Personals? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-07-17 19:44:21 by [deleted]

I hope it's not against any rules to ask: Do you know any lists or webpages or similar where people post on topic contact ads? Specifically I would wish for (in my dreams!) rather 'normal' ads for zoos instead of quick sex and the usual wash (well you know what I mean, also quick sex in here). The one big "b"forum that comes to mind didn't work out for the contacts I was hoping for. The similarly named webpage with -..ating in the end seems utter useless also.

I am aware one can't post it here, but any other places left I could try? I am planning to look for social or company in general and not what the usual requests are. Any Ideas where to go?

30-30 amator equae 6 points on 2016-07-17 21:16:49

Well, I doubt that placing ads in any forum or on any site will turn out to be different from those you place in the EATZP (epicenter of anti true zoo propaganda a. k. a. beastforum). Why, you may ask...well, it´s basically boiling down to a few simple facts.

First, anonymity is an essential part to survive for any zoophile. No one in possession of a functioning brain will put his partnership on the line for any random stranger. So, any ad will naturally draw the attention of the typical beastforum user type way more than that of a genuine zoo, regardless of the platform you post your ad on. I´d bet my ballsac on that...even if you post your ad on a thousand "more zoo than beastforum" sites, you´ll only end up with the same replier type of folks.

Second: what is it you´re looking for? Isn´t it the quick hook up, but in a less despicable, more "civilized" way? If you don´t want to meet people for sex , but for friendship and support, then simply get involved in the community. Over time, you´ll get to know them better and maybe some other zoo turns out to live in your neigborhood, in case you focus on a real life meet and greet.

I´ve never placed an "ad" in my whole life and yet I have a few fellow zoos I met online, befriended with them and later even met them in real life. It simply isn´t necessary to advertize... And let´s be clear about ads and stuff: the first and foremost reason to place such an ad is solely for sex, for someone to "lend" you his animal, for someone to "introduce" you into "zoo", for someone giving access to the desired object. Reasons to place such an ad usually boil down to a few: "I can´t afford/keep/take care for an animal, but I wanna fuck really badly" and "Searching for a hot girl who lets me watch getting fucked by doggie" being the most common ones. "Fuck beggars" as I call them, pretending weirdos, even people with a criminal intent like blackmailing the advertizing zoo once they know his identity ,are the folks who rely on advertizing. They don´t care enough to participate long enough in "zoo forums" to make friends in a more "natural" way and favor the shortcut of an ad.

Even those insisting on relatively mild intentions ("I just wanna talk to a zoo in real life") are suspicious to a genuine zoo, any additional single person knowing about us is nothing more than an increased risk, for ourselves, for our jobs, for our social reputation, but most important, for our animal partners. For any genuine zoo, little can be won by asnswering an ad, but anything can be lost when the "advertizer" turns out as a careless, sex crazed, destructive nutjob.

And if you think there will be more replies on another forum than there are on beastforum, you´re completely malinformed and delusional. When it is almost impossible to find a genuine contact on BF, chances are very slim it will be better elsewhere.

True zoophiles are the most suspicious, they will think about letting someone else enter their lives for ages; there´s just too much at stake for them. If you are searching for genuine people, you will have to EARN their trust by participating in their virtual meeting places for a loooong time. If you are aware of the general situation we zoos are in, then believing in ads as a quick/er way to meet/hook up with someone is just delusional and lets you appear less benuine and more dubious.

I´m soory to say, but ads are bullshit. If you aren´t one of those fuck beggars etc. then those you want to contact aren´t going to reply for safety reasons and those who reply you surely don´t want to have contact with. Forget about ads.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 5 points on 2016-07-17 21:24:16

yeah in a perfect world it'd be a nice thing to have, I'd like it. Unfortunately the weirdos have to ruin it for everybody. Such is life as a zoo.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 4 points on 2016-07-18 00:13:02

You could be a cop. Or the people you meet could be cops. Welcome to the police state.

