touch with modern trends that did not exist when the laws were created,"

Is oral sex a new thing in Jamaica or something?

Edog91 2 points on 2016-06-30 19:05:24

As usual no arguments, emotional complaints and some dumb ass hole keeping record of his criminal activity. In some way he must really want to get caught.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-07-01 04:08:24

Quote: "...when a man was hauled before the Supreme Court of Canada on multiple charges of sexual offences against his stepdaughters and one count of bestiality. (...) D.L.W. stated that he tried to induce sexual intercourse between one of his stepdaughters and the family´s dog. When that didn´t work, he spread peanut butter on her vagina and took photographs while the dog licked it off. He later asked her to do it again so he could make a video."

Am I the only one who´s more concerned with the Canadian stoopid ass fucktard abusing his stepdaughters in every thinkable and unthinkable way than with the obvious no thinking, all emotional reaction of a female animal rights activist what is quite understandable for me considering the "brilliant" public image of zoophiles the Canadian pervo amateur pornographer spits out into society?

Oh, Axyz/zoozooz/fuzzyfurry, new name, but same old misguided perspective, right? ;) "Those evil animal rights activists, governments, anti people,etc...."..it gets sooo boring to read through all these articles about another bloke caught by the authorities. I´ll tell you a secret: only with a fully functioning, non amateur, professional lobby organisation of zoophiles that immediately reacts to such incidents like the one the article deals with, we can´t do a fucking thing about anything. We can´t change nothing. No matter how much our community gets infuriated by the "unjust, bigoted, conservative, zoophobic" society, nothing will change outside our small virtual nutshells.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-07-01 15:17:55

Am I the only one who´s more concerned with the Canadian stoopid ass fucktard abusing his stepdaughters in every thinkable and unthinkable way than with the obvious no thinking, all emotional reaction of a female animal rights activist what is quite understandable for me considering the "brilliant" public image of zoophiles the Canadian pervo amateur pornographer spits out into society?

We have another thread dedicated to that topic. And no, you aren't.