Do you have any tertiary attractions? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-07-20 21:22:33 by Swibblestein

Most zoos, it seems, have primary and secondary attractions. Someone might be attracted mostly to dogs and horses, for instance, but also, when listing off the species they're attracted to, they might include quite a number that they aren't AS attracted to, but still find appealing (say, bears, large cats, dolphins, etc.).

However, I wonder how many zoos have tertiary attractions as well - that is, species that normally you'd never name in a list of species your attracted to - maybe they're too small to really consider, or you feel uncomfortable that you're attracted to them in some way, or any number of other reasons - hey, maybe it's humans even, but you usually like to call yourself zoo-exclusive for simplicity.

I, for instance, would normally never mention that I find sheep somewhat attractive, because it's so stereotypical (for one), and honestly I don't know sheep that well, but I've heard that they will acquiesce to even things they don't like, which makes the idea of sleeping with one very uncomfortable indeed.

Anyway, I thought this might could for some interesting discussion. Talking about primary and secondary interests happens frequently enough, but this should get some thought maybe.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2016-07-20 21:39:56

Big cats: Pumas and Lions.

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-07-20 23:31:07

Any particular reason you'd tend not to include those normally?

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 2 points on 2016-07-21 00:30:16

Because it is sort of like a pipe dream.

[deleted] 2 points on 2016-07-20 23:04:49


MyBigK9 9 points on 2016-07-21 01:09:44

My main attraction and fantasies has always been with the canine group. But I have fairly had my share of wanting to engage in sexual acts with snakes or one big snake. I find having it wrap around the female, searching for her opening to be very hot for me. I will keep fantasizing about this. Its a little thing I dont like mentioning to anyone though. But here I am telling complete anons. I hope I have helped you in telling you my weird thoughts about snakes. >_< Also I might add that how snakes bodies seek warmth and finding my body in bed when I am asleep just sounds very tantalizing in my odd thoughts. Okay enough of me.

Swibblestein 3 points on 2016-07-21 04:01:55

That's understandable.

Admittedly this question does poke at some rather personal areas, so I appreciate the honest answer.

MyBigK9 1 point on 2016-07-23 12:59:14

Ah. Im so sorry for adding too much personal information to my message. Thank you for teaching me. I really didn't realize that was bad. But I'll be more careful next time. >.< sincerely a dumby.

Swibblestein 2 points on 2016-07-23 19:34:35

I wasn't trying to say that you provided too much personal information.

I was saying that the nature of this question is to ask about attractions that usually people would not talk about. Thus it makes sense that talking about them might be uncomfortable. And yet you did so honestly, which I appreciate. That's all.

Sorry for not being more clear.

MyBigK9 1 point on 2016-07-23 20:19:44

Oh my. I see my mistake too now. >////< I just feel even dumber. Sighs.

Swibblestein 3 points on 2016-07-23 21:28:41

Don't worry about it. It's not dumb to make a mistake.

Language is a complicated thing and there are multiple ways that things can be taken - especially in writing, where tone and inflection are not present.

metrio 1 point on 2016-07-28 19:18:30

But I have fairly had my share of wanting to engage in sexual acts with snakes or one big snake.

sssame but I feel like this extends a great deal from my other big kink (vore).

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 2 points on 2016-07-21 04:14:08

Snakes and some lizards, for sure. I'd never actually do anything sexual with a reptile, but I'm very attracted. I struggled with that a lot early on when I was first coming to terms with being zoosexual. I've had fantasies about snakes since I was very young.

I think I'm a bit of an oddball in that I find a LOT of species attractive, and they're all equally attractive to me! In different ways, of course. But I guess my "list" is so diverse and they're all attractive for different reasons it's hard to pick "top" attractions.

30-30 amator equae 10 points on 2016-07-21 04:16:46

Tertiary attraction? I don´t even possess a secondary attraction. For me, it always was, is and will be equine females; and even that is strictly limited to full sized mares. No donkeys, no zebras, no mules, no ponies or mini horses.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-07-21 19:01:58

Oh come on, downvoting him for his views guys? I wish TV was still here to remind us how bad that is...