[deleted] 2 points on 2016-07-18 02:35:11


[deleted] 3 points on 2016-07-18 03:19:37

Well thx folks, basically all exactly as expected. Screw this catch-22. :( :'(

30-30 amator equae 10 points on 2016-07-18 05:33:06

Three little stories of real "zoo hookup" incidents:

1) On BF, a user befriended with another user via PM. They both kept in contact for about 2 years before they decided to meet up in real life. They met and when both felt comfortable with each other, the one guy owning an animal allowed his new friend to have sex with it. This friend was a "zoo virgin", it was his very first time with an animal. He already was interested in "zoophilia" for a long time, now he was given the chance to lose his "zoo virginity" and so it happened. But despite the fact this friend never gave any impression of doubting his orientation or being mentally unstable, his first time with an animal plunged him into a swamp of doubts and disgust with his own actions. He detested what he had done so much that he fell into an emotional black hole; he went through the entire guilt trip (very common after your first time with an individual not matching your species). Then he "found Jesus". A few months of fundamentalist christian indoctrination later, he decided to come clean with his sins and called the police to snitch on his former zoo friend who gave him the possibility to make his fantasy real. Summary: the owner was arrested, his animal was taken away from hi, the snitch himself got away with a heavy fine.

2) A BF user from the UK (if I remember it correctly) made friends with another user from Poland. The Polish guy always came across as a real zoo, a friend of animals. His statements were genuine, well informed and full of respect for the animals. Fast Forward: they met up in real life, the UK guy took a plane to Poland for a little 3 day "vacation" with his new friend. After the brit had returned to his homeland, the first post in BF read like this:

"Dear BF users, I just want you to know that user x (Polish guy) is a dick hitting and brutalizing his animals. I visited his and have seen the brutal way he sometimes handles his animals with. If they disobey, he hits them right on the head without hesitation. I was disgusted seeing that and immediately ended friendship with user x. This is not zoophilia. Don´t believe him anymore. He talks gentle , but acts like a barbarian.

Even with a long time safety check, you can end up with an asshole and sadist.

3) A friend of mine I met on the old IRC zoo chats wanted to meet some other users in Sweden. He took the train to Sweden, travelled roughly 1000 km to meet up with this group of about 5 zoos, all seemed to be genuine zoos and legit owners of their own animals. When he arrived at his destination, these guys picked him up at the station.Nothing seemed wrong...until the first night rose. My friend has talked with the Swedes for the entire day about zoophilia as it was his first opportunity to talk openly about it. Then, darkness rose outside and one of the Swedes asked my friend if he wanted to join them on their "tour". Since the Swedes were absolutely clear about the amorality of fencehopping in the IRC chats, my friend was absolutely shocked when he found out the "tour" was actually jumping over fences in a rural local area with lots of cows kept outside at night. He immediately went back to the car and waited for the return of his Swedish "zoo friends". He only slept one night in Sweden, the next morning he packed his bags and left although he originally intended to stay in Sweden for a week. On his train travel back, he took a slight detour and payed me a visit. We talked a lot since it was our first real life meet up, too. Later, I invited him to meet my mare. After a short stay in the riding club I was a member of, we returned to my car and drove back to my place. As soon as I started the engine, he began telling me how happy he is with me and that I obviously told the truth about my mare. First, I couldn´t understand what he was talking about, then he told me about his experiences in Sweden, finding out that some of the "100% bona fide, real zoophiles who love their own animal" are actually a bunch of fencehopping dickheads, not even one of them owned an animal although all of them emailed my friend some pictures of "their quadruped loved ones", actually fake and random pictures of animals . My friend even gave me a book, Spike Mulligan´s version of Black beauty in English, as a gift from one of the Swedes I also knew very well from long one-on-one discussions about zoophilia. My traveling friend really was relieved that I obviously wasn´t like the 5 dicks he met a day ago.

You see, even when you make friends in a safe way, with a long time invested in getting to know each other, you can easily find yourself with 5 fencehopping dicks, a sadist hitting his animals or a potential religious fanatic.

With ads, the probability of running into such people is even higher. I just can speak for myself, but I prefer isolation over turning my own life into a pile of shit because I placed my trust into the wrong guy. The more you have to lose, like a real , functioning relationship of mutual interspecies love, the less likely you want to risk it. Screwing up even once can result in public exposure of your "little hobby", in taking away your animal, the authorities can strip you of your right you keep any animal and can put you into jail when you´re in an area with harsh legislation. I would even think about taking this risk twice when you are the "bestest" friend imaginable and all you´re up to is talking and seeking emotional support as a fellow zoophile.

Mnemosynyx 1 point on 2016-08-28 16:33:24

I wish there was a dating site of some sort for people to find dates with dogs. I would love to have a dog date! No sex, just hanging out. It could be so romantic. Walk in the park, dinner together...