Zoosexuality in the media. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-07-07 00:06:27 by Hirtenhund1411

Let's talk about something fun, how many movies, video games, books, etc can you name where you might find something that can be interpreted as zoo or something close to it, like a really close relationship between a person and an animal whether real or mythical? You can include music too, andddd go! :P

Kynophile Dog lover 3 points on 2016-07-07 03:33:24

I think the relationship between the main character, Dr. Robert Neville, and his dog Sam, in the movie "I Am Legend" eventually became close enough to count. There may not have been anything sexual there, but he was isolated with her in the ruins of New York for three years, with her beginning that time as a pup. Add to that his clear feelings towards her, her protection of him, and the tearjerking way that it ends, and I can't see it any other way.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2016-07-07 05:31:25

funny this should come up. i was just thinking about this a day or two ago, imagining how it might have been...

Hirtenhund1411 2 points on 2016-07-07 07:19:17

Yeah I can definitely see that, I couldn't watch the movie again after the first time I watched it :c

West_dogger niks soos die liefde van 'n hond 2 points on 2016-07-07 09:11:09


dogdamour 1 point on 2016-07-10 23:15:48

If her raised her from a pup, wouldn't she be his surrogate child, and therefore not a sexual partner?

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2016-07-11 02:17:41

Well, ordinarily yes. But considering they've had no human or dog contact for three years, I don't think that would be a big enough barrier to them. I figure their instinct to repopulate would take over at some point, at least in her case. Unless he fixed her himself, I'd guess that Dr. Neville took care of her needs somehow. Who knows what that would lead to?

thelongestusernameee these posts are too deep for me. im starting to get all weird ag 2 points on 2016-07-15 02:43:45

well, your surrounded by zombies, you could die any second, you haven't seen a normal women in years, and you have a (female?) dog with you... i think its safe to say it'll cross your mind for at least fleeting moment

zafita35 11 points on 2016-07-07 05:28:24

Family Guy, Brian has sex with so many human females and nobody bats an eye.

Hirtenhund1411 1 point on 2016-07-07 07:19:52

Oh yeah! Brian, of course XD

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-07-07 15:38:03


throwawayaccount997 2 points on 2016-07-07 18:38:49

I would argue that he's not meant to be seen as an animal. If he acted like a real dog, then sure, it would be unexpected to find that no one batted an eye.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-07-07 06:45:09


30-30 amator equae 6 points on 2016-07-07 07:09:31

In the game Red Dead Redemption from the GTA creators Rockstar, there is a bunch of linked side quests. First you meet an old guy demanding from you to bring back his love. As you continue this quest, you learn more and more about his love...and at the end, you are presented with the fact that this guy´s love is a mare.

In the Tony Hawk´s Pro Skateboarding video game series, some kind of weird running gag is the appearance of a goat, sometimes in plain sight and almost unmissable, but usually it needs quite a lot of exploration of the game´s world. In one of the THPS games, you had to boost your speed to the max while riding a halfpipe at the base of a skyscraper and if you managed to lauch yourself up in the air high enough, you smashed through a window and entered a bedroom...with the goat standing right on top of the bed.

While the first two occurrences of "zooishness" are funny ones, this one is not. Sometimes I like watching those "countdown" videos on youtube (" 10 most yaddayadda things, etc. ) and it seems that our little "hobby" has led to the creation of a few countdown lists such as these two

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0eXr0i8WUs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11SqZW7rQ14

In "From dusk till dawn", the bouncer of the "Titty Twister" who was btw played by Cheech Marin, one half of the famous 70s stoner comedy duo Cheech and Chong, advertized the TT by listing all types of "pussy" that can be had inside.Among others, he also listed "horse pussy" and "dog pussy", what left me wondering how deep Cheech is into it as he was advertizing "pussy" of the two species that are most common among bestialists and zoophiles.

In Kevin Smith´s movie "Clerks 2", the two main characters prepare a party and manage to book a "donkey show", believing they would see a woman with a donkey. Much to their surprise, the male owner gets penetrated by his male donkey.

In some boks from the beat era and also in one Stephen King book (...could have been "Nightcrawler"...or any other book from SK, can´t remember exactly ´cause reading his books is like eating a McD hamburger...if you had one, you basically had ´em all), a photo showing a woman having sex with a shetland pony is mentioned. I first came across this in Kurt Vonnegut´s Slaughterhouse No. 5, but I believe I also ran across this being mentioned by Burroughs, Bukowski and other, lesser known authors.

One of the authors I adore the most is Robert Anton Wilson. He wrote one of the most fucked up trilogies I have ever read, the Illuminatus! trilogy. As a follow up to his "Alice in Wonderland for acidheads" books, he pubished the Schrödinger´s Cat trilogy, in which he created a scenario of famous researchers disappearing. The two agents searching for him finally were able to locate him and are told to arrest him because of his experiments that are meant as another form of ecstatic expansion of consciousness also included ritualistic intercourse with animals. Doctor Dashwood then starts a monologue explaining why intercourse with animals is a part of his research and experimentation....some months ago, I made the effort and copied his monologue in here, I just need to backtrack my submissions and give you the proper link to it.

P.S.: The thread is named "Project Pan", an excerpt of R.A.Wilsons novel "schroedingers Cat". Just search my submissions, you´ll find it quickly. A very mind challenging read....

West_dogger niks soos die liefde van 'n hond 6 points on 2016-07-07 09:09:39

In dungons and dragoms I'v always found druids animal companions to be zooish, that's just me seeing things how I chose tho >,,<

Susitar Canidae 2 points on 2016-07-07 10:57:38

Well, in mythology there is plenty of it.

Greek: Zeus taking the form of a white bull to seduce princess Europa. Zeus taking the form a swan to seduce/rape Leda. Pasiphae falling in love with a bull, which leads to the birth of the minotaur.