Here have an upvote to compensate...

EDIT: Ok, now he has some upvotes. Nice work community!

Swibblestein 7 points on 2016-07-23 06:13:30

If you are not attracted to donkeys or zebras, you shouldn't say "equine females". Donkeys and zebras are equines, by just about any definition, being horse-like, and members of the family Equidae.

If you mean horses, you'd be more accurate just saying "female horses". Equine is more broad than what you mean.

Either way, fairly interesting that you're only attracted to the one species.

Hirtenhund1411 3 points on 2016-07-21 05:25:01

My primary attraction are male dogs, then donkeys, then horses, then cervines after that, maybe tied with like cheetahs :P

horse_account 2 points on 2016-07-21 07:39:21

Deer, because they sort of look like horses.

britishdragon01 2 points on 2016-07-22 13:25:36

Deer are like tiny, sexier horses.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 3 points on 2016-07-24 17:40:22

IMO, deer have their own sexiness quite unlike horses. their faces are like sleek bovine faces (and i really love their noses) with larger, cuter ears. i've heard them compared to goats in some ways, but for me there's no comparison. i don't find goats sexy at all...

britishdragon01 1 point on 2016-07-27 13:08:57

But what about the sexy goat eyes?

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-07-27 18:09:47

probably the least attractive thing about goats to me, actually...

britishdragon01 1 point on 2016-07-29 13:20:29


wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-07-29 17:12:15

EXACTLY why they're creepy...

whowilleverknow Dog &amp; Horse Lover 2 points on 2016-07-21 09:53:40

I'm primarily attracted to canines and equines, but I've also had fantasies involving whales, dolphins, and snakes.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-07-21 14:05:27

I like sheep and goat as probably a strong secondary.

Dogs are a good teritary for me but I need more understanding of their body language before I'd consider it. Working on that where I can.

britishdragon01 2 points on 2016-07-22 13:26:52

High five fellow sheep lover!

Swibblestein 3 points on 2016-07-24 09:51:46

I don't get a high five despite including sheep in the original post?

britishdragon01 1 point on 2016-07-27 13:07:39

He gets a high five, you get a high five, EVERYONE GETS A HIGH FIVE!!

Velcorn 1 point on 2016-07-21 16:14:35

I'm mainly interested in dolphins, second come dogs and third I don't really know, probably horses to which I don't feel that emotional attraction I have towards dolphins or dogs. Considering that I'm also a plushophile, I find bunnies pretty attractive which is different for real bunnies for obvious reasons.

30-30 amator equae -1 points on 2016-07-21 16:39:14

A preferrence of inanimate objects is called a fetish, not a philia. There´s no such thing as "plushophilia". Someone who is into leather isn´t a leatherphile, he has a leather fetish. God, I wish people would use words correctly...

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 5 points on 2016-07-21 19:01:02

There´s no such thing as "plushophilia".

Maybe it's just your german "literalist" roots driving me nuts, but...

30-30 amator equae -1 points on 2016-07-22 01:32:01

Because when there´s a wiki article, it must be true... sigh

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-07-22 14:51:18

It's actually a very good gauge of the terms society uses, like it or not.

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 3 points on 2016-07-22 01:08:40

"Paraphilia (also known as sexual perversion and sexual deviation) is the experience of intense sexual arousal to atypical objects, fetishes, situations, fantasies, behaviors, or individuals." (Wikipedia)

"Paraphilia" is used to describe attraction to objects as well. I'm not sure why sometimes fetish is used and other times -philia is used, but yeah, it's correct, and used quite often for certain objects. Mechanophilia is the one I see used most often, which is cars and machines. And emetophilia.

