question for those actively engaging in zoophilia [NSFW?] (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-07-07 21:46:09 by krau27

So a question for those who engage in the act. What was your first time like? What drove you to actually take the plunge? Any stories are welcome especially from a female perspective. I'm just a curious guy who's wondered about this sort of stuff.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 10 points on 2016-07-07 23:44:54

I started engaging in sexual activity with animals after I came more toward understanding myself, what I felt, how the animals felt, and what it meant for them. I definitely wasn't always on board with my feelings about zoophilia, as many people were not when they first began to feel attraction. I was disgusted and ashamed with myself, but after really reflecting on myself and thinking about it, I knew I wouldn't turn into some animal raping sex addict like what zoophiles are portrayed like socially. I'm just a dude who likes dogs, who also sometimes likes dogs. People have desires, dogs have desires, I don't see why I should bar myself or prevent my dog from doing something we both take pleasure in together.

As for first times, there are some mixed experiences lol. I have had several different first times depending on what you would refer to. Of the traditional "authentic doggy style" variety, my first time was admittedly very cumbersome and awkward lol. It was not only my first time but my pup's first time doing something like that as well. Let's just say hitting that angle is not always quite as easy as they make it look, at least not at first. Once we figured it out it was a blast though lol.

My first time ever having sexual contact with a dog was different. I was young and still on the road to self acceptance. Regardless of how I felt about the idea of zoophilia in general, the desire was still there and eventually I became pent up enough to want to please a dog. I could be called a late bloomer in a way because while I did start feeling that desire, I never really fed into it by getting off on it and I wasn't ever attracted to anything else at that time. But yeah anyways, my first time having sexual contact with a dog was very lust driven, but even so I knew it felt right, it was scary and exhilarating and so pleasing to see how happy I was making this dog. Was definitely good times lol.

West_dogger niks soos die liefde van 'n hond 8 points on 2016-07-08 10:24:24

especially from a female perspective. I'm just a curious guy who's wondered about this sort of stuff.



IAmAZoophile 10 points on 2016-07-08 14:05:39

Just pretend this question wasn't asked by a guy who's obviously looking for jackoff material-- he's not gonna get what he expects/wants anyway, and it's nice to have a frank discussion about the realities of learning how everything works.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 3 points on 2016-07-08 17:39:22

I agree, I think people tend to expect ultimate satisfaction the first time in general lol.

Susitar Canidae 3 points on 2016-07-11 13:44:37

Yeah, if it had been a woman who had asked that, I would understand, wanting information that is relevant for one self. But when a guy asks for women's experiences with sex with animals? Then it becomes obvious he doesn't want to learn, he just wants wank material. Sad.

West_dogger niks soos die liefde van 'n hond 3 points on 2016-07-12 08:58:23

Aye it seem he got a good answer from u/btwIAmAzoophile.

dogdamour 2 points on 2016-07-15 15:02:30

Wanting wank material is not sad though is it, really? Sure though, it is better to be honest when seeking it :)

Susitar Canidae 2 points on 2016-07-16 08:52:19

This is not the place for it. There are porn and erotic short story sites, if one wants that.

The-Forested-Garden 1 point on 2016-07-24 09:18:20

That and it's borderline sexual harassment. I mean, you don't just walk up to a complete strange woman on the street and start asking her shit like this without her either fearing for her life or threatening to call the cops of the person doesn't leave her alone.

If some strange man did this to me, he might get mased or tazed because of my PTSD surrounding rape by men who do shit like this all the time. Men who do things like this are really creepy.

Clopping_now 1 point on 2016-08-07 17:33:42

This isn't real life, there's no threat. You read a question, you don't like the question, you press the back button.

You can't even begin to equate this to "walking up to a woman on the street". There's no physical presence, there's no threat, there's no obligation to stay or answer. That's just silly.

The-Forested-Garden 0 points on 2016-08-08 15:09:36

Translated as: "Actually, let me mansplain this to you."

Clopping_now 2 points on 2016-08-08 20:13:26

You're right, I'm a male, that completely invalidates the fact that in the current scenario OP has literally zero power over you. Press "back" and you're Scott free.

But oh man, you caught me! I've got a dick! Any facts I may state are null and void! Darn!

No point in me being here anymore now that my powers have been taken from me!

MR_HIROSHI 1 point on 2016-07-13 13:23:44

I like fun time with dog!

peacheslala97 5 points on 2016-07-13 19:40:31

especially from a female perspective.

You're just looking for fap material

MyBigK9 1 point on 2016-07-21 00:59:40

I sadly am still wondering if what I am doing is okay or not. But I find male dogs very attractive and have so since I was a very young unkowning person of sexual activity. My dog was actually the first to show me how it feels. The consequences of a childhood like that is to what has led me to have depression and anxiety attacks. I question everything and anything I do now. Considering I might be wrong in everything I do. :( But I am still here to learn and experience. I am an adult now, but I have decided to engage in my desires and fantasies and this abnormal attraction to dogs. Though within my minds own limits and not really with any real animals. My first time felt amazing. I think I let my dog do those things until I turned 13 or 14. I knew at 10 it was bad, thats when my depression really started getting bad. :(