Norse: Loki transforms himself into a mare in order to seduce a giant's stallion (in order to slow down the giant's work), which leads to the birth of Sleipnir.

There is probably even more. But since myths like these are considered to be important parts of our cultural heritage, you can spot these scenes being depicted in art, poetry and theatre even in modern times.

zetacola Dog Diddlin' Degenerate 2 points on 2016-07-07 18:38:25

Don't forget the origins of the centaurs in Greek myth...

LoveSqueezingTits Cynophile 3 points on 2016-07-07 17:29:51

Frozen makes references to it

Hirtenhund1411 3 points on 2016-07-07 23:03:36

Oh yes Kristoff and Sven, I ship them :x

Dard_151 2 points on 2016-07-12 05:14:37

o.o I'd prefer Anna not the human male

zetacola Dog Diddlin' Degenerate 3 points on 2016-07-07 18:55:02

A Passion in the Desert by Balzac, obviously...

In A Song of Ice And Fire there is a wildling who has the capacity to enter animal's minds and who has done so with mating wolves... There is also Ramsay Snow and his "girls", a pack of all-female hunting dogs with which it is implied he shares a very close attachment...

peacheslala97 2 points on 2016-07-07 19:07:44

He makes his wife have sex with the male dog and the females are all named after women he raped and killed.

zetacola Dog Diddlin' Degenerate 1 point on 2016-07-07 20:09:46

Charming fellow, isn't he? His dogs love him so much, they could eat him! :P

peacheslala97 2 points on 2016-07-07 20:59:30

I wish they would, the dog rape thing didn't happen in the show though.

Hirtenhund1411 1 point on 2016-07-08 07:28:00

I've seen Passion in the Desert,was most interesting.

WeAreDifferent Canines 2 points on 2016-07-07 20:29:35

Mr. Pickles.

Hirtenhund1411 1 point on 2016-07-08 07:27:05

That's an obvious one :P

LokiToB 1 point on 2016-07-08 04:53:36

Are we not going to mention "The Animal" with the goat and Rob Schneider?

Edit: Actually, just think on the whole movie for a bit...

Hirtenhund1411 1 point on 2016-07-08 07:27:18

It was a failed attempt :P

Hybernation- 1 point on 2016-07-08 05:09:01

Brickleberry is just full of straight zoophilia jokes and scenes. If anything I reccomend just checking it out for that. :P

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-07-08 06:33:53

Rome total war had the "sheep" retinue your general could get while campaigning, with flavor text "it's lonely on the frontier" and a positive morale effect.

Arcanum had the brothel in the capital city where you could pay to have sex with Belle the Sheep. Belle the Sheep was removed in the final product, but could be restored easily and the content was still present. Even without the mods, there are occasional references to Belle throughtout the game (for example, a tombstone epitaph reads:. Hell of a gunfighter, one of the best. Died trying to get Belle in a dress.)

Hirtenhund1411 1 point on 2016-07-08 07:26:53

Ha! I never knew about that, and I'm a fan of the Total War series, I play Medieval II and Empire Total War, but still I am most amused :P

Atiios 1 point on 2016-07-10 06:46:33

There is Family Guy. Brian (The dog) have relations with many womens, altough it is always considered like he his a human and not a dog.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-07-12 18:11:01


Pigeondance HolyFlyingFuck 1 point on 2016-07-12 18:20:47

I dont have the list all writen up yet but george rr martin (author of the song of fireand ice books that the show game of thrones is based off of) mentions bestiality if not zoophilia quite a bit throughout the books. sex with dogs and horses mostly. makes me wonder a bit.. theres a passage in i think dance with dragons that goes somthing like " there was a female dwarf in lannisport renownd for coupleing with dogs. Sersei asked if he wanted to give it a try and offered to find him a bitch in heat." its the exact quote but still. and just quite a lot of short refferances to sex with animals. Ive read a lot of fantasy novels and books in general and none mention it so often as george does. not a big part of the plot or anything but the fact that its thrown in makes me wonder...

SexySpinster75 1 point on 2016-07-13 21:52:17

Roger rabbit

thelongestusernameee these posts are too deep for me. im starting to get all weird ag 1 point on 2016-07-15 02:39:04

army of two 40th day had a reference to panda fucking in the zoo levels

thelongestusernameee these posts are too deep for me. im starting to get all weird ag 1 point on 2016-07-15 02:40:12
MyBigK9 1 point on 2016-07-23 13:17:18

Bolt and his owner, Penny, always got my mind thinking of possible things she and him could have done alone together, like with Mr. Carrot. \\\\\^ hehe. The Snow dogs movie made me think of things too. All those huskies and one man and one adorable female collie all alone together. That would have been a sight to see. An odd christmas movie called Prancer, had me thinking since the girl would sleep with the reindeer at night. They seemed to have this amazing connection. It made me smile how much she loved him. Hmm Im trying to imagine some other media though with actual Zoo in it. I can think of Dances with Wolves. That colonial was alone with his horse for a while and he had two socks, the wolf at his side not long after. Made me giggle when watching that movie, how two socks tripped him and he fell down. But not too Zoo at all after that. It just got really sad after. Im sorry Im so bad at finding good media for this topic. I' ll search my mind more to think of some good ones.

maecheneb 1 point on 2016-07-25 14:01:22

In the Harry Potter series, Dumbledore's brother, Aberforth, caused a scandal for performing "inappropriate charms" on a goat, and his patronus takes the shape of a goat. Easy to miss, but obvious in hindsight!

KyleTheRaccoon 1 point on 2016-08-22 04:14:27

N Harmonia (Pokémon black and white) attraction to Pokémon may be zoophilia/pokephila and we will never know