Debating with anyone (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-07-26 15:18:38 by Baaxten Canines, equines, cetaceans

I won't say I'm an expert debater, because I'm not - I have a stutter and I can't think on my feet very well, but I do know there are at least two general rules to the art of the rhetoric. These can be applied to a debate about zoophilia/zoosexuality if you want.

If you can think of any other rules, feel free to write them down below.

1: Do not try to persuade your opponent

Yes, the purpose of a debate is to pit two or more opinions against each other, but I think it's highly unlikely any of the speakers would concede easily. So your aim shouldn't be to persuade your opponents, or even the audience, but to provide another perspective.

What's the difference? If you try to convince your opponent or the crowd, you're trying harder - it's more stressful and you're more likely to slip up, and you might come off as a little preachy, which can be a turn-off for some. So your aim should be to provide another perspective, and let others decide for themselves.

2: Respect opposition

Personal accusations are never a good sign in a debate: perhaps it shows how passionate you are, which is fair in of itself, but the fact remains that you're not using logic - you're manipulating emotions. In other words, it's a cheap shot, and it can gain you a lot of support if you're in a majority, and lose you a lot of support if you're in a minority, or vice versa.

So how do we avoid this? We express understanding. Treat the opposing side with decency and continue to debate rationally, even if they show none in return, and eventually they will have to give proper, logical rebuttals or risk losing support. And if they win regardless, you have done your best.

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2016-07-26 21:58:01

Nicely worded /u/Baaxten

peacheslala97 1 point on 2016-07-27 04:18:11

Well put

MyBigK9 1 point on 2016-07-27 09:04:34

Is it alright if I save this in my notes? :) I really like how clear and nicely put this is. Always learning something new here, it's fantastic. :D thank you very much Baaxten.

Baaxten Canines, equines, cetaceans 1 point on 2016-07-27 14:18:28

Of course you can. But again, they're just broad lines of advice.

What are these "notes" for, by the way?

MyBigK9 2 points on 2016-07-29 07:20:33

I just put random peoples thoughts in my notes.. A little thing my iphone has to jot down fast thoughts. I put so many other peoples quotes or lines of thoughts/ theories. It's great to think about what they have to think and good for me at least to just use when I get down on life. It just ups my spirits and mind to a better place. I do not really take it all to heart and follow by what people have to say, it's just nice to stop and think for a minute before thinking my own thoughts. It's helped me with some things. I'm weird in this sense.

Baaxten Canines, equines, cetaceans 1 point on 2016-07-29 15:03:47

Then let me help you some more. There's a phrase I think I've come up with in response to the hate, fear, prejudice and blanket terms that are tossed around in he modern world. It applies to everyone of every religion, ethnicity, political ideology, sexual orientation or whatever else you want to talk about:

The few cannot represent the many, nor the many the few.

MyBigK9 1 point on 2016-07-29 23:24:05

Why thank you very much. ^_^ I will put that in my quotes for sure!

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-07-28 00:54:21

I disagree about not trying to persuade the person you're discussing with. You should try to do so.

However, this goes along with my other bit of advice: try to avoid PUBLIC debates. People are resistant to changing their opinion in public, but less resistant in private. One on one discussions are the way to go.

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2016-07-28 03:40:13

Indeed. I have observed this as well (one on one vs group)

thelongestusernameee these posts are too deep for me. im starting to get all weird ag 1 point on 2016-08-18 03:19:16

one thing that has particularly effective for me is find a way to make them ask questions (like, how do animals consent? doesnt it harm them? etc) and answer them until they run out. then start asking them, but phase the questions in a way that helps point out the hypocrisy in society being anti zoo.

i used that strategy to convert about 2 people from against to neutral, but mostly they just devolve to spitting the usually insults.