30-30 amator equae -2 points on 2016-07-22 04:26:06

"Philia" has its origins in the greek noun hó phílos. It translates to "friend". "Háe phíleia" translates to friendship. The common name of Philipp has greek origins, too and translates to "friend of horses (phílos hippoon ; the two o´s in hippoon being only a rough approximation of the omega that´s used in greek; oMega translates to "big O", oMikron , the normal o, translates to "little o"). Philipp is NOT called a horse fucker in greek, but a friend of horses.Another example: Philadelphia (hó phílos and hó adélphos = brother) is the city of brotherly love, not incest capital. Friendship is only possible when it´s mutual.With inanimate objects, friendship simply isn´t possible. A car, plush,leather, latex, etc. won´t love you back.

Lokk,´s not my fault we´re living in an era of bullshit. It´s not my fault that the internet "democratizes" everything and the opinion of a dumb dipshit is considered equally important as that of an expert who has studied long and hard. All it takes to turn right into wrong is a majority of dipshits outnumbering the experts. Even if the entire world insists that 2 + 2 = 5 (" Dumocracy,man!"), 2 + 2 is 4.

" Paraphilia" is a general term , indetermined and foggy. "Para" translates to "beyond, apart from" , like in paradontosis (dens, dentis is latin for tooth, para = beyond, so paradontosis = an illness of the area beyond the teeth). So, paraphilia basically translates to "fondness of the beyond" and is used to denominate everything that transgresses "normal" sexuality. There´s a similar word of latin origin, deviancy. de = off,beyond and via = way,path. Deviancy translates to "off the path, aside from the street". I heavily doubt that paraphilia was used by the greeks, it is an invention of the modern times and sadly, most of these words with a "dead language" origin have been invented by folks without any real knowledge of these languages. Today´s aequivalent of that: people using google translator to get "ultimately meaningful", but grammatically false latin letterings (tattoos).

If words aren´t used in a precise way, they stop meaning anything. You can see that effect when you research what "zoophilia" once meant and what it means now. The " blurred copy" effect...xeroxing the copy of a copy of a copy...until the original document is unreadable. That´s what parroting does.

Another example? Let´s about coprophilia? "hó kópros" is greek and translates to "manure,feces". Coprophilia once was a biological term used for some plants/fungi that need dung to grow, like the famous psilocybe cubensis ("Magic mushroom") or champignons. But when shitlovers had the possibility to browse the web for the first time, they stumbled across that term, massively misunderstood it and now there is such a thing as "koprophilia". I wonder if they can only survive standing in a pile of shit...and also if they take their favorite turd back home and watch TV with it, eating popcorn together...háe phíleia = friendship, you remember?

Today, it seems as if amateurs have more say than experts, amateurs define terms by writing a wikipedia article and other amateurs obviously think that "because it´s on wiki, it must be true". In the bible, god punished mankind for trying to build a tower to heaven, the tower of Babel. God gave them different languages, so they couldn´t communicate properly anymore. Today, we don´t need God anymore for that, we can do it all by ourselves listening and believing what some random idiot puts out on the internet. There are wiki articles on chemtrails and reptiloids, hollow earth and other stupid shit. The internet has indeed helped the smart to become smarter...but it also has helped the dumb to become even dumber. We have a thousand times more echo chambers than intelligent discussion forums.

I can´t stress enough how important it is to use the terms and words correctly. Even if your little deviancy/fetish sounds better, more scientific and more legitimate when you add the "-ophilia". Stop trying to deceive others with that shit...don´t make a "philia" out of every fucking thing.

P.S.: another fine example of how words and meaning gets fucked up by ignorance and lazyness: the english word "equivalent". Originating from the latin word "aequis" for similar, the same and valere = to evaluate, it is misspelled in English. If you write equivalent, you really say "the value of a horse,horsevalue", as "equus" is latin for horse. Valens = worth, equi = genitive singular of equus, sums up as "value of a horse".

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 2 points on 2016-07-22 07:10:59

It's not just Wikipedia, Merriam-Webster and medical/psychological texts such as the DSM also define paraphilia as unusual attraction to objects, situations, or groups. I'm not here to agree or disagree about the absolute literal meaning of the word and its origins, just saying that they used the word correctly as it is currently defined by legitimate sources today.

ZooIam 4 points on 2016-07-23 14:09:04

Dude, you're wrong...

