Just another day... Short Story (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-07-14 15:03:03 by silverwolf-tippysmat

Just another day

He wakes, turning on the pillow to kiss his lovers gentle cheek, her fine fur tickling his face. She thumps her tail on the sheet, a soft whimper her good morning wish. He rises naked to the cool morning air and moves for the shower as she leaps down to follow. They bathe together, as lover’s will, washing and worshipping each other’s form. He marvels that her body still makes his hands tremble, his pulse racing just to touch her as they play along her rich furred chest and caress down each leg.

She strains her delicate neck to kiss him as he dries her, her paper rough tongue giving his lower lip a raw, meaty taste tingling his mouth. He feels her sex pulsing beneath the fluffy towel and concentrates there a bit, then disappoints her by saying they haven’t time though she watches with interest his own sex grow large. He leads her frustrated to the bedroom and she rolls happily on the bed as he dresses for the day. Returning to the bathroom, she asks to be lifted to the sink to sit and watch him shave. Finishing, he cleans first her pearly teeth then his own. She leads him now, dancing joyfully toward the kitchen.

They eat, he cold cereal and her cold kibble, though she begs his last bit of milk by offering a taste of her dry meal. He laughs, she brings out a humor in him that he felt years ago was lost forever, and his deep laughter sends her small ears back as her tail beats the air like a drum. Helping her from her chair, he then follows her out the door and to the small weathered barn, her slipping through the gate slats to stir the sheep as he gathers grain and leads them to fresh pasture for the day. Skillfully she herds them from gate to gate till they reach the graze he has chosen, then she darts back through the gate as he hooks it. Racing with energy she seldom shows, she beats him to the truck, dusting the dirt drive with her tail hairs as he saunters up to it. He opens the door and has to lift her to the high seat. She curls up on the far side as he climbs in beside her and brings the engine to life.

They drive from farm to farm in this rural county. She sniffs the air of each with curiosity as he goes about the business of collecting bags of dirt from the farmers fields, explaining to some how they test for everything from parasites to nitrogen to explain crop failures and successes. This is the summer job she loves; though she doesn’t understand the work. She loves the fresh air and changing scenery, and winter keeps them shut in an office writing reports, or worse, in bad years, he’s pumping gas while she sleeps in the station. Still, she’s happy just to be with him, and he sacrifices sometimes to be able to take her.

They stop for lunch, usually in a quiet field apart from the farms where they can picnic on cold sandwiches and more kibble and cuddle for a while in the sun. then back to work till early afternoon when they deliver the samples to the lab and head for their next destination. Depending on the day, she knows, that will be either the nature center where she revels in hiking the wooded trails while he guides families along explaining the intricacies of nature, or the funny smelling place where she must stay in the office while he helps attend to sick and injured furry friends. Even there, as at the farms they visit, humans fuss over her as he works, and though she’d be just as happy left alone, she sees how proud he is of her and the attention she gets and suffers it. “No more beautiful dog in the world.” He’ll say, and tussle her tiny head beneath his callused hand.

Returning home, he unlocks the gates as she, listening close to his whistled commands, leads the sheep to new pasture where he has placed a rack of hay and more grain. He looks over the few head of stock as she drives them, watching close for signs of ill heath or injuries, looking closer yet as they stand by the rack till he gives in to her impatience and follows her to the garden and then the house. His arms full of fresh veggies, she waits for him to struggle opening the door rather than trip him going through the little door he made her.

They eat this night, as all nice evenings, on the porch, a meal just picked and including always some form of beef. She eats the meal he does now, perhaps understanding the empty feeling of eating alone he gets. They cuddle on the porch; his strong arms so gently holding her as they rock and watch the lambs play till dark. She helps him again, driving the ewes and their burdens inside for the night, before they finally retire to the house and the overstuffed chair. He undresses now, enjoying the privacy that lets him relax unencumbered at night, then reads to her as she lays warm and soft in his lap. She loves the sound of his voice, knowing as he reads that it is now to her and her alone his tones are sent.

They move to the bed, the cool sheets welcoming their naked passions without judgement or condemnation. Most nights, to her infinite delight, he pleasures her. She asks wordlessly, he understands each nuance of her sultry body language and acts accordingly to renew their love and longing. The ecstasy of their bodies fades, not light or hurried, into the night till she slumbers snuggled tight to his fevered body. He lays still awake, gazing on her wonderful face and guessing at her dreams. It’s been just another day, he thinks, but every day spent with her becomes a fantastic event worth remembering forever!


Hybernation- 3 points on 2016-07-14 21:54:32

Beautiful! Thanks for sharing :)

Lefthandedsock 2 points on 2016-07-16 14:37:48

Dogs' tongues aren't "sandpaper rough"... A lick on your lower lip won't leave any rawness.

It's a nice little story, but that part seemed strange.

silverwolf-tippysmat 5 points on 2016-07-16 16:54:14

Tippys was, more cat than dog-like in its roughness. She was an odd little dog, and a demanding kisser too.

peacheslala97 2 points on 2016-07-19 00:25:57

Such a beautiful story