Dolphin lover (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-08-05 17:40:08 by Skytrip

So some of you may have heard of, or seen the micro documentary Dolphin lover. Basically, a man fell in love with Dolly the dolphin at Florida Land,and they had a sexual/romantic relationship for about a year. This was interesting to me, so I did some more research, and found that a small number of people have had similar experiences. As intelligent as dolphins are, they are the only species apart from humans that have sex for pleasure, and they can actually consent (not verbally of course) to sex, I believe. Anyway, this curiosity has been on going for maybe four months. Basically I'm asking for advice, experiences, whatever else. Thanks guys.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2016-08-05 18:27:33

Do you like dolphins? If so what about them turns you on?

Skytrip 2 points on 2016-08-05 19:09:47

I'd say I mainly just want to have the experience. I've had.. little experience with zoophilia myself. Only a couple of encounters. I'm not attracted to "animals", more that I'm attracted to connection and excitement. What I've read from people who've had dolphin encounters is that that experience was life changing.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 6 points on 2016-08-05 19:18:24

FYI, the sex for pleasure is kind of a misrepresented fact. Most animals have sex because it is pleasurable. This is why dogs masturbate for example. However, sex doesn't have any functional role beyond procreation for dogs, whereas with humans, Dolphins, and some other animals like bonobos, sex has valid roles such as for social interaction purposes.

Skytrip 1 point on 2016-08-06 01:43:35

Interesting. Yeah, I have done some fact finding on this, based on my own.. 'zoophilic interest', I guess, but I can't say I've done a whole lot because I'm trying to deny the fact that I have any interest at all haha Self denial.

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2016-08-09 07:28:47

Don't forget Opiliones (Daddy long-legs/Harvestmen) as well. For them it's not socially driven, but they still have been recorded having sex for non-procreative reasons.

Swibblestein 2 points on 2016-08-05 21:31:18

they are the only species apart from humans that have sex for pleasure


Sorry, I see this all the time and it's wrong. It is so wrong that it is hard to even know where to start with it.

First of, many animals of many types masturbate. Furthermore, homosexuality and interspecies contacts are well documented among many animal species. Also, sex acts that do not lead to reproduction are well documented in many species as well - oral sex, genital rubbing, and so on.

Furthermore, animals have the same, or similar anatomy to humans, including genital structure (including the presence of the clitoris or an analogous structure in many female animals), brain structure, and presence of hormones related to both pleasure and sexual satisfaction (oxytocin, progesterone, and others).

If none of that is compelling to you, let me ask this - why do you think dolphins have sex for pleasure? What evidence do you have for that? Keeping in mind that if you've rejected my above statements as evidence, you may not then turn around and use them to defend your own point of view.

Skytrip 3 points on 2016-08-06 01:40:57

Okay, so many other animals have sex for pleasure, I'll accept that, I'm just using information I've been given, or read myself. If that information is wrong, I wouldn't know it until someone told me. I've just read in quite a few places that that is true. So I believed it to be true. I'm no expert on animal sex. Being so, all of the facts I have on the subject are things I've gathered from my own searches.

Swibblestein 2 points on 2016-08-06 01:51:38

Well, you admitted your error, so I respect you for that.

Sorry if I was a bit snappy. Like I've said, I've just heard this all over the place, and to me, it's clearly wrong, so I get frustrated sometimes.

Velcorn 2 points on 2016-08-06 13:17:22

First, the fact that dolphins are among the only species that has sex for non-recreational purposes is true. There is merely a difference between "being able to gain pleasure from sex" and "having sex in order to gain pleasure". The motive is different.

Aside from that, I'm mainly sexually as well as emotionally, as far as one can judge that without actually being in contact with the species in question, attracted to dolphins. They fascinate me: I just love their appearance, their sleek, stream-lined bodies, their skin, their fins, their bellies, their snouts, their (artificial) smile... pretty much everything about their looks and above all of that their way of life - they seem to fully live in the moment, enjoy themselves through play, including sexual play and the act itself, and they appear so enviable.

In conclusion, it really hurts coming to terms with the fact that I'll most likely never be able to actually be with a dolphin, much less in a sexual/emotional relationship with one due to the completely different realms in which we live among other factors.

Skytrip 1 point on 2016-08-06 16:27:23

How long have you been aware of this attraction?

Velcorn 3 points on 2016-08-06 19:13:43

I've realized the attraction towards animals, particularly dolphins (and dogs) when I hit puberty, so around 13-14.

Mnemosynyx 1 point on 2016-08-28 16:28:54

Lots of different animals can consent to sex non-verbally.