Phrasing like 'your little fetish' indicates that you view these paraphilia as lesser than to zoophilia. Semantics and phrasing are not the only important concepts to defend, but basic mutual respect is important too.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2016-07-23 23:48:58

The plural of paraphilia is paraphiliae, btw. I´ve played the firestarter here only for one reason: to get you out of your comfort zone. Seems as it didn´t work and everyone just fell back into this strange , hippie-esque every time. Anyway, when I was reading through the ICD-10, another criticism of mine surprisingly was backed up by it. The ICD- 10 defines a paraphilia as a mental or sexual "disorder"/orientation that is the predominant or even an exclusive one. Basically, you´re not a "-phile" if you engage in other forms of sexuality; thus, the "supermarket" mentality that is very common among our community (" a little bit of zoo, a bit of hetero, some gay, a bit of s/m, etc.") is, by definition, in no way a "-philia".

Now for the "plushophile" BS: sexual fetishism is divided into two subgroups. The first is focused on inanimate objects (leather, plush, feces, etc.), the second on body parts (foot fetish, for example). Please note that these fetishes exist besides other sexual behavior and are often used as an extension/ a special feature to enhance sexual sensations. Fetishes are "unnormal", but won´t lead to mental imbalances and psychological treatment usually isn´t necessary as the fetishist isn´t suffering from it in any way. A philia is the exact opposite of that, it usually stands alone, with few exceptions. Mental suffering from a philia is common.

Even the ICD-10 does not back our "plushophile" as he has given proof he´s interested sexually in more than just plush. So, according to the ICD-10, it is justified to contradict here.

It is vital for us to use the right terms. Contrary to the ICD, I define a philia as a sexual AND a simultaneous emotional affection towards a living creature. Why? Because the emotional part is important here. We all know that the usual child rapist isn´t a "bona fide pedophile" in most of the cases and we also know that most pedophiles won´t act out their urges simply out of real emotional "love" for kids. When I first heard about the project from Berlin´s Charité hospital, offering non judgemental treatment for self identified pedophiles for free, I was absolutely baffled how many folks actually sought help to control their urges there. In addition to the ICD-10´s definition of a philia, I assume there´s a huge portion of actual care and responsibility for your "object of desire" that turns a simple fetish into a true philia. I´m not an advocate for pedophilia at all, but I can´t avoid recognising that the "pedos" won´t duck out of their responibilities as much as a huge chuck of so called "zoophiles" do.

To sum it up: for me, a philia is exclusive. A philia is similarly sexual AND emotional, with the small addendum that the -phile is capable to feel actual emotions and love, what seems to be another big issue in most individuals of our community, too.

Yes, I tried to trigger you all with my post. But don´t think I do this just for trolling. I´ll refresh my alarm call: we NEED to start all over, the definitions, the public image, the way we see ourselves, the way we behave. I never will support the complacent and lazy attitude that has infested our community in the last couple of years. We need to replace all that whining about "the unjust and prejudiced society" , the toxic "tolerance" that´s more of indifference than actual tolerance, the stupid "us versus them " mentality with another perspective of our orientation. We need "them", the normal folks. It´s them we demand tolerance from; we really should get used to the idea that the world is NOT an "anything goes" scenario. As with animals, it´s honest mutuality that will bring progress and change and I heavily doubt that confessing multiple "philiae" will make it easier for any outsider to understand us, let alone tolerate us one day. Yes, respect is important. But it´s not just respect for others or yourself. It´s basically respect for your own orientation and especially for those who seemingly are our worst enemies, too. I don´t mind if someone gets hard on plush and stuff. But I mind if he calls it "plushophilia" and thus ridicules MY, OUR philia. For me, that is a blatant lack of respect.

I don´t mind if I fail to connect to other "-philes" as this isn´t my major target. You can hate me all if you like, I don´t care. But what I care about is connecting to those we all depend on if we want to get zoophilia tolerated, the normals. Soon after I joined the "zoo community" in the beginning of the 90s, I felt that we chose the wrong way in our battle. We (the majority, not me) teamed up with all the other dubious sexual deviants rather than trying to team up with the normals. Until today, fencehopping is frowned upon, but I´ve never seen zoos acting...just talking, no acting. Until today, the professional and amateur exploitation of animals with porn and access to animals for other "zoos" hasn´t seen any real resistance from real zoophiles. We just sit and talk/type...bla,bla,´s no surprise nobody trusts us, is it?

