"The Dark Room" podcast: Zoophiles Trailer (youtube.com)
submitted 2016-07-25 16:07:02 by fuzzyfurry
fuzzyfurry 1 point on 2016-07-25 16:11:21

Apparently this will be today.

Hosted by Paul Salvatori and Jordan Randall, The Dark Room is a podcast exploring the strange and controversial, while promoting public dialogue and debate on often misunderstood lifestyles, cultures, and worldviews. Guests are invited, without bias or judgment, to share unusual personal stories or points of view; audiences, by the same token, are asked to consider them with an open-mind and arrive at their own conclusions about them. In a spirit similar to documentary film, The Dark Room illuminates realities often considered "dark" or taboo, without (despite Paul and Jordan’s reflections on the show) taking a final moral or definitive stance.

In any way that trailer is WTF worthy. Maybe it's just "clickbait". Three men from germany... I "wonder" who that could be? Doesn't the ZETA Verein have some women who could go on these public things?

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-07-25 16:48:20

Did they by chance do a former documentary on ISIS-converts?

There's someone soliciting zoophile interviews on knotty.me who claimed they did that once in the past. I'm wondering if this is the same party.

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2016-07-25 16:53:04

Barely possible to present this topic in a more shitty way...I´m underwhelmed. Sensationalism level beyond 9000...and I presume the usual suspects/loudmouths from ZETA will continue holding an entire community as their hostages. My Stockholm syndrome is wearing out...

duskwuff 2 points on 2016-07-26 00:59:53

I presume the usual suspects/loudmouths from ZETA will continue holding an entire community as their hostages

Could be worse. They could wind up with a bunch of "EFA" supporters.

[deleted] 3 points on 2016-07-25 17:47:02


30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2016-07-25 18:48:23

I made the mistake of visiting www.thedarkroom.ca... man, the "fabulous unicorn" podcast just did it for me. Nope.Nope.Nope.Nopesy-nope.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-07-25 19:35:52


Frankly, that's most people's knee-jerk reaction to zoophilia. But I'll confess I did not watch the podcast so I can't cast judgement either way.

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 2 points on 2016-07-26 00:43:24

I'm not big on the idea of "zoophile activists" to begin with, but since they're going to be here no matter what, god I wish there were more women. The stereotype is already "creepy dude who fucks his animals." Not anything against male zoos, I just really think if there have to be outspoken zoosexuals, more of them being women might (at least marginally) help public opinion.

Honestly this trailer just made me laugh, it's so bad. The weird black and white stock footage, the ominous music in the background, the narrator trying way too hard to be dramatic.

The-Forested-Garden 1 point on 2016-07-28 10:28:26

I'm not a woman, although I am often perceived as one. I keep trying to get interviews whenever an opportunity presents itself but so far no dice. One time I did a video interview for the same people who made animal passions, but it never got approved so it was all for nothing and they wanted to change my clothes, hair and makeup anyways so I'd look less goth/punk/hippyish and more mainstream. Fuck that.

fuzzyfurry 2 points on 2016-07-26 08:13:27



Even the most liberal of societies prohibit certain sexual or "obscene" behaviours. Among them is zoophilia, or the sexual fixation on non-human animals. It is a taboo that remains against the law throughout many democratic countries.

Paul and Jordan talk with two zoophiles, from the German organization ZETA (Zoophiles Engagement für Toleranz und Aufklärung), about their strongly-held reasons for maintaining erotic relationships with fauna and why they are attempting to decriminalize such relationships throughout the world.

Provoking serious questions about the possibility (or impossibility) of consensual sex between humans and other animals, the episode challenges listeners to think about the extent to which the two groups can communicate with one another and when lawmakers should speak on behalf of animals.

Direct link because for me it doesn't work on tor: http://thedarkroom.podbean.com/mf/feed/4pa37v/Zoophiles_TDR.mp3

After one or two minutes I decided I'm not going to listen to it. They should use a VOIP program that doesn't compress the audio so much it's a chore to listen to it. Also should have started with interviewing someone who speaks english more proficiently. Also should have put someone on there who speaks more enthusiastically.

The-Forested-Garden 3 points on 2016-07-28 10:24:36

I managed to get through all of it and I agree. It was very much a chore having to listen to it between the compressed audio and the heavy accents.

I left a huge comment on their facebook post about the podcast though, because at the end, one of the interviewers was clearly upset about zoophiles because somehow they managed to jump to conclusions about how zoos go about getting animals to have sex with them, and thought we use food to manipulate/groom them to do it. At no time did any of the interviewees mention using food to reward, manipulate or groom animals into having sex with them. I honestly think the interviewers had almost as much of a hard time trying to understand these guys as I did. Not to mention, the interviewees kept going off on tangents and jumping from topic to topic, which made it that much harder to understand.