New Animal Welfare Law Approved in Costa Rica (
submitted 2016-07-28 22:25:00 by fuzzyfurry
fuzzyfurry 6 points on 2016-07-28 22:26:37

However, the law will not apply to animals in the agriculture industries which includes animals in fisheries, breeding centers or farms. It also doesn’t apply to any animal that is hunted for food on the part of a family.

What a farce to call that "animal rights law".

The new legislature includes sentences of six months to two years for those who “cause harm to an animal that ... causes it to lose ... an organ, a part of its body or makes it unable to use an organ or part of its body, ...” according to the law.

Aaand they just outlawed castrating/neutering/spaying.

Swibblestein 2 points on 2016-07-29 20:32:14

Aaand they just outlawed castrating/neutering/spaying.

I wouldn't have a problem with that as long as tubal ligation / vasectomies were still an option. I don't like spaying / neutering.

fuzzyfurry 2 points on 2016-07-30 18:39:24

I do agree, but I don't think they were writing this law with the intention of banning it and the language just happens to fit.

[deleted] 2 points on 2016-07-29 01:57:26