We wait for others to come and change the world for us. We´re too busy with ourselves, we´re too lazy, we´re too afraid to question things, especially our own beliefs. We fall for illusions too easily, we are way too self delusional. In a desperate situation like this, it sometimes takes a real asshole to do the 180 and get the car that´s stuck in a dead end back on track. I never applied for that job. I have better things to do with my time. But maybe it´s my destiny, who knows...

P.S.: Having a simple plush fetish definitely is somehow "lesser" than zoophilia, it surely won´t cause you that much problems with society, your life and your own inner self. Right?

ZooIam 3 points on 2016-07-24 08:11:05

Ok, you're very smart. I apologize. 🙄

[deleted] 5 points on 2016-07-24 19:30:41


MyBigK9 1 point on 2016-07-23 13:05:19

Wow. I never knew of this before. Thank you so much for explaining this. Could be the reason why I cant seem to separate with my plush animals. Embarrassingly I still play with them a lot too. As with other toys. I like soft toys a lot but hard realistic ones like the schliech horses are really beautiful and some are kind of hot to me. >_< Now I might no why that is.

Swibblestein 3 points on 2016-07-22 19:10:20

Have you never heard the term Paraphilia?

Recognized paraphilias include quite a few fetishes regarding inanimate objects, such as diapers, food, and statues.

britishdragon01 1 point on 2016-07-22 13:24:42

My main fantasies are based around more live stock like sheep, goats, chickens etc. I think that is because of the taboo of fucking farm animals. Plus more "exotic" animals like deer and big and small cats.

So I guess that my tertiary attractions would be things like dogs and horses, as I tend to fantasize about them much less.

Lefthandedsock 2 points on 2016-07-22 15:36:54

Primary is canines, secondary is equines...

My tertiary attraction might be raccoons. They're interesting creatures.

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-07-23 06:20:23

I'll admit that I've seen some interesting NSFW art of Nurse Coco from Doctor Lollipop, but that's about it as far as raccoons go.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-07-29 19:24:46

i like the one by oddwilds at e621 .. searching or raccoon female solo feral on_back

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-07-23 23:24:57

yay, raccoons!

Edog91 2 points on 2016-07-22 16:46:33

My forbidden loves are female foxes and deer and some reptiles.

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-07-23 06:20:55

Deer seem to be a popular one. Which is understandable, to me. I'd count them among my secondary attractions though.

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 3 points on 2016-07-23 15:24:34

The main (and only) thing that peaks my interest are canines, I'm not attracted to anything else for that matter.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-07-25 05:46:32

i guess i'm finally ready to post a response to this. i have a difficult time picking favorites (making a choice in general, to be honest), and adding complications like compensating for reality/likelihood, etc...

my primary attraction could be considered a tertiary attraction by your definition... bears. i can't help finding them more attractive as time goes on, yet i know in all likelihood, the chance of getting close to a bear in a romantic or sexual way is slim to none. my "fallback" primary attraction would be dogs, because i certainly find them attractive enough to be happy with even though i find bears to be more beautiful than dogs (most of the time.. depends on the dog, depends on the bear).

secondary .. don't know if anyone remembers, but in other threads in the past i've pointed out how many species i find attractive, regardless of chance of getting together or even definite impossibility .. what you definitely would list as tertiary.

.. perhaps the reason i had a hard time coming up with a response to this (and still am while trying to compose this) is that i don't draw a line anywhere because i see things perhaps a little differently. it doesn't matter to me if it is or isn't possible to have sex with a creature that determines whether or not i find it attractive or beautiful. there are some mammals that i'm curious about their sexuality and would like to explore it, knowing actual penetration wouldn't be an option, but perhaps oral or manual stimulation (me to them) would be possible and fun. same rules apply .. obviously if the animal wasn't' interested, nothing would happen, but being around when a female is in heat could be interesting.

shrug .. i suppose i could list more species, but i don't think i will unless someone expresses an interest in me doing so. it's a long list...

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-07-25 06:22:24

my primary attraction could be considered a tertiary attraction by your definition

No it would not. My definition is simply whatever a person would generally not mention. If you would generally consider bears your primary attraction, then it is not tertiary by my definition.

Basically you can understand my definition like this:

If I asked you the question "what species are you attracted to?", the first few species that would spring to mind immediately would be your primary attractions. Then, after you got through those, the ones that aren't so immediate, but you still would mention, are your secondary attractions. Then the ones that you might think of but then say to yourself "eh, not even going to mention those" are your tertiary attractions.

I listed off some examples for why someone might not mention them, but that doesn't mean those are defining characteristics. For instance, I would list Sea Lions as one of my primary attractions, despite there being the same issue with them as you have with bears - perhaps even more so, because at least bears spend most of their time on land.

I wasn't trying to sideline those with rare interests at all, and I apologize that it came off that way to you.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-07-26 08:06:54

mmm, sea lions..... ;)

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-07-26 08:38:09

Sea Lion art is incredibly rare... But! At least, there are some really good artists who like to draw Samurott.

(I'm a fan of Pokemon)

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-07-26 16:16:42

and photography/videos are even rarer. i believe there's one female video from dolph and a few pictures. sad day. :(

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-07-26 19:23:58

I avoid photos and videos in general, for a multitude of reasons. I prefer drawn works.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-07-27 06:06:03

hm. not really much of a fan of samurott now that i've done a search on e621.

care to elaborate on the above?

Swibblestein 2 points on 2016-07-27 07:01:25

My reasons are as such:

1) Sometimes you can't tell if a work is abusive or not.

2) Video and photo works are more questionable legally in many places.

3) Videos often never - or rarely - show the full face and body, which is what is far more attractive to me than the genitals.

4) Drawn works can avoid including - or at least, focusing on - the human body - I don't like the look of humans.

5) Drawn works include a greater variety of species (including many fictional species which I find attractive - again, a fan of many Pokemon, among others)

6) I prefer the sites for drawn work (like e621). I don't much like the sites which include real works, in general.

As for Samurott, look up the artist Kajinchu's Samurott works. Those are some of the only one's that depict her well, in my view.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-07-27 18:11:28

all good points. also, it seems like kajinchu is about the ONLY artist that draws samurott.

did a search for sea_lion + feral and didn't get much. :/

Susitar Canidae 2 points on 2016-07-25 20:35:11

While the only animals other than human that I am both sexually and romantically attracted to are canines, I am sexually curious about felines too. Note, mostly that I like watching them mate with each other, and I can find them pleasing to look at. Both domestic cats and larger wild cats. I don't consider this attraction to cats "zoophilia" per say, since it's not attraction on the same level as I feel towards dogs and humans. I don't think it would be possible for me to fall in love with a cat. More like faunoiphilia, and liking cats in the general manner most people do.

I also like female zebras in a way. Not that I would ever 'date' one. I don't know anything about equines. But they look amazing, I can't stop looking at their butts... But this is not anything I would classify as zoophilia. More like "striped butt fetish", since I don't care much for them otherwise.

ManIsAshamed 1 point on 2016-07-29 01:47:53

My attraction is to know what all the pussies feel like. I wanna fuck dogs, lions, sheep, tuna, dolphins, alligators, large snakes, and any other species that my penis size works for. Why? I'm curious how all the vaginas feel compared to human vaginas. My dream is to write a book about how all the different species of vagina feel like on a horny dick.

KyleTheRaccoon 1 point on 2016-08-22 04:01:20

My Attractions include Raccoons, Badgers, Otter, Skunks, Ferrets, Coatimundi, Otter Horses, Tapirs, Foxes, Wolves, Armadillo, Porcupines, Lagomorphs, Kangaroo, Hyena, Fossa and Civets